It was really worth it to be honest
It was really worth it to be honest
Why are you covered in gasoline?
What, it's not TF3?
Damn that was good.
Comedy gold. Thanks for telling me OP.
Called it years ago. Always knew that Spy is Scout's dad.
Also, Heavy just made Bane proud with that back breaker.
What have I been missing out on? That was beautiful.
This is actually a fun read. And I still love the comic cover homage.
How has this not been made an image yet?
I have never planned to masturbate to a team fortress comic. But valve did.
Why are the TF2 comics always the absolute best.
I can't believe this, but it was worth the wait. Valve's stories always are. When Half Life 2: Episode 3 comes out in 2078, it will be worth it.
This also means the promised update is upon us soon
>>>Holla Forums
See you all in five years
stay pozzed Holla Forums
I mean it was okay. Wasn't amazing, but I guess a lack of quality over time has made mediocrity into a celebration.
Woh lad calm down there, The Portal Series shows that Valve can still fail at story-telling pretty hard.
The game did not bring in normalfags because of its badness. It brought them in because of how good it was.
Portal had some novel gameplay and was pretty damn fun. The story was trash though.
Portal 2 was nothing new, short as fuck, and had an even worse story than Portal 1.
Yeah that's why Goat Simulator brought in so many normalfags too. It was truly a revolution.
>Trust me; the type is the least of your problems
Who writes this shit anyway? Its god damn amazing
"We're Team Fortress"
Hasn't that been the accepted canon for years now?
So essentially this comics ties alot of the loose ends
Also they killed all the TFC members it looks like sadly.
Eh. I liked Spy better when he was just Scout's step-dad, now that he's been killing his son or something is kinda…weird?
All this info-dump plot is kinda silly even for TF2, I liked it better in the pre-Mann Machine/F2P days.
I wonder if this means Source 2 is on its way?
Probably considering the HTC vr stuff is ready for release, but episode 3 won't.
Are the red/blue teams canon in the comics? I honestly don't know, but I think it was said/implied at some point that there is a second team of absolutely identical people. They are not killing each other, they are killing the other team.
Mostly just soldiers look identical if I recall it's just that Red teams soldier is a psychopath
One of the comics makes a big deal about it, i think the one for the war update.
Now your just whining
Well Blue Engie is in the comic. I always saw it like some of the team members were the "real" mercs, and the others are just clones. Going by the comic, that would mean that 8/9 of the "originals" are the red team, while Blue Engie is the original.
listen, you fucking faggot.
Holla Forums has stopped enjoying fun things decades ago. Everything nowadays is either pisses people off because it's SJW propaganda, or because it's not SJW propaganda, in which case it's Holla Forums propaganda. Only once every few years or so does a comic or a show appear that everybody enjoys, and enjoys it for other reasons than "it makes for good loli porn".
Just let us fucking have this. Go, draw donald trump's gemsona, or whatever you shits do in your free time and shut the fuck up
I recall the KFC comics fondly.
Jesus christ thank you for reminding me. That was such a goddamn mind bender I couldn't believe what I was reading. Someone should story time that again for those who don't know about its majesty
Fuck, I had them, but deleted them to free up space on my hard drive.
That's a crime against humanity user.
I wonder if someone dumped them on the storytime board. I seem to recall someone shilling that last year.
Wouldn't hurt to check
Doesn't look like it, unfortunately.
You fuckers disgust me.
And you, fucker, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Is TF2 the game even still worth playing?
post scout r34
May Allah, grant you the 72 virgins you deserve user.
Its fun but nowhere as populated as it once was, mostly because of Overwatch.
Fuck off
So did they do away with the whole "her being a fag" thing?
I believe that was just rumor
One of the people who worked on the comic confirmed it over Twitter, though that may have been the dude just blowing smoke for SJW brownie points and wasn't actually allowed to put it into motion.
Not really. Matchmaking has fucked the game. You're stuck babysitting 9/10ths of the time because the ranking system doesn't work in Casual play.
Yes and no.
Alot of the community servers are either down or shit, and like said the new queuing system puts you with idiots. However, there are plenty of community servers to choose from, and those that are good are really good.
It's been dying since 2008.
2011 killed it.
Then 2016 raped its corpse.
