Imagine if all that war money went into SCIENCE
US war spending
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A lot of it does. It's not as if there is no research and development in the military.
Yeah, a lot goes to DARPA, but also private contractors who do less innovation and more militarization of the current technology and new technology pioneered by DARPA and co.
And as someone who has family who works in defense logistics I can say much of it goes towards stockpiles and the basic equipment for soldiers. Some stockpiles exist purely for other country's not to get their hands on certain materials, which basically means we have to buy up all of X commodity on the market.
unless I'm a massive idiot, pretty sure OP's point was that the military expenditure is well below that spent on social programs
OP is retarded for these reasons
-budgets for intelligence agencies are classified (in part at least) and, therefore, not counted. given the rise in counter-insurgency tactics and propaganda both over and combined with direct military intervention since WWII, this is likely a sizeable amount to be left out
-large parts of unemployment spending are work-to-welfare, which often means subsidizing wages so companies can pay below minimum wage in real terms. To put it another way, a massive amount of money is spent to not fix the problem of low wages and unemployment while also letting politicians claim their approved increased spending for fixing low wages and unemployment
-medicare and health care costs are needlessly inflated due to the government not negotiating directly with drug companies, allowing the price of medicine to reach ungodly heights
-leftists are not for social programs; they are for seizing the means of production so this idiocy wouldn't go on in the first place
R&D is about 10% of military spending.
If all the money wasted on the F-35 were instead spent on education we wouldn't have generations of young people saddled with debt they can't afford
Education spending is for 1st world nations only, The Free Market will fix it.
You should also post the Discretionary Spending chart.
I love dis borde :D
Shut up, fag.
If we put all money into science we would become a fanatical technology cult.
God that's retarded.
Thats the state for you fam
How about fucking education
Do we all get cybernetics? If so, its a good tradeoff.
I'd rather it be put into education. The American system is atrocious.
The main problem with the American educational system isn't really the funding (although that's an issue). The main problem is that it's inefficient and chock-full of capitalist/imperialist propaganda.
Opened the thread to say just this. Get a proper education system going and the rest takes care of itself.
Science, you say?
polite sage in case Shady Businessman didn't feed previous post attempt to his pigs like it appears happened.
what are you, some kind of communist?
You've said many silly things, but this is by far your silliest. Imperialism directly benefits the West and always had. Even people on your vague politically illiterate side agree to this. If it wasn't, and the western world was generally equal during and after the Enlightenment, why even bother worshiping it as superior in the first place?
Problem is not "war". War promotes science.
The market is the problem. The fact that all science is done to promote "the market". We have the internets because "War". We have copyright that slows down progress because of "teh makretz".
You're confusing cause and effect.
I never said the scientific method was because of colonialism. Anywhere.
Obviously Kosher propaganda. Everyone knows everything bad happened in history because THE JEWS DID IT because they have evil, scheming, hand wringing genes that make them do bad things for no reason.
The point is that the west embarked on colonialism because it was great enough to do so, not that it became great because of colonialism.
Read culture of critique. You can find the pdf for free.
Yes yes, The East India Company was irrelevant. French colonialism? Irrelevant. Spanish Colonialism, irrelevant.
They never gained anything, they actually lost. They didn't engage in colonialism to gain commerce at all, in any way, shape or form.
I think you are trying to form and argument.. please try harder…
Colonialism happened because "not enough gold, too many people in the old wolrd. Time to go elsewhere and ged more gold and land for the poeple".
Also, Imperialism benefits whoever can do it. It benefited China, Japan, Alexander the Great, Zulu.. you know.. If you can create an empire.. Good for you!
You know calling something a Jew isn't the win button to every argument on this board, right?
Funny that you say that.
The Germans didn't even had colonies until the 19th. While Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, and so on, controlled the world.
So much for their "superiority". They weren't even a nation. I guess when you say"West", you don't include Germany in it.
It was an accident of history. The Chinese nearly embarked on a similar scheme.
You fucking serious m8?
You don't see how new avenues for the acquisition of goods as well as the triangular trade gave a massive economic boon to the west? This is why noone respects Nazis; You just ignore the actual factors that cause things and fall back on white power magic to explain western success.
Care to give me a summary?
I'm making two points with my snarky shitposting.
1. the increase in wealth in the Atlantic countries benefited those inland through trade
2. the ideas of the enlightenment didn't happen on the beaches of the Atlantic and stop at the River Rhine
But social programs are necessary and should be have more money
Science = education
No nation can embark on an imperial project without firm footing at home.
