Marvelfags will defend this
what, is Black Panther supposed to be a white man?
I guess he's saying in which context the Black Panther is in
Black Panther is basically a hyper-nationalist, selfish piece of shit who hides his nation's mega-technologies from starving children. Wakanda needs some diversity.
There is nothing wrong with nationalism.
why doesn't the whole tribe eat the herb and take over the world, or at least Africa?
so hes a black nazi
punch him in the face
I want him to fuck my wife
If niggers shared then they wouldn't have to steal.
Where's the KKK superhero, White Power?
That poster is everything wrong with Marvel's bland cinematography and poor handling of CGI.
They should call it "Wokanda"
But Wonder Woman came out and it was excellent.
His head looks shopped on his body. Marvel's been going all-out with the terrible posters lately.
capeshitters defend every single crappy capeshit movie, they are all really really really fucking bad and they all have shitty actors who cash out and arent serious actors at all
It's going to succeed, but it won't get the ridiculous numbers that the rest get.
It's so lifeless and dull. If you're gonna do an action/adventure movie, you MUST have an iconic, or eye-catching poster for it, something you'll remember for some weeks and makes you wanna buy the poster, or hell, at least something you can parody.
"Nigger sitting on a generic throne wearing a gimpsuit, gazing at nothing" is not memorable, not even meme-able. Sure, that shows me he's kang and shiet, but what else? Where's that little spark of a nice poster? But yes, this has been Marvel's modus operandi pretty much from the beginning. You may somewhat like the movies, but I don't see anyone saying "this poster is great and iconic!". They're either utterly generic or a gangbang of shit.
pick one
Even if I don't like some movies, some of them have good posters. Check the old Japanese Godzilla ones, Tim Burton's Batman, the Polish versions of movie posters, arguably the hand-drawn Star Wars posters, etc.
Donald T'Chump
I think it's preferable that he not exist. Or, if he must, let them sell that garbage in Africa where somebody gives a shit.
Ayo hol up
(smack lips)
so you be sayin
(adjusts crotch)
(shoots a hoop)
we wuz
And rightfully so.
(eats kfc)
(cucks a white guy)
(gets shot by police)
I want him to fuck my wife.
Well you own his contract, Jewboi, get on it.
How will white people ever recover