Other urls found in this thread:
why can't you stop making shit threads
Tribalism > class conscious
Always and forever.
This is like the 6th thread about this
Because you keep touching yourself.
because sjws have already taken over leftypol too. it was over before it even began
It's certainly looking like it.
A recent excess of shitposting =/= they have taken over. If they had taken over I'd have been permab& several times over for making them look bad.
There is literally nothing wrong with idpol, you bigot :^)
They're carving out circles of power they inevitably both weaken and cannibalize, they're authoritarian liberals that leave behind only collapsing systems and power vacuums.
The disease only spreads as fast as its host lives.
dont get me wrong, the mod team is not sjws, I would know since I'm a mod. The userbase itself seems to be mostly sjw. Though, that could just be an illusion. The ircfags spam this place so much they seem like a majority but they are not.
Because idpol plays on subconscious human psychology, not reason or facts, and now the media can bombard us with it 24/7 to make us defensive.
get meningitis immediately
Yeah, they're fairly keen on raping the idpol into the rest of us.
Prickly pls
There is a lot of faux radicalism out there that is basically about accepting largely mainstream ideas and agendas and taking them to another level.
When we had shit like the New Deal, pseudo-Socialists all became interested in a "stronger New Deal" that would somehow lead to socialism eventually. Now that all we have on the progressive side of mainstream politics is feminism, race-baiting and nothing on the field of economics because neoliberalism, this is what our pseudo-leftists take as lead.
I think they're just a vocal minority. I dunno I'm not on here 24/7 but I've seen plenty of good, non-SJW shit. They and the polyps keep continuously trying to invade, but if you give them a taste of logic usually they'll either back off or throw their spaghetti entertainingly.
really? where are they? what do they say?
glad you can finally reach yourself with your mouth, champ.
What's wrong with idpol? Not everything can be about class relations you conservatard
They come from Holla Forums, post idpol stuff and take screens they will post on Holla Forums.
They're too stronk.
Who let this fucking fella in? Who did it?
it's cancerous spoopy bullshit. It's part of what makes polyps so cancerous, because everything comes down to blacks and jews. And muslims. And if you disagree you're a cuck just like one of the white guys in their 3 terrabytes of interracial gay cuckporn that they watch for 'research.'
But if it isn't, their ideology crumbles apart.
how can someone be an sjw while being a Holla Forumsack?
They can't, at least not without more cognitive dissonance than even they've got. I'm saying they both shit all over every boaad with their cancerous idpol, and are both easily offended when people tell them to fuck off.
Check your reading comprehension muh privilege, yo.
All politics is identity politics.
Wrong, how?
Once they destroy their host, they find a new host. Rinse repeat until they've run out of places to setup "Rape Free" zoning.
too many lumpenproles
All me
Because you shitpost about LE ESS JAY DOUBLEYOOS on Holla Forums like a GamerGate autist instead of doing literally anything useful IRL for leftism.
Because Stirner is a bunch of meaningless solopsist pap and yelling spook like a personal mantra can't make zealots atheists, niggers smart or cultures interchangeable.
Perhaps because, despite the popular echo-chamber belief this board holds, that Holla Forums covers a broader scope while this place really is just a torture chamber?
Because there is no hungrier beast than an ego conceived as anything but the creative nothing, which idpol feeds like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Not enough violence
Maybe if you had realized that all the so called marxism, communism, or any radical leftist movement after Mao have been a proxy for the powerful to bring strife to the lower classes and to potentially rob a whole country over if a revolution plays to their benefit, you'd realize that it's just a new approach to "radical leftism".
"The Left" was always loaded with idpol, either in the form of Nationalism or the Style of liberal identitarianism, sometimes both.
The goal posts for what idpol exactly is has to be clear, or else it either runs over previous accurate theory in favor of nothing, or it goes over specifics in class struggle.
Unless you come up with clear boundaries, it becomes unclear what you're complaining about, in degree.
It's human nature.
It will never be.
Loyalties are concentric.
Defend your kind against others. Defend your kin against your kind. Defend your genes against your kin. In absence of the greater threat, destroy the lesser. There will always be an outgroup and we're conditioned to hate it.
This is not an arguement.
Neither is human nature.
Why are you a feminist?
The post wasn't only that phrase. (I'm not even the guy who wrote it).
Because it's cool.
Actually it's human nature.
Why is it cool?
Loyalties are volatile, apostates exist you know.
Because other women are cooler than men
It's not even human nature, it's just nature.
Life evolved in conditions of limited resources.
The ingroup-outgroup mechanism is nothing more than brain chemistry and it exists because it conferred a survival value at some point in our evolutionary history.
Still not an argument.
Neither is nature.
hey Holla Forums there's a big collusion scandal in the gaming industry, big money is involved, and they are the same people poisoning leftist institutions with idpol
SRS is trying to take over a socialism sub by harassing the top mod, let's tell him we have his back
There is big time censorship going on at Reddit, leftists are being hit hard for disagreeing with idpol, spread the word
The exact same censorship is going on at Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia
Holla Forums, /baph/, /cow/, and /gghq/ are forming a cross-site board for all of us to drop our political differences and dig into idpol
Everyone who's ever posted in these fucking cesspools of obnoxious shit deserve to be shot
Are you denying that humans have genetic predispositions?
Because that's an extraordinary claim that will require an extraordinary argument.
Yes I am. Accurately at least.
/baphomet/ used to be p cool when it was just a bunch of nihilistic edgelords fucking peoples' shit up for the lulz and posting pictures painted with blood and posting metal, but it quickly turned into Holla Forums and GamerGate's attack dog. Which is really sad, because fucking with cuckservatives and the alt-right is equally as lulzworthy as fucking with libs.
So much for the revival of imageboard culture ;_;
So what determines what humans as a species look like and what determines their brain structure, which in turns determines their behaviour?
Are you a bible literalist?
I am not denying that genetics influences behavior. I am denying you or anyone knows accurately how that relates to brain function.
Are you a "Bible literalist"? Because, for me, it sure seems you've mistaken science for something it is not. An ideological grounding.
But that wasn't the question.
Either humans do have a 'nature' or you're rejecting materialism and/or reason altogether and there's no basis upon to which argue anything.
And there is a lot more observational evidence from history, ethnology and neuroscience to support the hypothesis that hierarchies and ingroups arise due our natural predispositions than there is evidence against it.
Then I answered your question. Quit bitching.
Not with an argument.
And you aren't arguing because your own argument is incoherent psuedoscientific tripe. You asked why I thought something. I answered.
Either start thinking skeptically about your own argument to create a better one or shut the fuck up. I don't even know what you're arguing about. It's nonsense.
The whole question about human nature versus agency is tough one, we have animals instincts and a brain sufficiently malleable to deny thoses instincts. Where human nature lies between thoses? Is strictly obeying instincts is human nature? Is the behavior of the majority of people human nature? Does that make thoses who don't follow it abhumans?
Seriously how would you define human nature?
Isn't 'imageboard culture' an oxymoron?
wat? Wrong thread buddy?
People who use the term feminazi
Pls go back to tumblr or reddit
It's twitter.
Fuck off m8.
just epic
Ebin memerino comr8.
I wish the mods would make this board nsfw, this thread is in dire need of medication.
t. doctor piccolo
Now, now- citizen brother-sister.
Consider that it's not rad fem but the philosophies of intersectionality people rail against along with arbitrary-identity-politic.
