What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
It was a good investment.
I'd bet money that a chunk of that cash comes directly from Disney and it's "donated" to make it less obvious that she is a shill.
oh my god that video gave me reddit cancer
racemixing whore
t.Autist incapable of recognizing a joke
Provide some actual proof or remain eternally BTFO'D Slothcuck.
Check the date, Margaret made this before the kekistan redsit cancer. She is /ourgirl/ for sure.
niggers ruined her asshole so much she has to use a colostomy bag now?
she does have nice tits
Why am i not surprised?
What did you mean OP by caring this much about a fucking youtube critic
Jenny Nicholson? More like JENNAY Hasnochin, amirite?
Footfaggotry is haram.
She's not even hiding it anymore. First shilling (((Disney))) plebbit-tier garbage, now showing her cow hooves.
Daily reminder that feet fetish is another kike invention. Only a cuck would fall for such disgusting """"""""""FETISH""""""""""""
not with that attitude
pandering to morons
t. feet cuck
Is it that time again?
Nice thread on Holla Forums, btw. >>>Holla Forums7108988
Maybe you could not spam this trash across the site? Or maybe you could stop being a salty cunt? Or maybe, just maybe, you can acknowledge that Jenny is queen for a reason and your disgusting racemixing shitbag will never be queen?
Don't be fatuous, Jennaycuck. You have a hard time accepting that your waifu a shit and that Margaret is also the queen of Holla Forums. TWO BOARDS!
Off to >>>/trash/ with you and your chinless harpy.
Maisie got here first.
Margaret is a generous queen, she can share the throne with Maisie. Just not with LOSERS.
And nobody likes her either. Take your golem out back and cap her already, it'd be the merciful thing to do before she resorts to porn to pay the bills.
The winning horse is obvious because she already won.
If that isn't a sign of autism, I don't know what is. That's okay, Jenny can't here all your autistic shrieking from her popular talk show and blog.
Because it's reality, bruv. Stop lying to yourself.
Oh I'm not. ;^)
y u r ;^))
Take the Margpill or stay forever mad, Jennaycuck :^)
I can't be mad if I'm on the winning team, Margaretcuck. :^)))
That's where you're wrong, sonny Jim ;^)
>implying :^))))
Epicurean waifu taste incoming.
Fixed, fam ;^)
ITT: kys
At least argue over politics or something that people can even delude themselves into think is beneficial. Instad of hashing it out over stupid waifuism.
all me tbh
Holla Forums is about film and television. Take your poltics to Holla Forums ya grimey kike.
Ffs, give it up already. We can't keep playing out the same song and dance like this. Jenny is queen. This is a fact. Why can't you accept it? What's keeping you from crawling out of the sewers and into the light of Her eternal love?
So it's you, reddipol. I knew it.
Off to >>>Holla Forums
2d feet are fine tbh.
YESSSS! and there's more!
dose anyone have her holding her feet on her bed like 2 eps ago?
"bikini pic"
in terms of jenny, she keeps up her slave leia (jenny in bra video) con artists video up. Knowing and seeing all the comments about fapping and only coming to the video to look at her body and sexualize her but keeps the videos up, she loves all this!
What did she mean by this? Really makes a thinkā¦**
Have a little more alchohol, Margaretcuck. Fight that pain. When you sober up later, maybe you can do a better photoshop.
She's so dopey looking.
go back to b and spam your blacked shit queen
Not seeing that on her twitter. Direct link or I call 'shopped.
Not a 'shop, much to Jennaycuck's dismay. Jennaycuck has forced my hand, so while he was busy shitposting on Holla Forums, I DM'd her and told her EVERYTHING. I even told her about that old thread with the shrine. She said she's been dealing with some creeps on her Patreon lately so it's no surprise, and wants nothing to do with this board. Made me empathize with her situation. Clearly Jennaycuck here is one of those inbred incels infatuated with her, spamming her on this board constantly.
She tweeted that out and kept it up for about 2 minutes so that I could screencap it and keep it as evidence, plus she doesn't care about Filipino frescos boards, and Jennaycuck here wasn't monitoring her Twitter tl either, so he missed it completely.
As a result, now Jennaycuck is now on full suicide watch saying that it's all forgery, and he keeps projecting mommy and daddy issues, so we know who's the unstable one here.
She turned out to be pretty chill tbh. But now the truth is out. From here on I suggest we do the following:
ITT: the two autists that do not know when to let something die have another maymay battle
What is it like being this autistic? How do you function irl?
Pull the other one, you fucking autist.
What did she mean by this?
Who wooda thunk.
Your board died for a reason, do you have legitimate autism?
Take away degenerate off topic breads like this, the other eceleb shilling and Holla Forums bait this board is just as dead.
shes being a girl
Meant for
Exactly, this place is just Holla Forums now with slightly less namefagging.
