Stomach burns

For the past few days, I have been experiencing stomach burns, fatigue and high heart rates at random times. Does anyone know the cause of what's happening?

Additional infomation:
18 years of age
94 pounds
Normally eat fully during meals everyday

(Pic related, that's my stomach and hip)

eat more
your bmi is only 17.2, and that is underweight
you only need to get to 105 pounds

I eat about 300-400 grams of rice everyday, my weight doesn't seem to be increasing at all. Usually I have one bowl of rice and glass of water for every meal in the day.

switch to fastfood then…
I eat a lot of rice as well and I look like a skeleton with some muscle here and there…

Nigga eat fruit/meat/bread/milk/vegetables
Rice has almost no real nutrients or energy.
Water is fine tough, but if you want to get more energy this week drink some juice in between.

Also only rice.. Have fun getting all of those vitamin deficiency diseases like Scurvy or Vitamin A def. there is a reason why poor asians are blind

I'm half Chinese and I live in Australia If that explains anything. I drink soy milk on an occasion, rarely eat any fruit or bread. I actually usually don't buy those products at Coles or anything.

Just eat stuff my man.
I'm a really picky eater and skinny too. Even I have found ways to eat stuff without any deficiencies. Pizza, for example, there is bread, tomato sauce, cheese and even meat if you eat it properly.
But your case of being skinny is probably because you live on less of 1kg of rice a day.
Water is great. Get some meat on your diet.

Post butt then eat more

Sorry if I didn't mention it, but when I eat, the rice is also companied with beef, vegetables or egg with soy sauce.

did you ever get biology in school? energy in is energy out. rice and water have almost no energy in them or vitamines. thats why most asian diets rely heavily on fish, peppers and vegetabels

Just switch to Russian cuisine for a while.
plenty of calories in there.


No shit considering their climate is half frozen

Well, I guess Holla Forums is not the best place to look for a doctor. I am an engineer, would help you if I could.

Use these skin whitening creams Chinese women use, you would be way better.

see a doctor if you're really eating more but not gaining weight. there might be something wrong. maybe paracitic worms. (those can be BTFO with pills, most of the time).

The latter two are minor malnutrition. Do you take vitamins? Particularly b12?

Nice butt but you should work on it

This is the colour of my hand. Greyish/yellowish skin is from me being cold or the yellow tint of my light bulb.

No, I don't take B12 or any vitamins at all.

Start on it. See a doctor if this persists.

It sounds like malnutrition. How much meat and vegetables do you eat?

Well shit I'll remember to book an appointment my doctor to see if I have any parasites.

About 30-70 grams of beef and 5-10 grams of random vegetables.

Can't be bothered tbh

If that's not a typo you need to eat WAY more vegetables. If you're eating that much meat per meal you're fine for B-12.

I know you're a dude so you can stop posting that gay shit already.

Yeah mate I'll remember to stock up on vegetables

Eat at LEAST 450 grams of vegetables every day. 550 if possible. Up to 700 grams is still beneficial.

fuck off. same pics were used for someone who wanted to know how to get buff like 5 hours ago

I'll take your advice up and try do It, Wholesome user

Thank you for everything and the advice, I will be sleeping now. Goodnight.

Nibba, that was me.

Where has this been all my life?

Why not get on HRT and go all the way? You could be are new queen.

looks like you should stop eating so much soy


Is it white rice?

If so you could have some b vitamin deficiencies, white rice depletes you of thiamine which is important. Also possibly folic acid, which might explain the heart issues.

You might as well become a trap.

I don't do any soy besides soy milk

Yes, it's white rice

Holy crap your thighs are literally the same thickness as your calves. What the fuck.

Is that good or bad?

post a timestamp or gtfo