This thread is going to be used for Vol/user interaction and feedback about Holla Forums. Not necessarily a meta thread, but something similar.
Let's talk, Holla Forums.
This thread is going to be used for Vol/user interaction and feedback about Holla Forums. Not necessarily a meta thread, but something similar.
Let's talk, Holla Forums.
id's suck. You do realize this is Holla Forums don't you?
You delete legal shit, break your own rules, delete posts complaining about your shit, justify half of it with bad arguments, and then think I'll have something nice to say? Go suck Jim's knob again.
meep meep bring back flags and video embeds tbh no homo
I never claimed you were required to say something nice. Criticism is welcome and taken into consideration.
you suck fat dick
this is not better than 4chan Holla Forums
but it could be
also nigger
How will you solve the CP problem?
Mods need to stop trolling posters.
It is stated specifically in the rules page that mods don't have restriction outside of the stated rules. That means even if we're required to delete CP we aren't being stopped from doing whatever else. Holla Forums has always been like this and it keeps it from being too stale and boring.
I actually really like the current state of Holla Forums and I think it's in a very good place right now.
meep meep keep all pictures of children off my board tbh
That's a bullshit excuse and you know it. If you can break the rules with impunity there's no reason to have rules. And I would have a lot less problem with it if mods were honest about actually just doing whatever they fucking want and following the whim of the day. Don't shit on my plate and call it a steak dinner.
given the choice between your butthole and a cheeseburger, i'd munch your ass. jim is a model of probity and isn't fat or creepy at all. 8ch has always been a champion of free bitches and i agree. make me mod and 8ch will be truly awful forever.
It's not breaking the rules if the rule isn't there to break.
Notice how it says not to ban Tor. If Tor is not banned then the rule is followed. If the rule is broken the mod will be talked to and action will be taken if they keep breaking it.
Notice how it doesn't say "mods can't delete your posts for no reason". There isn't a rule against it, so it's allowed, however I also clearly stated not to abuse it, so if a mod is going around removing every thread and post or bullying a certain user then it becomes a bad thing.
The Laissez Faire system you have set up is not working, Holla Forums used to be the top board and now were 3rd place and sometimes even 4th place against Holla Forums, what was once a good board during hotwheels era is now gutter trash.
here is my five point suggestion to help Holla Forums
We need hotwheels back in the reigns, he doesn't have to be an administrator of Holla Forums but at least put him in the moderation team of Holla Forums, we need back our little cripple and I think he'll be a cultural and authority figure that'll shape back Holla Forums back to it's roots.
2. /r9k/ style filter
pretty much self explanatory, as annoying as it might be it will do good against spammers other than strong arming them with mods that gotta find them out in threads.
What every good imageboard need is original content, I suggest we hold original content events of some sort, sticky a thread and make a competition, the best Original content wins and they get to have the bottom right corner for a week in Holla Forums (like that dancing anime girl there)
4. ID's are good!
the only people that hate them are spammers and faggots, let's keep them.
best way to single out the dweebs with an agenda in any given thread.
before Holla Forums used to have the irc in the front page, this isn't really a Holla Forums thing but a site wide thing, I think having the IRC in the front page will enable users to communicate much more easier I believe having the IRC in the front page will benefit Holla Forums the most.
Bring back flags.
I like this idea actually.
That means you like the pedophiles shitting up the board. That means you like the userbase protesting your decisions by being as obnoxious as possible. That means you like the CP spam. What's wrong with you?
Can we get rid of the dumb "everything I don't like has to go in a single containment thread" rule? I think it's been definitively proven that it does absolutely nothing to curb the CP spam. Also, you might want to get a mod that's awake around 5 or 6 AM EST.
To be fair with you, I agree with you one some points but on others I will have to disagree because I lack control in that area. For example, Holla Forums is mostly full of bots so if they inflate to make it look bigger or faster than Holla Forums I can't do much to stop them, and doing the same thing to Holla Forums is dishonest and I don't want to abuse bans just to make VPN users blow up the number count. I also think that the quality of the board should be more important than the numbers. That's not to say Holla Forums should be "good but dead", but that the experience on Holla Forums should be a good one, even if that experience revolves around the nature of Holla Forums being full of mindless entertaining shitposts.
