
This season is still a fucking dark horse. I could take UFOs, but jewish wizards? Come on.

This season is shitty and mew fucking sucks. Thewlis is cool tho

fuck this season. I was already on the verge of giving up on it, and then we get DUDE BIG LEBOWSKI REFERENCE LMAO and a literal fucking deus ex machina.

the drop in quality between S2 and S3 is almost as bad as the one between True Detective's seasons.

the S1/2 references to Cohen movies were much more subtle and clever.
I don't know what the fuck happened in S3. They said "Oh we got Ewan McGregor? No need to write an interesting cast/script this time! Just double up his roles and we're golden!"
The villains stink. Varga was interesting in the first few episodes and then just wore really thin. His goons are awful.
The whole prison bus scene was retarded. The prison bus conveniently has a loose handcuff mount for the main characters? Why did all 3 henchman board the bus? Nobody stood outside to make sure there weren't escapes in the back? Why no guns? Why shoot your crossbow ominously from the woods at two unarmed, injured people instead of getting within kill range and finishing them? How are these guys real hitmen?



I swear as much as I love this show, it's literally fucking Reddit, out of all the thought experiments to make into allegories, they chose the most reddit tier one.

The entire thing is an allegory made by a man who was too dumb to understand quantum physics, and thought he was being smart by somehow making a symbolic experiment for it.

That useless pussy?

Yeah this latest episode was too contrived.

You forgot
See the screenshot? Nikki is not even in fucking cover.

What the fuck did you niggers expect from AYY LMAO: The Show?

Did I not warn you? Did I not fucking warn you?

he drank cockwater

ITT: idiots mad they're watching a sci-fi comedy thinking its a drama

Ayo, hol up, when did halfchan get sound webms? I thought the Asian dataminer in charge said that cost too much.

It's 2ch.hk, file limit is over 50mb

where's all the comedy this year?

i guess he is technically braindead now

by good I mean entertaining. everyone else is a bore.


i think i know this pataljon faggot.

Yeah I had some hope until episode 8 which was a massive shitpile. They have no idea what they're doing.

David Thewlis is amazing and Mr. Wrench is my waifu though

Why the shit didn't Meemo and Yuri just try to shoot Nikki and wrench? They'd already killed at least one police officer and two innocent bystanders and flipped a prison bus. You might as well go in guns blazing, what can it hurt?

but if they did Nikki would have just fucking died and we wouldn't have gotten le ebin big lebowski reference

The show itself is a joke.

i recommended fargo to a bunch of friends and family. if any of them started with season 3, they must think i'm mentally handicapped now.

So the season is going to end with Emmett losing his identity or something, right? He'll be a ghost in the system.

what was the point of devoting an entire episode to this bitch going to LA and finding out her stepdad's backstory?

also, if he was 25-ish in 1975, how could he have been so fucking old in 2010?

What was the point of making such a big deal out of the fact that she has a week left as chief when in Ep.8 it just flash forwards to 3 months in the future?

Like, I guess fucking nothing came of her last week as chief. It came and went uneventfully. That was something they tell you like fifty times as if it matters.

Sort of like the Goldfarb thing. I guess that when 3 months passes nothing really becomes of that. Even though we had three scenes establishing it.

Sort of like Yuri. He just vanishes over three months and that's that. Seriously they wanted to do the season one-esque "go quickly into the distant future" thing but they did it without resolving fucking ANYTHING from the first seven episodes. Three months in the future, Sy's still in a coma, Varga and Meemo live with Emmit now I guess, Emmitt's still paranoid, and Gloria got demoted without incident. Wow. Such fascinating. I'm sure glad that's what they did instead of having anything interesting happen to any of the main characters in that timespan.

user tried to warn me
but i didn't listen. i thought this season would pick up somehow, but no, we get more deus ex machina bullshit.

the cops have no bearing on the plot whatsoever. the sass sister detective force figured out the mystery, harassed the suspects, and changed nothing. emmett still would've turned himself in 3 months later no matter what.

Cuckville has had them for years now.

Guys I need to know the name of the song playing in the background

The last season had Aliens show up in a crime drama, you morons should have known to stop watching then. The writers have no respect for you.

Why would Varga EVER hire someone so useless?

Well he already hired two other useless hitmen, so a 3rd isn't exactly out of his realm of reason.

