Who ready to get #shitty
Who ready to get #shitty
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Then why call it Jumanji.
Everything is shit.
In the Cisbusters movie they didn't catch ghosts.
In Fant4stic nobody was fantastic.
Who cares?
I guess nostalgiafags over a them using something practical over dumb table top autism
Jewmanji was never good
How does it feel knowing your waifu does literal capeshit and shit flicks, no I dont want to see it you fucking fag shes a fucking 6/10
No Kiki cameo ;_;
The Rock, more like the Cuck
That was the premise of the cartoon. Are they basing this on the cartoon?
The guy who chose to play as the nigger must've gotten pissed.
BayWatch has a lot of male nudity and no femme nudity
So Karen Gillan will be playing a lil girl trapped in her body basically?
Count me in!
I honestly wouldn't mind that if this was a sequel to the original instead reboot. Either that, or they bust out of the game only for it to follow them to the real world.
Isn't she Jewish though? I still want to bang Nebula
cant wait for another rock meltdown #litty
Here's a pity reply for your shit bait. Hope it helps to justify your empty life of shit.
What makes you think it isn't? They have been doing sequels disguised as reboots for years now. Split, Prometheus, The Thing, 21 Jump Street, etc.
That doesn't make her less attractive
This nigga gets it
She is 100% Scottish
She's tall and skinny, yeah. Not everyone's type, but I still think she's incredibly pretty
I'm not complaining, not at all. She's choice.
Perfect tummy.
This is going to be even shittier than the movie version with that guy who died from erotic asphyxiation.
Am I the only person who didn't know this was a thing?
I had no idea this existed.
It doesn't even sound that bad, either.
I always though that this was a plagium, contains no Jumanji material and does not mention any Jumanji events.
to cash on the older movie. duh.
she has negative tits and ass you dumb fuck and yes it does she isnt a serious actor
Tall and skinny works when you have at least some amount of hips like pic related. Karen Gillan is shaped like a plank of wood and has a big round head, I have no idea why so many people here find her so hot.
Honestly if you could be anything in the world who would pick the small nigger or a fat jew. Don't give me some bullshit about how they had limited choices, a game so advanced would at least give you character creation or loads of characters too choose from.
So it's another generic romp through the jungle starring the Rock? Didn't I already watch this movie?
Why not change the cartridge if they realize it's trouble/glitched and buggy
Is it because kids today are retarded and don't know what board games are? Also how old is this console? Atari 2600? Coleco Vision?
Sega Genesis
So in the movie, is her character being controlled a guy
Jesus, man, this is the dumbest reason I've read on this board in a long time…
I like her big round head
I thought it could be a faithful update of Jumanji with CGI that wasn't horribly dated, not whatever the hell this is
I blame Southland Tales for this resurgence in The Rock.
Why would you do that user?
I thought that was an adaptation?
aren't they all a bit old to be called kids?
A 17yo negro can kill 3 old ladies, he will only get 12 month re-education
You consent-bang a good 16yo family girl, you get a lifetime sex-off tag and maybe 3 years
That's how it is in Clapistan
for support as I'm railing her behind.
Nobody cares about this movie, this is the grimmest sign of the times since the Point Break remake
lol, what a joke. you need to live in the real world.
a poor black guy gets 20 years of ass-fuck-prison for selling bags of weed, if he was white it'd maybe be 10 years instead. they both go to a private prison where they make money for the rich, who get taxpayers subsidies on their prisons.
rich people & politicians steal trillions & kill millions, if they're caught (unlikely) they find a scapegoat & that scapegoat maybe get 3 years of soft rich people prison (on the taxpayer's dime, of course!).
that's reality in Trumpcuckistan.
sorry lad but the proof is in the pudding and doesnt capeshit and shitflicks dont help
her stunt double looks much more attractive, fuller chest and thicker thighs
If an actress' attractiveness for you is measured by how serious she is, there's something very wrong with you brain and your dick.
Well, I was expecting this comment, but it came a day later than the picture, so…
Because deep down you know it to be true.
Not exactly. I admit that stunt woman is hot though.
shame about the roasty cunt, but I guess nothing is perfect