Mass Shooting in Malmo

Mass Shooting in Malmo

They didn't publish a description of the shooters from the eye-witness so you know who it's going to be.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why contain it?

Coulter's law


The city is a diverse area free of hate. But not from granade attacks.

who /losingcount/ here?

Who. Also

This isn't news.

Slide thread



Whatever you say op

Whatever op. You can go kill yourself

Check em

Fuck off with your sliding

Sage for off topic

Not politics, take this shit to b

Who cares?


reported for sage thread

Sage thread

Reported for thread

Enjoy your ban.


I don't even get what this spammer is talking about

Kill your own



Malmo needs to go back to its roots and have more grenade attacks.

Fuck off


why is one obvious kike trying to shut this down?

Shhhh, it's an actual bot. Just stay calm mate and watch it do its thing.


This isn't news.









Have an anti-kike bump.




On an unrelated note, what is with people who are so nacissistic that they name simple observations after themselves?
polite sage for off-topic

literal autism

I think the bot fucked up.


That's [email protected]/* */$tock m8.

to the

Generally these people don't name them after themselves, they're named that by other people.

whoops i forgot to actually sage
might be better with the bot spam going on



to actually

#BREAKING: Explosion Rocks Malmo, Sweden After Earlier Reported Shooting; Terror Alert In City

Has there been another thread made?

Oh, shit.


lol sweden wtf are you doing?

Being diverse and multicultural goy.

Diversity Fireworks!

The Swedish cucks are going to apologize for not being diverse enough.

those 'other people' being ass-kissing fans who only name observational laws after him/her because he/she told them so (at least in comtemporary times)

the dang dirty climate change is striking again!


Very likely burning down. It's funny, I exited out of and see this thread. It's likely kebab knows the police presence has diminished and are now ramping up their ops.



This never happened, everyone knows that Sweden has proper gun laws which prevent this kind of thing.
t. liberal retard



This never happened either, stop making things up you fucking bigots.


Any footage yet? Twitters got nothin.

You better get used to these terrorist attacks, goy! If you get scared, then you're just an Islamophobe! Also, said terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Islam! Not at all!

That's a nice Schlomo you got there, mind if I save it?

How long till footage? I want a good


It's easier to get guns in Sweden than in most western Euro countries actually.

Same, it's been a while since we last had a happening in Europe, there were only some shootings and stabbings in the US but that's a common occurrence over there.

I bet it's some Kurds vs Turks shit again

Save it, it's all yours my friend :^)

Probably just gang violence malmo is the detroit of europe

The best part, if there were 1000 ethnic swedes lined up and killed, the government would report: "Three people killed and dozens mildly injured". So as to avoid stoking "islamophobia" against Sweden's thriving IS population.

I thought Sweden had strict gun control, sure you're not thinking Switzerland?

I'm sure the religion of peace has nothing to do with this.


Don't get me wrong, it's still way stricter than the US, but they're still nowhere near Germany/Britain/France tier where it's borderline impossible to even catch a glimpse of a real gun.

Nice bayonet ornament.


Cucks will never consider Islam for what it actually is until the (((media))) tells them so, which will never happen of course. Slaves to media.

How about starting up a twitter campaign?

Well, aren't there more mosques per capita?

If you're actually serious about this shit please link people to this site:
It pretty much sums up why the islam is a cancerous religion. (The link is a joke of course, the content of the website is based as fuck)

They're stricter than anything the democrats are openly proposing at the moment even if we know their end goal. Just play up that aspect.

I don't know, I was talking about guns.


Mosques are where you get the guns user.


Great stuff, will do.

You could try something with meatballs and elderberries

+1 WHOOSH for me I guess

The Irish accent scares them away. Muslims are highly superstitious and fear the tongue of the fae folk.

Because we're the terrorists of Europe, mate.
I heard some lads fucking shouting I.R.A. songs at 2 AM in the morning, if Islam ever fucked with us you'd see every muzzie hang


From eye-witness at the hospital:


If it's muds killing muds then I don't give a shit. It only strengthens our arguments.

I wish the swedish army could seize control


It's nothing.

Sounds pretty great.

I wish we had some images or footage of the current situation.

And poz thing more? No
Its time for the proud finnish warriors to seize control of sweden

It's easy, anyone can get a hunting-license or join a shooting-club and in that way get whatever he would like.

Or if you would want to do it illegally, but then you would have to deal with the same people that just recently shot at eachother.

Does this mean RWDS in Sweden and the 50 arabs are family members of those killed?

50 pakis fighting each other?


To be fair, it's not particularly difficult to guess that it's slimes doing slime shit.

1) It's Sweden
2) The press didn't mention the ethnicity of the attackers, so it's likely the lügenpresse covering for cultural enrichment
3) It's Malmo. A slime ghetto with horrific rape rates, even in comparison with the rest of Sweden's horrific rape rates. Malmo has been compared with South Africa in regards to rape rates.

