What do you expect of 2018, user?

More of the same.

mass genocide

A war

why is time so fast? i've done nothing these last few years

I wish a huge nuke hits me and my city. Come on Trump! Make it happen, I cheered for you.


hopefully something that allows me to fix my shit genes




Daily reminder Hitler was a soyboy numale vegan liberal arts dropout who gut cucked by alpha male Stalin.


race war

I expect to struggle and suffer even more than I currently do.
If I'm lucky I may die
2019 will be the worst in my life


This tbh.


The left is still this impotent, my sides

Let me guess, 900D chess? Daily reminder you retards voted in the most pro-zionist president yet. Pat yourselves on the back, nupol, you've reached a new pathetic low.

Can't shoop, can't meme. As always late to the party. Stale, bland, weak and absolutely hilarious for all the unintended reasons! You've already lost the fight. Head on back to Holla Forums zir fag

Basically, a race war between white people on opposite sides of the horseshoe who only differ on who they're racist towards.


Nuclear holocaust involving Russia, China, North Korea, Great Britain, America, France, Canada.

Hitler was a sad cuck and a shit skin muslim lover.

Shitty World Cup
Continued decline of internet culture
More mudslim trucks of peace
Ecelebs being auticstic
Shitty hashtags that wymanz will think are important.
Ivanka trump sex tape where she’s blacked released.
Hotwheels finally dies for real.


-North Korea nuking Hollywood
-Trump impeachment
-stock markets crash back to 2008 levels
-Anti-pope Francis assassinated by new templars that will restore Ratzinger true papacy
-muslims launching an all-out war against Isralel
-4chan and 8ch closed down with a subsequent beta uprising on every street of the western world
-race war in Europe with Merklel hanged at the Brandenburg Gate
-China conquering all of Africa
-India and Pakistan nuking each other

The left. Eternally BTFO by themselves