Dysnomia = Chad

Face it pedos, your time on the internet is over.

nice joke m8

Virgin pedo detected.


I am a pure animephile ephebo you nigger

You niggers best put my post in the police report


Really OP?

i'm still here .


You have no power here.


when the pedos are gone maybe tor file posting can be allowed again without having to fear pedos abusing it

Maybe he does understand it. Chad is supposed to be a retarded assclown, just like dysnomia.


not this

Because disabling tor image posting made the CP spam stop, right? None of the rules here have ever been about reducing illegal content; they're all about dysnomia getting bored and pushing buttons.

alright kiddo

Yeah it was, faggot.

No retard it didn't do shit.
Retard do you pay attention or what?

That has nothing to do with tor image posting, there is really no need for you to showcase your very poor observation skills.

Are you fucking stupid?

Like I said earlier my point still stands that all trips are crackable and secure trips just take substantially longer (that doesn't imply they're not crackable retard l33t h4x0r).
If we're going to get into grammar and semantics then no I won't stop. Please teach me your shitty language that you stole and branded as your own.

Write your argument in the form of a sentence and I may address your point.


ignore my autism in
completely different site and board and i managed to get the two mixed up lulz

That makes no sense (again).

I think you indirectly answered my question for me.

wait, so dysnomia's name is chad?


Are you mixing left and right too?

That's good for you

I'm trying to prove a point on /lg/ and accidentally posted in this thread lulz. Relax.




He's nothing more than a cockroach

This. You have to be a good looking chad to get a young girl to trust you, instead of an ugly neckbeard virgin loser.