This was always going to be Muslims doing fucked up Muslim shit.


Nah most probably two immigrant-gangs fighting each other.

No Britpol, we barely have pakis. It's arabs, the true shitskins.

why does Sweden exist

Considering the IRA are fucking Marxists, NO. The IRA would weaponize the muzzies to attack the Ulstermen. Within ten years the cunts would be "hoist with his own petard".

Only the UK has pakis

It's arabs, not muslims. They aren't particulary religious. And it happened in one of the immigrant-areas, so it's was obvious from the get go. Most white people were at the football-game.

We have a bunch in Norway. They were the majority of invaders for a while. Now they are being outnumbered by niggers and arabs.


Well the guys said pakis. Not a bong either.



No he didn't. My mistake.

It use to be the pride of the north and the whitest people ever. Like how burgers use to be freedom loving adventurers but are now nigger worshippers and the goodest goyim. Germans use to be stoic soldiers now they are the most brainwashed leftists. French use to be highly militaristic faggots, now they are just faggots. My how the west has fallen.

Atheist arabs are so fucking rare that you can just assume that they are muslims.

No, but i'm well aware of the christian arabs being shitskins aswell, but it has been used by the kikes and other subversive elements to disuade away from the no-immigrants-policies of the nationalist movements.


Race matters more than religion.

Even the gang members are faggots in sweden

GTA VI: Bjork,

Who cares?
Build the wall, build it tall.

There was one explosion 1 km away from the area a while later aswell.

Exactly, that's going to be the next play.

Must be those militant germans then. Can't have been an arab or turk it would have been a mercedes or BMW

My best guess is that it's the racists that have been going around beating up little kid immigrants.
They organize within soccer teams, mask themselves in black, and then go around in subways beating them up. Some of them probably brought a gun to start shooting them, and they're probably the ones responsible for causing their getaway vehicle to explode.
Fucking racists.

You forgot the part about them being evil anti-semites that are literally H*tler and they actually think 60000 grillion didn't die during the shoah.

Police spokesman Ewa-Gun Westford told “We have an ongoing operation in the area and have a confirmed shootings with more than one injured.
More we do not know because we are in the midst of it.
Because it happened during a football derby between Malmö FF and Helsingborgs IF in town, there are many policemen on duty in Malmo tonight.”
There was a large police presence in the area as a perimeter was established.
An explosion was later reported in the Heleneholm neighborhood of the city. The cause of the blast was unknown.
This is a developing story.


Bah, its pretty much muslim family feud

Who gibes a fugg?

Danecucks you can have Malmö back, we don't want it anymore.

Well, that goes without saying. I don't know how they got hitler's genes, but we at the JIDF have been able to confirm Hitler cloning labs at at least three separate locations, but there are probably more. These last years they've also managed to prefect the aryan gene to breed the perfect Hitler, who need to eat jews to live. May Abraham have mercy upon us.

Yeah, looks like shitskins brawling with each other.

Might as well return the whole country if you dont want gays or pozzed holes

Even in their larval form there is something unsettling about them.


G-d almighty!
It's reminds of one of those experiments by the evil doctor Mengele, I remember hearing from my sweet grandmother how he would ate the bones of jewish children before gassing them to gain the power of the chosen ones.

Fuck, I ruined it.

Where IRA when we need these fuckers?


Is there anything else in Malmö?

Would you rather take it?

It's literally a win win situation


The IRA just hated the English.

OP you faggot you should probably mention its in Sweden. Who the fuck would know where "Malmo" is by the name?

It used to be my hometown. And there used to live a big working-class of swedes in the town.

Not anymore, most have moved the fuck out, once they got families and just travel there for work.

Who doesn't?

Are you this new? Malmo has been known as a town where literally grenade explosions happen on a weekly basis in the summers.

You haven't been paying much attention.


Not knowing that sort of shit is normie tier. Sweden happenings are such a big thing here that most Holla Forumsacks know more about the geography of Sweden than they do their own backyard. You need to lurk more.

Good point.

Mate half the country hates those fucks. Gerry Adams is a joke.

You're projecting

Poster I was replying to was implying the IRA were anything but shit

The Irish struggle was fought for Irish indepence in Ireland.

Not quite comparable to the war of conquest of Islam.

in other news, oxygen has been found present in the air

Black Irish, man. Look it up.

Nigger please. It's the third largest city in Sweden and well known to be a hive of prehistoric third-world savages.

is bob page jewish?

I'd like to laugh at the Swedes but we Finns are gonna have exactly the same situation within ~10 years tops.

Very cool mural.

Im just as disappointed amd angry at swedecucks as anyone else, however

They absolutely, positively will wake up one day. The harder one agenda is pushed, the faster the opposite proliferates.

This perhaps means Sweden really may be the first to launch RWDS that could rival even Nazi Germany. Depending on several factors though, it may prove futile

Lmao look at mr. optimistic finn, are you a unicorn?

Also Malmö isn't Sweden

Hope you guys have kept your horseback riding skills up.

