
Since you can delete threads on 8ch Holla Forums now. I'm gona do something dumb and risky, post this picture of my with my face and a sign that says my name.. and a pen rammed in my ass.

Deleting thread in 15 minutes. Or sooner if i get scared. This is very dumb.

Other urls found in this thread:


pic 2

pic 3

based trolling tbh



michael, your trolling skills are ok


I'll make sure to repost the pictures again when you delete them.


seriously? why?

get fucked

I'm sending this to Kojima.



because you're annoying as fuck.

im gona leave the thread for another 10 minutes or so, but im just gona delete the whole thread instead of just the pics this time.

i hadnt even deleted them and you've reposted them. please delete those off your computer and dont post them anymore

try not coming back this time.
If you do I'll be around.


wow.. yeah i think ill delete the thread now actually.

im not going to repost after delete. anyone have any last things they want to say to me before i delete?

also if anyone wants to message me, email me, [email protected]



what? 8ch doesnt have an archive, it used to but it broke.

… oh…

do you have the ability to delete that??

no its on the internet forever.

and how easy is it for people to find an archive like that?

I will frequently spread it around the chans.

can you email me? [email protected]

i will take pictures with new signs and do what you say if you dont do that.

Nope this is going viral.

is this part archived too..


then i think ill delete this thread now.. what are you gona do?

go to 4chan and spread it.

fuck.. well i guess im gona go to 4chan and keep an eye out.

please can you email me. use a throwaway email or something, i want to at least be able to see when youre posting my thread around.

i promise if you email me ill take new pics.

i really shouldnt, but fuck it.