Rad fem is more like topless protests against Islam.
Then you have the prudish types mocking topless women, while simultaneously defending "sex positivity" which, honestly, some of those sermons on sex are stand up comedy art.
I don't use either. Kill yourself.
Even CP isn't strong enough chemo.
I have no clue what you're trying to say here.
If August Bebel existed today, 2/3rds of Holla Forums would rally against him pushing idpol for publishing Woman and Socialism.
Pretty much. This is what happens when you combine Holla Forums's culture with imageboard e-politics.
having xxth thread in x days about it surely shows dem durun sjdubyas, whoever they are
For your next trick, can you get hold of George Washington and asks what he thinks of gun rights and abortion? I'd like to shut some people up.
If August Bebel published ANY of his 19th century work towards Marxism, you would complain about the infestation of Idpol.
He was only one example. You'd bitch out Vladmir Lenin for saying Women were doubly oppressed under Capital.
You could see where I'm going with this, don't make it more complicated than it is. Had you been here in any other time, you'd be complaining about "DREADED IDPOL" where there is and is not idpol. Making it a larger issue than it has to be.
You can just go away now.
Ponder upon your life decisions and come back when you have an actual argument.
Because people keep making the same fucking threads about it.
These topics are all old news. Today, the only news you lot seem to come up in anymore tends to involve Milo "Hail Trump" Yiannopoulos and a lot of little red MAGA caps.
The stormfront board that would have us all shot.
Script kiddie edgelords who are 75% Holla Forums and so still want us shot.
So, basically you're arming idpol, handing them your ass on a silver platter, by insisting on allying directly and openly with some of the worst communities imaginable. And you still wonder why we have trouble taking GG seriously?
Let's clear something up. The moment some idiot started shouting "we don't need PR" your entire movement was fucking doomed. I sometimes hope it was a gawker plant shouting this shit, instead of just some retarded neckbeard. Dying due to spies is significantly less embarassing than dying due to sheer stupidity.
"w-we don't need PR"
Of course you need fucking PR. Holy shit. How do you recruit new supporters otherwise?
What's the point of fighting SJW when you only end up just as delusional in the process? Just as cut off from reality?
Because idpol has the backing of the neoliberal establishment.
Case in point.
21st Century =/= 19th Century. Society changes over time. Women's rights have advanced significantly since then.
If he was referring to the sorry state of women's rights in early-20th century Czarist Russia, no I fucking wouldn't. I might try to split hairs on whether it was really half or 1.5 or something since it's such an overly-broad statement, but I would agree with him that women in the 1910s in Czarist Russia had it materially and legally worse-off on average than men. If he said that about Burgerland today you're damn right I would bitch him out. I don't think things aren't as bad for women here and now as they were a century ago in another country on the other side of the planet. And since when do I have to agree with Lenin or anybody else on everything? And how do you know what either of those people would write if he were alive today?
Actually I don't
Don't oversimplify an issue and then call anything at greater depth than your arguments 'trying to make things more complicated.' And if you want to bark orders at me, you can pay me or fuck off.
Wow, so you can see into my life and everything I could possibly do, huh? It works on everybody, not just long-dead historical figures? Did you just get these powers recently, and that's why you haven't used them to win the lotto or prevent 9/11?
If there is idpol, why do you have a problem with me bitching about it?
Nice vague statement. Care to explain how, or do you feel making more vague, smug pronouncements based on your ESP?
Can't tell if polyp troll or horseshoe theory being borne out.
You haven't read any feminist theory be it from now or 19th century because you honestly believe that these traditions end over night world wide. Clearly not.
thats a strange way to spell "top cutting minds of our age"
Also, they got PR. Sargonites. And then they wonder why it colapsed and noone cares anymore. Wanted to make any real difference? Well.. I guess you should have gone against capitalism as well… But, NOPE! "WE JUST NEED TO FIX IT, GUISE! SYSTEM IS FINE!"
There was not enough leftypol OR 8/pol/ back then.
These boards have political differences. KEK!
Pffft. Marxism is itself idpol, those whom you label by that term are usually just tenth-rate academics who've adopted the Marxist "dialectic" (pffft) to race, gender etc. All, of course, to the practical ends of Social-Market Liberalism.
More ESP, and incorrect.
More ESP. I could be a shill, falseflag or troll for all you know.
More vagueness.
More fiat currency smugness.
equality or political and economic superiority. The former is harder than
the latter. One needs strong girls who grow up to be strong and fierce
women. One needs a sense of what is urgent, including the huge prob
lems of female illiteracy and poverty, both of which take children with
them. One needs food, shelter, health care, and education for women as
well as political rights. One needs a concrete militancy, grassroots organiz
ers, the female practice of cooperation seen in Nazi concentration camps
and Argentinean jails. One needs a nonrhetorical commitment to justice.
One needs the rulership and political autonomy of women: the eventual
taking over of public policy and civil power. One needs fair treatment of
the male minority. One needs to revisit the principles of eighteenth-cen-
tury political thinkers and philosophers with clarity about what is miss
ing: principles and practices that did not speak to the honor and dignity
of women as citizens. Thomas Jefferson and the other U. S. founders did not give women anything: no rights; no freedom; no money; no land.
Neither the American Revolution nor the French Revolution nor the En
lightenment nor the aftermath of the U. S. Civil War (in which the Thir
teenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution
were ratified) dared to hand over rights to women.
pen— rape, for instance— and the development of rules of evidence that
are fair from the point of view of the raped, not the raper. One needs
rape museums to put in one place the cogency and significance of the act
of rape: a story told through artifacts and stories. One needs the deep
study of prostitution as a paradigm for scapegoating.
tals on the outside of their bodies; it is easier for women to hurt men than
for men to get inside of women— except that women don’t want to hurt
men and men do want to get inside of women. One must turn this around:
men must be made aware of their fragility and vulnerability— or is that
what creates male aggression, precisely that awareness, never spoken?
Meh, Apologies for the fucked formatting.
Sauce? Also when was this written?
The former is impossible without the latter.
Would you perhaps like to reconsider the accusation that none of your opponents have read any feminist theory?
Jesus christ this is even worse than the Leftcom shitposter
capcha only comes up when I sage, fuck you Shady Businessman
Why does idpol win?
It's how this appeals to tribalism.
Human beings are descended from primates. Some primates like to group up in little tribes, and then they go around killing out the other tribes. They gang up in groups, find separated members of the nearby 'tribes' and harass or kill or steal resources from them.
For human beings, we like to define those tribes based on social constructs.
You can be a part of the 'female' tribe or the 'male' tribe or the 'black' tribe or the 'white' tribe or the whatever in the current set of fetishes. When a one doesn't exist, humans invent them…
That's why most humans are always begging for some social construct to come by and rob them of their agency, turn them into imprisoned spook slaves. They want to join a spook tribe. The next step is to go to war in various ways and harass the other 'tribes', even though it's a fictitious construction, a fool's game that causes damage just by being played.
Critical race theory would have been lovely… If it had actually ended up criticizing and destructing racialism.
We would have gotten rid of a cluster of spooks, and we would have been closer to everybody being a prole or a bourgie, and then we could have our glorious revolution.
But guess what happened?
The people in it didn't reject race. They became slaves to it. They turned to ethnocentrism.
A 'black' male student who's inheriting 2 or 20 million dollars (at least from the second hand information I was told), was going around a college campus shouting at people how he had been oppressed by 'white' people because of 'white priv-ilege.'