The only one talking about twitter was you with your cheap ms paint edit. I honestly can't comprehend how you keep doubling down on your autism as tho any second now reality will shift and everyone will agree with all the faggotry you keep spewing. What's the incentive? What are you getting out of this? Attention? Do you like getting bullied? Are you stroking your feminine cock right this second?
You've clearly never been on Holla Forums. What subreddit led you here, newfriend?
Jesus Christ, your shit girl and shit board is dead!
waifushit is waifushit
Is it time?
Literal nobodies can't be queens. Besides, the next election is still months away.
Tell me then what OP has to do with television and movies.
Says the degenerate twitterstalker
So you're a bully now too? Lel.
I have and it's better than this shithole.
8 months to be exact. In the meantime slothsfag autistic screeching will continue. They still have 3 years more of trump after that too.
Fucking christ I thought we were done with this shit, it was nice having a couple of weeks straight without you retards doing this shit.
Where do you think we are?
this gif gets me hard
It's weird how waifufags lie like this
Jenny has a talk show and vlog where she discusses movies.
That's a very nice not an argument you have there.
I knew you wanted to be bullied. You little tease.
Fix'd for accuracy. Literally the only people flinging shit are you and you.
What are you implying?
Nobody knows who this is. At the very least, post a wiki article or something. She's even less known that Margaret.
Typical goon non-argument tactics. What a surprise.
Typical goon non-argument tactics. What a surprise.
What are you, five?
Holla Forums is worse though.
I accept your concession of defeat.
I accept your concession of defeat.
A tumor apparently.
Why are you here?
I was gonna meme a little more, but let's have an honest discussion on how, for somebody not mad, you sure seem to believe I need to respond immedately to each of your spergy posts. I'm just here to have fun, friend. You don't have to take it so seriously. Are your parents aware you're on the computer so much? I guess it is June now, so this would be your summer break. Did you have a nice last day? Looking forward to next year? 11th grade is a lot tougher, believe you me. They're gonna start prepping you for college. If you're high functioning enough, you might score community college!
wew lad
Don't be like that, bby. Let's have a dialogue. What's up with you?
To shitpost and let off some steam tbh.
Thanks for admitting it.
But I never denied it.
And this makes a picture of her feet put on twitter relevant, okay.
Your fellow shitposters usually pretend to be interested in tv and movies. It's nice to see one who just comes out and says what they're doing, that's all.
If trips Margaret is queen.
Interesting how posting on this board has slowed to a crawl in every thread except this one.
What do you actually think is going on right now?
Just three months later, but it finally paid offā¦
And yet, our board still has more posters than yours ever will; you're just complaining like a fag because nobody wants immigrate to a dead, shit board that's run by an autistic retard that actually thinks shitting in a bag is hot.
How many posters does r/movies have? Sure you would know.
It's emigrate you halfwitted goon.
No more than shitting in a toilet, you're one to talk anyway being a lefty footfag degenerate. Stay triggered goon.
user you kill me!
Oh yeah I forgot you want jennay to shit on your chest so watching her shit in a toilet would probably get you all 3 inches hard. So what's your hang up with bags? Did your mom make you wear one or something?
Yeah otherwise half the threads would be about them huh.
Oh, I was talking about Holla Forums posters, not goons.
Margfags everyoneā¦
Sloth footfags everyone
>Nobody knows who this is
user plzā¦
>a women lost to a man four men.
what are you trying to prove user..?
>you will never be this mad about being called out on it
that the only reason she's paid to shill star wars is cause she sucks Bob Iger's dick and not cause she's knowledgeable.
But, it's going to be inside you regardless until it comes outā¦
smh tbh fam
why do women think anyone wants to see pictures of themselves with clothes on?
Damn. Disney's marketing dept really did a number skull fucking this retard.
Kek. She also reweeted Arthur Chu. She belong in the trash.
I'm onto you, pedofag
New Jenny video!
that shark is super cute! :3
Millie Bobby Brown. She plays the bald mary sue in Reddit Things and will in all likelihood grow up to be masie-tier hideous.
so jenny deletes jokes but not lewd comments.
She does like us fapping!!!!!
I think plenty of girls would take it as a bit compliment anyway or be fucking horrified; one of the two
I know the past 3 consecutive pics (all 3 showing her feet) were for us.
Then why does she pretend half the time that its appalling and the other time approving?
She's being coy.
Well yeah.
Sure is reddit around here
No chin?
No clicks!
Margaretcucks, pls explain yourselves.
what does this have to do with tv and movies?
I don't know why you're even wasting your time
I want to cum inside jenny's unicorn shoes.
This is the gayest thing ever written on this board. Along with that world's cringyest banner you should be embarrassed for yourself.
At least you're learning.