I can't bring hotwheels back, only he can do that and I hate to say this but I don't think he wants to. If If he were to I would probably even give him ownership of Holla Forums. It's sad. I miss him greatly.
Definite disagreement on the /r9k/ filter. I have had it enabled at times and disabled most of the time and the one thing I have learned in my experience is that it basically shits on any authentic discussion that uses simple language, such as this post , while at the same time almost encouraging spammers to add aDHAFLKERJ3LJALRJA332323@#@$@#$ and other awful things to the ends of their posts. I don't think I can enable it and still enjoy the board. Same reason that the dupe-image filter isn't enabled. There is a lot of content that passes through here more than once at the same time, but its in different places and in different context so I think it should be able to stay that way.
Big agreement here. This is the best thing that can be done in my opinion. I can definitely host OC events and have images/banners/flags added to the board on a regular occurrence.
I also like the utility that ID brings. I can single out a poster in a thread without them using a tripcode. It's very resourceful for threads such as this and can also be used to hide spam until it gets removed if mods are sleep.
Mixed feelings on this one. IRC is great for communication and the Holla Forums IRC was very active when we had a link to it on the front page, however the Holla Forums IRC is absolutely full of the biggest faggots I have ever seen congregated on any place other than… the 4chan IRC.
why would it? cp is banned already. the pedo rule is to prevent them to post their dumb little girls in every thread they post in I think…
You take that back, you fucking asshole.
I don't like you actually.
That's why it was a terrible idea in the first place. Before that rule, the CP spam was contained in a single thread. After the rule, it was spread across the entire board.
Not quite, but with limited tools we have I think we are dealing with it quite well.
Think of it from the bright side, we're faster than the FBIniggers (that are probably the ones spamming it) at removing, and that will only get better once I find some reliable nightVols
Yes because that is how change is and agreements are made. Hence this thread.
I'm enjoying the lack of kiddie fuckers posting their little girl threads.
And this
the rule has nothing to do with cp you faggot
and cp can deleted across the board the mods have a tool for that
if youre so concerned with meta discussion why dont you just make a meta board so we dont have this cancer fagging up Holla Forums?
not with cp spam obviously, because that is already against the rules
this is an image board, not a greengrocer.
best filter is better content. the more you filter the less there is.
we've been saying this for years and all the oc is now on reddit. be the change you promote
this is an anonymous ib. flags are cancer, ids are pox
just die. irc is code for circlejerk. if mods need an off channel it should have strong doors and a hatch in the ceiling
Fair enough. But the point of these type of threads are to grow as a board and help the userbase and the volunteers get along. What all of these threads achieve is making the pedophiles (I'm one of them too) angrier. We like attention and these threads only fuel the fire. You're basically giving us praise by attention whoring.
I don't think he's an FBInigger or part of the alphabets, if he is then he has some strange interactions with people.
Take your fucking time because the CP spammer doesn't seem to care if you get volunteers at night.
Are you fucking retarded?
They're both bad tbh
i have a file full of pics of jim to keep me awake at night. i promise to suck your penis in between shifts and never tell your bf. i'll also give your mom a rest and dox hex. make me mod so Holla Forums can reach unsounded depths and stay there forever
I've only seen 1 or 2 cp pics so far.
Keeping sfw pics of lgs locked up in a single thread is a crime against humanity tbh
Yesterday night (or should I say yesterday morning) there was two pictures of child porn in literally every single thread on the Holla Forums catalog. By CP I mean a prepubescent child sucking dick, exposing her anus and vagina and getting anal penetrated by someone's finger and penis.
Also see this thread
the spammer said he does it for fun and has no specific reason, we can only hope he gets v& soon
I've witnessed it, that shit was disgusting as fuck
Did everyone take stupid pills today?
using tor doesn't imply that I'm a pedo and browse CP sites you nigger
t.orpedo :—-ddDDD
You must use Tor services to check the weather in your area, right? Dumbass.