Noel Ignatiev wrote himself that the whole 'white' racial construct was bad for poor 'whites', because it gave them a panacea for their exploitation. They could proud of something despite being poor, suffering and shamed.
But all the movement has ended up doing is shaming and attacking those same people, who had been exploited for generation after generation due to class, which had nothing to do with the 'race' social construct.
But the average person is a spook slave, so this movement it is never going to be about justice, the kind that treats everyone like a human being; it's going to be about going to war, protecting the 'survival' of their spook or to get revenge for their spook. What's good for their 'spook'; what's bad for their 'spook.'
What has happened is critical race theory has led to the creation of a bunch of 'pick s racial social construct that is not white' nazis using passive aggressive techniques and shameless motivated reasoning to wage war with what they see as a competing tribe.
The average person has no immune system against spooks and they have no nuance.
If the SJWs win, then we're going to have a clusterfuck of spooks ruling all the neoliberal countries. And as long as that is going on then porky is going to be free and clear.
Everyone is going to horizontally stratify with porkies on top of their various tribes, and proles at the bottom. And the proles will cheer on their various porkies.
'White' people are going to tribalize from this pressure. If they lose, they won't just disappear but they'll become an oppressed group. The leftovers from the 'destroy the whites coalition' are going to break up and fight each other, because they are still competing tribes. And every individual is going to be oppressed into little spooky boxes defined by their 'race culture.'
Once the common hated 'enemy' is gone; it's going to fall apart.
The motivated thinking is going to be all over the place, and all the tribalists are going to just be living in their own little narrative illusions. Every cruel action they take is going to be justified or a form of spook self-defense or realpolitik.
At worst this could end up in a mass genocide.
When people get tribalized they always get nasty and exploitative.
Socialism was the only solution from the beginning. The only way to solve all of these problems in social and material inequality at the same time without just creating a new set of problems.
…I need a bunker.
Ye, the problem as you can see is 'Murican.
The lack of true political identities has lead to identarian politics.
Since you don't identify as and ideology in the postmodern world we live in, you end up indentifing as "white" "black" "transgender skaven that identifes as a female orc and check your privilage before saying there are no female orcs".
Simply put… IT'S PURE IDEOLOGY! and neoliberalism at work.
At least here in europa we hate eachother based more on nationality than color of skin.
Sadly, getting spooked by people who are different from you is human nature. It needs to be solved by selection. Non-idpolers need to outbreed idpolers, which is unlikely because of strong correlation between idpol and poverty/ignorance/birthrate.
It's a pun, fem.
Saying that feminism is equated to everything from non-issue such as otherkin or non-binary rights or some shit, "out breeding" rational thinking men who are both such things is multi-pronged bullshit.
Feminism, despite having dominant role in the past in our movements alongside other form of rights, is slowly becoming mocked because of the presence of liberalism and the ill read nature of its skeptics on the internet who do not know what it's about.
It's more complicated than this. The real meat of the problem, the real issue, is people speak on the internet on their gut opinion without having been read. Not anything more or anything else.
It's arguably more hazardous than identity politics. If we have no grounding ideologically, if we are not bathed in the material, than our struggle exists on emotions and not strategy.
Can someone cap this post?
It's a pun again.
smh tbh fem
I guess I missed the pun.
fam -> fem
jesus man
No I got that part. I'm talking about
Me too.
I'm so glad people are using this
>7. Informal. to frighten; scare.
I got that pun. I was referring to
That's not a pun, just an opunion.
I know?
Ok. I responded in response to
Where we got mixed up is and you thought my next post was about the pun itself. It was not.
What do spooks have to do with this post other than the pun?
And what does feminism have to do with this post other than the pun? This post seemed to be replying according to a different interpretation.
This post
Is purely about this post
About the hazards of generally using the term idpol as a liberal cudgel without proper analysis of a given topic, or conflating it all under the same umbrella, and saying there's "a strong correlation between idpol and poverty/ignorance/birthrate." There is larger problem with people being less read here than with idpol itself.
Better crop.
Is it about identity? Is it political? If the answer is "yes" to both of those questions, then it is idpol.
You fail to realize you are making this as well into an idpol issue. If you cannot figure where idpol ends and indpol begins, it's a sign you aren't read.
I'm not tho. Reactionary idpolers (e.g. Holla Forums) are just as correlated with poverty/ignorance/birthrate. Probably moreso, tbh. Idpol is as effective as it is because "white muh privilege" and "anuddah shoah" give each other credence to their believers.
Unless by "here" you mean "on Holla Forums" rather than "in this context," the two are very much related.
Where it begins and where it ends is really fucking obvious. You confuse yourself.
Another term is RIPs. fits for both 'sides' of the isle.
I find people who complain about idpol are less read than the people trying to discuss anything vaguely around it.
Do you know what else is obnoxious? People not having been read to a point to give solutions to what they complain about, complaining about the prevalence of idpol on day on this board. There's more complaining of it than there is actual idpol, which wouldn't be a problem if you actually gave solutions.
cool buzzword
cool vague elitism
i can do this too
you disagree? you are a big stupid doodoo head
Damned word filters. w h i t e g e n o c i d e
The solution is to kill yourself.
Yup I know. The meaning might have been lost if I used the acronym in this context though. I'm arguing with a characteristically dense shitposter.
It isn't elitism. It's that in order to discuss this properly and not go to hasty liberal bullshit arguments.
That's not happening.
Cool, so since you are so well-read it should be easy for you to BTFO the plebs with wicked arguments and sick knowledge.
I'm not too inclined to go read then, because so far everyone else has been putting forth some argument and all you've been doing is say "go read muh books" when someone disagrees with your assertions.
I should but honestly? You'd just complain about the arguments I made, that are arguments made throughout the past in these movements, and deconstruct them into making me be an enemy, putting us back into the position of saying that you should have read the material before you generated opinions largely mined from youtube.
That's for a reason. I tried stepping into that water and it lead to me wasting a day arguing.
She's appealing in the name of common humanity for us to surrender first and to spare ourselves from her reigning such terrible destruction upon us :^)
That is exactly what I'm saying.
Truly it is mysterious why one such as yourself would be a feminist.
Buzzwords ITT that have little meaning anymore besides masking vain rhetoric:
Leftypol is pretty boring lately.
Because for some odd reason, culturally, across the world, women are put in subservient positions to men.
She's right, though. No one reads feminist theory here.
Here's a hint: en.wikipedia.org
Nobody reads white supremacist theory either.
Holy wew
The difference between jargon and what you do is that you have to shoehorn it in at every opportunity, a defense mechanism so you don't have to weigh her argument but instead are incited to demolish it.
>nobody reads supremacist
That's because feminists are not supremacists. Feminism = posada St liberty. : ~ )
Pic related.
Because it's fun
Here's a hint:
Yeah, union workers have always been well-versed in feminist theory, and it comes up whenever workers engage in collective bargaining.
also literally what argument
point me to it
i'm thirsting to respond to an actual argument
Wow, you sure showed me (and everyone who reads the thread) what master debaters anarcha-feminists are! This post is very high on content, and isn't just throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks.
Pic related See! No proofs and Monty Python happens! I warned you, but did you listen? No! It's just a harmless wee unsourced assertation!
For somebody so well-read, you sure don't demonstrate much knowledge of 20th century history. Here, I'll explain what I'm talking about because you don't understand the reference and I'm not a stupid impolite dickhead who refuses to explain what he posts.
