This thread has a much better structure than the last one. OP, I understand that Linux has a bit of a learning curve but I'm happy to offer my suggestions.
1) I personally wouldn't recommend Ubuntu, Debian, or any derivative of the two. You can prevent "dependency hell" by modifying your /etc/apt/apt.conf to not by default install recommended or suggested packages along with what you're actually trying to install, and this prevents most of the circular dependencies that you may run into that you previously mentioned were causing you to resort to a reinstall. I would suggest using Fedora if you want something with an automated installed, Archlinux if you want a somewhat minimal system, or maybe just Debian itself if you look into the apt.conf issues I mentioned. Debian can be a fairly nice system but since they don't update packages as often as Fedora or Archlinux you may be missing out on hardware compatibility fixes that upstream developers (ie the developers of the software themselves) have already fixed. Debian maintainers like to add a lot of "flair" to packages so it's not as pure as if you were installing that package as in other systems.
2) 'man' is your friend. Any time you want to learn how a Linux command works, this is the fastest way of getting the real answer. Doing this enough will help with building familiarity with the Linux ecosystem no matter which distribution you decide to use. Most of the people claiming to be Linux guru's are just long-time users. Repetition is key for learning, though obviously your learning style may prefer something else. My best suggestion is that if you find something that is broken, taking notes on the issue and steps you are taking to solve it will help with both your analytical prowess as well as your understanding of that particular software. If you do fix something, try writing a script that fixes it for you and put it in a private GitHub gist so that you can simply copy+paste it later or at least have some reference material on how you did it last time. Many people will shit on those that have a repository of their configuration files on GitHub but the reason why people do this is so that they don't lose them.
3) Remember that most people here are larping. Take their suggestions when needed, though ensure that you understand what the issue is and why you are making that change.
4) I would imagine most people use Linux because they develop software or are concerned about their freedom/privacy. If you are not partial to this line of thinking I would suggest finding your driving reason for using Linux and try to use it for that purpose. I don't personally do image or video editing very often, so if you have a very particular workflow on software that doesn't run on Linux then it may be important to clarify for yourself if attempting to use alternates is a viable option. If you are making money by using Adobe software, then by all means continue to use the software that pays your bills. Others may insult you for not being as purist as them, but we live in an imperfect world where making money is a driving factor in the quality of life that we live. This may not be personally relevant, and for that I apologize, but this was the better example I could think of where I could summarize my opinions.
5) Try to research your hardware before purchasing it to run Linux. This is something that is rather annoying, but a good example of this is when you buy the latest GPU or WiFi module/card as in many cases the support has not been added directly to the kernel or relevant firmware packages. I do find myself forgetting to worry about this from time to time, and I will admit that Linux runs without issues for me mostly because I'm running a generic Intel laptop with integrated graphics. Intel is rather good at providing Linux support for their hardware and their video driver was one of the first to provide Vulkan support if I'm not mistaken. This is anecdotal evidence at best, but I hope that this gives some insight.
I think I'll stop there for now and check on this thread later on. One thing I would like to thank you for is creating a decent thread that offered some real complaints and issues that you were running into as this allowed me to provide more suitable information regarding my thoughts and suggestions. When people get mad at you for being stupid, try to ignore their insults and simply focus on getting them to provide you with the answer you are looking for, whether that means restating your question in another method or not. If you respond to anything I've raised or have any points you would like me to clarify on I am more than happy to oblige you.