I'm bored, and something broke and those websites wont let me hit enter when I search.
warning, these are obviously porn websites. don't use them if you aren't legal age. you have been warned
I'm bored, and something broke and those websites wont let me hit enter when I search.
warning, these are obviously porn websites. don't use them if you aren't legal age. you have been warned
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is your taste so shit tho?
Satan trips says you must pick one or the other.
some people don't like certain things. I can watch whatever porn I want as long as it's legal. I watch normal porn sometimes (most of it is 99% low quality shit and I skip it) but every now and then I watch hentai or cartoon porn. why? because I fucking feel like it.
Satan, you're a shit troll
There's this one video called "Get a life"
You should check it out OP
I never had such a shitty response for such a plain and average but completely normal and acceptable thread before. you are all the trolls, not me. I denounce the idea of satan. bunch of false idol fake ass shit.
nyaa.si click on the FAP button, look for torrents under anime. stop being a fucking pleb. I'm spoonfeeding you so you better be respectful. honestly once you've seen enough you realize how shit and low quality the animated hentais are. go to nhentai.org and look up "jun" that will keep you busy my man
oh wow holy shit. so manga is where it's at. I have been a fool. thank you. can you reccomend other good ones please? feel like alladin. A WHOOOLE NEW WORRRRLLD
good question, I am a poorfag with zero experience. how the fuck do I torrent? is it illegal to just download random hentai anime all over the fucking place? rather avoid. just curious. sorry for asking you to spoonfeed me knowledge.
download a torrent programs, I use qbittorrent. Go to a website that has torrent links, or magnet links. These are constantly being attacked so the best place to find these sites is actually on the piracy subreddit. thepiratebay.org still works but if you're not careful you can click on the wrong button that will download adware virus shit. Be sure to use an adblocker like ublock origins to help you use these sites. rarbg.to is really good for movies and some games. rutracker.org is good for music but you have to make an account in russian, might take a while. Look for what you want and make sure it has seeders and click on the magnet icon usually. The only torrents I've gotten letters for were television shows and newer movies. So basically don't download any television or movies that have been released in the last 5 years unless you have a VPN. You can buy a VPN for really cheap and it's super easy to use. PrivateInternetAccess is legit and good for first timers. I guess that's all I got. Google specific questions for troubleshooting. Torrenting opens up your world, you get to pick and choose exactly what entertainment you have access to, and there are also books and documentaries to watch to become smarter.
Yes mange hentai is superior. People actually make a living drawing this shit in Japan. I will give you a handful of links. nhentai and exhentai use image compression so it's better if you actually download the hentai and use honeyview to fap. Better image quality. I like anal with good artstyle and ahegaos:
BTW you will not get in trouble for downloading japanese stuff. Especially if it's unlicensed stuff, meaning they don't sell it in USA, or wherever you live. No need to use a VPN for anime, manga, hentai, or JAVs or whatever from Japan.
oh thanks cool! I'll personally stay away from the pirate stuff. never been a techy person anyway so not even going to pretend I can ever pull that off, not that I want to or anything.
please post more links? I want to know everything that's good! this is my chrishmsh
You will have to form your own tastes/fetishes or what not. There are a ton of really good artists who draw specific things and don't touch others, and there are even more terrible artists who draw the most niche shit. Do like I did and make an account on nhentai and browse by "popular" and every time you find one that triggers your dick favorite it. Eventually even you will learn some of the artists names if you fap enough to hentai. I don't even touch 3d porn anymore because real women can't do more extreme shit I like. Proxy Paige and Roxy Raye are exceptions.
Anyway keep these artists a notepad or something, and just search for them next time you wanna fap.
Oohira Sunset
sahara wataru
ishigaki takashi
Also you can go on /a/ and sometimes they have hentai threads.
I know you're probably thinking "I'll never become such a weeb degenerate that I'll remember porn artists names." I hope you don't because it's a rabbit hole. I don't even like anime much anymore but I'm still learning hentai, and I'm a nazi! I'm fucked up
that list has niggers in it, kys
You can also click the the links I already posted and in the description for the hentai, click on the artists name. This will show you every hentai drawn by the artists. Every artist has tons of material.
It's actually gyaru. Japan has okinawaians that look pretty dark but are japanese. Also brown anime girls are just white people colored dark, they do not have the nigger noses or the frizzy hair. They aren't niggers.
you made points, but I'll be watching you, faggot
no need friend we are on the same side. I don't even like japanese women who are supposed "honorary aryans"
it also had cheating on it, but as long as there aren't any niggers, it is way less bad
8/10 for the list, good job
whoa nice get, and thanks for the info!
who are prox and ray? they are 18 years of age or older right? gotta be careful because some weirdos here post illegal stuff. what kind of stuff do they do? are they easily found on common porn sites?
I had NO idea that there were dark skinned japanese natives with no black people genetics. never ever EVER seen a picture of a 3d dark japanese girl. I have always seen characters in anime but I didn't know what to think.
Proxy and Roxy do anal acrobatics. They fill their rectum with liquids and drink from each other's assholes. They also do anal prolapse. Pretty degenerate shit but it makes me rock hard tbh.
Oh haha. I understand now.
I'm so confused.