I browse 4chan and 8ch. AMA
I browse 4chan and 8ch
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I've never seen him on 4chan. I don't browse 4/b/ though.
what boards?
I myself browse /bant/,/int/ and /biz/ but fags who browse 4ch/b/ are cancer and dont belong here
What if you only browse it for shota?
/jp/, Holla Forums, /vn/. I used to browse /a/ and reddit9k but, they are trash now.
Would you fuck Tomoko?
No, Yuri is my waifu.
Do you think this man is an important contributor to society?
still cancer tbh
I lack sufficient information to make such a decision. He could be a brain surgeon or something.
hes a dentist tbh
i see
i browse a few boards too like /lit/, /his/, and /bant/. mainly just /lit/ though tbh
Even if all of that is true, none of it necessarily means he isn't a brain surgeon or something.
the catalog just seems like it's fundamentally missing something without an AH thread in it. wonder what he's up to
I miss AH, he was part of Holla Forums
He can be an important contributor when he's six feet under tbh.
His only income is food stamps and lives with his mom in a shitty apartment.
proofs or you will henceforth be known as a liar
You know he's just sitting around drinking beer and fapping to cp.
based AH
Then he is definitely not an important contributor to society.
maybe system was a better word to use
He made a thread on crap cluster recently. Now it's just a huge pain in the ass to post there, if you want to post images.
can grown jap men fuck 13 yr old girls?
legally? aoc is 13 there
Why dont you try something new and fuck off to Reddit then?
/jp/, Holla Forums, /vn/. I used to browse /a/ and reddit9k but, they are trash now.
Why don't you make me? Soyboy.
i thinks its actually 18 but it is 13 in south korea and ik this bcz there was this man who got a 15 yo pregnant and he was found not guilty