People still check the weather? Just go outside.
you don't have to use any tor services you literal nigger, I use it for the same reason you use your vpn
using tor is just drawing the curtains before you fug the dog. it doesn't mean you're a pervert
meep meep do something bout pedos who come out of their meadows tbh no homo
I use my VPN to download NN child models and to torrent games, movies, e-books and music albums. It's probably safe to assume you use your VPN for other things, torpedo.
I understand that it's another layer of anonymity but to tell me you're going to use these services just for anonymity is preposterous and highly unlikely. Let me finish off with a question: Who are you trying to convince? Everyone or yourself?
Does anyone have that Virped vs. Torpedo picture?
Mailman here (No board volunteer Tags), if anyone wants to know anything about my moderation style just ask! I welcome feedback
To Dost or not to Dost
My general rule of thumb is that if the image in question would not be in a newspaper or television advertisement It will be removed.
Open legs,upskirts, downblouse, too much inner thigh will be grounds for removal. The exception is for bathing suits. Often I will look at the the body language and expression of the photo and see if it displays sexual coyness. Lowered eyelids with a slightly parted mouth, a lowered head with eyes look up and sometimes a chin over the shoulder. It really depends on context.
Ban vs Delete vs File Delete
Ban is the most severe and is reserved for clear dost violations, CP and spam.
I don't like to post delete as it derails conversations in threads. I use it for tor posts who link to cp. Repeated threads,digital currency ref links, and spam. Not to mention datamining threads.
File delete is my most preferred option for small dost posts as it keeps the thread alive and no punishment to the poster who might be unaware of the rules or who are testing boundaries.
I really try not to ban people for freech when I disagree with it. I used it twice on two people posting shareblue memes but even then it was only 72h.
It's important to me that a soft moderation style be used to curb unwanted behavior rather then outright bans.
to browse anonymously without paying for it. is that so hard to grasp?
pedo accusing others of being pedo, classic. now I get that you're just projecting
I like cripplekike, in the few interactions we had he seemed to be pretty cool, he did a much better job of interaction and management than Jim. Codemonkey is kinda cool though.
Nothing stops spammers, the r9k filter doesn't do alot.
Good concept, but this is Holla Forums.
No. Yes. Maybe.
Yeah that happens, I wish it didn't but that's just Holla Forums, it always has been. I would encourage Jim/Codemonkey/Dysnomia to remove purge them again.
Night in what time zone?
Night in what time zone?
I've made it very clear to you and everyone else here that I'm a pedophile. Your arrogance and the lack of presence of mind isn't my fault.
I don't think I'm projecting one bit. I like how you failed to understand my one question directed at you. I hope you get vanned, torpedo.
Which one, brainlet? The other poster isn't me.
I'm sorry for not being able to distinguish between Torpedos. That really is my fault. Answer my question because you're not snaking out of this, torpedo.
make Holla Forums a 5 page board and enable embeds
Scratch that, torpedo. I've heard enough. Kill yourself for that display of mental gymnastics, you fucking sick piece of shit.
The other poster isn't a Tor poster you fucking idiot. So what question do you want me to answer you obnoxious cunt?
Or day, depending on location. I would say as early as 6 GMT.
How long do you look at the CP b4 u delete it? Do you ever save it to your HD?
Likewise, idiot.
fuck off sarah
Yep, those were the couple pics I saw. Fuck pedos
Works for me
Another namefag attention whore.
Who do I send an email to if I want to be a vol?
mods jerk off to cp before deleteing it.
This is the problem with putting labels on subgroups of pedophiles.
Both the main groups, Virped and TorPedo think that they're above the other. When in essence both of them are viewed as just lowly pedophiles. Both groups try to pick at each others reasonings but at the end of the fay they're still pedophiles.
