Becoming a (((Linux Pro)))

Is there any use in learning about Linux? I've never had any particular desire to actually learn about Linux, other than ricing the shit out of it, typing in some commands in the terminal like inxi -Fxxx and sudo apt-get upgrade, and doing what is necessary to install programs and get them working, or to get other problems fixed.

I am not sure what Holla Forums thinks of as someone who is knowledgeable about Linux. I've been using nothing but Linux since Linux Mint 14. In all that time I probably didn't learn much, because I still get reactions from people treating me like I'm a newfag whose just using Linux for his first time, even though it's been many years.

Am I just a retarded nigger monkey or is there some way that I can actually improve my linux experience by learning... whatever the fuck it is Holla Forums wants me to learn about linux so I become a "linux pro user" or whatever the fuck you want to term it. I don't know if you guys just want me to fingerbang the terminal more or what.

I wish that trying to get things working in linux wasn't such a nightmare.

This stuff that I guess gives me linux cred... stuff I have done.

Do I have to caste more runes in the terminal before I am a linux pro and will not be regarded as a newfag?

Other urls found in this thread:

Holla Forums does not want you to learn about Linux.
Holla Forums wants you to hang yourself off your ceiling fan, OP.

Oh I should have mentioned I know how to use youtube-dl. I guess I could also copypaste all my history of comamnds in the terminal although I don't even have my original computer from long ago when I first started using Linux and every once in awhile I wipe out my OS and start over again just as a way to clean everything up.

Already hanged myself before bro, not from a ceiling fan though. Doubt a ceiling fan could support my weight. Unfortunately my retarded nigger monkey self couldn't get a proper stream going to show you my awesome powers of fucking up suicides.

The fuck is this (h) (u) repeating shit.

hover over it.
h: hash
u: unix timestamp (although it's shorter than usual).

it's how we summon voido newfag. *inb4 who's voido? go suck bleach through a straw.

install gentoo

Dude, I can't die, I am literally invulnerable. I poured a strong acid on myself yesterday that burned holes through my clothing but afrer all that my hair didn't fall out and my skin was ok, I just was abnormally clean and shiny. I have also drank hydrogen peroxide and it did nothing to me, slashed myself up like crazy for about 10 minutes in front of people and it was like my blood just wouldn't run in pools like I would hope it to, so I got on a bike while sopping mess, and biked for a few km hoping that getting my heart rate up n' shit would do the trick, but eventually returned home and was fine, then ended up in a psychiatric ward a few days later. I also hanged myself in the basement before but it made me black out and then the next thing I knew I was on the ground somehow still alive. The demiurge won't let me die and I can't figure out how to plead with him and get him to let me die. I want to get a gun and see if THAT finally does the trick. If it doesn't work, then I am truly invulnerable, and should use my super powers to kill all the jews.

Oh as far as slashing, I've been recommended before to take a salt water bath before, but I don't think slashing is ever going to work, nor lynching, nor ingesting various substances that should kill me, etc.

This is all over a period of a few years btw.

The most recent thing though with the acid which burns through concrete n' shit was just 2 days ago.

Oh forgot the time I tried to keep myself in a non-ventilated room with bleach. Made me feel weird for a few weeks and sometimes gasp and have breathing problems, but other than that, the bleach did fuck all except fuck up the towels around me. Didn't even change my hair colour. I am invulnerable.

post pics

There's a video of me up on liveleak. Go find it. It's titled something like "man slashes himself up with razor sharp hunting blade" or whatever the fuck and has comments about me being a Bernie supporter in it even though I actually supported Trump.

This thread has a much better structure than the last one. OP, I understand that Linux has a bit of a learning curve but I'm happy to offer my suggestions.

1) I personally wouldn't recommend Ubuntu, Debian, or any derivative of the two. You can prevent "dependency hell" by modifying your /etc/apt/apt.conf to not by default install recommended or suggested packages along with what you're actually trying to install, and this prevents most of the circular dependencies that you may run into that you previously mentioned were causing you to resort to a reinstall. I would suggest using Fedora if you want something with an automated installed, Archlinux if you want a somewhat minimal system, or maybe just Debian itself if you look into the apt.conf issues I mentioned. Debian can be a fairly nice system but since they don't update packages as often as Fedora or Archlinux you may be missing out on hardware compatibility fixes that upstream developers (ie the developers of the software themselves) have already fixed. Debian maintainers like to add a lot of "flair" to packages so it's not as pure as if you were installing that package as in other systems.

