Aggie thread
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why it get deleted?
Fuck this rat looking autistic jew
You have no proof that she's actually autistic!
She isn't that rat faced.
But muh dik is uncircumcised. Isn't that like a sin for jews or something?
Give me some lewd Agathas
Why do you think she'd be so into it?
Are jewish girls into shit that's considered sinful or something?
More like Jewish girls are completely foreign to the feel of a cock that hasn't been mutilated.
Does an uncut cock feel different or something?
she has some big bags under her eyes
Stop posting this ugly trap and kill yourself faggot.
Of course it does, silly billy. Cutting the foreskin dries out the cock and makes it less ribbed for her pleasure. Or the pleasure of the cripple cock itself. There are nerves in that skin that gets snipped after all, it's not just cosmetic. You're taking away a protective sheathe designed to keep the cock cozy, primed, and succulent. So the next time some kike doctor tells you the benefits of circumcision, laugh in his face and then go fuck his daughter. She'll thank you for it.
For clarification: there is literally no medical benefit to circumcision and anyone who says different is a liar. You don't cut off your eyelids to see better or ears to hear better, cutting off your dickskin isn't going to make your cock cleaner or safer from infections. That's just dumb. The origins of circumcision are entirely symbolic, meant to define Jews and to label their slaves. Does female circumcision have benefits? of course fucking not. Neither does male. Don't be a dumb slave.
But what if circumcision is the only way to get dat sweet aggy pussy?
they used to fuck even animals so i don't think it will make a difference
it mostly is, 95% approx.
Aggie a shit!
Mac Ann ftw!
Agasa is pig disgusting!
Don't you know that she doesn't shave her armpits!
She probably doesn't shave her cunny too.
And that pig fucker clown it's better than my clumsy Agasa?
user Agatha's bush is cleaner and purest than the mouth of that reborn frog face
C'mon where's my naughty Agathas
Agatha it's always prepared to fight impure Jewess
I am disappointed.
she cute lil kike, you would smash?
Does anyone else have any autistic stims?
She's autistic and has OCD. Also she's not attractive.
Has she been diagnosed? What autistic/OCD things has she done? All I know is that she's a germophobe and a bit of a shutin.
She looks like Anne Frank.
Huge if authentic
She git massive tits, huge ass and wide hips dezu
Hagatha was deleted because she is underage.
According to the new Holla Forums rules that means this is a pedo thread, and it will be deleted.
Agee is already 18 desu
Not in that picture she doesn't.
Does anyone know if she's gone to college or got a job? She turned 18 early this year, so I'd assume she was a senior in high school then, which would mean she graduated this summer.
It's a joke you autist
She lives in Illinois. She talks about walking around "the prarie" in her videos, and I've got a picture of her house somewhere.
Any more Aggie tit pics?
omg what a cute lil tiddy
you know what before you posted this I wasn't interested
but now I am
would love to see some pics, am not really interested in armpits but I can perhaps judge what her muff must look like, oh god I'm diamonds
There's no such a thing, jew tube autistic Agatha (even if this hurts me) it's just a character, she's not like that in real live, I've seen all this "boring" streams and she never do any "autistic" thing the only thing that you can called autistic maybe was that time when she unbutton her shirt's middle button (maybe cos was too tight in the boob section or maybe cos she was teasing us we never know) so I recommend you to stop that useless search
Here you go
Apparently she's a muff diver.
ffs why are the cutest girls always fucking lez
This autistic Jewish hag is butt ugly
She's an autistic girl that's never been in a relationship, who probably goes to a jew school where the only boys are weedy jew types. Show her a strong man and she'd be gagging for it.
She might not be beautiful, but she's got a cute look to her.
Nah I'll fucking know. I been that strong man for some other lez qt, she really wanted to actually have a normal relationship with me and didn't tell me, but holy fuck trying to have sex with her was god awful. I wouldn't even have learned she's lez if I didn't ask her what the fuck am I doing wrong here and she broke out crying how she really wants to be normal but she fucking can't.
Sure, but was your girl an autistic girl that had never been in a relationship with anyone before. Aggie probably just drank the jew koolaid herself. Her entire reason for thinking she's a lesbian is "I felt happy talking to a girl once"
introverted, sure
Get a load of this guy
Yep I want to believe
The more I see of her, the more I feel that Agatha has a pretty sad life. She's 18 and has never had a job, can't drive, lives with her parents, and hasn't had any kind of relationships. According to her, she spends most of the day in her room, and only leaves to walk her dog. And now apparently people think she's a child.
