Ajit Varadaraj DOX


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god bless

Lets look at this, right?

Not him, his family.

If you're unironically defending ajit, then i hope you know you're using the "virgin/chad" meme wrong. The whole point of the "virgin/chad" meme is that the virgin is the average guy and the chad is just the most obnoxious, irrational, stupid faggot imaginable who, for comedic purpose within the context of the meme, also happens to get everything his way.

Nothing of value would be lost.

pic related, it's you

Forgot to add youtube.com/watch?v=8uR2rxfJtFY
It's a very good interview

The pic you posted is more reminiscent of (you), you autistic faggot. That kid probably doesn't understand sarcasm, metaphors, hyperboles and the like, so you too do not understand the very memes you use to defend your arguments.

Why his family?

I love how much this based Pajeet triggers leftist retards. Truly this man is the biggest shitposter of our generation

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Back on track, I recommend watching the interview ( youtube.com/watch?v=8uR2rxfJtFY ) it's what convinced me.

Cause they want him to suffer.

Keep doing what you're doing, Holla Forums. Don't complain when you see your torrents get throttled.

I have my fingers crossed!
Fucking retards

Woops, meant for

My torrents didn't get throttled before 12 june 2015, and nor will they after the regulations are gone
Going to keep shilling this interview youtube.com/watch?v=8uR2rxfJtFY
Watch it

You can just see who is a leftist by the way they type.

Are you sure about that, pal? A proto-"Net Neutrality" was put into place in 2005, by the way. You wouldn't have noticed what it was like before then, because the first time you accessed the internet as we know it was somewhere around 2009.

Leftists for some reason have this twisted "Us vs muh establishment!" Complex where they are in this perpetual rebellion mode using feelings over facts and logic

waahhh muh Drumpf killed my internet!
The FTC and Rural Electrification Act already govern the internet and giving the FCC jurisdiction was a pointless waste of tax dollars

You want Trumps Tax plan to work and balance the deficit? This is how it's going to work you retards, trimming Federal Fat while auditing the biggest spenders like the DoD. Maybe that's why so many companies were fucking NN shills.

When was the first time you used the internet and how much did 2005 affect you?

Are you sure about that, pal?
Yes, and if my ISP starts fucking with the speeds of the shit I use, I'll switch and they'll lose out on my shekels. It won't be in their interest to mess with my speeds.

The alphabet tier internet campaigns are very strange too. It's specifically made and targeted for rebellious teen minds. I've seen it everywhere. It's always the same.
I wonder how much money is put into it.

Retarded rebellious teenagers can't vote luckily. I think there are shill campaigns designed to create consensus though. The internet has no age and there are probably underageb& making threads like this as well. These shills know this. By convincing underage retards to go into rebellion mode they plant seeds that trickle upwards to adult voters voting with conjecture formed from a false consensus.

Getting rid of NN only makes sense if there was actual competition between ISPs rather than regional monopolies. ISPs have already been caught throttling bit torrent and netflix traffic.

It broke down fairly cleanly between ISPs and Site owners / internet users.

Pai was a fucking lawyer for Verizon … no conflicts there!

And how much do you imagine we'll save?

Read pic related, seeing more of it as the lefties start dribbling in.

The Rural Electrification Act already has government provisions for broadband internet. Even still I don't think you understand what an actual fucking monopoly looks like

It's conjecture, pure conjecture. And the fact there are so many retards falling for it fucking terrifies me because it really does showcase how many retards actually have a voice. Maybe the internet should fucking die finally, it was a mistake.

This, burn it all to hell.
What actually will happen is the opposite of what the tards say however, lower prices, more people connected. The cancer that it is will flourish.

I would think the best tactic of combating the alphabet campaigns is too show them the campaign itself.

