It's another Eddie can't handle his weed and ruins the entire show episode
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Who is that spic? Why are they in Joe Rogan's chair?
Joe Rogaine is a total piece of shit who acts one way when he's around you and the complete opposite when you're not.
*when he's not
OP is a faggot.
Eddie's literally the only good thing on that show. He fucking questions shit and hears out both sides unlike Joe whose response is always: "well the government wouldn't lie to us".
You're in the wrong thread pal
jenny > some nobody
Why do they have so many posters of Jimi Hendrix? Don't get me wrong, I like Hendrix's music, but why do they need so many copies of the same poster?
eddie bravo can handle his weed perfectly, he just gets provoked to go on rants so joe can try to talk down to him and jamie can pull up shit on the internet
you can see eddie having a lot of fun when he goes on about anything and its much better than having fucking schaub talk
I think it's a trait exhibited by insecure beta male ethnic Italians. Joe claims to be part Italian and partially grew-up and spent his formative years around working-class ethnic 'wise guys'.
He basically feels compelled to "hold court" and thus requires numerous toadies and lolcows to be his sidekick bitches that he can smack down to provide easy 'social proof' to whomever might be watching. Brian Rayban or whatever the fuck his name is another one. It's the classic "Tease the Retard" tactic that any hustler needs to have at the ready for when he has to re-establish his "dominance".
Remember, Joe doesn't actually do anything. He's a professional bullshit artist, pretender, and "commentator". That shit has to wear on you as you get older. He can't simply rest on his laurels. He doesn't have any. He's condemned to a life of constantly doing maintenance on his public image.
Remember kids: never ever ever ever ever ever subject yourself to the public gaze for money. You're literally selling your soul.
You're probably right, but I personally think it's just that he's a closet-case that overcompensates with displays of hypermasculinity
Why is this podcast-shit popular?
They suck at making compelling radio-entertainment, it's not even close to what ((Stern)) used to do. Fuck, Bubba the Love Sponge did shit better than this.
i wonder the same how do people listen to this shit is beyond me
Unless it's Alex Jones, it's not like they talk about anything interesting or entertaining, it's all talk, just filler garbage.
Cumtown is the only podcast worth listening to
I love Eddie's rants but on the recent Fight Companion, he seemed a little more baked than usual to the point where he wasn't even particularly convincing in his "if I can't see it, then it's a conspiracy" conspiracies.