Really makes you think

Really makes you think. Forums

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>>>Holla Forums

Suggest good non-dead chan that we can migrate to.

I like here, I was just pointing out how there's an effort to undermine Holla Forums on a lot of places. There's also a similar one on Encyclopedia Dramatica probably made by the same people since it also bitches about Holla Forums for whatever reason.

which retard wrote this garbage?

I'd rather post on 4chan but they block my vpn

what board would you post on?



Fix it then you faggot, there's a fancy Edit button on the IG wiki.


why should i though?

meh I tried most of the alternative chans a while back. lainchan seemed most active then they seemed to have nuked the site like here. So fuck that.
4chan is long dead and unrecognizable from reddit now.
Chans are over user. Time to head back to forums.

i would rather go to reddit tbh.

i would rather just quit the internet tbh.

Lainchan is full of unironic commies

Yes, and?
Who cares about someone's political opinion on a technology board?

There's 2 lainchans though. I briefly browsed them and only looks full commie

People like this are the reason SJWs took over tech. You close you eyes and put your finger in your ears thinking politics can't affect it but it does and a lot.

This is Holla Forums, where every board is Holla Forums

Evidently, the same can't be said of you.

No, it doesn't. That article was completely molested by Josh' goons during the fallout between Josh and Midget Spinner 'Hotwheels'. If you weren't such a newfag you'd know this.

Why doesn't it say something similar for 4chan? Exactly... Furthermore it was written when Holla Forums was made closed source, it has since been made open source again.


they're not wrong. Holla Forums operates on a ton of proprietary shit in it's backend. its been proven multiple times that its been farming user info and selling it off as per request of jim the fat filipino jew

Wow that's outdated.

Btw what's the population on 4chan like these days? Surely it has dropped?
8ch's user count has like, halved or some shit

It's gone up a lot. It's just getting bigger and bigger. More and more normalfaggy, too.

No, it hasn't. It gets a bump in users every Summer because, well, its fucking summer

How come there's two now, when did the split happen

That's weird, wouldn't people rather browse reddit?

Or are kids too cool for reddit now?

But moot said that user numbers dont see a significant rise during summer.

2015 was two years ago

1970 was 47 years ago
And we're still running fucking Unix on everything, holy fucking shit, when will it end

People's internet habits just drastically changed in two yearse?

no shit, 8ch was awesome in 2014/2015 - most guys left already

You mean when people were unironically pushing recolors of iconic 4chan things to represent Holla Forums's identity?
The further Holla Forums drifts away into becoming its own thing, the more bearable it becomes. I can't wait for the day people feel comfortable enough with their position to stop saying "cuckchan". At least the "halfchan" and "fullchan" days are mostly over.

What is your point?
People left because of censorship, meta-issue, site brokage as well data being sold, political entities being interested in the userbase etc etc
Nothing to do with Holla Forums's new unique "Goldwater" identity lel
I still like this place, but to say Holla Forums is as good as it was would be saying the internet is as free as it was

The site has always been broken as hell, it originally got well-known because of political bullshit, and there have always been meta-issues. There's probably no actual data being sold, but I'll agree that it got some people to leave.
2014/2015 Holla Forums really wasn't that good.

You sound like an underage-shill no offense

.co era had way way way way way way less issue than .net ever had

Maybe in your mind 2014/2015 wasn't good
but 2016 was sure fun with 16ch, librechan and all the crazy stuff happening with Anti-Josh, Anti-Hotwheel, Anti-pedo, Anti-anti-pedo and Anti-Jim stuff everywhere

Double the userbase in Holla Forums alone

Where'd everyone go?

back to /g/ of course.

Facebook, discord, reddit, 4chan.
I like Holla Forums in its current state, even if it's "slow". Of course there is a chance that it will completely die in a few years, if the influx of new users completely stops.

Welp see you guys there.

Too bad I have to enable javascript and 80% of front page is japanese cartoon or low effort shit


Are you me? The only thing I don't like about this board right now is Holla Forums, but that's not something you can change without breaking up the userbase.
Current Holla Forums is slow, but except for fagioli, most of the threads are actually interesting.

This hurts my pride.

You seem really upset.
Protip: none of it is wrong. Deal with it, moron.

Pack it in boys, time to go back to the JS-riddled, ReCAPTCHA-required, proprietary website run by a known dataminer.