Newsflash pedos: you're not going to see the day where people are allowed to fuck and/or have a sexual relationship with children. Both Virped and Torpedos can off themselves because you are brothers. Both share the same characterisitics but one chooses to surpress and dick ride society.
dysnomia doesnt give two fucks about disgusting 3d pigs
use either both or none tbh
I'm not from the MET
I can't believe I have to post here to tell you, of all people, to LURK MOAR!
Have you not been paying attention?
Maybe too much to see the changes?
This entire board sucks cock now that you actively sought out the attention from halfchan rejects and filled this place with cuckchan content. Even you have to admit that the only thing that has kept us from turning entirely into 4/b/ has been the pedospammers who drive away normies; but now we masterchan!
It Is YOUR Fault.
That's all I have to say on that point.
As for original content, yes we need it in order to stay alive, but Millenials...
As for IDs...
No one who uses a VPN even gives a fuck; and that is everyone except idiots, so it literally means NOTHING except that you don't give a flying fuck about psuedoanonymous image board culture, so:
This site has been dying for a long time and you obviously can't do shit about it. It is almost dead and there is no amount of word filters and gay-ass css anime bitches in the corner that can save it. We need fresh blood. That does not mean more influx from cuckchan and leddit. We need YOUR Blood, Dysnomia! Sacrifice yourself upon the altar of something you propose to care about -- namely this site. Give up the Board to someone who won't act like such a clown and will actually cultivate new and original content. Admit when you are stagnating like a cesspool, and see how your rottenness is spreading to this board that you say you care about.
t. Eris
Tripfags should just kill themselves.
They do not belong here.
Valid point but at least I'm open to my degeneracy unlike that Torpedo hiding behind 'muh anonymity.'
nuffin wrong with anonymity tbh
>still thinks I'm Daniel from >>>/catscradle/
You're a closet pedophile, dysnomia.
Just admit you're a pedophile.
bring back IDs pls respond
So is this version of Holla Forums a shitposting board or not? Because even for Holla Forums standards, the quality is low as fuck.
Because you are a cunt tripfag.
Dubs do not lie.
oops i mean flags not IDs we already have IDs
it's because we don't have flags tbh
Idgaf. You can both off yourselves for all I care.
This will never stop being funny
we need an option to filter by flag tbh
This. If I wanted to samefag I could easily do it because there's a plenty of open proxies to go around and finding them isn't hard at all.
t. Hex
Off yourself too, moralfag.
I can't believe im saying this, but whatever you think is cuckchan content is actually not that bad. I can't remember the last time I saw a thread on here that was actually interesting, and even now those kind of threads are still hard to find.
You know why Holla Forums has the traffic it does now? It's because of gamergate and 4chan mods shitting up the place, meaning almost everyone on here is a "halfchan reject". Normies =/= Halfchan Reject.
It was never popular, it never had the chance to expand like 4chan did in ~2007. Yeah, its going to die because it's not what 4chan was, which is what most people want, excluding pedos and faggots from other chans that found their way here. This place is repetitive, it always has been, and with the popularity of this place, OC is almost pointless. 4chan is already dead, killed by normies, and now Holla Forums is dieing because we never pulled enough channers when we had the chance.
[tight pussy]
his dox is on kiwifarms
somefag located his bishop too
Best meme
Link or it didn't happen.
Sorry. It was suppose to be for Eris
what do
Pic related: It's the creature that haunts this shithole.
it will stop mexicans and that is enough tbh
Hiding sarah's posts makes this thread better
Fuck off, faggot.
Is this enhanced enough? I zoomed in too, so you can get a better view.
there isn't even a point to doxing me, I have no power here. I have no social media, and I live with my parents. even if i were to get doxed i wouldn't even complain about it because I've been on the internet long enough to know the more it bothers you the more you are going to be attacked. lolcows are lolcows for a reason, and it's because they sperg out regularly. there would be no fun for those who accomplish it besides making fun of how I look, which will be fun for as long as people are willing to make memes I guess?
