What is the worst episode of your favorite cartoon?
What is the worst episode of your favorite cartoon?
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That's a hard one, I guess when Arnold had to dress up as a rabbit for some snot nosed kid
But that's my favorite episode of the worst cartoon.
Silly OP there is no "worst" episode of Aqua Teen.
Loud House is still running but I think "Come Sale Away" is very weak overall. All the kids acting like a jerkass and they don't receive any consequence for selling the entire furniture.
Was that video too big to download?
Venture Bros' pilot episode.
Honestly, I don't think any episode proper of KND was outright garbage, but I remember Operation: MOON being the weakest overall, forcing Numbuh 4 to forget KND headquarters is on the fucking moon for a good half of the episode because he's apparently that stupid and they were running out of episode ideas, apparently.
Was it that generic Jonny Quest parody?
either this or the episodes with the creature/the baby
although even they have their redeeming moments
Chicken Jack was one of the best fucking episodes. The one where Aku is a sexy lady that made me hard and feel confused might be the worst.
pics please
If you want porn than fuck off here
The funny thing is the show creator even played on that factor and making Jack actually starts showing signs of infatuation at her as well. They bloody knew what fans going to do with that episode. They are either brilliant or just evil fucks.
Just post a bloody normal pic not every pic request is porn.
There sure is a shit ton more than average.
Ever wonder if Aku would have let Jack go balls deep if it was to keep up the deception?
Second this.
He would have been purified by Jack holy sperm
I hated that one
Is there such a thing as humiliation porn?
Its a pretty big industry
They're brilliant evil fucks.
If you don't know then you should stop immediately.
Not quite sure what I'd say the worst episode of BTAS is. I could pull out the old "I've Got Batman in My Basement" card but beyond the premise being pretty dumb, it's not all that bad in terms of characterization and animation. I can think of worse animated episodes: the first couple with the Joker and Cat and Claw part 2 come to mind. And despite the performance of Mark Hamill in those Joker episodes, IGBiMB entertained me quite a bit more than either of the other episodes listed with their pretty boring plots. I actually recall Cat and Claw p2 having a scene where 2 mooks get knocked out by Batman, and as they're escaping down a hallway, they're suddenly cornered by Red Claw and the same two mooks on one end and the same mooks again on the other. Apparently Red Claw likes to hire triplets.
I'm going to tentatively go with Robin's Reckoning part 2. Because of how amazing part 1 was, I'm only naming part 2 as the worst due to how disappointing it was compared to it in both animation and some sloppy/rushed writing. Two-Face part 2 suffers from some worse animation as well, it wasn't quite as bad and was still held up by some good writing.
Worst for me was either "Christmas With the Joker," where the animation and line delivery made the entire episode fail miserably, or "Baby Doll," because the villain's voice was much too grating to let me enjoy the episode.
Worst is probably every Joker episode. They really had no idea what to do with the character. It's telling when the conflict of nearly every appearance of the Joker isn't the Joker. You get shit like a fat guy getting roped into his schemes or some kid running away to be a magician.
My personal worst episode is Heart of Ice. People keep hyping it up as great, but it's really shallow. Ferris Boyle has no motivation other than being a comically two-dimensional jerk and Mr. Freeze's plot is painfully underwritten.
Imagine Aku got pregnant with Jack's children. He raised the child telling him that his dad is evil and abandoning him so he can grow up and later fight his dad. It can be such a good episode. But then I remember this is Cartoon Network and the implication that Jack fucked Aku will never pass execs board.
You browsed a site that pretty much part of darknet sector now and you don't know humiliation porn exist?
It sounded like a rhetorical question
That sounds like Dio levels of evil.
Not becase of any Holla Forums shit. It's just painfully not funny.
A little extreme. Not even Laughing Fish or Jokers Wild? Or even episodes that simply featured him like Almost Got 'Im or Trial?
But Joker's Favor was actually good.
>My personal worst episode is Heart of Ice
And now you've just gone too far.