I mean, technically she's got it made. Her daddy's a bank executive and she lives in a nice house, so I'm sure she's a rich girl. She can live off her old man's money, but money won't get her too far. Eventually she'll get bored with staying indoors all day and making asmr videos for autists on /r9k/. Then what will she do?
Have you seen her bedroom? I'm a teacher and my 3 yo daughter have a bigger cot
sounds like me
She's 5' tall; she doesn't need a big bed. And if you look at the rest of her house, it's pretty nice. And her dad's a bank executive, so she can't be doing too badly.
Ugly saggy tits
Agasa dies not swallow cummies
She a shit
I love Agatha but MacAnn is truly best girl. Atleast I know she likes men and judging by her last boyfriend she's into fat older nerds. Perfect.
Big if true
Ann is hot and slutty as fuck but still cute. Agatha is just cute.
This girl is a cute
You mean Mac Ann pits?
Agasa truly is a pig disgusting
Theres rhis one vud of her where her pits is visible and it is not shaven
Fucking hairy kike
Ayy, i misread ur post. I dont have the pic of agasas armpit hair, that's disgusting
I forgot which vid it was tho. Maybe the agasa faggots know cause they fap to it
Come on, dude. Hairy armpits are hot. I wish Ann didn't shave either.
Goddamn, she's so perfect. I have to fap now.
Youre a pig
Btw i have a rare yt vid of her where she "models" 4 keks and lols
Jew wanna see it
Yes, please!
I think she deleted this withing 2 hoursmif posting it.
She posted this in october i think
Another one xDddd
This one kind of ironic cause after like, 2 weeks the news about fat Mahoney's arrest broke out, then she made a vid (((crying))) and claims she was raped by bf
*now this one is ironic
I came. She's perfect.
Wrong pic uwu
Ur disgusting
More Aggie mouth pics plz.
It lies! Aggie a cute!
Would still pound
Even without makeup, Agatha is 10/10.
Kekking tee bee eych, pam
I'm indifferent to hairy armpits but I can't get hard for a bald cunt.
I want Mac Ann and Agatha foot comparison.
Faces equal, boobs don't care, I want to see butt and feet to decide who is best.
Mac Ann have a nice feet
Do you have photo please?
I want to fuck them both hardcore. I will facefuck them and let them swap my cum. I know Agatha will be really into Ann and then we do the threesome. It all works out in the end.
It would be extremely unpostable
You're a lewd guy
I sooo jealous of this Mahooney pig. I hope he gets assraped in prison.
I know you joke with Bane voice but I ask you this: if you have them, please post the photos or videos of her feet for me. I said please. And now I'll also say thanks, in advance.
Fuck her
Only Millie is cute and beautiful enough
I want her breath on my ears.
Isn't her ily so inspiring? Such diversity! So beautiful!
Apparently she is not on board the Trump train.
Her reasons are shit, but she's right about Trump being a massive disappointment.
She wasn't saying Trump was a disappointment. She said she was "disappointed in America," in typical snarky jew moral superior fashion.
Forgive me, I am clearly blind.
ofc she isn't she's on tumblr alot
This dumb libtard kike deserves the oven.
she said it in the vid where she talks about being lesbian higher up in this thread
I still haven't seen her reputedly hairy armpits holy fuck get your shit together
So you're ok whit the fact that she fuck every fat piece of shit
Remainder that in 1 or 2 years MacAnn is gonna look like Rozelli (without tits) and Agatha always never ages
your point being? rozelli is very cute
her tits are atrocious and her cunt looks like a thrown up reuben sandwich
she's prob the best looking roastie I've ever seen
man that thing looks beat…
She ages in reverse – she looks better as she gets older.
she already looks like shes 50
but yeah… never ages
How so?
6,000,000 hours in MSPaint.
I want pictures! Pictures of Ann and Agatha!
Requesting the clip of her getting mad at /r9k/ calling her Anne Frank.
Your sight or your brains are damaged please go to the doctor immediately
god this bitch is stupid. it's like she drank CNN in liquid form.
To be fair, for a young woman she isn't that stupid. A bit emotional and naive, but considering that she's an 18 year old girl I'm not surprised.
millions of women in america and abroad aren't that stupid.
just means she doesn't have a real father figure. which is typical considering she's turning to the internet for attention she never got.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Were you born with 3 missing chromosomes, you fucking mongoloid?
Yeah, but Agatha's probably a bit naive because she has no responsibilities in life. Her daddy makes enough money that she doesn't have to get a real job, so she basically stays home all day and does arts and crafts shit in her room and makes asmr videos. She can't even drive. So she's basically like a young child.