It's so much clearer now, thanks.
too much tbh
is it raining where you live? it's raining here
fuck sarah
No its 49F with 10MPH wind and a humidity of 19%
2dfags including dysnomia need to fucking killing themselves. Face it you're a closeted pedophile.
wow nice
i am not a pedo
This is what pedos like?
he just doesn't understand that cute=/=young
To be honest, this thread perfectly shows why 8ch is worthless now.
ur worthless tbh
WORKERS should take the following steps to protect themselves from injury when operating or working near compacting and baling equipment :
Never bypass or disable interlocks or control switches.
Keep all equipment guards in place during operation.
Before attempting to clear jammed material from a compactor or baler,follow OSHA standards on lockout/tagout procedures [29 CFR 1910.147 ]:
Disconnect the power from the machine.
Isolate the power by locking the disconnect.
Tag the disconnect to notify others that the power must remain off.
Mechanically block any ram that has the potential to move before accessing the compacting chamber.
Test equipment to ensure power has been de-energized before beginning work.
Locate all coworkers before activating power to the compactor or baler.
delet this
I don't like that but you're a different flavor of faggot, the faggot being pedophiles. You are definitely closeted. All the time spent on imageboards and you're just a 2dfag. Be grateful you're not into pthc or actual child porn because that's a rabbit hole I wouldn't recommend to anyone. I'm into NN child models now but give it a few years and I'll get curious, I'm getting curious with all the CP spam so it probably won't take a few years for that to happen.
You're trying to convince yourself you're not a pedo
my real name is Keanu don't tell anybody
being i have no sexual attraction to children i am not a pedo
Off yourself then, pedo.
lol i just noticed the net neutrality thread is no longer pinned guess you finally realized the whole thing is a sham after all you dumb nigger
Dysnomia does fuck all, I have done more work than him easily. Why the fuck does that faggot get all the attention when I make most of the damn decisions for him? We live in the same house for those who don't know, and even IRL he does jack shit, he just sits and plays SS13 all fucking day.
Fuck off, torpedo.
The pictures of 2D children isn't really helping your narrative.
Oh bullshit, this is another one of your attention whore threads and you know it.
Go suck on a shotgun, you fat piece of shit.
Thanks for the feedback!
only one of these is true
ima let u in on a little secret….. my name? it's sarah
Hex, as a flaming Christcuck, could you please explain your own thoughts on the following matter:
I think it will make this thread more lively and less bullshit even after I already filtered Sarah's drunkenposts.
>kike on a stick
wow tbh
last year for new years i made this image. people seemed to be pretty pleased with the whole thing, and even i'd say its kinda impressive. back then i was mod and had the power to arbitrarily sticky anything i wanted to divert poster attention and activity to it, though. fun fact: no one (that i know of) has found all 4 Us yet… have fun
my question is, would u like for me to do something liket his (or something different like a quest) again this year? i'd really love 2 contirbute to tha commnity :) :) :)) & dysnomia, would u sticky it if i made a thread
Your mental gymastics is likened to the torpedo from earlier. You can pretend all you like but I see through your facade and hopefully others do too.
it's inherent for pedophiles to project their urges onto everyone else
you might pretending that a cute drawing is child porn? it's like you've never seen a real human child tbh
Like I said earlier:
I bet the busty 2D girl you keep posting is 8 years old in animu land.
Usually if someone is accusing you of mental gymnastics they're the one performing them. Save yourself some time and stop getting baited.
love it when my Vol/user interaction and feedback about Holla Forums is answered in a timely manner
for a pedophile you seem to not know much about children
she's like 14 in the series
implying my purpose here isn't to have an excuse to post by responding to anti-2d shills
Egg in ass and ill sticky it
see now that was actual CP and now i feel disgusted and want to take a shower
haha I knew he was the cp faggot all along
Pretty accurate. I don't know why anyone would compare the 2 groups though. They are really different as the article shows. Is there anything specific you would like me to explain?
so the guy baiting me and accusing me of being a torpedo actually posted cp now? what a twisted mind.
hey hex what if i told you kike on a stick lol
no but onto a more serious topic the jew on the pike is not important and you should be one with the black feather cult like all the cool 2d avatarfags (me)
kys 2dfag
No shit. Lurk moar. Half the 'pedos' here are just goons posting to shit the place up. I don't think they have CP laws in whatever mudskin country they live in so they can basically get away with it and change their dynamic IP afterwards.
i love that whatever semantic meaning "goon" had to the internet or gamergate or Holla Forums or w/ever at one point has melted away>>7628033
Many of are actually virtuous pedos though. We would never hurt children or watch CP. We come to Holla Forums for discussion
you are right I should've known when he sperged out over me calling cp disgusting. fuck I'll never take any pedo serously I promise..