Honestly the only way I see TF2 coming back to popularity is if they added a new class.
That would be the biggest jump the shark moment they have every pulled, and that is saying something.
Not really, add back the Civilian from Classic and people would be fine.
That would be nice
A well crafted tf2 comic, with the kind of writing I was expecting and hoping.
They stopped giving a shit about the game
Wouldn't be the spy as his stepfather?
Better yet, what's with everyone being the same exact character but in different teams?
This guy with his red bold capslock posts is getting tiresome. Fucking one trick pony.
Even if this is just a big fucking commercial it's still amazing
Full of shit as usual, but I can't get over that picture, dickriding over shit sites by making cosmetics or tribute into your game is a mistake.
I just hope the next update is worth something.
It's definitely still better than any of the Overwatch comics. Or lore. Or all of World of Warcraft's comics, lore, fluff, story, etc. Or really anything by Blizzard Activision ever since 2003.
Are there any good VG comics?
There was Atari Force, I never read Sonic but I know there's a lot of nostalge for them. There used to be Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter…
I never read the Deus Ex comics.
Shit, this needs its own topic, BRB
So I finally took my time reading this comic.
It was amazing
It has comics?
Yeah. Really meh ones. Last one they did made Tracer a dyke so they're irrelevant now.
What are they even about.
Usually just random characters doing a thing.
That doesn't sound interesting
and tech service girl is an aspie, truly relatable character writing right here, folks
Overwatch really wants to be TF2 while completely missing the point of why TF2 became popular. But waifus and Pixar knockoffs seem to suffice to attract autists.
TF2 comics are hilarious because they embrace and one-up the inherent absurdity of the game.
This. Overwatch is stuck being bland, PG-13 mush. The only on-screen deaths they've had have been robot people. TF2 has people violently explode into showers of bright red gibs, and even has main characters in the comic get murdered in cold blood, only to bring them back after an aside in the afterlife that's no less ridiculous than anything that happens while they're alive.
Its also somehow more depressing whilst being less serious. Whilst overwatch despite being more serious….Is kinda dull.
Overwatch has that fucking plot that I hate more than ANYTHING in the universe with sentient feeling robots looking for acceptance. I hate that retarded stupid plot because even an intelligent robot should realise why people would fear them after a near-apocalypse of robots.
I also was completely right that it would be the series that SJWs point towards and demand that others series be as diverse as it because "Overwatch did it, Mario should as well!"
Never budge with diversity. It should not be your talking point or goal. This isn't a race thing either. You should never even include french, American and British PURELY because some pundits demanded it.
Does this mean there'll be more porn of her now, SFM or otherwise?
I've been craving for porn of this old lady for a long fucking time.
Reminds me of this clip from the Big Guy and Rusty where Rusty doesn't want to be human and likes being a robot because it's superior. Speaking of which are there any comics that explore robots acting on their own? I always thought it would vary due to them being made for different purposes like a vaccum cleaning robot wouldn't care or be capable of caring about independence while an highly intelligent AI might.
Of course all the surviving robots are male. Don't you know that fembots are sexist and play into patriarchal power fantasies of female ownership?
Seriously though, you know that the very second they put a fembot in there is the same time they make Sombra robosexualesbian or something.
Just like Futurama.
What the fuck is going on
Wondrous things, user. Wondrous things.
Just like Spongebob's mindscape.
I hate the whole
Anyone can pull waifus out their asses, it's not that hard, just check out the Steam library.
Instead of mocking a reference to the KKK, they decided, we should pander tumblrinas by making the robots act like niggers.
Tf2 is Valve's Super Mario.
dood, every tf2/gmod/sfm modder has quit or moved to overwatch, and that shit hurts me up to this day.
Jizzard can't accomplish things right 20 years ago, their only good game plot was Lost Vikings.
god, i wish i was tripping balls and apologizing to my kidneys.
Hey /int/
Also nudity, sex, and terrible parenting.
I can't wait to see what the Administrator's plan is. I bet it's silly.
Overwatch has a really shitty sense of overlying plot. They have like ten things they can use and explore non of it.
They keep bringing up 'We're bringing Overwatch back' and hell the comics barely explore what they were like in their prime. The OW comics are just tons upon tons of exposition, some people die and 'deep' dialogue but none of it has any big effect.