2) 'man' is your friend. Any time you want to learn how a Linux command works, this is the fastest way of getting the real answer. Doing this enough will help with building familiarity with the Linux ecosystem no matter which distribution you decide to use. Most of the people claiming to be Linux guru's are just long-time users. Repetition is key for learning, though obviously your learning style may prefer something else. My best suggestion is that if you find something that is broken, taking notes on the issue and steps you are taking to solve it will help with both your analytical prowess as well as your understanding of that particular software. If you do fix something, try writing a script that fixes it for you and put it in a private GitHub gist so that you can simply copy+paste it later or at least have some reference material on how you did it last time. Many people will shit on those that have a repository of their configuration files on GitHub but the reason why people do this is so that they don't lose them.

3) Remember that most people here are larping. Take their suggestions when needed, though ensure that you understand what the issue is and why you are making that change.

4) I would imagine most people use Linux because they develop software or are concerned about their freedom/privacy. If you are not partial to this line of thinking I would suggest finding your driving reason for using Linux and try to use it for that purpose. I don't personally do image or video editing very often, so if you have a very particular workflow on software that doesn't run on Linux then it may be important to clarify for yourself if attempting to use alternates is a viable option. If you are making money by using Adobe software, then by all means continue to use the software that pays your bills. Others may insult you for not being as purist as them, but we live in an imperfect world where making money is a driving factor in the quality of life that we live. This may not be personally relevant, and for that I apologize, but this was the better example I could think of where I could summarize my opinions.

5) Try to research your hardware before purchasing it to run Linux. This is something that is rather annoying, but a good example of this is when you buy the latest GPU or WiFi module/card as in many cases the support has not been added directly to the kernel or relevant firmware packages. I do find myself forgetting to worry about this from time to time, and I will admit that Linux runs without issues for me mostly because I'm running a generic Intel laptop with integrated graphics. Intel is rather good at providing Linux support for their hardware and their video driver was one of the first to provide Vulkan support if I'm not mistaken. This is anecdotal evidence at best, but I hope that this gives some insight.

I think I'll stop there for now and check on this thread later on. One thing I would like to thank you for is creating a decent thread that offered some real complaints and issues that you were running into as this allowed me to provide more suitable information regarding my thoughts and suggestions. When people get mad at you for being stupid, try to ignore their insults and simply focus on getting them to provide you with the answer you are looking for, whether that means restating your question in another method or not. If you respond to anything I've raised or have any points you would like me to clarify on I am more than happy to oblige you.


Wow, I spent all that time writing a book and missed all the kys memes. I really wish there were better threads here too, but there's just nothing interesting to talk to you niggers about. Go bump the Rust thread some more with these dank kys memes, I'm sure the "Rustaceans" or whatever they call themselves will be happy to argue ad infenatum about their borrow checker.

Why does it have to be repeated over and over and over?

but why

fuck man, idk. I like to watch retards strangle themselves with plastic bags as much as the next user, but I can't help but express my instinctual desire for the next generation to be equipped to replace us. We need to teach them advanced shitposting techniques, but it's important that they also know when to actually discuss a topic if it could help someone. Even if OP is just shitposting, someone else might actually be having similar issues and come across this post. Maybe these are just ramblings that others don't share in the slightest, but a large part of why I like imageboard culture is that (white) people from all different backgrounds can share their insight, in snippits or off-hand comments, to the newfags.

Maybe conversation is overrated, what the fuck do I know.


Dude what are you talking about? Real reason I uninstall is one of two reasons, either I'm on another distro hopping spree trying out different distros, or another version of linux mint has come out and rather than upgrade I prefer to take the time to clean up my messy folders saving only the files I want, and letting the rest get purged when I reinstall from scratch. It's just an opportunity to let go of all the extra bullshit and rethink everything. Usually I re-rice everything too in a different way after each install.

Also some things break when you just try to upgrade instead of going with a new version of linux mint from scratch. Yeah there's fixes for that mentioned in the forums but I prefer just to start again from scratch. I always keep all my endless downloaded leaks, pdfs, etc. decentralized anyways.

I always get newest linux kernal n' shit btw in the hopes it'll fix things but it never does. If I'm not mistaken, realtek audio devices aren't supported by the kernel anyways, to give just one example.

I just keep them on one of my many thumnbsticks though or on my pastebin account. I have never really figured out GitHub.

When I tried out Windows 10 for a few months I only ever used linux software on there. It's all that I am familiar with.

I always do this and what I find has been people saying everything would be fine and even had the clear on that thing on linux mint's site where it lists all the hardware compatibility shit and when I actually bought the computer there was a ton of problems. I've been rused so many times. It's not even necessarily cutting-edge stuff not being supported. That said I fucked up and didn't look up the individual components, but I never thought I'd have problems with stuff like the audio, thought it would just be with the graphics card and such. Audio hasn't really changed in decades and yet apparently supporting audio shit is complicated as hell and rarely done right.


