Shitload of movies about colleges and high schools

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Because trade school is for uneducated idiots who are too dumb for the military and will never be smart enough for a college education

because trade school is for idiots who smoke cigaretted and think that carbon fiber hoods are cool

Vaporfag please go

bitch pls, I only smoke cigarillos

My nigga

retard getting shot at for a shit salary while I sit here jacking off to videos of his wife getting fucked by a nigger every night detected.

Forgot to say, "thank you for your service, goyim"

I went to trade school and my IQ is 142

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I want to jerk off too her tits. But I'm afraid she a tranny.

admit it, that's you in the video.

Thanks for confirming you've never even stepped foot in one.

Isn't she a BBW pornstar?

I sure hope not

Someone never got to go to a Ivy League school.

There was a tv documentary about community colleges that aired a few years back. In some episodes, they showed the trade school parts of the community college.

The documentary is called "Community" if you wanna look for it.

Who will play him in the inevitable bio-pic?


That idiot advocates for vasectomy. Fuck him. I am not snipping my fucking balls, MGTOW or not.

You mean the Stapling Jew?

Yep. I can't take anyone seriously who recommends that.

no women in trade schools. therefore, no drama to write about. just education like it should be.

Im an electrician and Im smart . Not like everybody says like dumb. Im smart and I want respect!

Gotta justify that debt and useless degree somehow right buddy?

This plumber has done more than you will ever do in your entire life. He will also be remembered for his intellect, you will not.

Forever out played by a plumber.

What does that have to do with trade schools?