What are you cunts currently reading? Pic related is what I am on now
Book thread
Juan Murphy
Ayden Cox
You must be real fucking smart, user!
Benjamin Morales
did you just start reading books yesterday or something?
Jacob Murphy
Nolan Gonzalez
anyway reading pics related right now. Would recommend A Voyage to Arcturus to anyone, only halfway thru, too
Lincoln Powell
You guys aren't nice 😓
John Bell
Your shitty thread.
Brody Morris
I dont like reading tbh
Michael Sanchez
Dominic Wood
meme reads
Brody Hernandez
LOGH volume 5: Mobilization (English translation)
Next up:
Anvil of Stars
Juan Hughes
I recently bought three different books, all of them are called Sokrates. I am confused.
Carter Howard
Remaking Society
Robinson Crusoe
Find Out Anything From Anyone, Anytime
Anthony Bailey
Jackson Williams
Nolan Nelson
Jace Kelly
Nice data-mining thread, OP.
Luis Perez
Adrian Harris
Nathan Brooks
Jordan Wood
Holla Forums, have you read Bookchin yet?