I think she's talked about her father a few times in her videos. He's a banker (go figure) or something. So it's not like she's living in a single-parent household or something.
Was censored pics still considered 'illegal' though?
It's unpistable without an edit test pam
t b h test
t b q h tbq
What's up with the filters owO
So cute.
Cute quads
Tnx. Post more Ann.
I can't remember this test
why isnit deleted?
Do you have the ones in the swimsuits?
Ya. Is it postable tho?
Dunno. Live dangerously!
Alright, it's not really sexual tho
Pls just delete and no ban if its against the ruled mods :DD
And fuck that fat Mahoney to be quite honest. He got to make love with this chick. Such an injustice.
Agatha is clumsy in such a cute way.
I find her face really cute test, but it seems to me that she tries to be le_quirky_cute in her vids to be honest, and she's nit cute naturally. Just autistic
Agatha is not autistic!
You faggots gonna post the video of this kike getting raped or just gonna jack it to her being autistic all day?
Which kike
What do you mean, "kike"?
Why would you want to see Agatha being raped? She's such a pure girl.
I never understood why people eat like that: sticking their whole fucking tongue out before shoving food in their mouth. I've seen it happen countless times in both young and old people. A very strange way to eat.
Her nigger bro, ampute gook bro and his cuck dad gangrapes her at night
The fuck? That sounds like some kind of parody of the world's most cucked testily.
Look here
Nigger it's paranoid and get real fear to get out from his own room
Amputee chink it's crossdresser gay
And her cuck dad it's the kind of cuck that only like to see
What the fuck. How many of their kids are not adopted?
What does Agatha think of that roastie
copy&paste to evade i think
imo tbh tbqh fam smh wew lad wewlad
5 and they are the twisted ones including Agatha
Agatha's adopted? I thought she would have been the actual biological daughter.
Holy fuck.No one's talking to each other, or even looking at each other. It's like what lunch was like in the school cafeteria, only more unhappy looking. It's like they don't even know each other.
And where the fuck is the meat? They've got spaghetti, bread, and some kind of plant shit. Where are they supposed to get protein from? They need some burgers or sausages or a steak or something.
Looking that pics one word come to my mind "SCARCITY"
Agasa tan doesn't need to expose herself to be sexy
Guess what, "career" dads like that are the dads that are never around. She has no real father figure, he only fulfills the role of financial support.
oh god imagine the farts
she would feed on that beef like she's fresh outta auschwitz
No man you misunderstood, this user ask
And I responded
I bet he tells his testily he's "busy" then spends his time
at various "social" events
Jesus, you'd think that after the first few cases of that they'd realize that maybe they don't have the best genetics. But I guess they had to keep those potato babies coming.
I don't know about you, but Agatha at least seems fun. She's "bubbly" enough to be interesting. You could at least play games with her, like playing catch with her and the amputee.
I'm more saying from my personal experience with people with careers like that. Even if they got time, they rather pretend they got work than actually spend time with their testily. And the adoptees are only for virtue signalling.
Stop this nonsense he's a good father "a low income cuck" but he's a good father even whit the outcasts degens
So… what kind of things do you think the testily does during the day? If the father's gone at work and the kids don't do shit together, what do they do? Apparently Aggie spends most of her time in her room, so it's not like she's always doing shit in public.
But I thought virtue signalling was something the jew convinced the goy to do. Why would a jew engage in virtue signalling?
Nah. Most of the things Jews are pushing on goyim are actually clinical psychological traits of Jews.
Homosexuality? Tel Aviv is the gayest city in the world. Weird fetishes? Just look at Hollywood kikes.
The Jew has convinced the goy to do virtue signalling because that makes the goy want to compete with the Jew and inevitably lose, for he is not a natural at it.
Holy shit she looks so much like her mother. The same weird eyes and chipmunk mouth.
Really don't know what to say man but there was a myth who said that they're the Mengele Jews trying to procreate the perfect Jewess a girl who surpasses Agatha in every aspect, beauty, cuteness and fragility who awake in other people this senseless need of protect her and then rule the world shamelessly
And if you think about it Agatha was pretty close
I'd rather kick her yid face in before she starts trying to grow on me.
Pal you really need a check up
I wonder what her preferred position would be. Missionary, cowgirl, or dog?
jokes aside, I still haven't seen her reputedly hairy armpits
please I need this info, that's the only way I can imagine what her muff looks like
Aggie covered her mirror in her more recent videos. I wonder why.
Agatha nose job?