It would have been better in the game if teams were separate between Talon and Overwatch, just have copies of eachother for good and evil. But as we know story is afterthought to Blizzard and their shitty fanbase eats up the lore as if most of it makes sense.
Also adding to this their fanbase is dumb as fuck. Ever since it was revealed Tracer is gay all the previous lore heavy questions, 'Mercy's failure to revive Reaper, Sombra's long term goals, Widow possibly remembering her old life, etc.' have now turned into 'I wonder who is fucking who'
Overwatch is like knock off GI Joe. It would be way better if the game was set when Overwatch wasnt "destroyed" or something.
You know what I REALLY hate? The entire Soldier 76 thing like Blizzard effectively destroyed all the mystery about him in his fucking reveal trailer no less. Other games would constantly hint or question who 76 is. and they would continuously hide his face Blizzard went "oh lol by the way he might not be Commander Morrison from Overwatch TM but actually he is"
OW is having things happen just to happen because they used up all the good shit in backstories. Seriously all their history could have been at least 3 years worth of ingame events. The Omnic War, Rise of Talon, the incident landing Overwatch in hot water.
I'm just realizing Winston's animated short makes no sense at the end. He reactivates OW after Talon attacks but if you think about it wouldn't that be what they wanted? Even though they didn't get names, Winston just pulled thousands of operatives out of hiding or new lives and back into the spotlight. It would have made more sense for him to just contact Tracer at the end and go, 'Tracer, I need you to look into something for me…' or a nicer twist would have been the names popping up and Xs appearing over them one by one highlighting Talon was taking them out in a strategic operation. Winston's face turning to panic as he realizes he fell for a trap, Tracer pops up and says she's under fire while he suits up ready to save who he can. It would also more support Reaper phasing away and laughing at the end.
Shippers are the worst kind of horrible and painful cancer a game/comic/movie/anythingfictional can suffer
Never let your fans dictate your story
Between all this Overwatch talk, I really hope they keep Roadhog and Junkrat as just buds who like destroying things and not some faggots, it kind of undermines their camaraderie when you make their relationship sexual
I've lost all hope for Blizzard. They'll probably make them gay or pander to shippers and make Hanzo x McCree a thing.
Monkey's paw user, Monkey's paw!
I think it was a different comic or something. But there's also the fact that she sticks around to watch Soldier and his girl scrap robots with nothing but grease on them. Of course she doesn't seem to blushing when Zhanna approaches her or anything really. So it was probably lip service as the other user said.
But Bastion is best girlObjectively even, now that Tracer's a dyke
Someone should reward these trips
Actually why isn't Sombra into clang already? Her whole deal is hacking and is probably an light autist so it would make sense. They'll probably just turn her lesbo as well to keep the the diversity quota
What's the worse way they could fuck up JR and RH relation? the worse I can think of is that Roadhog is some kind of android, and that could actually work as a good story. Y'know if someone besides Blizzard was writing it
So what's the actual story.
From what I've read on the Overwatch wiki, there was this company called Omnicorp that made robots. They got shut down due to some financial fuckery their CEO tried to pull. So Omnicorp is abandoned but the robots come to life and try to take over the world. However the UN puts together a security team to fight them off thats called Overwatch. Its lead by Soldier 76 back when he was younger and his best friend the spic who later becomes Reaper. They lead the team and the numbers grow over the years. However there is a splinter group of Overwatch called Talon that is a special ops group that does illegal stuff. Soldier 67's spic buddy is involved with them so Overwatch has to stop them. Then there is some huge battle where Soldier 67 and his spic buddy fight to the death and both are believed to be dead. However, in reality both are alive and escape with Soldier 67 going into hiding and the spic becoming Reaper and gaining his powers. Overwatch is disbanded by the UN and the members go about their lives. However, Talon rises up once more and Winston re-assembles Overwatch to fight Talon one last time. Thats what I got so far.
Future humans create robots and shit called Omnics. Something happens, omnics rebel, humans go to to war. Overwatch is established to fight the omnic threat. Compromising super soldiers and elite squadrons from all over the world. Omnics are defeated and it's cool for a while. Then Overwatch is put under scrutiny for reasons. A rebellion happens and Overwatch HQ explodes. Surviving members go into hiding. Traitors create terrorist organization. Team leader becomes the Punisher. Moon Gorilla calls everyone back into action because Talon is fucking things up. Then the game itself is just basically pulling figures out of a toy chest and mashing them together. Nothing to do with the story at hand which seems to only develop in the comics and animations.