I'm sorry for misunderstanding but please realize that I have no idea what nonsense is rolling around in your head. You didn't express this in your last thread or here so how am I supposed to know? This is part of point #2 where I suggested to make sure you understand what you're asking and what you're expecting as an answer.

This is the primary reason why rolling-release distributions exist. Linux Mint is shit anyway, it's an Ubuntu derivative and Ubuntu is a Debian derivative, you're getting packages so far after the fact in a re-bundled fashion. Shit is going to break for no good reason, this is the curse of Debian and APT which is what I outlined. I didn't go into further detail, maybe I should have. You have to ADD lines to the apt.conf to disable recommended and suggested packages, a quick look in your favorite search engine should illuminate this for you.

Realtek audio chipsets are most definitely available by default in Linux, and have been for quite some time. Maybe you could run 'lspci' and find out the specific one you're running, then use 'modprobe' to make sure you have the module for it? Most likely this is some Debian/Ubuntu/Mint shit going because as I mentioned, the maintainers like to fuck with upstream packages for almost no reason other than is suites them.


That works. It doesn't really matter how you save them, whatever works. GitHub is an SJW shithole anyway.

I'm not sure if you're referring to how Windows 10 has the Ubuntu core that can be installed, or if you're saying that you use software that is available on linux like GIMP, Firefox, etc. It's not important, but this raises another point of being specific about what the fuck you're talking about.

The Linux audio situation is still a fucking nightmare, and it will be until there is a complete, low-latency replacement for alsa that doesn't rely on pulseaudio. You can use just alsa, but you may need to maintain an '~/.asoundrc' depending on your hardware. If Linux Mint seriously doesn't work with audio in a fresh install, then switch to something else. Fedora + Gnome (which is the default) is probably the least painful transition from Linux Mint, everything just works out of the box. I use Archlinux and Fedora regularly.

Sorry for the jabs, but a lot of this is what most Linux users would call "basic knowledge". I really hope that I'm helping at all and

Holla Forums wants you to install gentoo or linux from scratch.
You won't get better by doing something the easy way. i.e. mostly gui stuff, big buttons and crap.

God Redhat faggots have never stopped being faggots.

Any package based distro can run into circular dependency issues.

As someone who does linux as profession I used to have more issues with RPM than DEB but now I don't really see much of a difference from a sysadmin perspective thanks to YUM.

Anyways, I just want my damned hardware to actually work right now, then I'll find more stuff to complain about (like poor integration of firefox with windows managers) -- as currently non-functioning hardware is my biggest issue.




[email protected]/* */-Studio-XPS-8000 ~ $ lpsciNo command 'lpsci' found, did you mean: Command 'lspci' from package 'pciutils' (main)lpsci: command not found

Idk I probably don't the module for it. Most of the distros I've tried out btw have all been Ubuntu/Debian derivatives.

I mean Krita, Gimp, OBS, Blender, etc.

Only Windjews software I use is Greenshot and Notepad++ but in Linux I'd use gnome-screenshot and Kate or Xed.

Linux Mint always has audio issues on different devices I try it out. I'll go try out Fedora I guess and erase the current OS I got on my thumbstick I use for installing OS's which is right now Ubuntu Studio...

You have to do something useful with it in order to get useful skills out of it.

You'll learn one subset of skills developing software. Or another administering a server or cluster of servers.

Managing packages and ricing your desktop won't do much for your credibility.

Though none of the stuff that anyone really cares about is specific to Linux. You can get almost every useful experience from any unix with a set of core utils.


why would I tell you yes, the more people there are; the more supply, and the less demand

faggot I hate you

Fedora is a meme, no support, big problems. You should use Manjaro, it just werks.

Plus you can use the Arch wiki!

Nice blogpost.


The best way to learn to use a Linux system is to actually use it ;^)
Learn to code [spoiler](yes faggot, we all had to code, even in sysadmin positions)[spoiler], learn to set up database servers and utilize them
Keep your eyes on redundancy, routing, general security and monitoring since those areas are in rapid development

If you really want you could use stuff like SELinux from our (((friends))) at the NSA (pic related), It has interesting concepts behind it none the less

my guess is
10% white
10% nigger
30% spic
20% pajeet
15% slav
15% asian

makes you think

10% white
10% nigger
25% spic
20% pajeet
10% slav
15% asian
10% jewish

Sure thing Rabbi.