Why are Economists despite being classified as sociology or liberal arts so Right Wing?
Economic Right Wing Indoctrination
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because lefties cant into economics.
Well, it depends. I wouldn’t say that Keynesians are right wing, in the American sense. But I will say that economics is barely a real field of study, especially without hard scientific econometrics. And there are fewer and fewer lefties that go into Econ for the dollaz. Economics is belief, and only those who believe in it study it.
Whether you agree with them or not they're pretty relevant when their beliefs are what the most important country in the world was making decisions based on as recently as 2009sih.
Modern renowned economists descend from the Chicago or Australian schools of Economic thought. Look up classical and neo classical economics. Keynsians are seen as the Alchemists of the Economics world and are the reason why almost every modern nation is in heavy debt. The base argument is Keynsians is the future doesn't matter we need to alleviate the suffering of now. Classical economists are against government powers manipulating the economy as all or as little as possible as it does long term damage, due to imperfect knowledge.
I meant Austrian, not Australians.
It's a bit more complicated than that, Keynes is still retarded though.
Because if you UNDERSTAND economics you'd never by be a retarded leftist nigger faggot….ya got that stupid?
user, sauce on the whom?
Economics is pseudo-science created by the Capitalists to oppress the working class.
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>>>Holla Forums
This is what you actually believe…..wow…you're stupid!
oh my god lmao
Because economics is based that resources are scarce and limited, that trade and work are voluntary, and supply and demand is a thing.
I.e. The "oppressed" don't provide anything of significant value, waste their money, and it's their own fault. Not anyone else's.
who's this spunk munk?
because you live in a fantasy
They should really move Economics into applied Mathematics or something. Liberal Arts and "Social Sciences" aren't supposed to have maths in them.
I understand what neoclassical economics are
a : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand
c : having social relevance
How is Keynes not relevant? It continues to shape the world we live in whether you agree with it or not. And pretty much will continue to at least as long as you're living in a country operating in a deficit while still handing out welfare.
Because economics is based on a combination of mathematics, true understanding of human nature example: we WILL fuck up the planet if it means a bigger pay check. And we WILL mooch off of others if at all possible. and cold efficiency. economics doesn't care if you make children in the amazon make shoes for 18 hours a day for the low low price of one cent. That's the most efficient method of shoe making, so we're gonna do it.
And those are three things lefites can't get into.
For math it's because it doesn't care about your feelings. Most sociology/art classes you can bullshit your way though by making an excuse that pertains to the teachers politics. "The reason my sculpture looks like a piece of shit is because it symbolizes the fact that Drumpf is shitting on us all." But that doesn't exactly work with math, math is cold and unfeeling truth.
As for an understanding of human nature, well pretty much the entire basis of lefty policy is based on the idea that everyone is a good person at heart and that the only reason they would act bad is if the big bad boogie man usually christianity, whites, or patriarchy is abusing them and causing them to act out! It's the reason they're so insistent on financial aid too. After all, the only reason someone would stay on government aid is if they needed it, if they didn't they would just stop taking the free money, right? How could the system possibly be abused?
As for efficiency, well just look at my spoiler from earlier.
Very much so, like it or not Keynes won and Hayek lost. Most western nations loosely run on a keynesian style economic policy. Although that is changing ever so slightly right now.
only partially true. They idea keynes purposed was (basically) that the government increase spending during recessions and increase taxes/decrease spending during booms. Only our governments are too retarded to follow through with the "increase taxes/decrease spending during booms" part and thinks that throwing more money at something will always fix it no matter what.
I'm not saying Keynes was a genius but he wasn't AS retarded as you're making him out to be.
also here's some autism for ya
Oh! Look! A thread! About a subject! I'm going to argue with anyone stopid enough to take my bait! Ooooh! I am so edgy! I am so Alpha! Read my words and tremble at the power of my superior wisdom and insight, thou mere amateur flamers. Dare you even rise to attempt to mock me? I fear not your futile childish attempts. Be gone, slight little man.