What does Holla Forums think of HeadsOS?
Is is secure?
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Fucking dropped
You have my attention.
What nonfree software does Tails use?
a lightweight gui sounds enticing compared to tails. i'll give it a try tomorrow
Blobs and microcode.
In what situation would you need to use tails/heads?
Yeah but for what?
Isn't it ironic that people talk about free software, but host all their GPL3 licensed project on github?
There's no CoC in gplv3 so it doesn't matter. In fact we could just download the source code and host it elsewhere if github is such a problem.
It is not against GPLv3, it is just against all their ideology which they are trying to spread. They write on the site "heads uses only free software", but that that not true: they use GitHub.
Github isn't software, maybe?
Lol, mp4 for you.
Exactly, that's the problem. We don't know very well what the blobs do.
If you're doing Tip Top Secret stuff, and you don't want the UKUSA finding out about it.
They mean that HeadsOS itself is 100% libre, but unfortunately they use GitHub as a development platform which itself is NOT fully free, see mikegerwitz.com
We shouldn't even depend on proprietary development platforms. If GitHub fucks up even more, it'l be more of a pain in the ass moving if we don't have free substitute for the infrastructure in place and have to develop it when GitHub forces CoCs on all projects. GitHub can go die in a fire for all I care, along with their owners and investors.
GPU and wifi spying modules that enable graphics acceleration and 802.11 connections, respectively
Their logo sucks. It should be more like this.
I agree that GitHub is shit, but, fortunately, Git was designed to work in a descentralized fashion, a Git server is free software already, so it's not like the end of GitHub would be the end of the world. And we do have alternative software to host Git projects with a web access, the problem is, we might lack the infrastructure to host them all.
Now, given that most GitHub projects are dead JS shit (or at least that's what one can understand from their internal search engine), it wouldn't even be that much of a problem.
And anyway, GitHub being proprietary or not is orthogonal to the CoCs and SJW problems.
That's some real security-conscious thinking right there.
Your trip is shit, you are shit.
You say that like It's a bad thing. What's next, you won't use something unless it comes installed with chrome?