Perhaps it's my fault this happened by forgetting about that bill, but I feel like she's crossing a line. The fuck do I do?
This sucks Cunt
She's trapping you in because she's afraid of being left purposeless when you leave the nest
I suggest you kill her
Don't get a shared account.
Move out.
Visit her at least twice a week.
1. apologize to your mam
2. say you will help her pay off the credit card bill you accumulated
3. (optional) have steamy sex with mam to butter her up and make her receptive to step 4
4. tell her that you're not going to let her have your bank account information, and that you are going to save cash and then eventually move out
6. find a place a good distance away from your mother, but not so far from your job that it'd inconvenience you, and move out
7. ???
8. profit
Why can you not just make your own bank account and deposit your money into that?
Jesus Christ, your cunt of a mother does not have a fucking iron grip on how you live your life so tell her "Fuck off" and fuck off, get an apartment, and go do whatever you want.
I'm already having the money going into my own bank account. I got my first paycheck today. She wants me to have it redirected to a shared account she started for me in high school.
Also I can't tell her to just fuck off. She's old school doesn't believe in filial disrespect even if it's meant well of for my own good.
alright so you can either tell her, "no, fuck you mam" or negotiate with her and say, "look, I'm willing to give you a portion that I believe is far, because you're my mam, but I'm not gonna give you the whole thing. you're crazy if you think you're gonna dictate every aspect of my finances" and then if she gets angry just have steamy sex with her. she'll settle down eventually.
I guess this is as serious a response as I can expect here. Also she's not taking a portion, it's going to a shared account where she can monitor everything I make and everything I do and bitch if I spend too much or even lock me out of it.