Babadook? More like fagsmakemepuke, amirite?

Babadook? More like fagsmakemepuke, amirite?

Right wing sjw complaining again

Holy shit can Holla Forums just leave. Nobody likes them they have so little introspection they can' t even see anti-fa and nazis are exactly the same


I have never really thought of it like that but thinking about it. Nazi's and anti-fa really are the same people chance predicts what team they play for.

(Checked) nazis are the real fuck ups


Trumpcucks will never acknowledge this

All (You).

It is really quite simple if you think about it. Nazi's are losers and they project their patheticness on to other races/ people.

They can' t handle being losers so they make other people evil.

Best answer tbh

Forgot to add


It is a good feel to see leftism growing on the internet and it's all because of Nazi's forcing their political beliefs down other peoples throats

I thought Lactatia was the new queer icon for 2017?

Right wing propaganda

Sure it is sugar tits. Whatever it helps you sleep at night.

This is why this board needs ID's

I propose another iconic monster, but he is an icon for modern American politics. He is bright orange, has creepily small hands, a mop of frazzled blonde hair and preys upon innocent women under cover of night. His name is Babascoop.

Sudocuck, sudocuck, where's your buck?

I've thought the same thing before but then I realized that it's so easy to tell who the samefag is in these threads that IDs are sort of redundant.

Filter the words Holla Forums, Holla Forums, SJW and cuck. That is all.


This is Kurt Eichenwald's wife. My husband just got a seizure after looking at your animated jiff. We're going to sue your ass. You're going to pay for this, goy.
Signed: My wife

All me


is there really a market for articles about shitty forced memes?

… why though?

Because a certain bara furfag politisperg is upset and feels the need to spam the shit out of Holla Forums with politics.
God only knows what crawled up his ass this time.

Sounds about right.

I always knew he was a fag

Why is a nigger in whiteface a pride symbol?

Well arnt most creeps who hunt little boys at night are fags?


I never saw it. Can it be killed with electricity?

When we finally kill all the liberals there won't be anything left to complain about.


Works for me tbh.

This is the end goal of all rightwing sjw don' t be fooled they want to kill everybody


reported for anti-american terrorism, trumpcuck traitor.



Autoban posters who have reddit and SA cookies, this is all.


Still asshurt that your retarded, subversive, Jewish ideology is getting BTFO everyday? >>>Holla Forums will make you feel more at home.

Thanks for ruining the movie for me, you actual fucking faggots.

Couldn't hurt, telly timey limey.

No, this makes the movie better. The babadook wasn't a manifeststion of the mother's resentment toward her child; it was the ghost of a faggot looking for a little boy to rape. The Babadook is now Pence-tier anti-fag material.

That's a good point, we should meme it.

The title of literally every BuzzFeed article. Doesn't this shit get tired at some point?

More like breakfast nook, amirite?

It's a culture of forced/fake outrage and excitement. Everything is the best thing ever or 'horrifying and toxic'. It's a mix of clickbait trying to grasp normalfags with an attention span of 0.1 seconds and training people to respond emotionally immediately to certain triggers, it's obvious MK Ultra shit but it works well on certain women and low-t men, the more emotionally driven the better


The fags literally chose to be represented by an evil monster that looks like a Hassidic Jew. This is peak



Ayayay, brother, yes! We will burn the infidel in fires of JUSTICE!

Do they do it on purpose or are they just stupid?

They're impulse driven hedonists who don't think things through. That's why they stick their dicks into assholes and get themselves covered in feces. even though AIDs is a thing, they still do it.

Incidents and not thinking things through. Apparently the movie was labeled with the tag "LGBT" for a while on Netflix, that's the originator.

These people are all mental ill, humanity has to get rid of them

There are plenty of people who shit under themselves, don't produce anything notable while generally disrupting the peace and order. If we start killing gays, who's to say that we shouldn't kill hicks, neets, hobos, depressed and what else?


One of my favorite quotes pretty sure it's Michael Moynihan's though