This is now an Ulster Music thread.
The 6 pointed star represents the 6 counties of Northern Ireland, there's also a flag with the 9 pointed star but those 3 counties are part of the Republic of Ireland.


No it isn't. It's a curry recipe thread.


IRA detected.

You know everyone can see you're one person right?

I think it was a malfunction bot, or a fully functioning autist.

Give the people what they want, I say.

Honestly I'm shocked it took Swedistan this long to get a proper bombing or any sort of attack more sophisticated than a lone Mudshit chimping out.

Unfortunate, but there is still time – time enough to counter Kebab if we can somehow redpill the Swedes…


Thread theme.

That's a pretty big load

8 out of 10 swedish police officers are thinking about quitting their job
Shitty translation thanks to jewgle translate

I know that feel

But people still focus on Putin and Russia hate since its politically correct to do so.

The amount of multicult propaganda in the Finnish (((media))) is absolutely sickening.

Where precisely?

YLE and all the rest. I've been listening to radio (YLE stations) and the brainwashing is almost incessant.

Even a smallish local paper in around where I live continuoysly publishes pro-multicult trash.


It is very hard to conduct a mass shooting using knives.

How to stop an American: The Post

That was the point of the whole excercise, right?

Fuck up Malmö before it becomes a Copenhagen suburb?

True, they'll just use trucks.

Even if you were ignorant about and , did you not notice the .se domain?


American detected

Some (((media))) people are saying that the explosion didn't happen. Coverup?


Suicide bombings are now 'gas explosions', niggers killing/raping whites is now a socially accepted machination against eurocentrism aka colonialism, diversity is now strength, the genetic bases of race is now a myth unless you're ashkenazi….

Either goons are successfully launching a subversion attack alongside Holla Forums on our board with intensifying vigor over the past 12 hours or I'm going fucking insane!!!!


the shilling in this thread is absurd.

There is already a media blackout for the car burning/rioting and we also know that Swedecuck government will fail to report statistics that are truthful in regards to general invader lawlessness.

RWDS when?

The Donald Trump Netanyahu meeting either set off the most radical of the autists here, or something else is up, possibly a goon tactic to make it seem we're irrational in our support of Trump or Trump staffers themselves making sure they don't lose their most effective supporters.

Don't know why they're hitting this thread though…

Who knows, but the shilling demands digging as usual. Its already a foregone conclusion the shooter is an invader, but we may as well try to break that news since Western msm will maintain the black out.

Right now there are multiple gunmen confirmed, and they escaped either in an Audi or by motor scooters.

Spoiler that shit.

kill yourself

The Nice driver outdid brievick

There's a high level of spam right now.

Why'd you bumplock fam? Just curious.



So wtf happened?
Gang violence?
That suspicious package at the school and bomb squad?

was it all nothing but kekbabs chimping out?


oh fuck.



That is fucking creepy

Andrew Anglin?

It seems that they destroyed a suspected bomb in Gothenburg. I don't know if it was related, but… probably. This report is likely legit, as the Victor Prästbacka person seems to serve as a spokeperson for the Gothenburg police (Search the web for his name and you'll find other Gothenburg related articles).

Enjoy some garbled Google translate text:

Thanks for posting. I really need to play that game some time.


Holy shit he has the undereye bags already?

The IRA isn't communist.

The public face of the IRA is leftist so that they are allowed to continue operating.


Wow, what an argument.

What a world to live in.

it's called checking dubs newfag

You only wish that was true.

but those dubs


I can't believe it's 2016 and we still haven't banned this islamaphobic word


You know, user, you're pretty much a faggot.

Soon to become the largest city in Sweden. Those lucky cucks!

gas yourself.

It's getting really hard not to hate Swedes.

Is Sweden even worth fighting over anymore?
Not even a shill but that country is so far gone i don't see how it could be turned around unless Putin or some outside force invades and murders all the leftist leaders there.


you mean the nation that decided to cuck itself in the prime of it's youth?

only if you're Swedish.
even then i wouldn't hold abandoning that hell hole against them

The police have given up trying to solve mugging victims that have been murdered or break & enter gone wrong if there is no clear CTV footage. The 48hr rule is quite literally in effect in places like Sweden.

Just saying, just saying.

What I like about muslims is that they always turn in their mohammedan badge before commiting crimes and terrorism.

Fucking hell sweden.

Dude where the fuck is Sweden?

Yes, and it always will be

It is rightfully European clay and must remain in European hands. You'd have to be some sort of claycuck to just hand it over to the savages.

Whether it remains as "Sweden" and what happens to the Swedes… well, that's up to them and whether they manage to grow some balls.

==Gun control werks guise, just look at Sweden! (And France, and Germany, and Britain, and Belgium, and Norway…)


sweden is dead so the uncucked of europe might as well nuke or kill every swede and give the land to glourious Winland.

There is still hope for Finland.

Scooter Viking convinced me that some Swedes do have balls left:
