
One of these things must be correct. Which is it?


-Advancement in information processing will slow to a dead crawl in the next 30 years, and nothing we try will fix that.

-There will be a global catastrophe that requires all of humanity's resources to cope with in the next 30 years.

-There is something supernatural about organic brain material that is impossible to emulate via computer.



-Computers will achieve superhuman intelligence in the next 30 years, and it's impossible to predict what will happen next.

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don't know
I just want a sexbot that I can fall in love with tbh.

Computers haven't improved in the last 10 years. Won't be surprised when they actually get worse due to people replacing them entirely with phones.

Singularity isn't going to happen any time soon. Moore's Law is no longer relevant. We're living in an age of stagnation, and stagnation will only lead to either the death of Western civilization, and thus the death of high technology; or its revival, which will manifest itself as an incredibly destructive and costly war against the enemies of the Aryan man, in which case singularity won't happen any time soon.

I don't buy the Singularity concept… it's like dividing by half. Computers will get smarter, but people are special perhaps even… (((chosen))) from Above.

The computers will never actually take over; the real risk is omnipotent government surveillance states, not actual AI.

there is nothing special about humans

You see any other sapient lifeforms out here, buddy?

Why you think those are the only options anyway?

dolphins can experience depression, and some times even kill themselves due this depression.
elephants consistently take out revenge on humans after poaching, and even mourn for their dead.
It is both arrogant and stupid to believe humans are the pinnacle of consciousness and intelligence. We have approximately 0 evidence to indicate something can't be smarter then us. For you to say you're the apex of anything, even humanity, may I remind you that you were shit out for clumsy, short-sighted hands of evolution. this kind of human exceptionalism thinking will be the downfall of the species. You're not perfect, you're not even good, you must except that before we can take steps to improve ourselves.

We have exactly 0 evidence that indicates something in the observable universe is smarter than us.

if dolphines and elephants had hands like people, they would do alot more smart shit.

anyway, I welcome skynet. AI or rather the less roboracist term cybernetic intelligence, is always the bro of hummanity. sounds like a dumb assumption. it's not.

>>>Holla Forums11026817

there is deviation among humans tho, yeah, it is among humans, but some humans are smarter then others, so there no reason to think something can't be smarter then humans. Fucking shit, early humans probably had more cognitive capacity then modern humans, due them having to be smart in order to survive.

This proves that the lower species have emotions, not that they have great intelligence (I sure hope I don't have to explain this to you) or sapience (understanding our ourselves, our place within the world).

elephants can recognize themselves in mirrors, and they taught a gorilla sign language

But can the elephant ask itself why it can see itself in the mirror? Can the elephant ask itself why it exists? These types of questions are what leads to science, philosophy and religion: things we know elephants haven't come up with.
So a member of the primate family got taught a hand-gesture language of a higher member of the primate family? Can Koko make a new sign language? Any creature with sufficient intelligence can learn a language: that requires little more than basic memorization of words, SV order and grammatical rules. But not many people can use the knowledge they learn to make a language, to apply the concepts of language into their own synthetic tongue, s'il-vous plait.

might as well murder yourself, homo negroid.

Why are you replying to me?

well, I can see this isn't going to go anywhere, as I am just going to provide examples of animals be able to understand abstract concepts, and you're going to be like not good enough.
all I ask you don't hold back methods of humans improving themselves, and be careful when ANI becomes AGI, because it is going to be able to beat you in every capacity, as it will with all humans, because it will be superior to us.

That's the point, though. Humanity is higher than animals because it thinks higher than they do. I certainly have never heard of a dolphin philosopher, an elephant optical scientist, or a gorilla linguist, while I can find plenty of each profession for humans.
You must think I disagree with you there. I believe humanity has plenty of room for growth and development. My argument is not in opposition to your concerns about the future progress of artificial intelligence potentially upending us, but rather it is in opposition to the idea that animals are, in their current state, our intellectual equals. Based on all evidence, animals are still our inferiors as of now. And at the end of the day, the problem is ultimately we humans are handicapping ourselves and degenerating into lower forms of abstraction and reasoning.


I wasn't trying to imply that they are our intellectual equals, just that the things that make humans think that they are special are shared by other species.
also my methods include gene engineering, and cybernetic augmentation, so, we probably don't share methods.