At least we get to see Meemo and Yuri complete jobs successfully. This guy never is never involved in a job that goes right. He wasn't even around the other two early on. They could have had him in the background while Yuri and Meemo beat the shit out of MEW. Or be the Varga's driver. Instead he just shows up at the prison to fuck up a hit then fucks up the following hit and dies.

Isn't Varga's entire point that he's rich but lives like a poor man so he hires armature hitmen?
I thought seeing vulnerable hitmen this season was a nice touch instead of Malvo and Hanzee esque ones that are strong and intelligent enough to kill literally everyone.

If that is the case with him, it would have been very easy to establish him earlier in the season. Even if you don't SEE him he could have been set up with one line of dialogue. During the scene in episode 6 where Varga tells Yuri to go to the library and Meemo to kill Ray and Nikki all they had to have Varga say way, "I've got a new guy I'd like to use for those two." or something like that. But even then, why send an amateur?

Not that it matters, if you rewatch the scene in the prison, there's no way Burgle could have gotten in the room unnoticed. Golem opens the door with a code and very clearly closes it behind him. But after Burgle stops him the door is just magically opened again.

they introduced The New Guy when he was going to inject Nikki in the cell. but supercop lady detective was smart enough to stop him just in time!




Seriously why are you even here? What else is there to do on Holla Forums?

that's how much you don't care

He cares about humanity, of course a kike like you wouldn't understand.

you have a bulimic brit with a self muttilation thing going , some russian with a bloodline tracing back to genocidal maniacs , an autistic chink that ballet dances in his spare time , a police chief whose husband left her for another man and has to raise a son on her own with her adopted grandfather who once was a sci-fi writter that crippled a jew in a motel , twin brothers (again) with a rivalry , a mute ubermensch former assasin from season 2 and your objection is about some pretend cop assasin that seems to have an affinity for blades over firearms?


i care

To reaffirm the intro of the series.
The new guy has "Helga" on his arm. Yuri says he once knew a Helga. In the opening of episode 1 of season 3, a man is being prosecuted for killing of Helga, that Yuri commited.

Also, if DJ Qualls appears in anything that means the show is dead. That's the law.

Yeah, that stuck out to me as well. This season is full of shit writing…. not just overdosing on "omg so quirky and random" bullshit that in small and mostly inconsequential doses made previous seasons fun to watch, but the writing had a lot of heinous plot holes and continuity errors.

yup. totally forgot about the ayylmao from the end of last season. The season was so good i skipped over it in my mind, i guess. Great TV and movies will let you do that. If I remember correctly, though, those aliens had no real effect on the plot though. It was just a one-off bit of random quirk that can be taken for what the show is. This season, though… shit blew my suspension of disbelief early and from like episode 2 on i've been picking it apart, mostly. still great production, but it's a joke show. I should know better than to get sucked-in to hipster shit.

CCR - It Ain't Me


It distracted Hanzee for a moment long enough for Kirsten Dunst and Meth Damon to not get shot in the face with his M16. It's pretty much what caused Hanzee to admit he's "tired of this life" and want something different.

Sad post tbh. Try harder m8y.

thx user. ok, this series sucks.

more like Meme-o, amirite?

So, one episode left and Varga is still a dark horse.

oh yeah, this is still on. the current season is so bad I actually forgot there was a new episode.

It is not a bad episode, but MEW kinda feels like her plot armor is too big.

didn't say it was. just that the season overall has been so bad I stopped caring enough to even read a synopsis online.

Yeah, the characters often act too retarded and Varga is fucking cartoony. Why would Sy drink out of the cup for the second time? Why is the new police chief so comically evil? Why is there literal jew wizard that gives some people plot armor and kills others?
It feels really unfocused compared to previuous seasons.

I've never despised a character so much in my entire life. MEW should've died in the parking lot, and Yuri is shit at his job. Hell, everybody BUT MEW and Burgle are shit at their job.

MEW singlehandedly dragged this entire show down. Had Meme-o killed her on the spot, the season would have been saved, even at the second to last episode.

It was painfully obvious after Ray dying she wouldn't. She absolutely should have but they didn't, because they need their low time thief woman beat the mastermind at his own game. The entire episode with the prison bus, bowling alley, divine intervention was the massive jump the shark episode of the season. Not a good season, its OK. Maybe, MAYBE, they somehow redeem it with the last episode, pull some crazy stuff out.