>There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A. troops from total annihilation: that is the honourable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the presentation of this note.
>If this proposal should be rejected one German Artillery Corps and six heavy A. A. Battalions are ready to annihilate the U.S.A. troops in and near Bastogne. The order for firing will be given immediately after this two hours term.
>All the serious civilian losses caused by this artillery fire would not correspond with the well-known American humanity.
I guess I remembered the movie version, but the meat of the message is the same: "I'll kick your ass if you don't stop acting up and it will hurt a lot, but I offer no proofs of that other than my word that I'm going to be able to. And I have breddy gud reasons to lie."
Although I'm not the Lorax and so can't speak for the board, that is my reply to your assertation of impending asskicking.
Who died and made you king?
This is the real question: How do you stop slimy scumbags, in politics or elsewhere, from using identity as a cudgel?
People who scream "feminism sux" are just taking the bait, though.
Interior semiotics? :^)
Wow, that's such a typical thing for a man to do, you sexist. Go on, let that poisonous testosterone flow. You don't like it when your dominance is threatened by a strong womxn who knows better than you? Do it, get aggressive and "put me in my place." Tell me how much you desire to rape me and all my sisters. I know you want to. A real man wouldn't back down like a sissy coward. Only a weak little queer wouldn't want to rape us!
hahaha oh wow
You mean "raining"
Looks like feminists win again!
Maybe you could start a "Holla Forums reads" thread, starting with Rosa Luxemburg or something. Get people warmed up, before moving onto other topics with women in them *wink nudge wink*
It's pointless to argue back and forth in here. There's going to be too many people bitter about SRS cliques etc. and they'll vent their frustration on anyone using the little anfem flag now. Might as well use this flag instead.
Nah, it's more like
Keep at that psychoanalysis tho. One day you might make it as an amateur psychologist.
Pic related.
Hi Holla Forums. Still as original as ever, I see.
Holy shit lol. Issues much? I can only post one image per post and don't want to spam, so just pretend I also posted a pic of Sigmund Freud looking disapproving. I'd tell you to take your meds but a lot of fymynysts consider even referencing that meme to be raep or something. Also I'm not sure how you expect me to rape anybody over standard TCP/IP. I think if people could physically interact over the internets I'd have been snuck by now for posting that I was sick of you and pol's cancerous samey idpol. So is this like a new technology then or…?
And how do you know I'm male? How do you know I am not homosex? Don't presume to know my gender identity, biological gender or sexuality, stereotyping sinner. :^)
Are you trying to get me to post all my dankest countersignals with your stock arguments, or are you a strawwmyn or what? If you're a troll I'm impressed by your dedication to your craft.
Whoa m8 I was just shitposting because the feminists gave up any pretense of actually telling us why we're wrong.
Likewise, cum stain. Thanks for the empty rhetoric again.
I'm not saying you can't use words, I'm saying youre not even using words.
Ah, my apologies then. Poe's Law strikes again lol. As satire, that post is breddy gud.
Because misinterpretation, strawmans, cliché arguments, non-arguments, rage, posturing, and incoherence can only be met by as much. Anycase, you can stay revisionist.
Words you dislike are still words.
I don't dislike the word bunker yet I just called it a buzzword.
Cool body-hatred. Cum is beautiful.
top zuz
I can physically see your ideology.
This is how I know you're retarded. If you had a legitimate stance, you would answer such things (as you see them) with a calm position statement, backed up with reason and evidence. Because that's all you would have to do to come out of the conversation looking like you knew what you were talking about. And I don't mean "like you were right." I mean "like you knew what you were talking about." If you cared about being right you would be making a reasoned argument, which is the defense of your position. Instead, you have been asserting your superiority in the volume of your readings, which is how I know that your aim is to appear to know what you're talking about. It's the same thing as when a Christfag quotes Bible verses at you to show how much knowledge they have gathered instead of how well they understand the concepts and can apply them so as to have a useful position in a real context. Your behavior here is the mental equivalent of the people who collect a bunch of shit and never throw anything away. You have a shit ton of stuff, but you never use it, even when people repeatedly ask you to.
All feminism ever did was take credit for other people's work. Suffrage for instance was a long and hard-fought battle that only extended step-by-step. Fighting for universal suffrage (and other rights) is a lot older than feminism.
So you admit that you like buzzwords? :^)
Honestly, I don't see why the left has to adopt liberal social ideas. Why cant support for workers' liberation be combined with traditional values? The left is being pulled down by degenerates, ant-whites and numales
You don't dislike it yet but you talk shit about it? Intredasting. Dank image tho, saved.
I agree, and delicious too, faggot.
Not the point at all. Your ideology is shy, thus you use buzzwords to obfuscate difference, to draws sides where there really aren't.
The feminism that can be spoken is not the true feminism.
Answer such things as what? What questions? You've asked me none but asserted that I'm being elitist, and then go around giving me moral/intellectual qualifiers of a good argument (calm, et c) This is exactly the posturing I'm talking about where you post something with no content and instead try to psychoanalyse, try to force the conversation into submission with a false dichotomy, with "like you were right" (as if you're not doing the same thing right now, hypocrite) I'm not even the same anfem, and I don't have the same arguments as them.
I just did. I said feminism is about equality and posadism (we can only be saved from capitalism by destruction and Xyr's will!) and you responded with
See Victoria Woodhull
Mary Wollstonecraft
Simone de Beauvoir
Et c
Only when they make me wet.
And SJW cucks too!!!one!1
too obvious
You were alright until
All of these terms
would make you from far too specific a group, and they wouldn't plausibly lose enough control to out themselves with that much of a cluster bomb. Outing yourself as Holla Forums would work better if you strung people along for a couple of posts before dropping the punchline. The key to trolling is to fool people and make them make themselves look silly. The key to satire is to strike a balance between exaggeration and plausibility.
Your last sentence is just boilerplate Holla Forumsyp ideology, so it fails in the exaggeration department. Your first couple of sentences could pass for a typical conservative who stumbled onto this board by clicking the top bar, so that's not an exaggeration either. Taken as single pieces, either of these would be plausible. The problem is you put them together. Your post as a whole fails to be plausible because the kind of Holla Forumsyp who buys into the ideas in the last sentence wouldn't out himself so obviously, and especially not so quickly. Which means as a whole, you post fails to strike the proper balance between exaggeration and plausibility because it fails to be either to begin with.
There was an attempt, and although you don't demonstrate a grasp of Holla Forums's MO, you do seem to understand their ideology well enough to improve. This post would be a 5/10 if you got rid of the last sentence and a potential 8-9/10 if you replaced it with something like "The left is being pulled down by liberalism," because while that is true on its face, "liberalism" has different meanings to leftists and non-leftists, and you might catch someone off guard with it.
How's it hangin, polyp? You don't look any more pallatable or less transparant after dealing with the other extreme.
Nice non-response. Top-tier taste in monstergirls though.
You'll see joke after joke about how good the old days were when mothers just shut up and craved insemination from a strong pasty white dude, but you'll still blame women for attaching to feminism all the more for it. It's the fault of a woman for appreciating her autonomy more exposed to the dehumanizing gaze of the internet.
Ye, this was a bourgie thing.
Common men were given the right to vote because conscription and women were give it because some bourgie chicks were feeling entitled to voting.
It would take WW2 and the need for women to be the basic factory workers to make the working class say "wait.. I am doing the same shit as men do!".