You're either unintentionally misunderstanding me or being willfully ignorant.
1. That proves my point that the west was doing better than the rest of the world independent of imperialism.
2. I never said that you had to engage in colonialism to be a part of the west.
The reason that Germany held out so long against the British French, and Americans in spite of having shit allies in WWI was because it was the only place in the world that had access to the Haber-Bosch process. The west achieved worldwide trade because its naval technology was so much better than everyone else, not the other way around.
Jews operate for the benefit of their own ethnic interests.
I don't see how this goes against what I'm saying.
Colonialism was done since Athens colonized Black Sea and south france/spain.
Most of that 10% won't even go to fundamental research. They might spend 1% on broadly applicable research, then the other 9% refining it into a weapon system. In fact, given the level of testing and reliability demanded by the military, I wouldn't be surprised if the split was more like 0.2% to 9.8%
Sounds like a materialist view.
It was a positive feedback loop. Some improvements lead to increased exploration. Increased exploration lead to investments in naval tech and navigation methods. Again, you're ascribing things to white power magic instead of historical materialism.
It doesn't. The german states weren't more developed than the others.
How convenient.
Anyway, pollyp, read this.
"Western imperialism never benefited the west" is the dumbest argument I've ever had the displeasure of reading on the internet
oh my god
This is a very good point which isn't mentioned enough. Scientific and technological progress is exponential because existing knowledge makes it easier and cheaper to discover new things.
Anyway, within one or two hundred years all the arguments about race are going to seem laughably obsolete because humans won't even be the driving force behind scientific progress any more. The "survival of the fittest" rhetoric so loved by white supremacists will suddenly seem a lot less appealing when humans aren't the fittest any more.
Imperialism benefited anyone that did it. Not only the west.
I fail to see the downsides.
Actually, that's a good example of what I'm talking about. How useful were Athens's Black or west Mediterranean sea colonies during the Peloponnesian war? Not a whole lot.
Here's a thought, maybe whites and the cultures they produce are better at expansion and discovery than other races and cultures? Genetics and culture should factor into your historical materialism.
The German federation was. For quite some time, up until WWI or WWII, German was the language standard for scientific journals. Moreover, as compared to Britain or France, their infrastructure at home was better developed because they could focus on building for themselves, rather than using a bunch of resources to build railroads across India (fun fact: many trains in India today still run over track that was laid down during the British Raj).
Sure is.
Give me the tl;dr version. I don't want to waste all that time reading a commie jew fuck book.
Did you look at the link I posted? Ryan Faulk does an excellent job showing how colonialism didn't manifest itself into any extremely evident material benefits for the "exploiter" nations.
I'd like to reach that point, actually. The trouble is that society looks like it may degrade before then.
Id be down for it if that was only for stem and trade schools
Include philosophy and history and I'll agree.
I know pollyps abhor reading, but if you had even the honesty to see my post, you would not have written that.
Go suck Evola's holy semen.
Think of it as humans vs orcs.
Well… Without the Black sea colonies they'd starve … Oh wait .. they did!!!
Also, never forget, Corinth was the antithesis, not Sparta. Sparta was only the tool.
All wars are about resources. Not "ideologies". Peloponesian was about "who controls the spice" as well. No Black Sea? No food and trade!
Well I put on my glasses of truthfulness and took a read, and I'm not exactly sure what you wanted me to take away from that. He says imperialism is the highest form of capitalism in that it involves monopolies. Is that what you wanted me to take note of?
ebin meme
Alright, so these colonies were more like trading partners until they were blockaded?
And there's the standard marxist reductionism disguised as "historical materialism". Being as most wars end up some sort of exchange of material goods, this claim isn't really falsifiable.
Then the US would've collapsed. I'm sure some of it is just a waste of money by upholding promises from special interests by buying shitty weapons, but the petro dollar requires the sheer force of the US military to survive
Shit, imagine if just our healthcare spending got nationalized and the extra we'd no longer spend went into science.
Well the american people and even the country itself don't gain anything with the petrodollar, only bankers.
If it didn't existed americans would have cheap oil and no wars.
The Petrodollar is the only thing keeping the US economy alive. The export of the Dollar is what is preventing the US from going into hyper-inflation.
That current system is molded around the petrodollar by bankers so of course it would crumble without it.
"You wont complain aboout spending tht much when the french are on our borders!" - Americuck typical response