Go to a TOR chan for that shit
I am an animephile
that does not mean that I rape 2D girls
filthy normalshits
don't tell me what to do
i would never do that to a 2d girl they are too pure
Maybe the magic underwear?
that was the cp spammer
remember when i used to post drawings here
seems vaguely familiar
For men it's just an undershirt and some boxers with symbols sewed into them. I haven't gotten mine yet, and I don't know all about it yet. You learn the more specific meaning of it once you are allowed to go through the temple. I won't be able to for another few months. What I do know is that it is supposed to remind you of your temple covenants, and the law of chastity. There's more but I forgot. There are people that have some interesting stories about how it protected them from fire and shit. At first I thought it would probably be kind of a pain in the ass, but it sounds like it's more of a pain for women. Restricts what they can wear quite a bit, which I think is good btw.
Oh and here's a video the missionaries showed me if you are really interested.
Christians are anti-European
myt ablets sorta fucking up… i kinda just bought it one day bc i wanted to
You likely would if you could
Glad you asked, Hex. You see, the black feather cult is a congregation of about 100-120 souls existing at any one point on earth as humans. These souls are actually one soul broken into pieces, this soul belonging to our leader, the fallen angel Asaezel. Who's angel wings were stained black when he was kicked out of heaven. Thus why it is called the black feather cult. Now these 100-120 souls are chosen by Asaezel but the recipients of the souls are not always willing like me for example. At first I wanted nothing to do with this but after years of being beaten down by our all father for disobeying i am not a happy prophet of this religious pyramid scheme. Now for the small fee of making me a mod on Holla Forums and rejecting the jew on a stick you can be my servant and apart of the black feather cult.
u suck
People who mistreat their electronics must be hanged.
I'm not a mod myself, and even if I was I wouldn't have that power
Not gonna happen.
This is probably my favorite one. sAVED
Well you're missing out, Hex. Don't you want constant anxiety and paranoia because some BLACKED angel might fuck with you at any point for not doing his edgy bidding and end up working a graveyard shift at Walmart because you've been endlessly beaten down and your life has been ruined by this bullshit? huh? it's great
i have told you several times to stop saving images of my gf pls stop immediately and delete any you have
Including Holla Forums? It's basically my cloud storage for memes.
do it
What the FUCK is that
if dubs nuke Holla Forums
you must realize that these goons and pedos are your future or current volunteers. just ask hex.
it worked out pretty well until that thing that happened
someone has obviously never used the hell shopping network
fuck yes
enable embeds
Do you feel important yet? Great. Go fuck yourselves.
When on my iPad, there's no ability to report. The arrow isn't visible to open the report dialogue. I am I missing something. Can you fix this?
Found your problem
Hey you queer, how long until Hotwheels comes back, this place has sucked harry JimBalls since he left.
jim is a nigger
jim is a fuck sack of crap that has sunk any goodness that h8chan had left. He's a greedy 2chan jew that needs to off himself
this is what Holla Forums has come too, pathetic.
its your crap that caused this you cancerous queer.
hey dysnomia, make Holla Forums a 5 page board, thx
sounds good
Oh please, reddit has more spine then Holla Forums now.
And? Look at Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums everything else, hell even /doom/ dried up and offed itself to other frontiers.
degenerates out
my quest thread has like 18 posts in it, including mine, while shitposts are getting more at a rapid rate, including a thread about the sexlord66/"attention whore" guy. i wonder if anybody wonders why i loweffortpost and don't attempt to contribute anymore.
