How do I get laid?

I just go to my job and come home to browse image boards and play games.

I haven't had a single friend in years and I never had a girlfriend.

Is it even worth it?

No its not worth it just go MGTOW nigger.

just be yourself emoticon.wink

Are you a virgin???????

Just an hero or shoot up a school. At least thats what Ima do


Just check your basement every Wednesday.
That could take months before a girl appears,
but that's the only way.
Don't give up.

wink wink diggity bam bink


Are you me?
Minus the games part. I love video games and anime but I haven't played a game or watched anime on a regular basis for over a year now because I'm depressed.

Tinder + don't be picky

Get a prostitute?

If you haven't had friends or a sexual partner in years you're probably beyond redemption so you may as well start banging whores.

If you want to get out your rut and be less lonely you have to force yourself out of your rut into social situations.

For starters, you need to get out and socialize. It's easy as shit to talk to girls at a bar. Start talking to the fat/ugly ones for practice. You don't even have to buy them drink. Roll through a few of those and take notes on what did/didn't work. Climb the ladder from there. Shit, I'm not even a Chad and in less than a year I had them buying ME drinks.

Only degenerates drink alcohol.

Be black, white grills love that.

Start an imageboard

Or be a dog.


No, Niggers are stupid and don't give a shit. White men care and are thoughtful, which makes us great at families and enterprise, niggers fail at both.

"Why is that white qt with a nigger chimp?"

Because too many white men are fucking around on image boards & they fear rejection. Any sane person would, but once again, niggers aren't people. I'm not saying act like a nigger (women actually hate that), but just be outgoing and not give a shit about rejection. Several times girls who rejected me at the time were actually interested in someone else & when that didn't work out I was right there for them.

What a fucking kike. Look at that nose, those eyebrows.

Niggers can rap and dance, what can you do? Make wordy sentences and shit? Wordiness is beta, alphas don't need to talk to get what they want.

Kill yourself schlomo.

Put dick in the pussy.

It will get you fans and bitches, no wonder you polacks don't get how social shit works

Ok, so I'm the USA there are about 35 million niggers. I'd say maybe 100 of them are famous rappers. I guarantee you the other 34,999,900 are "aspiring" rappers. Either offer real advice or just keep derailing, but I'm not replying anymore.

You don't need to be famous user, just a bog standard nigger. While you're orbiting fat chicks to "practice socializing", niggers are opening conversations with "Sheeeeeit gurl" and getting ass from hot chicks 3 minutes into the conversation. Stay mad.

tinder and other apps

Not being such a fucking pussy is a great step towards getting laid. Have a drink, pussy.

kys poland


Well, I train my body. My mind can handle a few frosty brews now and then.

This is why you have no friends and can't get laid tbh

This above all

Get a hooker or wait until robots are affordable. Women in general are a lost cause, especially white women.


Not worth it

This. Ignore the weak who suggest otherwise.

I'm typing at a very weird angle.

Time spent being a drunken degenerate is time not spent training.

depends on the girl
If she is your soulmate and irl equivalent of your waifu then anything would be worth it.
if she is just a substitute to fill the void in your heart then don't bother with it.

find a grill
have seqs


See how the degenerate cries out in pain when you threaten to take away his bottle.