Except for they had said that before, when it all begun, when the seamstresses started demanding rights and so on.
And now it's all about bourgies again not having real problems and creating non problems because "Some people don't like the fact that I am a man but I want to walk around half naked in clothes that were meant for women! They are not allowed to have an opinion!".
tl;dr Bourgies ruin everything.
Agreed, but I dont think people here believe that
What sites are you visiting???
Your objection?
The ones we're on.
>NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL >>>/gulag/
I'd rather be in a gulag of all women than argumenting all day trying to find which egg shells to step on to appease the feelings men have of being understanding all the time.
The people you loved about all of this, that we're founded on, loved the idea.
You're more our enemy here than our friend to be honest.
Opinion discarded. Men were given the right to vote, or made it rather, because they owned property.
It was more like
Yes that's exactly what it was about. You've been read so well to take the liberalism of political movements even back to 1919.
>n-no you're the one who can't handle their emotions
good lord
I'm gonna start using this flag too now.
When did I ever talk of emotions
do you actually believe this shit? are you so bourgie that you've literally never heard of rent?
right here
>I'd rather be in a gulag of all women than argumenting all day trying to find which egg shells to step on to appease the feelings men have of being understanding all the time.
A) Who are you.
B) Why should I care?
Am a Leninist not a Feminist or a Masculinist or whatever.
My only enemy is the bourgies. No matter what "gender, race" or whatver ID.
this thread is trash
Yeeee… The field workers and factory workers owned property… suuuuuuuure…
You never were about finding a solution, just bitchjng about the solutions that other people already found.
It is the new shitposting flag. Suck it swastika!
Are you so bourgie that you call yopurself a leftist despite clearly never read anything about the subject beyond Tumblr, MSNBC, Huffington Post, and image boards?
Yep I'm not changing that opinion.
Someone more immersed in all of this work than you lot are.
Because you don't give a shit about what you believe.
Communism goes beyond wealth, though it is the most significant part. Once wealth is dealt with, we have to figure a way it works. It takes a hilarious ammount of naivety to say all people and creeds will get along with once wealth is equal.
You must establish ways and strategum to counter the ideas embedded in our culture, largely of the past, in order to combat Capital fully. It can grasp on to all your fears and turn you against what we believe.
Likewise you've bitched more about non-existent identity politics here more than I've ever actually posted.
I just got here.
You're also not the only one who just learned of this world view, there are plenty of others similar her.
Most identitarian conflict is caused by discontent with material conditions, so improving the latter will slowly erode at the former. Racism is one of the most obvious and prevalent examples of this.
This shitposter boils down to We have to focus on the superstructure, not the base.
At one period of time it was. We're living in a time where the argument is more important than the topic.
As much as I say, fucking just goddamn fucking read the material before you post. Most older material is wrong in this regard. Post-Cold War, the nature of the game is largely changed.
However here, this is agreed. Though it is more complicated than that, in these generalities.
Yes. Communism, if it indeed possible, must come at terms of washing away the past and what we believe, even what we currently believe. This is such a change that relying on our current conceptions forever instead of analysis will do us in, in that hypothetical time
I'm gonna go drink more wine and and finger myself instead of wasting a day arguing
Well, it did create Thatcher and Hillary… BATAM TSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Ye, ok, you're bourgie nomenklatura we got it, but who are you as a group?
What? … You don't tell me what you think I believe yet you know I don't .. give a shit .. what I believe.. .. there is something wrong with your syntax.
Ok. First of all, that's why we have Socialism. Second, WHAT "OUR" CULTURE??? Do I as south europa have the same culture with japan and 'Murica?? Or do you mean.. ZE PATRIARKHY! The patriarchy is gone with capitalism. Family and so on don't need socialism to be abolished. Material conditions will abolish them. Now, if you need an Ideology to fap to, cause you can't focus on dialectic materialism and so on, that's another thing.
Well.. It seems to be the main focus in US and the reason the left is not taken seriously.. and I could argue, the reason Hillary might get elected and ruin the world… But what do I know? Am a Cis White Male! I should check muh privilage!
… An exeption…
You could be doing that all along, but you have the need to prove your ideology right … to yourself I guess.
I missed you, Greek-user. Right?
And according to Holla Forums, you're not even white anymore.
Less points in the muh privilege scale, I guess. In some way, a victory.
The soviet union was a failiure, tankie.
I come from the advocate of cars launched into tver. Or, c.l.i.t.
Largely you're assuming things about me that are not because you are incapable of analyzing things clearly or properly.
You're distracting me more by being fucking wrong.
Culture today is becoming more and more homogenized you know what I mean.
Can I drink tequila out of your belly button and give you spankings?
You're a lesbian separatist now?
You can drink tequila out of my belly button only if you call my Mommy during
No spankings though my butt is property of mine mistress
women for the seperation of lesbian moms
Fuck I'm on my phone. Me autocorrected to my because I'm drinking too much wine
I meant call me mommy don't call my mommy.
I WAS HERE ALL ALONG … but am not using the flag cause people don't like it.
Well, seeing the way feminism is going, you should know best. I mean.. You have a class of intelecuals spweing theory mixed with shameless propaganda that only they realy understand..
You don't give me enough to analyze. Sorry. If you shitpost I'll respond by shitposting.
Well, I say you are wrong, you say I am wrong.. in the end we are only doing dialectics wrong.
Yes. And the antithesis is the rise of fundamentalism and the alt right. And your answer to that is "MORE THESIS! GIVE ME MORE THESIS!". And then you complain about people being mean.
WHAT DID YOU EXPECT??? If you're gona be radical you'll get radical responce.
You Reap What You Sow.
You sow winds, you'll reap hurricanes.
Can we have a freud cigar, please?
SHIT! Wrong flag!
You better be serious about drinking tequila out of my bellybutton
I am. The no spanking is a bit of a letdown but tequila is tequila.
I'll do both.
As long as you whine mommy to me like you're my adoptive son you can do whatever tf you want with my belly button
Kek. You projected your emotions onto us back here
Then I called you out on it here
You asked where you brought up emotions here
And I showed you here
And now you're trying to deflect like I was arguing something else here>>765852
Truly a masturdebator.
It's not about wealth in the first place, idiot. It's about class. They are not the same thing.
So you're into role playing? Could be pretty hot.
Thanks for yet another strawman and a post without content.
I'll own your cock eventually groucho poster.
You excluded the ones who didn't own property (most of them) by referring to the property owners as "men".
This is the point that was being made in that post.
No, you're missing the point completely. Women were excluded from voting because they weren't allowed property, which I mean land by.
Protip Holla Forums, this is what you're going to be sucking cheap tequila from.
Sometimes I feel like people need a Stalin around, so someone can slap you around when you fat forever alone Holla Forumsers can remember that adopting idpol is literally doing what has been killing the left since forever.
Seriously though, you're more idpol for not accepting your true self.
So were most men. If not by law then by circumstance. I was not missing your point.
Sometimes I feel like people need a Hoxha around, so someone can slap you around when you ad homing, patriarchal Holla Forumsers :~] can remember that revisionism is literally doing what has been killing the left since forever.
All women > most men
Absolute > particular
Ok fam.
Yeah, those few men who could vote definitely had the interests of the other men in mind more than the women who were part of their class.