Also as a result of the omni-wars people hate robots and they have this oppressed minority thing going on. Honestly, it made a bit more sense in the Animatrix than it does here.
I should check on that board.
Not even Nintendo can top that shit
They revealed his face and reaper's ingame by skins, so who gives a shit now?
I still want to see pyro's face
wew, what did i mean by this?
No, not the only good characters!
My main complain is that Tracer is now a stereotypical short haired dyke, they should've made the gorilla into the faggot who no one was expecting.
Does that make Overwatch the "Rick & Morty" of videogames?
I don't know I never watched Rick and Morty.
Pyro is a her
That board is dead they left long ago but still shitpost enough on the site to warrent the name.
Not really, more like the steven universe of vidya. Just shipping, missed ideas, misused characters, cancerous fanbase, bad memes and a story that leads to nowhere.
Wait Pyro's a she? When was that confirmed?
The TFCLASSIC Pyro is a girl
And after that part of the post I couldn't take the rest of the lore seriously
Its always been a myth that pyro was a chick.
In that case, don't ever watch or read this series. The ridiculousness of the U.N. heads in the opposite direction for this one.
But user, Junkrat's canonically trans and Roadhog is secretly straight gay for him. sorry i don't make the rules uwu
Jokes aside, there's a 50/50 chance they'll make Junkrat and Roadhog a couple. It'll definitely appeal to the squealing fangirls on tumblr, but not every relationship has to be sexual/romantic, especially when it's two Mad Max motherfuckers. They're the only ones that are really fun and have that "new TF2" thing going on, and I don't think Blizz wants to ruin that.
That after a decade of Valve fucking things up again and again, TF2's characters still have some of the charm from 2007.
I mean Blizzard said: fuck it the beaner and geezer are revealing their faces for a couple of doubloons or shekels, whilst Valve maintains the Pyro's mystery.
It is done.
Needs the CRITICAL HIT popup
My name is ASAC Schrader and you can go fuck yourself
you fucking maggot
Look, any organization that recruits Lolis…are officially shit.
No love for U.S.Angel Corps?
Its a Cambodian basket weaving cartoon, what did you expect?
No. Seriously, what's wrong with putting full figure women in skintight outfits that you suddenly want to have underage girls in them too?
Your questioning Japan? The country with the lowest child abduction rates in the world?
What about NERVA?
I have to say, I've never drawn honey-covered one handed russian women before.
She looks balding from the way you drew the hair line, hand is way too tiny, you kind goofed the shoulder area but those are some nicely drawn boobs and abdomen, lovely line weighting. 7/10
Are they relatives?
pic related
They're Russian
What it reminds me of.
how about instead of putting out shitty compliments you instead elaborate on the shoulder area. And hand size, because I stand convinced that it's not "way too tiny".
you don't need to reassure me and give be pats on the back so I don't kill myself. I know most drawfags are bitches, but if you want to tell me I suck nigger dicks, I can handle it
At least turbine is still good.
NERV! I meant NERV.
Yeah, it's a shit organization. I mean,you let an angsty spineless kid pilot a death machine? And people complain about the Getter team being a group of insane least they get shit done.
And didn't end the world multiple times.
2fort is better
Like in that update where Heavy visits Florida and a lot of jokes were forced to shit.
Exactly. And that's why no matter what threatens Earth (aliens, dinosaurs…ancient Gods), trust the Getter team to handle it (and not some spineless kid, a arguably hot puppet based on the spineless kid's mom…and a failed attempt to copy Tetsuya Tsurugi)
But Annon isn't its bland and manipulative story groundbreaking! I mean in real life, if you take crazy fucked up children and get them to pilot mecha they will be crazy and fucked up!
Truly brilliant storytelling! I love the part where the Director stops the plot and animation to just bitch at the audience multiple times (Not just the ending, MANY times before that).
As they always say in animation "Tell, Don't show". The best way to relate to a character is if we never see them have organic moments, and just have them cry a bunch!
