
Other urls found in this thread:




thanks user.




where is da pic?



Do you even think about what you type, goon?


How am I derailing? It's in the video itself. I'm staying on topic.

It happens every time. Not everyone likes what you like. Get over it.

"I was watching tentacle porn with my kids.
-Kurt Eichenwald


hentaifags btfod by based tucker, how will they ever recover? Reminder that if you waste your seed on cartoons you hate your race.

I'd say it was all me, but it was actually some spergs derailing a good thread.

Nobody is derailing the thread except you and your inability to tolerate a difference of opinion and some lighthearted jokes.

rekt, gg no re

Are you just mad Carlson is right or something?

Holla Forums was right again! Lelz.



Mister Metokur is on the case

You think Kurt wife has a bull irl?


No wonder americans are mongoloids in terms of anything related history and politics


1st of it's "lives" 2nd of all he's not human and 3rd, and most importantly, you're not American so lol who cares what you think.

You just proved my point fam
My bad, but it still is a non-argument from your part
You see cheap attacks and false claims instead of registered evidence, you can't even form an opinion without consulting the chess grand masters at /t_d/
Although that was a little projecting from my part

We are still taking the welfare checks, homie


Full Mong detected

Why would I sage? It's a good thread.

Kurt: I'm telling you, tentacle porn exists!
Wife: No way, I simply don't believe it.
Kurt: Here, to prove it to you I'll look up some fat girls getting railed by black guys.

Kurt: Hey, kids, you've gotta see this creampie. Come here! That's how Jamal impregnated your mom.



anime was a mistake

Someone should recommend him kemono/furry art.

It seems pretty vanilla tbh.

Tucker Carlson better watch himself, I hear Mr. Eichenwald is very litigious.

Doesnt happen in the hentai at all, tags are wrong as usual. Shits actually vanilla



Well what did you expect?


The role of his life.

Idris Elba showing his white wife and mongrel kids male:dark skin hentai.

Can't cuck the Tuck.

this one's just for the cucks

Laugh it up with your shitposting buddies, in the meantime 4chan is flowing at a steady rate of posts with minimal shitposting and thread derails the polar opposite of this dungheap of trolls, racists and misogynerds. I can honestly say that after spending the last few months here the enjoyment of visiting 4chan has been massively amplified, I realize how terrible a board can actually get after lurking here. Bye.


Bye nigger.

But this is news. Europe is a fucking toilet overrun by niggers who worship a meteroite precisely because you are run almost entirely by childless perverts.

This faggot rubs elbows with the leadership of the country and influences them. And he's a cuckold pervert.



It keeps getting better…

lol, Tucker is such a shitlord


To tell a lie like that. Fuck man, nobody is gonna buy that. He'd be better off claiming it was a link he opened off of Twitter or an email or something. Or just own up to it.

The only thing I find surprising about this is Eichenwald wasn't downloading shota manga.

Yeah, that's how people who tell the truth start their sentences.

Here's your pity (you)

Geez Holla Forums, stop being puritan SJWs

The guy sued a twitter user for posting a gif. He deserves everything he gets.

He said he browsed after tentacle porn with his kids.

Isn't that technically sexual abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
How old are his kids anyway?

They're adults. They just happen to talk about japanese tentacle pornography with their mother.

8/tv/ is the promised land. Everything an image board should be. If you can't appreciate that, then you should skip 4chan altogether and back to your original home of Reddit. Some folks just can't take Holla Forums's steep learning curve.

Even with how desensitized I am to porn and gore and all of that shit, even thinking about conversing with my mother about that sort of stuff just seems extremely taboo.

They are jews, they do not have that issue

you should go back and stay there tbh

how is that good?

Do you know what? I will laugh it up with my shitposting buddies. Do you know what? I don't care if 4chan doesn't shitpost. Do you know what? I don't care what you can honestly say. Do you know what? I don't care what you realize. Do you know what? I am an 8ch poster and I always will be, and I am proud.

Bet Kurt was reading this for "research purposes"



You're thinking of cuckchan.

but that guy was really left wing
i can't help but reply to bait im sorry

It's not like there's much else to this board.
As long as you don't get legitimately fucking mad then there's nothing to worry about.
Hell, even then most would probably mistake it for irony.

damn….trumpcucks got fucked up

Who cares if you do get mad, even? Only goons give a shit about affecting disinterest in any and all things. None of this matters.



makes sense

Who the fuck even is Kurt Eichenwald?

He deserves all the shit he's getting.



This is going to be the new
isn't it?

The porn Kurt had on his computer was about as vanilla as you could get

wait, so he had a picture of him having a hentai tab opened?
since when is hentai so frowned upon? it's just porn

I think its the fact that he said he was looking at it with his kids