The future of faggotry

The Holla Forums is dead thread seems to be dead.

But, let's say hypothetically, that we hypothetically we try crowdfunding. And with that hypothetical money we start a hypotheticalchan.

It could hypothetically, be hosted in Pakistan

We just need some mods that aren't faggots and a name

Im straight
I swear

let's say hypothetically you would an hero on the spot

I don't see why starting a new chan would be any different than the 'new chans' already started. They all end the same. Why not try working on developing our own culture and site before splitting the userbase again and again.

Not that that's a bad suggestion but what culture do we have anymore?
Holla Forums's like America now.

Exactly. We need to develop and grow it. 4chan didn't become what it (was) is overnight, it took time for it to change. We have to spend time refining our own community and ensure that what happened to it doesn't happen to us.

Our culture
Or just Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums cultures

Holla Forums and sub-Holla Forums.
Let's use pre-cancer 4chan for example, say 2006 or so. There was a very distinct culture on the site as a whole that you could identify as being 4chan specific culture, however there was also a sub-culture within each board, Holla Forums being different than Holla Forums, and so on.

But the mods

Will they just become everyday inconveniences?

Mods on 4chan were also to blame for it's fall


I'm a faggot

No, no human mods! Harsh automatic deletion rules: all threads (except stickies) expire and are autodeleted in 24 hours since last post. Maximum 100 replies per thread after which get autolocked. Autoban lasting 24 hours for anyone posting over 100 posts per hour. Tor, VPN and Proxy posting fully permitted. Human admin deletes CP, dox, gore, scat and furry, when necessary but won't ban IP's. Admin activity log public.

Suggested name: AutoChan

I can still dream can't I?