Holy shit, never saw a movie with such obvious bait

Holy shit, never saw a movie with such obvious bait.
Only one white guy, and he is the most retarded asshole in history. Every 5 min. you get a race bait comment/joke/scene. SocJus Agenda driven story and characters - no offense - line dropped more than once. Black cop calling white dude "Blue eye deamon" outing himself as a NOI muslim (Nation of Islam). Multi-Kulti blacks best friend the fat jew get the hot white blond arian wymmen.

The fuck went wrong with this movie and why did they make it so bad?

they should call it Baitwatch

just another mad little trumplet.
so brave, so strong, so manly! truly the master race!

reminder that The Rock used to be a member of a violent black nationalist organization

Wait is Rock black?
I always thought that he is white

Is that what passes for white in America?
60%, and highly dubious too now

Father is black,mother is Samoan.

theirs is an empire in its last legs, you cant expect anything but homsexuality and self hate from their media


Dunno i never seen nigger irl
He just seems tanned

race doesn't real

The worse, the film has male nude and no female nude.

Cameron Diaz pass as white in America.



Would have been too politically incorrect for DoubleJew DoubleJew E

how so?


He's a mongrel. He's either black or Samoan when it suits him, never both.

Wait til the inevitable Unrated Cut comes out. That one bitch from True Detective can't function without flashing her fucking cans every ten seconds.

Shutup reddipol.

Got a mild chuckle out of me tbh, didn't realize rasslinfags could be so sensitive,


Fuck those right wing social justice warriors.

So this is what someone with nothing better to do looks like.

Only one (You) fag. Leftism is rising and will be the dominant political ideology for the first time because people are becoming more educated and you Nazi fucks can't spread your disease through fearmongering for the uninformed.

We fear over tangible things like death, you guys just fear intangible things like judgement.

You guys fear the threat of nazism, despite participants of that ideology speaking in universities and engaging in protests. You guys aren't concerned about the threat of Islam, despite participants of that ideology nailbombing a concert and ramming people with trucks.


She's a spaniard, probably a non-moor one. It's okay
Christina Aguilera is another story, and some consider her white

Your death cult will kill itself and it will be the right which will emerge once again to fix what you destroyed.

Of coursh spooky scum

Why are leftists so bad at memes?

image is too blurry to read, fam.

You need to get yourself some spectacles, young man

She's got blonde hair and blue eyes

low IQs