What kind of retard are you
There's no prove of hairy armpits but I like to think that she constantly shave her muff
Could you possibly post a quality one?
just post the vid m8
that's sad
full bush would look really cute on her
That's the highest quality I could get with my limited photoshop skills. I tried sharpening it and playing with the contrast and exposure, and that's the best I could get without it getting extremely pixelated.
Pic related is the original if anyone else wants to take a crack at it.
The only ass close up that we gonna get
one does not enhance 1 frame, only multiple frames of same thing
this is how they photo stars
Sooo soft. I wanna hug.
fug she is thigg :DDDDD
We need lewd pics
holy shit
I hate this Jew so damn much but I love her all the same.
What is wrong with me?
Your dick is attempting to take over your brain. Resist.
ur raciiist
You are correct, I am :^)
Which one of the 2 jewesses is hotter in your opinion?
Youre mom
*Ur mom
I don't know why, but I feel some strange desire to protect her. She just seems so soft and small, so cute and helpless. I just want to take care of her. I'm not sure what I would do if we started rounding up jews for ovening and I saw her. How could anyone hurt such a helpless creature?
I wonder what sort of person does that?
That’s their shtick, that’s how they get you. Don’t fool yourself user
But she's so cute, and so helpless. She couldn't survive on her own. How does one resist such feelings?
She doesn't even look all that jewish. Maybe she's only like 1/8 jew. Surely instead of being gassed she could be kept in captivity, right?
yeah, at least she isn't a full on fat dyke feminist with body mods and pink hair, she is still pure and can be saved.
How old is Agatha? Her age is hard to pin down, I hope she isn't.
She's 18.
Really user? Do you need to ask?
Let's see
Mac Ann: -No boobs-No ass-Straight -Ugly nose-Defiled whore-Crazy eyes-Shit skin-real deal jailbait-Weird make up challenge (even if it's a selfie) failed
Agatha : -Big bobs-Big ass-Lesbian (can be saved)-Cute nose-Virgin apparently-Sad eyes-Sick white skin-No jailbait real loli-Weird make up challenge (screen cap from random video) success
so tell me user who's better?
Is she mentally handicapped?
Why am I looking at a five year olds room?
this thread has too much samefagging. stop it pls
Pal I don't see any problem I'm 30 and still playing videogames like pretty much anons the real question here is what are you doing here normie?
Shouldn't that cap be red since Trumpanzees are a bunch of autists?
Waifu warz
Holla Forums is even worse at insults than they are at memeing.
Would you have preferred to be called a Trumpcuck? That triggers the alt-right too.
I see Holla Forums uses canned pre-prepared responses to respond to mockery. Sad!
I can taste your tears, Beta Cuck.
Well, if it talks like a cuck, walks like a cuck, and looks like a cuck…
I'm telling you Holla Forums, these canned responses don't work well when your opponent doesn't follow the script.
But people who hold serious convictions and beliefs generally ARE retarded user
No, they're just not coddled children like you, Holla Forums.
Now go ahead, post your Stirner cuck meme or whatever you had pre-prepared for you.
People are allowed to base their beliefs on facts. Would you consider a belief based on facts "retarded"?
If you would, you might want to start using that adjective to describe yourself.
Grow the fuck up buddy boy
What a loser. I bet you're a Drumpf supporter.
Lol you need daddies permission to have an opinion?
It would be retarded, as if you follow the rules of logic and evidence, almost nothing is truly certain. Convictionfags like to ignore this because it interferes with their faith-based views, and they'd rather not question themselves
Are you done Amerifags?
Lol u mad, convictionfag?
Fucking disgusting.
Not with that attitude. Go find her, fuck her, convert her. Get her to stop eating disgusting fucking soy products.
I'm still waiting for proofs of noshave
because if she really doesn't shave anything that would be so fucking hot fuck man I fucking love hairy cuties
that's pretty cute i'm a nigger
all right lemme fix that
that's pretty cute iyam tbcfhwy iissms (if you ask me, to be completely fucking honest with you, if I say so myself)
That's disgusting. Hairy jewess
Good good, let the butt-hurt flow right through you.
pedo fuck detected
Your handlers need to cut your pay, Holla Forums.
Disgusting bitch!
Your tears are absolutely delicious.
Whatever you say, soyboy. How's the HRT going?
Time to kill some shaved sluts
Aggie's going to cut her little hands off, then her i'm a nigger ily will have another amputee to take care of.
7 handicap childs and you really think that they can take care of every single detail?
They've only got like three handicapped children though. Aggie isn't handicapped.
In conclusion Agatha chan it's the most cute Jew in the world