Reposting from another thread prove me wrong
The social justice movement is a direct consequence of the failure of marxist "theory". Basically jewish marxist (((intellectuals))) had to abandon pure economic determinism and focus on the superstructure because the revolution was not happening and the living standards of workers were rising every year
Yeah those women could definitely vote…oh wait.
Oh those slaves could definitely vote….oh wait.
With that level of reading comprehension it's no wonder you're a feminist. Poor men didn't benefit from rich men voting any more than poor women did.
That which can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Poor women didn't benefit from rich men voting any more than poor men did. Rich women didn't benefit from poor men not voting any more than rich men did. Rich men didn't benefit from rich women not voting any more than poor men did.
What evidence we are talking about philosophy and social science. Identity politics were a response to the failure of pure economic determinism. SJWs are an integral part of leftist movements at least in advanced capitalist countries.
Now that's what I call irony.
Hello Americanocentrism.
Tell me more about how the living standards were rising after the 80s and how nowadays it's not all about "degenerates VS woman haters" because "PRAISE THE INVISIBLE HAND".
Stopped reading there.
All politics is identity politics.
Now that's what I call a boring post.
Identity =/= Class =/= Ideology.
The "it's all about identity" is postmodernist neoliberalism.
Can we get on with it, or are you gonna keep going till we all accept you GLORIUS THEORY?
I meant they were rising in the 19th century exactly the opposite of what (((marx))) predicted. Instead of allienation and immiseration greater prosperity longer life spans better health and education etc.
Read Marx, Mr. Marx.
The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, that each time ended, either in the revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
That quote has nothing to do with class equaling identity.
But now we need to differentiate between slaves apparently.
You've been asked this before, and I saw no response from you. Nothing at all. You were asked how you can sit there and yap on and on about feminism and how oppressed groups deserve their own voice in the movement apart from the identity of the workers, and yet don't support every identity within class.
So I'll ask you again, how can you not support a group focusing on men's oppression under capitalism? If feminism is a legitimate movement, why is something akin to MRA's looked down upon?
If you respond that you don't support a movement representing men or ANY other group under the sun, you're a fucking fraud and a hypocrite.
I, and I think the people of this board don't support ANY identity groups other than that defined by relations to the means of production. But if you can support a separate identity focus for women, how can you not support EVERY single identity focus?
You should read Marx.
Just quoting two lines of the Manifesto is not enough, honestly.
Because class isn't an identity.
Prole and bourgie are just social tools to bring around a revolution. After the revolution, they don't make any sense. Nobody can be a bourgie. Everybody is a prole. Even being a prole becomes meaningless. So, what's left is everyone is just free to be themselves. That's the point. Our goal was to follow a pattern to eliminate idpol in the first place, and use its last gasp as a tool to overturn capitalism.
And all these just … HAPPENED!
It's not like there had to be constant strugle by the workers or anything…
Also "building craftsmen in southern england". You people and your infografs..
But she wants to continue be a woman comrade. She wants the freedom to hold onto an identity she never even chose, but an identity that chose her and now has its claws deep in her psyche.
That's kind of a bullshit, graph, user. I feel like quadriplegics are slightly less muh privileged then the average person.
"I may be a coal miner, but I identify as petit bourgie and I demand you respect my transclass and check your privilage".
Poor people didn't benefit from rich people voting. They were both proles and had nobody to vote for them. No shit.
Rich people benefit from poor people not voting. OK.
How do poor people benefit at all from some of the ruling class not voting, when all of the voters are ruling class?
Where did I say this? Workers can have identities, such as white, black, cis, trans. But this is not what makes them workers.
Such as? Again, where did I say this.
I do support MRAs. Again, where did I say this.
See above. I still agree with Marx on what you posted.
They are also social tools that ready the other, bringing about their "common ruin" as Marx calls it.
The rise in real wages in 19th century Britain is well documented autist.
Not before the 1850s. Also believing that the le evul White make capitalists were "forced" to make concessions is against orthodox (((marx)))ism
The you agree that class isn't an identity, and thus politics is not about identities.
Keep up the good work, dear!
oh wow, you sure got me there, user. my mistake
Can you apparatchiks please keep it to modern left theory instead of squabbling over things which are hopelessly out of date?
This place is not a fucking apparatchik hq, but supposedly edgy left board, ie keep it to modern "gods" Yanis, Slavoj etc topics.
Not a fucking marx. His ideas were applicable in his time, but todays world is very, very different.
Or is that a heresy?
i did one of these
Saying that class isn't an identity is not leftism because Marx is outdated?
Zizek, Varoufakis, both Marxists, agree on this topic.
"I may be bourgeois but I identify as a job creator and demand you respect my capital investments, check your labor privlegs."
But class is an identity lol. In rejecting both arguments of the ‘death of class’, and the increasingly minimalist positions of class traditionalists, a newer generation of class theorists have transformed the scope and analytical framework of class analysis: inflating ‘class’ to include social and cultural formations, reconfiguring the causal model that has underpinned class analysis, and abandoning the notion of distinct class identities or groups, focusing instead on individualized hierarchical differentiation. There are problems with transforming ‘class’ in this fashion, although the difficulty lies not in the departures from traditional class theory, but rather in what is retained. The uneasy relationship between older and newer aspects of ‘class’ within renewed class theory means the wider implications of inequality considered as individualized hierarchy (rather than as ‘class’) have not been fully explored.The debate on class identities (an important example of this new form of class analysis) illustrates these difficulties, and shows that issues of hierarchy extend well beyond issues of ‘class’.
Well.. He is richer at this moment, isn't he?
So, you mean, as profits rise, wages have to rise, or else the workers will not have consumer power?
Hmm.. I wander what could go wrong if instead of wage raises we gave them credit…
What about the rest of the world then? Britain was the economic center.. .. also, what about prices? how did they raise? Inflation?
If you want us to have a real discussion, bring something more than infografs. This isn't pol.
That is identity.
No, that's the equivalent of "Don't call them niggers! The PC word is People of Color. This way you can be racist without being racist".
Class still isn't an identity.
Stoped reading right there. Go to plebbit with your postmodernism and your neoliberalism. :^)
You just copy pasted this soc.sagepub.com
Which is a fucking abstract. By pic related. Really? Is that all you've got?
You were praising your own knowledge of theory, and all it comes down to is a bourgeois intellectual.
Nice shitposting.
So we don't call them proves because the PC word is workers? This way you can be classicist without being classicist?
Mathematical/logical identity is not the same thing as sociological identity. Stop equivocating.
That's not what (((marx))) predicted. Real wages for the unskilled were supposed to fall to subsistence level and real wages for skilled labour were supposed to fall (joining the ranks of the "proletariat") eventually causing a revolution.
Real wages rose in all advanced capitalist countries
I said real wages you double digit IQ mongoloid
Will also ostensibly tell you the same the Holla Forums says about idpol. It's a coopted topic by neoliberals and identity politics as espoused by "SJW"s has very little to do with actual philosophy of identity (see slavojs talk about how trans bathrooms discussions is just ridiculous).
Just drop it, it makes no sense to sub-divide economic classes on this axis, when the primary axis of toxic power in this world is money. Deconstruct the enemy, not the oppressed. If you want to talk idpol, keep in mind how it relates with burgeois class interests first, then maybe start with how it relates to idpol.
The current world order imposed on us by neoliberals, not fucking racists (who are showing up out of woodwork gaining power as reactionaries to neoliberal sjw (!) agenda, too).