I understand; animals are a lot more interesting and more intelligent than we realize. In my own case, I'm a guy that loves dogs, and I can see how much emotionality and intelligence are common with dogs, especially with German Shepherds; they're very bright and loyal animals.
I think the main thing that would raise humanity to higher standards would be simple eugenics; remove the worst elements of man, such as low intelligence, debilitating genetic disorders, et cetera, and, I have no doubt in my mind, mankind will be greatly improved then and there. If genetic engineering and cybernetic augmentation help, then I certainly will not oppose such methods.

wtf your right brb getting a Core 2 Quad and Geforce 7 series GPU to play GTA V

Computers improved through improving parallelism and tighter execution pipelines. Just because your favorite Pajeet-developed software cannot take advantage of this doesn't mean the advantage isn't there

Computers don't need artificial intelligence per se in order to use machine learning to come up with new ideas. We're already starting to use Machine Learning to replace business consultants for example. Imagine how powerful that shit will be in 20 years

see, we agree on things
I want to be genetically prefect super human, that can think myself into a being of pure energy, so eugenics doesn't really help me, but it would make me stop worry about the lowering IQ tho

Pretty sure each normie phone is more powerful neuron it replaces


Where is the conclusive proof that elephants have no religion or philosophy of any kind? By what metric has this been confirmed, and who was the Nobel given to for it?


Can you show me a case where elephants engage in ritualized behavior with the explicit purpose of worshipping something? Can you show me a case where elephants ask themselves why they exist? Maybe once we can figure out the thought processes of an elephant can this answer be fully and satisfactorily answered, but for now I'm going to assume the negative on this.

are correct.

Ask a neurologist, any neurologist something extremely basic about a brain: "Where does the central processing happen?" "How are memories stored?" "What is the computational limits or storage limits of a human mind?" "What is consciousness; where does it come from; how does it work?" anything at all, and the answers will be "I don't know". About the only goddamn thing they know for sure is how the brain dissipates heat: a really deeply innervated water-cooling system. Everything else is a huge mystery with only reasonable guesses. We know more about the structure of the Sun, and the workings of a black hole, than we know about the structure or workings of the brain. Physics has mathematically derived nearly all mysteries of the universe, but biology and especially neurology is still a vast chasm of unknown.

The other limitation is purely mechanical. We're already hitting the limits on how small transistors can be made. This isn't a problem with technology or research or funding, either; it's a problem with basic physics. The transistors are so fucking small that any smaller and they won't be able to function properly because of quantum tunneling issues. The heat and energy efficiency issue is also a big problem, because a mechanical computer has no efficient way to dissipate heat like a brain does; hence why the human supercomputer is a three-pound blob of meat running off hamburgers, while the technological supercomputer is a bank of servers filling an entire fucking building running off of megawatts. Everyone likes to talk about "quantum computing" as being this big thing in the near future, but it's nothing more than a distant fantasy. We are no closer to figuring that out than we are to figuring out faster-than-light space travel, teleportation, and sustainable/practical/large-scale fusion power generation.

What we have right now is nothing more than advanced chess-playing "intelligence". It analyzes millions of human inputs and finds the most efficient strategy among them, and very very quickly of course. But by its very nature, it is merely a tool. No AI has any sort of imagination, or drive, or willpower, or consciousness. It will never DO anything on its own; and by this very nature, it cannot exceed human capabilities except in extremely narrow areas with extremely strict rules with systems so simple that humans already have figured them out.

I certainly hope so.

Two words: quantum computers

-We create our own AI that permanently destroys all competing AIs and then commits suicide.

Quantum computers don't mean what you think they mean. He's still a retard, transistor node size isn't any kind of limit to performance, because we have parallelism for that. It's just an efficiency limit

You failed reading comprehension, didn't you? Or were you so excited to post a rebuttal that you stopped halfway through the post to rush to your keyboard, and didn't bother with the rest? Well, aren't you just an eager little child. It's cute; but still wrong.



If you think you're smarter than Eben Alexander little friend, you're simply outing yourself as a retard tbh.

Actually the curve went back down again with the increasing popularity of Apple