OP is a faggot.
it's a good thread, but that's just how the board is now. it's why i tried to move my high effort posts to smaller boards. i seem to be homeless again though.
i hope you seriously don't have such niggertier intelligence as to have interpreted my use of homeless literally
Get rid of these IDs, I have to change IPs every time I am samefagging and it makes trolling people more tedious.
No. Nobody wonders why you do that because everybody who is still here posting at all is doing that.
The problem is that more and more people are not bothering to post at all, because nothing is being implemented to discourage the shitposting and to encourage the OC.
Being shitposting friendly is not the same thing as allowing it to flood everything else out, any more than being pedo-friendly is the same thing as allowing it to flood everything else out.
This board is supposed to be "random", which means that when you come here and click on the catalog you should see a wide variety of things. And if you show up a day later you should see a different wide variety of things.
This board has not been like that since Dysnomia took it over, and it that is because he is unwilling and/or incapable of doing what it takes to maintain that.
Further, he has alienated everyone who has ever been willing and able to help him do it.
So now Holla Forums is not a shitposting-friendly random board at all. It is a shitposing ONLY board, with the same dozen topics cycling over and over and over again no matter when you look at the catalog. One week from now, it will look the same. One month from now it will look the same. The only difference will be that the overall activity will have dropped some more. It is too late to do anything about it now.
Holla Forums will remain this way until it is 404 no matter what Dysnomia does now.
Holla Forums is over, and anons are dropping like flies because they have realized how easy it is to find better places to spend their time, and how tired they are of the "all shitposting all the time" channel.
What I have found is that most people don't even look at IDs. You can have a samefag argument with yourself or give yourself "you"s, and even if you are obvious as hell about it only half the anons will even notice. ID's are as pointless as flags, and are just as relevant. Dysnomia says they are useful for mods, but since they change along with IPs I fail to see how that could be.
stop using profanity
t. nigger
im jew
Every singly one of you should be exterminated.
why does halfchan get to decide the rules of the intenet
First cum, first serve. And to each his own, according to his own needs.
and because you aren't making your own rules, and breaking these rules is exactly why this place has been shit for so long, and it doesn't help when a bunch of you fag lords get together in real life
Mods can see IDs even when they are disabled though
yeah, and then the currents mods go and post the IP hash ID / post histories of other anons on other boards
>>>Holla Forums10939274
also, that thread is hilarious if you're looking for a funny read
Any idea which mod that is?
and there are people that thought I was a bad mod
JimmyRustles or w/e his name is
Has it begun?
That actually would have been my first guess. That was almost an entire month ago and he's still mod. Don't know what to think about that.
Why do you hate derp so much?
If he is he hasn't moderated anything in a while, nothing on the first page of the board log which goes back 3 days
Oh, I see. I hope he was ashamed, it was fucking pathetic.
I talk to whoever talks to me. Just happens that you are the most willing to talk to me for some reason.
> >>>Holla Forums10939274
Fuck off shill. I don't don't like the fact that a volunteer did that and posted on Holla Forums but you fuckers shitting up the board is much worse. Having some Holla Forums mods would be a good thing for getting rid of you goon faggots.
Can you enable Tor media posting again?
Only CM can do that and I pray he doesn't.
That makes me question why he enabled it in the first place. If it was a test then we failed with flying fucking colors.
We allowed to post grannies itt, right?
Come on dysnomia, you are a neo-newfag and a 4chan refugee Holla Forumstard, you don't even know what you are talking about.
Ohh, so cuuuuuute. You mean me? I only made both of the 56% threads and the AoC thread and I'm behaving like a real gentleman. Perhaps you are chasing pigeons in the trees? Nobody is shitting up the board except of you yourself. If somebody really decides to shit up your board, all of your 20 mods combined won't help you.