Also, this thread is about coopting, so I'd be interested in hearing deconstruction of neoliberal sjw agenda, instead of just cheering em as allies when they're anything but.
I know, it was pretty low effort. I'm not really in a setting to do much but copy and paste.
Not really. At most I said leftypol didn't read feminist theory. But I'm pretty stupid yeah.
Whose labor did she exploit? Oh, it's just an ad hom.
Nononono!!! The PC word is "Employees".
Glad to see you get how neoliberalism works.
Also, if I didn't know better, I'd create a conspiracy theory about how we are having you and your IDPol posting at the same time as Holla Forums is trying to "Debunk" socialist economics…
"Ye hear that lads! Real wages have increased! We can die of tuberculoses better now!"
What the are talking about? All I said was that class is not an identity. How am I sub-dividing anything?
Slavoj and Yanis will say the same as Holla Forums? LMAO. Alright, this is too much shitposting for me.
These were my posts
reposting because I fucked up the linking
Full blown retard. Yes people were poor before the Industrial Revolution because there wasn't any accumulated capital and the productive forces were not developed. Doesn't mean that real wages weren't rising throughout the 19th century. Holy shit dumb fuck.
Oh. No, I'll probably just fuck off soon enough because I can't seem to learn from my mistakes nor make the right mistakes. Still this idpol vs economic determinism/material just pushes me more to the former, finding tragedy between two rights, discord not overcome in knowledge but despair.
But niggas = niggas too :{
Shame on an idpol that try to run game on an idpol. Feminists wild with the trigger…
Never said that. Merely pointing out the identity axis is pointless and not really the key at the moment (ie its a bait topic).
I was mostly addresing the other poster who equals (economic) class to identity, which is what coopting in this context means, and somehow managed to mention marx to back this argument.
Holla Forums loves idpol. They call themselves identitarians in their post-ironic social media bios. They well and truly believe that Tumblr is trying to remove identity from society, which is not an exaggeration or a joke
Note how Tumblr thinks the exact same about them. It's what makes them a perfect duality.
Dude fuck you this polite lad offered to suck tequila off my belly button while he calls me
Mommy. it's a legitimate offer. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't speak to me again
By that logic, the great depression should never had happened OR before WW1 noone was poor…
Can you also define that "allowing for unemployment"? Did they have social security in the 19th century? You'll then tell me there was no child labor and Dickens was full of shit!
Also, epistemologically speaking, classification becomes the tool identification.
Symbolic violence is violence wielded with tacit complicity between its victims and its agents, insofar as both remain unconscious of submitting to or wielding it. :(
Not sure if [i]remove[/i] is proper interpretation here. More like center around.
Indeed both /pol and tumblr are identity agendas, just opposites in that spectrum.
All of this sans the post-irony. /pol realizes pretty well that they're reactionaries. For them to grow, they need to [i]react[/i] to something.
It's almost as if neolibs were intentionally planning the rise of trump. It's a conspiracy theory, but if that's indeed the case, tumblr idpol will be discarded and replaced by far-right (white-christian,nazi) identity.
Might be worth it for left to re-coopt it at that point, unless it is not completely "discredited" in public opinion.
Your "identity" as a woman is something that will determine (or not) your role within society. And it is not materialistic, as it is a spook that you yourself accept and promote. "this man has black identity, as he wishes this to be the characteristic that will define his life. He chose the identity and acts according to it. If he so wished he could act differently".
You choose to act as a woman and do "womanly" things. Society may be trying to enforce them onto you, but it's up to you to accept them or not.
Your Class as a prol or a bourgie will determine you role in reletion to the means of production. You can be a prol that likes classical music or a bourgie that likes the worst pop trash. Class is not an identity, as you cannot "choose" not to behave as a prol. You cannot choose not to go to work AND not starve. You cannot choose not to have chains. They are there. Materialism =/= identity.
Why are all these people poor? Why don't they choose to be rich?
Maybe identity (instead of class) based affirmative action and handouts will help. This will totally not activate reactionaries in the ranks of their counter-identity.
Why identity? Because #yolo, class=identity. If you're black or woman, you're poor or something.
through the revolution we will bae
That sounds like a bourgeois threat, and besides how do you explain NEETs?
This seems like a Butlerian argument for performativity, and lends a little credence to the Tumblrised 50 genders and whatever which I think can prevent actual transgendered people from getting their proper treatments. I'm not saying I disagree with it (you, and Butler, not Tumblr), but it can go into both hands.
Couldn't this be said of economic class too? And I find it hard to believe that one has no agency in determining their class. There's even a phrase that describes entrepreneurs as such, rags to riches and et cetera, though income isn't the thing that determines class exactly…
Yeah, just look at this poor plus-sized woman of color.
For it was the approaching dawn that held him in its spell, that 'promise kept each morning' that the earth, along with the town and his own person, would emerge from beneath the shadow of the night, and that the delicate glimmer of dawn would yield to the bright light of day…
Holla Forumsack here, thank you anfem bro, you are my greatest ally!
You manage to cuck the whole board of letists!
Both you and Holla Forums don't like me.. :
Yes, but you stay on Holla Forums and shit up this board for us!
Then I am the hero leftypol deserves but not the one it needs right now…
If only some leftypoler would actually spank and gag me to get my shit together, that would be dreamy…..
I would do anything for you, anfem bro, as long as you stay on Holla Forums forever!
You have my support, my uber alles!
I dont think it is the case of #yolo 'let them eat cakes'. Class oriented measures would equal to socialism (bernie). That's ideological casus beli (sup, bernie) in the US, so they sought other route.
And they cherry picked sizeable, but not complete subset of the poor class. Slavery and patriarchy had no stigma of communism (plus could be conveniently tacked on the back of civil rights movement of the 60s).
The white male reactionaries from same poor class are suddenly butthurt they'll not get the handouts is just unintended consquence of well intended, but half-assed measure.
However that it achieved stark proletariat divide is omious, and indeed might hint this is not just mere uninteded consequence at all…
What do you want, anfem bro?
Do you want to talk about Touhou, anime and other media?
I will humor you, I will be your loyal partner!
Wanna talk about patriarchy and the male gaze? :~)
Male gaze is a cancerous reactionary movement that objectifies women, it makes healthy women ashamed of themselves by having toi look at those shuddersome skinny fuckdolls with big tits and round asses.
And worse, the patriarchy is all about male gaze because they are shuddersome authoritian!
In an ideal anarchist-communist feminist society when the patriarchy is dismantled, everyone can be fat and proud!
Dworkin, Scapegoat, 2000
Too bad heart disease doesn't give a shit about identity politics.
Anarchist marxist society would be so free and technologically-advanced (now that science isn't chained down by capitalism and petty bourgeois!) that everyone would be well-fed and healthy, no matter their shapes and sizes!
anarcho feminist communist society would solve heart disease in the first week
Yeah, everyone would already be dead.
Well, after everyone with 'education' muh privilege has been sent to the gulag, nobody will be around to diagnose it.
Muh ideologies
I'll do it if you're a qt brown grill who is down with getting creampied and cuddling afterwards
Let X denote a linear space over the field F. Then there exists an element 0∈A such that for all a∈A, a+0=a. Moreover, 0 is unique.
Proof of uniqueness. Let 0 and 0' be two such identities. Then 0=0+0'=0'.
Comment. We generally denote 0 in boldface when there is risk of confusion with the zero element of F.