Well, the director got some good reason to bitch at the audience…especially when the audience sent death threats about the "Congratulations" ending. That's why the masturbation scene exists.
Oh for sure weebs are awful. Im saying that NGE is a bad series even if judged for its "Deeper themes".
It's even worse when you considered that Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger had explored what NGE tried to do way before NGE did it. Why do you think I kept calling Asuka "the pale imitation of Tetsuya Tsurugi"? Because all of Asuka's crap has been done before..way better in fact than what they did with Asuka and here's the fun bit: Tetsuya not only backed up the claim of being a better pilot…he's less than a bitch than Asuka.
Also when I mentioned bitch at the audience I meant the halfway incoherent nihilism rants.
Oh right..that's when Anno was off his meds. The things creators do when they are off their meds. Anno went on a nihilism rant, Tomino just kills off 99% of his characters..
Hey, one guy brought NERV up. Why are you targeting me?
Hard without ID's
There was that one comic writer whose son died, so he killed off the entire Ultimate universe.
now you've done it
nice ragesage
Oh yeah, Jeph Loeb. Hard to believe the guy who wrote Commando (arguably the best 80's action movie in existence) killed the Ultimate Universe (then again, it's the Ultimate Universe. It needed the bullet to the head treatment anyways.)
It's like they kept giving him books out of pity, then oh no he's killed all the characters anyone cared about again
It's not like he can't write good. I mean, the Superman/Batman issue that covers how Tim Drake cope with losing his best bud was good but come on, Loeb, let it go.
Losing a child is probably one of those things I can understand fucking someone up for good. At best, they can channel it, but I don't think capes are the medium for it.
so… what are your thoughts on these?
I'm worried about what kind of damage their kids could unleash on the world.
Unless you are really that good. I mean, supers have been known to lost friends/comrades/loved ones, you could just have a story arc of the a cape trying to get his shit together after losing his son/loved one or something…but only a story arc, not a whole characteristic.
Holla Forums Shazbot revenge against these faggots when?
I always asked for this.
It still hurts, dude.
I still have fond memories
Needs a paperbag.
What do you think will happen when the comics end? Will they keep making mini episodes or what?
The Punisher?
It doesn't matter how talented you are, but tf2 porn is one the things that I cannot take seriously.
nobody would ever expect you to
sadly no
It was not a rumour, it came straight from Pinkerton, one of the two lead writers. After one guy kept harassing him endlessly about ScoutxPauling.
Ray Pinkerton and Erik Wolpaw.
Not sure if Chet Faliszek is also involved.
Oh, so it's the "Nuke the ship because the shippers are pissing me off" response. Still, making her a fag is just the wrong move.
God fucking damn it.
Don't pair her with the scout. But why not make her a workaholic that don't care about anything except her mission?
What's wrong with that? Like it ruins the whole joke. It goes from the scout being oblivious to his own incompetence, too a strait guy not knowing about a gay grill.
It's the difference between a man who thinks he can fly with a unfished glider, to a man who thinks he can fly in pudding.
But nothing aint worth sacrificing to the the unholy god PROG.
It looks like they already worked it into her character.
Why else did Pauling lie, frame and murdered people for her without second guessing? Because she is a love slave to her (just as Hale is, btw).
Which leaves us with Helen. What drives her to go this far for revenge?
Dubs for the truth
Has pandering to shippers ever done anything good?
Korra, Harry Potter what other franchises have been ruined by shipping?
Who ever wins, we all lose.
Pandering or spiting shippers is always terrible. Just write what's fun to read. Whether that's them hooking up, not hooking up, hooking up then Scout cheating on her with a girl carrying a bucket of chicken 15 minutes later.
ppl are still modding tf2 models, the world is at peace for now.
the writers just quit.
rip tf2 comics 2009-2017
Well that sucks
the what?
I think one thing you can safely say about the simpsons and TF2 is that in their golden age, they never let continuity get in the way of a good joke.
Also, not like hating the government is necessarily related to hating the system it's built around. Plenty of Americans hate the government but fucking love capitalism.
If it wasn't for the face it would actually be a decent picture.
some quotation on that?
s-so no issue 7?
Just gotta wait till HL3 comes out
le ebin hl3 joke xD!!! But seriously are they not making issue 7?