Why is Holla Forums SFW and Holla Forums NSFW?
Why is Holla Forums SFW and Holla Forums NSFW?
Because someone thought it would be funny to imply that the best thing to do here when spamming the board is post porn, I guess.
Holla Forums is full of pure little girls and Holla Forums is full of slutty hags.
Simple. Holla Forums is owned by the bourgeoisie, and Holla Forums is owned by the proletariat, the workers.
We don't spam interracial porn whenever we lose an argument.
This is a Christian commune.
Wow, what a cool post lemme try that
Because Communism is Politically Correct, kinda, and any other type of Authoritarian State is totally thought crime.
In other words, because USSR won against Nazi Germany.
well memed my friend
Being on benefit because of autism doesn't make you part of the proletariat if you defend porky, fam.
Is your PC state owned? If not, you have private property aswell.
God Emperor is a meme. Memes are uhm, ways of communication and making jokes. Not even material.
No one defends porky. Simply we don't willingly enslave ourselves to long hooked nosed porkies to get moral permission to rebel against porky.
By leftypol standards, porky is 120% ok as long as nose is hooked and long. That's why you can't win.
PC is private property. In many firms it is considered as a means of production. You belong on list to be shot by firing squad.
Because we don't consider pictures of white boobs (or gore) to be an argument
it's personal property. Private property is owning something but not using it personally. Things that are private property:
things that are personal property:
I'm pretty sure he's a local pretending to be a Holla Forumsack tho
Accounting considers computers as possible means of production, given it's possible to program with them and work with them.
Toothbrushes are a possible mean of production, a good oral hygiene gives you a better health state and makes you more adept at customer care, thus generating value.
Was refering to computers that are used to post on leftypol, not toothbrushes.
Also refered on how you protected porky like true slaves. Simply because he has long nose
Yes, yes, I know, the jews, we're all jews, you're special because you call jews kikes, yada yada
Also, I'm kind of appalled that you won't consider a tootbrush private property, fam. What if Mao Zedong comes in your house and starts brushing his teeth with your toothbrush? Would you be happy?
I bet you wouldn't, also because there's a zombie invasion or some shit
Is this an unconscious complex with communist famines?
Basically Porky wars are going on. You guys are the best Slaves of Long nosed Porkies, and beg them permission to attack other porkies first.
Folks at Holla Forums go to the Porky that treats them the less worse. Simple as that.
Mister Toothbrush is back ladies and gennelmen
Here to explain to us how communism is literally just sharing things
They would be considered private property when they are owned by an absentee owner who hires employees to use the computers to make a commodity or produce a service. The computer in your house is personal property.
Actually Stalin was a good reality check to Communists.
Possibly killed more Communists than Nazis.
Gave victory to Franco in exchange for Spanish Gold, executed Lenin General Staff, formed NKVD death squads, willing to sacrifice everything to win Stalingrad at all costs, list goes on.
Even Holla Forums is ambiguous on how to feel at Stalin.
So Holla Forums genuinely believes that:
a) they are not an almost entirely bourgeois community
b) literally all of the stupid bullshit they say is excusable as "memes"
c) private property means toothbrushes lol how can u be commie when u own things check m8
It's a potential mean of production. Lots of self employed people use a simple PC.
You can't extract surplus value from yourself. It's still not private property.
a) No. Many of them work, and don't like having "intellectual burgeoise" teaching them about labour. They also aren't wealthy.
b) Stupid is a bad argument, and memes has been around as a coined term from Selfish Genes Richard Dawkins book
c) hurr durr
Your capitalist better off customer can get better end of deal and get the extra surplus value.
What's the issue?
That was absolute gibberish.
You can't extract surplus value from yourself.
You commies don't figure much how trade works, do you?
Extra surplus goes to the Capitalist who hired you. Self employers are often more vulnerable and in weaker negociation position.
Well I have to go soon. In a nutshell:
Holla Forums attacks any porky if needed. long nosed, short nosed, sides with porky who hurts the less.
Holla Forums treats longnosed porkys as their Monarchs, and shortnosed porkys as the evil dude.
No shit. That's why capitalism is garbage.
You don't English good, do you?
You're literally delusional. Holla Forums licks the feet of porky as long as their not jewish, for example, trump.
But my PC does not employ people, nor is it owned by an employer. It's owned by me. Therefore it's personal property, not private, fuccboi.
There are a lot of filthy fucking bootlickers on Holla Forums but for the most part they have the right idea.
Which is, capitalism is good and porky's all right as long as he's not a jew?