Ten years ago today heralded the release of the GNU General Public License version 3. Through several iterations over two years, public drafts enabled the community to develop a license that better addressed the changing software freedom landscape.
GNU GPLv3 turns 10!
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Feel free to hide him.
Even if the tripfag is disputing I didn't even know that the GPLv3 is a decade old.
Nice to see that it still protect our freedom correctly
Reminder: if you ignore your enemy, they win.
Strategically speaking ignoring or not plainly isn't a good way of doing so.
Ignore when it's beneficial to your cause.
Don't ignore when it's beneficial to your cause.
Thank you RMS for helping us fighting the Botnet and enforcing our right to freedom and privacy.
t. KKK spokeman shamoanjac
Anti-spam bump 2
10 years of poisoning everything it touches.
t. butthurt BSDcuck
GPLv3 protects software freedoms, but instead of adopting it, you fags won't stop using the Botnet and crying every time Wikileaks slaps you in the face with their latest discovery.
Could they have chosen a more awkward photo?
The entire point of the GPL is to say "if you want to take you also have to give back", whereas the permissive licenses say "take all of my hard work and run with it". It's like the difference between being a swinger "I'll let you fuck my wife you you let me fuck your wife" and being a cuck "I-it's OK, it's not like I need sex anyway".
I am illiterate, what's the difference between GPLv2 and GPLv3 and their LGPL variants.
Where the fuck is version 4?
Stallman said we wouldn't have to wait another decade again.
Version 3 is copyleft. Which means that any code that uses code that is gpl3 must also be gpl3.
GPL2 software are only free on the internet only but when the software added into the hardware, it's no longer free. That means you can't have the source code what inside that hardware which usually added binary blobs and proprietary codes that have nothing to do with intended motive from the original software.
The difference between the GPL and LGPL is how it effects the code its used with. If you write a piece of software and use any GPL code you have to make the entire program also GPL, if you write a piece of software and use LGPL code you only have to open source the LGPL parts.
There are round-about ways to bypass the GPL which are used by companies like Nvidia but for the average developer these aren't really feasible.
See my name and trip, you ginormous fagit.
2-clause BSD is the superior license.
This is incorrect information. Don't believe it.
It is though.
No, it's not. It only does not prohibit using hardware locks to stop the user from changing software. It's called tivoization because they were the first to do it on a large scale.
The GPL was created to protect the user's freedom and prevent other developers from taking away that freedom. This is why the GPL is written in such a complicated way compared to something like the MIT or BSD licenses.
As it turned out, the original GPL had a number of loopholes and practical issues, so version 2 was written. Version 2 also had a number of loopholes and practical issues, so version 3 was written. Some of these loopholes (like tivoization) were not even a thing at the time of the GPLv2, so the GPL has been evolving along with technology.
The GPLv3 is controversial to some people because not everyone is opposed to all the loopholes. Here is a video where Linus Torvalds explains why he doesn't like the GPLv3:
Keep in mind that Torvalds is not a Free Software guy, he is an Open Source guy. He doesn't care about the users as long as he as the developer gets what he wants.
Then there are variants of the GPL itself, such as the LGPL or AGPL. These are specialized variants for certain tasks, such as writing web server applications or libraries.
You are shit, your threads are shit. Erase your trip, also erase yourself while you're at it.
erase yourself fat loser prrpx
Enjoyed being cucked by corporations.
lol @ ur tripfag ass getting buttfucked by KKKorporations
Can I join the tripfag party too?
No, you'll never be in the KKK.
Well, fuck I guess.
Don't go to that site, it gave my computer and appliances internet cancer.
except my 20+ year old appliances can't go on the internet!
Stay in #Holla Forums and don't come back, you unfunny faggots. You have the sense of humor of a garden slug.
Nice post, {{{prrpx}}}.
Checked. How will yayo prrpx ever recover?