Looks like Laci is getting better and better and her fanbase is throwing shit at her
The redpilling Part 2
I don't like the term, but I think it's funny in this case
Is this what happens when you get laid?
Maybe. And maybe "fucking the feminist" out of someone isn't as crazy as it sounds. Apparently she's dating some guy who sits on feminists and hates
choose one. I bet you faggots think Sargon of Mossad is red pilled to.
How do you do fellow shitlords
……..Annnd ends up having 6 children after getting married to her new conservative boyfriend
She's dating Chris Ray Gun
She just knows which way the wind is blowing is all. Being a feminist doesn't result in views or controversy, they're universally reviled easy targets.
Before she was a feminist she was a big fedora-tipping atheist. All her videos were about how much she hated Christians. First video I ever saw of her was because I watched Penn Jillette and he took part in some retarded "blasphemy day" thing, and she was in the related videos smugly smirking and giving the finger while saying "There is no god, fuck Christians." I'm an agnostic, but right away this made me despise her. It was just so pointlessly hostile.
Then the atheist community shit the bed and became a meme, and what destroyed them? Feminists. Laci deleted all her atheist videos and started posting feminist videos and sex advice stuff in a padded bra. She's no better than your standard reply girl with video titles like "yes I swallow cum".
Chris will be cucked in 3, 2…
WeW!!! She sounds like your average Holla Forumstard. ..maybe she has potential after all.
Dropped even before picking up
Now this I can work with.
As interesting as it is to watch this shit unfold, I think we all know that woman can't be 'redpilled'.
Woman don't believe anything except what they are told by their husbands. Laci needs to shut up and let the men do the talking. She's a complete THOT and probably wants to make more money off the skeptic/anti-sjw community anyways.
That said, I love how she's getting dogpiled by people that were supposed to be on 'her side'.
oh look, a self-hating woman that thinks MRA white supremacist rapist trump supporters are right in creating gamergate, a literally terrorist organization. f*cking kill yourself for posting that here kid, I bet you're a virgin.
trying waaaaayy too hard, nu/pol/
What's wrong with CRG?
He's a fag who leeches off of other, more talented people in his format in order to present a moderate "hah I'm smarter than you because I'm not an MRA or an SJW" message. He is, quite literally, Reddit Incarnate, nu-male status and all.
retarded underage videogame playing kids think people like laci, anita, zoe quinn actually believe in what they say like their rabid fans do
they are snake oil salesmen looking for easy money, now that they are starting to see the tides turn they will hop on board the other side
never trust them, cast them out
oh, did my facts hurt your little virgin trump suporter feelings?
i smel a druppold
you guys aren't even up on the latest news, her bf is off in nyc with some twitch titty streamer who looks like lord farquad.
Is this her?
perfect post
tfw no mystery meat gf
how new are you?
I'm not from nu/pol/, I don't support King Cuck
Fucking roasties man lmao, can you believe guys actually pay to keep this slut in business even when she has a man of her own
Sargon, as most egalitarian skeptic anti-SJW civic nationalists is even more redpilled than your frotting through the mouth stormwennie nu-poltard.
The difference is that he knows how to fight battle by battle instead of spilling your spaguetti and trying to face the whole army alone in a single fight like the DUMBASS Hitler did and lost.
,..Howwww….dare you! SIR!!!
Laci is seeing a paradigm shift politically, and is only following the money. Remember her fucking twitter on the night of the election. She hasn't come to some grand revelation, but only sees that the left are losing the culture war, and she is planting the seeds to basically say "See? I was on your side the whole time!" Again, she's following the money, and doesn't have a concrete opinion of, well, anything. She's going where she gets validation and dosh.
Nothing wrong with that, tbh.
My point is that she is not an ally and she has not learned a thing. She's not to be trusted and never should. I dare say, she's not /ourgal/.
That is your problem.
It's really just a matter of when - not if - those types of narcissistic attention-whores go off the rails (i.e. Milo)
Like pottery.
Didn't SJWs turn against her after she admit that Chris Ray Gun gave her a dicking?
I don't see the resemblance
what money? youtube's been pulling ad revenue on anti-sjw youtubers and lefty sex-ed yotubers so she's fucked either way.
I hate myself for saying this but…I want to bone her so bad.
There's nothing wrong with you
Yeah, they've been losing their shit over her fucking that anti-sjw dude and they just doxed her like yesterday too.
more like reddit pill
She may have gone too far with this newest video.
Where's this? Africa?
Probably almost broke reality with that much cuckoldry being concentrated in one spot
Overweight midget pretends to be "redpilled" to be relevant again.
The Elegon/Evalion model
I wish.
Also whom would not have a good seed demon? One can just look at her and see she wants some o dat BBC.