Sooo cuuuuute. You know… I actually like cuties. When I catch you outside I hold you gently but tight and FUCK YOU LIKE A REAL GIRL
Flags are only fun for 3 or 4 days.
this chubby bastard is nutting WAY above his pay grade...
get bent kike.
a sage is not a downvote
This is a sticky too but habit is strong.
its just a pic and that user never said that anti white memes are good , srsly Holla Forumsfags are worst than Holla Forumsfags
Tell him to enable it again since most of the pedos here are virped.
There is no such thing, you deserve the electric chair.
dont insult us
Embeds when tbh
wew getting banned for having an opinion
OK, I'll state my opinion.
You ban people with opinions you don't like quickly, but it takes you hours to get rid of a single CP spammer. You are a bunch of incompetent idiots whose only real qualification is dick sucking. But then again, real shit administration has become a defining feature of Holla Forums, so keep being shit admins I guess.
Meh, Holla Forums is shit now. Holla Forums is dead. Not a big deal.
Well, that's the point - right? It's ok to hate a faggot because he's a douche, and his politics are stupid, but banning or deleting posts is a different thing. The problem with censorship is that it's an unending chain. Because you banned a thing, you have to ban another thing, then ban another thing - Then you start thinking you're a fucking gardener pruning a tree, and this is the point when the mods have actually gone completely insane. It's all bullshit.
Fuck off faggot.
I agree with this tbh
hey faggot why did you delete my entire posting history?
pic related, it's you vol. fucking cuck.
If you don't want to listen to criticism, why make a thread at all? Every time someone brings up a complaint you just say you like it how it is already or ban them.
Granny fag.
volunteers are faggots tbh. even dysnomia D+ my posts instead of deleting a single post that may or may not have contained cp in it. chaos is always a good look for a sticky thread so good job, dysnigger.
it's because the point of the threads are always not about the subject at hand. it's always about dysnomia sating his attention whoring cravings. instead of making a sticky thread recruiting new vols he makes this about the current vols. he'll make that new vols attention whoring thread soon though.
huh. i never posted anything that would break any rule.
except for bullying some faggots in the book and movies thread. which is exactly what happened. fucking faggot vol. this is 4chan tier moderating.
that's the point.
oh sorry I thought you posted a cute girl in a dress or something. carry on.
never did. either someone had cum in their eye when trying to delete posting history or i bullied someone. either way is fucking gay.
That's a horrible point and I don't like you.
what's fishy to me is i haven't seen yoganig do a dost trip in a while. do you think this was another test because i know we failed this one too.
moderating with their feefees is pretty standard here tbh.
Am I a grannyfag too?
i jokingly consider ephebophiles grannyfags but i'm non-exclusive so i like grannies too (not literal grannies).
make Holla Forums a 5 page board
500 pages or no pages at all tbh
in the event of the latter of those two options being the course we decide to go down as a board; a code will be written that randomizes the designation of any threads being posted here to another (random) board on the site. the subculture of Holla Forums will be to scour the other boards on Holla Forums to find recently made threads by other Holla Forumstards
this is the future of imageboarding, this is the future of Holla Forums. this is the future of random
If you keep posting on this board at this point you are doing nothing but shilling for Dysnomia. Over 2000 anons have bailed on this site already. They obviously had no problem finding somewhere else good to hang out at, because they haven't come back. More are following their lead every day, and today I am as well. I don't know if Dysnomia is deliberately destroying this board or if he really is this retarded, and I no longer care. I am not going to add another single post to support his bullshit no matter what it is. I used to be interested in watching this place die, but now I don't even care about that. It already is dead because all the owner does is talk about how it is going to be better…but he never DOES anything to change it. He just fiddles with settings and points his sausage-finger at the users blaming them for not doing his job for him.
If that is the kind of enforced normie "discourse" you enjoy, by all means stay and keep sucking him off.
But I am joining the thousands of non-normie anons who refuse to support this cunt any more.
that is how to fix Holla Forums
See ya later today.
You got to put your Vols, on a leash, Dysnomia. They ban people just for criticizing them
That's dysnomia himself
That ban is cancer and so are you.
dont listen to this fuckwit
do NOT allow fucking embeds
dont bring back flags or embeds.
Worse exists