On every linear space A, we can define a mapping I:A->A such that for all a∈A, I(a)=a
it's theory
How can one enjoy a revolution and be fat? I feel like they'd sweat and subsequently stink up the place…
Communism isn't worth it if I am enabled to eat to no end, or it isn't worth it if I have to look at fat bitches all the time, or even half the time…
Well I do love a good trope.
And yes, obviously the fat guys in the revolutionary army will be pogues.
You're such an attention whore. I bet you're a really fat guy with a small dick. I'm not buying this cum guzzling sex fiend persona of yours. It's one hell of a little autistic story you have going here. I hope nobody falls for the ruse.
Oh my god, I'm triggered!
No gods, no masters and especially no HEALTH NAZIS!
There's nothing stopping a fat guy with a small dick to be a girl, sinner!
Gender is a spook! Stop getting spooked by patriarchial norms!
Because it's not easy beating stupid. Every loss of theirs they will call victory.
Focus entirely on identity politics of the left and not the right. Please.
They might not be hard science, but they're a hell of a lot more rigorous than whatever shit you dredge up from tumblr.
No, you don't. You just have different instincts. You think you have all this free will because you choose not to give into "animal instincts", but that choice itself is part of human nature. People in aggregate behave extremely predictably.
Not anarchaposter but ive got a pretty small dick and i still wear tighty whities
pls bully
I'm not sure it's SJW, but it does seem like there is an interest group who are invested in making sure that leftypolacks stay firmly put here and don't try to venture out to either carve out space in Holla Forums for left politics or take on the idpol dogma of /r/anarchism and /r/socialism moderators.
everytime someone from there posts asking for help there's always these vague posts that seem to say a lot about why we shouldn't do that, but when examined seem to have no arguments at all.
We need to make Holla Forums the base and move out into Holla Forums /r/socialism and /r/anarchism to carve out spaces there.
We are just preaching to the choir here.
If you really think that more internet activism is what you and your ideological group needs then you're just as bad as those people you criticise.
Moreover, no one gives a shit where your internet niche is.
P.S. This is a SFW board.
I'm not saying you are wrong about the interest group. I see tha same tendency lately, though I think it's because everyone else is falling and we are rising on Holla Forums.
If you start liberating pol, you'll have 10X the amount of shitposting.
Leave pol be. There is no saving them.
Now, plebbit, you could TRY to comunicate with. But tell me more on how long you'll last before you get banned.
But, sure. Go on and try to carve out a space in r/socialism. It's your ban.
Gross. It winked at me lads. Get this thing away from me. I don't want to be raped and murdered by some fat neet. I think that's in my top 10 worst ways to die.
No thanks. I like being bullied myself preferably by an older authority figure like a teacher or boss.
You better not shill on r/socialism. We already have enough of those assholes lurking here. You are not helping anyone. All you're going to do is bring another wave of shitposters.
That's right fuckboy. Before the patriarchy came into existenc, humans were asexual blobs. My gender studies professor told me.
Are those two even salvageable?
You're like
the worst poster here I think. Worse than the french shut in nazi.
I'm not even fat. I weigh like 120 lbs. Also I work in retail, so NEET is no.
I don't use a flag or trip. How would you even constantly know my post? The post accusing you of being a man has been my first interaction with you in this thread. I doubt you know who I am or that I'm the "worst poster" here. Obviously the worst posters are either you or n!x. You little attention whore.
What's wrong fatty? Did I hit a nerve? I don't buy that for a minute. You're always posting it odd hours. I bet you have a piss jar and everything neetboy.
Because you talk like someone who sucks.
Not the same fem flag. You're thinking of the person . Why you want to figure out the identity of anyone here is beyond me, but it's honestly pretty annoying and you should stop.
The more you talk this fucking annoying the more it's being cemented you're the worst poster here.
No it's you.
Of course/ /r/anarchism even has a built in 'democracy" they have a metanarchism where if you've been around for a few months you can
make any proposal you like, including to remove a moderator or change rules.
There's a few rebel boards like /r/leftwithoutedge and /r/worldleft but they are mostly dead as it's hard to get things going.
NEETS are mostly lumpen, most can't sustain the neet lifestyle eternally, and even knowing that one can theoretically do so, one typically sees it as a dull dreary way to live. The NEET is an anomaly in that they'd rather be unemployed, with minimal living standards (unless supported by wealthy beneficiaries) but not have to stress about being oppressed at the workplace. Also, Groucho didn't threaten you, he just echoed the bourgeois.
except that tumblr claims that the 50 genders are real, material things. They don't so much say that gender is a non-existent spook, as they find the gender binary to be a social construct. The problem with their line of thinking (If I may sniff Slovenianly) is that it doesn't go far enough and abolish psychological figments as fiction.
True, society does encourage one to "pick yerself up by yer bootstraps" and become the porky. But that changes your material role in society. If I identify as black, no matter how hard I work for it, even if I get plastic surgery and experimental melenin boosters, I won't have african ancestry and dna. Prole, lumpen, bourg and petit-bourg are relationships and societal functions. Not identities.
A woman, for example doesn't have to get married, have kids and look after the house, or fill any role whatsoever in order to be a woman. That only describes a specific subset of husband wife relationships, and I mean, there are swingers, polygamists, spouses without kids, and so on, and it's something that either partner can choose to walk away from.
No, he's right. It's you.
You know…I bring my phone to work.
The rest of your post is…surprisingly…
I think that we just have a difference in our definitions of the self, you know, the relation that relates to itself in the relation by the relation.
Otherwise I agree with your post.
If you're talking about that last thread you were arguing with like 3 anons and a few tripfags and flagfags. There wasn't just one poster. Your ideas are extremely unpopular around here. I don't know why you're surprised.
Nope it's definitely you.
No they were insults. What's there to even argue? There is just much proof that you're a fat neet as there is that you're a 20 something female shop clerk.
You are a sexual traitor to the revolution, comrade
Where you're going you're gonna get bullied an awful lot by the gulag foreman tbh
Also, this is a SFW board.
The term "identity" and "identify as" have been so dragged in the mud that they have no meaning anymore.
that's why it's so outrageously censored, user.
I don't want to be tracked.
At least I have 4th of July off…
Read Hegel, and Kierkegaard :^)
Also, kek.. you people and your bosses who care about what you do at work…
It doesn't matter what I read, as most people will not have read it and will only react to what they know.
It's like talking about communism in US. People will think "Gulag".
You want people not to missunderstand a term? Don't missuse it and don't let others missuse it.
Read Eco :^)
I'm not him (posted previously) but can I get one better than "Read X"? If not a brief tl;dr on the subject, the books in which such subjects are discussed.
Read Kalecki then get back to me, kiddo.
Umberto? Okay.
But language was ever the source of misunderstanding…
The self is freedom, a paradoxical tension between the temporal and the eternal.
"The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard."
I can't control my dick fam. Nothing gets me harder then a female porky in an expensive skirt or dress. The only thing that I like more is MILF doctors. Its just a fetish for authority. I'd never betray the revolution just for a sexual hang up comrade. I have other fetishes I'll survive.
And this is why I call it "the feminist nomenklatura".
I realy do believe we could have great fun and revolutions and so on together… .. But we both won't stop eating from the trashcan.
Comodity fetishism + alienation.
Hmm elaborate comrade. I'd like a pop psychology explanation for my fetish. The Yahoo CEO is the prime example of what gets me going. Wealthy housewives don't do anything for me. She actually has to be an active member of the the bourgeoise to get me going.