Legitimate Arguments Against Veganism?

Can someone post some real reasons not to go vegan? I'm starting to feel stupid for eating meat, but I think I'm addicted.

Please give some good reasons to not go vegan. I hate those faggots so much…but I think they're right.

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Vegan diet for the most part is good for you. Being a moralising faggot about your diet is stupid. People should eat more greens.

yeah, you'll die unless you take supplements
wow, that was hard

Typical cuckchan style slide format. We had one less than two days ago. We don't need another vegan-slide thread schlomo.


It turns you into a cuck

Most vegans i know ended up being complete nut-cases, i don't know is it because being crazy draws you towards veganism, or there is some kind of nutrient deficiency that drives you insane after becoming a vegan.

In any case, just eat more salad and you are good.

Go research these points:

Also this if you are lazy

I thought that too, but then a vegan showed me this.

Prohibitive attention to your diet, lest you suffer some form of malnutrition.
You have to take supplements like B12, there is little to no way to get many trace nutrients.
Dear god, go life without enjoying a good pork roast?
If how many grass a cow eats really bothers you, ground up crickets for protein.
Europeans are biologically geared for meat, like Asians are geared for roots and veggies.

You replace good old fashioned animal protein with estrogen laced soy. Say good-bye to your healthy hormonal cycle.

Morals are subjective and no amount of retarded hippies gargling the green cock is going to stop the mass-production of meat. Eat it because you want to. Don't because you don't want to. This guy's arguement boils down to "I'm better than you because I eat the environment instead of what destroys it", which is completely fucking stupid.

Also, a vegan diet increase your estrogen levels, diminishs you testosterone by a lot, affects your brain chemistry over time, and overall can make weaker.

It turns you into a douchebag that wont shut up about how you're vegan.

So no one is even going to try to come up with a legitimate argument, then?

Vegans have higher testosterone levels

nothing to do with politics though.

Vegans are retarded because they don't understand that Humanity is the best and deserves to eat all lesser species.

Nope. Go be Vegan if you want to be. It's your God-given right as an American to eat - or not eat - whatever the fuck you want.

Because it is bad for you.

Are you the same veganfag who made every other vegan OP?

Who gives a fuck on this board other than you and why aren't you banned?

I want actual arguments, fucking retards like you are gonna make me go vegan.


I'm allergic to a shitload of commonly eaten plants. I'm still not sure what exactly, but banana and mango definitely cause my mouth to burn. Wheat does too, and then gives me stomach issues for days afterwards. Soy sets off gluten allergies, so I'm wary around it as well. Most of the alternatives are high in xeno or phytoestrogens, which I'm not keen on.

Paleo is the diet for me.

We literally do not give a shit what you eat.

This board is fucking screwed.
How can 3000 people maintain the culture/memes when we're swamped like this?
4/pol/ and 8/pol/ cannot share the same space.

Yeah, you're a weak pussy.

Couldn't this have gone in the cooking thread already on the catalog you dumb kike?

Congratulations you made me cringe IRL. The audasity of you to call someone a 'retard' and then you post the half-breed single parent raised Jason Genova clone, do you know what irony is?

Not an argument. Please use a credible source.

So should we eat vegans then? I mean they're getting all the vitamin from them veggies. If we eat them, we'll their pussy souls and est healthy without giving up on meat!

High estrogen food is bad for you, user.

High estrogen souls are worse.

It's not super healthy iirc

Video is full of sophomoric pseudo-intellectualism and lies.



There have been plenty more. Including deaths of newborns who were breastfed by vegan mothers.

That's not to mention deficiencies caused by lack of nutrients DURING pregnancy, which is difficult to quantify but inevitably present.

The idea that millions of years of evolutionary adaptation to eating meat have had no effect whatsoever, and we can just go back to being herbivores overnight, is ludicrous.

But then, wishful thinking is the leftists natural state of being.

Yes, we are all addicted to food. We need it to live.

That's the problem with, and prime argument against veganism. It's a fucking cult that messes peoples relationship with food up until they feel guilty because they eat.

Secondly every vegan I've ever met looked unhealthy as fuck. Their irrationality and slow thinking might be the cultism aspect more than their diet, but they always look like zombies. Thin and gaunt, low muscle mass and with a sickly pallor to their skin.

That's because you're a weak minded degenerate who lets low effort cultist propaganda convince you of things. Actually you should become a vegan. Don't bother with supplements either.

For shame, user.

I could get really into this but instead I'll just leave you with this.

People were first hunter-gatherers long before farming and herding was founded in the neolithic era.

Ergo your digestive track is darwinistically designed primarily for meat. Humans actually used to catch their game mainly through tracking. Most mammals can't sweat and those that can, can't do so nearly as effectively as humans. That's why the nomadic lifestyle was so important. They would track them until they literally overheated and died, or at least slowed down giving them an oppurtunity to spear or shoot them.

What are you, the sage police?

What if I've seen the terrible effects of this cult first hand and think it's important that people learn about how degenerate veganism is?

You do know it's one of the more heavily pushed belief systems young people pick up in university? Where I live so many young people are brainwashed into this and I can pick them out of a crowd by how unhealthy they look.

But what's worse is how they force this on their children. Little gollum like creatures who adhd around with their 50 allergies and triple asthma.

The whole thing gives me the shivers, and I really believe we can't talk about it enough.

Oh boy, it's this thread again.

Fair enough. Have a bump instead.

And a funny bird to cheer you up so you're not so grumpy.

Plants have feelings and conciousness. You want to be good for animals, yet don't care about plant life. I never understood this about vegans.

Eat a vegan diet then you Vaseline arsed fairy.
No one cares and you obviously already are a faggot vegan or you wouldn't be posting "gotcha!" To every user that posts a study you've seen before.
Fuck off and enjoy your lentil soup you boring cunt.
I'm going to eat twice as much meat all next week just for you.

cheese and raw milk and organic eggs are some of the healthiest foods you can eat as well as lean meat


I've only known one vegan family. The kids were all anorexic looking and the youngest one almost died from some deficiency and they had to loosen up the diet.

eat whatever you want, just don't be a faggot about it

Almost every male vegan looks like a spaghetti-armed weakling faggot.

Are you trying to be a faggot?

When eating meat in a not barbaric nation, at least meat is dead when you eat it, not the case when mauling a fresh veggie. They suffer too.