The manlet problem

What do we do with the manlets?
Other that cannon-fodder & labor, do they have any use?
Do we just kill them? They'd put up a hard fight though, they can guerilla very well since their size
There are many manlets that are educated, and smart; but are they worth it?

Death to anyone under 2,10m

Please translate to Jew-units
My mind is very null

Leave them alive but force them to take estrogen pills and wear dresses like the traps they're meant to be.

I see JDIF is here

Cut 'em some slack, being a manlet would be a tough weight to carry. I could not be more happy I was blessed with being 6'2. We got it easy fellas.

I'm 5'2"

For srs? What kind of luck have you had with the ladies throughout your life?

I'm actually quite well on it ( if it weren't for my own mind of course )
I don't actually do anything for them, I don't approach or anything
I've lost the intent for this fractured hell that this world has propagated; I've seen what my mother has done to my father & I will not repeat his struggle
I am not up to the task of putting myself in more hell that I already make my self within

Good outlook. Don't let anyone too close. Took me a couple tries to learn that.

I unluckily grew a strange life, in a strange land, with a strange family; all of which taught me to be violently scared of everything

Jewish defense internet force?

I had an aneurysm
At least I got some pity Hitler-trips

Why not just give them a drug to make them grow taller?

Most growth hormones have problems along them
We'd need the secret stuff to make them perfect

Gene therapy then?

Too long of a fix sadly

Gene therapy isn't actually that hard to do at all. In fact, the FCC is currently trying to make it illegal to do DIY gene therapy due to an increasing bio-hacker community.

I would love to see it available
The curse needs to end

Estrogen insensitivity is an interesting genetic disorder where estrogen receptors do not respond to estrogen at all. Usually, since estrogen is responsible for maturing bones, men affected by estrogen insensitivity continue growing their entire lives.

An interesting case is where a man with this disorder was 5' 10 at 16 years old, but at age 28, he was still slowly growing at 6' 8.

Look at this big carrot

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