Anti-Trump Aerobics show

Can anyone really argue that liberals aren't mentally ill at this point and shouldn't all be put down for the greater good.

This was somebody's day today.

Leftycuckolds have been

- rectum ragnaroked
- anal assaulted
- o-ring obliterated
- fanny flustered
- pussy perforated
- bottom bombarded
- rump ravaged
- vagina vaporized

Choose all.

They're still alive, so we still have some work to do.

Is this video satire or not?


more like mental aerobics, amirite?

Fuck. These people are fucking crazy.

more like mental gymnastics, amirite?

I'd x-post this to Holla Forums because anons there would like it, but it's just going to get anchored/deleted for not sucking Trump's dick enough. There's a certain level of ass kissing required for each thread and I don't think this meet's their requirements.

Mental gymnastics at their finest.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Did yew know that NOITY FOH PUH CENT of peepol think LIBERRULLLSS are UTTAH FOOKIN MOW-RONS?




That's not how it works motherfucker.

Why are Trump voters so violent and dangerous? Obviously these meek, dumbass liberals are just following MSM fads, exactly like their conservative counterparts, bc that's how the system is rigged…but at least they don't want to kill their fellow citizens. The few Trump supporters I meet these days are so obsessed with killing, it's unreal.


If you're talking about the Trump supporters on Holla Forums then yeah. They're edgy as fuck. If your talking IRL people. Im surprised they still care that much. The election is like months ago. we won ; )

Do you really have to say "anti trump"? As though it weren't the default position? Like saying you're "anti rape", wow, yeah, so brave, so is everyone else except rapists, and who cares what they think?

I live in the US south, some people are extremely violent if you even criticize him.They are unhinged, dangerous people.

Reality is satire at this point.

I'd love some video evidence to back that up. Feeling threatened because you're a manlet is a far cry from some lunatic actually breaking a bottle over your head.


homieee quit chewin baaaaiiit

So you came here to whine about your dislike for him instead? Bad news hun, this isn't your safe space, get the fuck out of here with that BS we don't wanna hear it. Period.

Anybody else starting to get Fed up is these people? It never ends with them…

God confirmed for hipster

She means pop-science and Bill Nye. Scientism.

That's just concentrated retardation, libruls do far worse things than that.


>""science"" confirmed a religion! with no possible way to distinguish it from science…

true, they'd just watch as them die instead tots different..


is this boicunny-kino?? i want this lil cutie so bad.


five star post

What did they mean by this?




not an argument

what did he mean by this

It'll teach you basic economics. But yeah, it's clear the guy has shoved nothing but Holla Forums into his brain without actually processing any of it or forming a coherent ideology with that information.