This is the shitposting board. You might wanna try one of the other television and/or movie boards if you're not into that.
this is a tv/queen (Jenny) board
Sudocuck, sudocuck, where is your buck?
Is she like funny or something?
Did you upvote your own post?
I bet you are dallonvogs as well, you fucken faggot.
got it from 4chan
nothing at all
Fucking autocorrect, that's what I get for shitposting from my phone.
The horn is a phallic symbol.
She's obsessed with dick and wants to be fucked.
What's the goddamn point of it?
You ain't getting it. As in NEVER.
Feminist pls leave. The unicorn was what Europeans thought a rhino looked like because they had never seen one before when they had it described to them. It wasn't a horse with a dick on its forehead.
She already looks like a loli Lena Dunham.
smh tbh
Proofs? Didn't think so.
So if pudding face got cancer or something and had to get an ostomy bag you'd abandon her? You wouldn't still love her for her disney fan skills or personality? Sounds like the only shitbag around here is YOU.
You are so ungodly pathetic, user.
Who's pathetic?
He looks like Mike Cernovich in that picture.
Jenny is Queen, Jenny makes movie reviews, all Jenny topics are Holla Forums-related. If you're so butthurt, make your off-topic Margcuck threads back on your dead board.
Personally, I digg it.
Gee you kinda sound like BO. Would ask if you feel in charge but the answer is pretty obvious.
Nice reddit 1.0 reference, reddit.
Holla Forums is about movies and television. Jenny pertains to these things. If you can't handle Holla Forums, then go back to /television/.
/television/ is about movies and television, OP has literally nothing to do with either and only demonstrates how compromised this board has become. As far as queen given the choice between big tits in a maga hat or downy surfboard shill anons would - and DID - choose the former, autistic screech as much as you want nothing will ever change that fact.
Btw here's what a true queen of h8chan uses her jewtube channel for: bringing attention to the marine who was recently arrested by the fbi for sending kurt eichenwald the epilepsy gif on twatter.
Using banter to defend banter and preserve user culture, not promoting a billion dollar conglomerate to preserve pc culture.
You're such a tool, lol.
Also FYI
Refers to someone dull and/or stupid with a big dick. In this case you're half right.
Is used primarily on plebbit and kikebook, here is generally lel or kek. You fixed your spacing now just need to work on your wording, you'll get it eventually smiley.
My argument is that you are a cuck.
Go back. Your shit's tired.
No u go back to reddit
FYI "4chan" is used primarily on plebbit and kikebook, here is generally halfchan or cuckchan.
Same in the Holla Forums thread
>>>Holla Forums7118465
kind of like how black people call everyone else nigga.
read it, reddit
What are they sliding?
Well that's the thing, isn't it? There's nothing to slide. It's pure autistic spite, nothing but.
You mean like losing an election and then sperging/lying about it for months?
Top lel. Remember before you started posting those when you used to constantly imply that she was a coalburner? You are projecting now just as much as you were then. Provide some actual proof Faggot Cuck.
Is that what they're calling it now?
you stupid nigger. you stupid fucking nigger, kill yourself, margaret is literally the last person you should post here. she's a stupid coalburner whore that will die like the rest of the lefty cunts on the day of the rope
Ffr Holla Forumsacks don't spend all day fapping to feet pics of bronies who peddle jewish pro-diversity spaceshit.
Yes everyone knows, you're not exactly subtle about it.
>the autistic faggot actually bumped the thread again
Question: why would you make a thread you don't want bumped? Better question: why with such a contentious subject would you let anons know something that bothered you? Bonus question: why would you sage a reply and NOT expect it to get bumped again? Some goonish attempt at reverse psychology? Is it, dare I say, autism?
How was that implied? As far as butthurt that's only ever been you and a couple others including the BO
You shit up the board for months with repetitive goon spam then when you get out-memed cry to the mod for help forgetting, as always, that THIS. ISN'T. REDDIT. You're not in charge here, a fact you're still so butthurt about you even sperg when some user makes a thread about margaret on a different fucking board. Probably reported it too, a Holla Forums thread about sticking your dick into a girl's colostomy hole and you had to turn it into something ugly. Face it: you lost and all the projection, spam and autistic rage in the world isn't going to change that.
OP here
What have I done?
Expressed your latent homosexuality?
Funny thing is all I can think of when I see your post is kuk
I don't like any of these bitches tbh.
It really took you 2 days to come up with that comeback?
Not him but there some threads that are up for days that I post late in because it didn't interest me earlier.
you made an autistic waifushit post and not even with a good waifu
You know my life doesnt revolve around replying to your autistics per ginger, right? I'll reply when I feel like it.
Fucking autocorrect making me look retarded again, brilliant.
It's not autocorrect that makes you look retarded, but leaving autocorrect on.