February 2004: After many months of debate about the potential for broadband providers to selectively block or slow some Internet traffic, FCC Chairman Michael Powell, a Republican,calls for four Internet freedomsencompassing net neutrality.
August 2005: The FCC, whilevoting to end regulations requiring incumbent telecommunications carriers to share their DSL broadband connections with competitors, approves an Internet policy statement reflecting Powell’s four freedoms. The policy statement, which does not have the force of regulation, says broadband users are entitled to run Web applications and services of their choice and connect their choice of legal devices to the network.
November 2005: Ed Whitacre, CEO of SBC (soon to be AT&T),complains to BusinessWeek about companies like Google and Vonage. “Now what they would like to do is use my pipes free, but I ain’t going to let them do that because we have spent this capital and we have to have a return on it.”
December 2006: AT&T pledges to maintain a “neutral network” in exchange for U.S. government approval of its proposed acquisition of BellSouth.
May 2007: Comcast broadband subscribers, including networking expert Robb Topolski, begin to notice slowed connections while using BitTorrent and other peer-to-peer applications. The Associated Press, in October, publishes a report of similar results from Comcast's network. Comcast says it's managing network traffic during times of heavy use.
It's a bit ironic that a free internet is leftist, isn't it? Also, i have to call into question. This faggot has probably never lived with a monopoly before in his life.

Comcast stopped their bullshit without the FCCs help you realize right?
Glad you see my point.

Oh no, when i said "this faggot has never had to deal with a monopoly", i meant (you).

I'm glad you see my point then

Pics related is the free market at work. I'm glad to see that the ebul government regulation is finally going away.

I suspect you have genuine, clinical autism, since binary thinking is a sign of autism. Please do not vote

How autistic are (you)?



It's binary thinking and you're using slippery slope fallacies to take things to their logical extremes


You're dense as fuck. I know i'm not the great at conveying everything i say, but can't your brain do a little bit of the work? A conversation is a two-way street, you know.

What did his family exactly do to him?

Why is it so hard to admit you lost an argument on an anonymous imageboard? Why the cognitive dissonance? The cards are right there on the table man if you can't accept you used a total slippery slope there's no helping you

Remember, you are not here to convince your opponent. The opponent is too far gone, and doesn't matter anyway.
You are here to convince the audience, the lurkers of your point of view.
Whether he admits or even knows he lost doesn't matter. Look beyond this political prostitute, see the bigger picture.
Vid highly related: youtube.com/watch?v=Q79yQquKq7M

I haven't "lost" any arguments here. I maintain my point of view. To lose an argument would mean to back down on your own point of view.

Alright you fucks. I honestly want to know why some of you are defending Pajeet’s decision on this. I’m real curious to hear the other side cause from the couple articles I’ve read they said it was a terrible move and that the internet will change for the worse. Which is why I’d like to understand/read your views on why this move will be good for the internet. Doesn’t this mean that internet will just cost an assload of money to use? Along with more restrictions?

Because ajit said that obama and google supported net neutrality and obama and google r bad
Also gubmint reglulation is bad
Also the internet is dumb and everyone who uses it is a retard so it deserves to die

You know what removing regulation entails?
And youtube.com/watch?v=8uR2rxfJtFY , Pai explaining himself.

What if a cereal company decides to make their cereal 100 times more expensive, or makes their cereal taste like pure shit? Are you going to keep buying it, or buy another cereal?
Same principle applies to ISPs.

Read this article to see how stupid anti-NN Kikels are:

Ha! Where I live, there's a monopoly over the entire region.

Now why do you think that is? What changed in 2015? What got those companies entrenched in their positions?
Now that the heavy handed regulations are being mopped up, the market will be free and competition will jump up.

Unless significant expansion and decentralization of Internet infrastructure occurs, those monopolies ain't going anywhere. Why? Because they behave just like any other public utility, and should therefore be regulated like one.
NN was around before 2015 btw, Moishe.

Meant to add that they act the same as any other public utility because they use only one line, and everything is tied to that infrastructure.

Hmmm, really made me think. What did he mean by this?