The only good Joker episode of the original three seasons was Make Em' Laugh. There he had a concrete plot, a motivation, and was entertaining. Joker's Wild still has the problem of Joker's Favor and Be A Clown where The Joker takes a back-seat for something else, in this case, an insurance scam. Laughing Fish was an adaptation of Detective Comics #475, The Laughing Fish by Steve Englehart, so it doesn't really count as an original work. Almost Got 'Im is also not very good simply because The Joker's story merely consists of his death-trap, not actually how he got Batman. Compared to the other stories, and other Joker deathtraps I've seen in other media, it was seriously lacking.
However, my criticism isn't meant to be a criticism of Mark Hamill's performance. He tries his hardest and does a good job. He just happens to be on the butt end of a lot of poorly written episodes. He's a saving grace, seeing as their original casting choice of Tim Curry would've made the story's flaws all the more noticeable.
As for Heart of Ice, nigger, I haven't gone far enough. It's a poorly written revenge story scribbled by the amateurish Paul Dini (who took credit for the Season 4 episode "Joker's Millions", not even mentioning David Vern Reed, author of the original story printed in Detective Comics #180). Compare it to Feat of Clay, which has actual motivations for every single character, emotion, and top-notch story-telling, all while having the same premise as Heart of Ice. Then you'll understand just how lackluster Heart of Ice is.
Aww dammit I forgot that one,… now that I think about it I didn't much like the live action episode or the stop motion ones either.
I never felt the insurance bit of the story of that episode took it over, Joker was almost always the center of the episode.
You're mistaking the point of the story, which was just supposed to be about the villains shooting the shit in between the little vignettes, which were all pretty brief and didn't have much going for them (with the exception of the penguin if only because that's the most they've done with him up to that point).
Which could possibly be because they didn't know he wrote it (or that Sprang drew it), given that he was never credited for it originally - much like with other comics "made" by Bob Kane. Compare this to Laughing Fish, also written by Dini, which does credit the writers that were already credited in the comic it's based on.
I don't see how Daggett was any less two-dimensional than Boyle with his "corrupt executive" bit. Plus the scenes between Matt and Teddy hardly matter beyond showing how horribly one-sided their relationship is, which begs the question as to why they're friends in the first place. I'd even argue with the lost potential there we don't really see all that much more development with Matt's character compared to Victor. Of course what development they do add in can be be chalked up to the fact that it's a 2-parter, meaning it will have much more time to work with compared to Heart of Ice which is just 1 episode. Despite that, the only thing I feel like it did better with that added time was that bit of development for Hagen and make Batman more directly involved in the story. So while it is a simpler episode, I fail to see how Heart of Ice is significantly worse off than Feat of Clay.
Mortos Der Soulstealer.
Even the creators call it the worst one.
What would you say the best Zim episode was? I have a soft spot for "Attack of the Saucer Morons"
That was definitely a bad one
I'll never understand why "I've Got Batman in My Basement" makes so many people's most hated episode when you have "Cat Scratch Fever" in the same season. Why do so many Catwoman episodes end up revolving around shitty generic villains like Red Claw and Roland Dagget?
Batman in my Basement gets singled out due to how different it is in tone to every other episode. It's obscenely lighthearted with bumbling villains and kids saving the day. I thought it was fun to a degree, but I was expecting the difference due to how much people warned me before hand.
I personally liked it
That was the best episode not worst
The one with the meat freaked me out.
Tak: the Hideous New Girl for the Sci-Fi, Dark Harvest for the tension, Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars for the humor and worldbuilding.
Actually now that I think about it "Bad Bad Rubber Piggy" was definitely my favorite.
Speaking of Zim, has anyone been keeping up with the comic?
Google removed this site from their google search result, in return Hotwheels blocked Google analysis system from spying on our site. So we're going dark you numbnut.
Newfag acting like a know it all. No u kill urself faggot.
That mean we're off the grid?
I read the first 3 numbers. Nothing spectacular, IMO, but that might be because I'm biased against Vazquez after reading JTHM.
Were that true, /hebe/ would not be a gardening board now.
Hotwheels sold Holla Forums to a jew, of course he's going to remove /hebe/
Read Jack Knight Starman books if you want to get a taste of that.
spotted the retarded cuckchanner newfag
Being this new It was Codemonkey you filthy refugee
Nice try, but your an idiot.
Oh fuck off, so I miss a few names, so what?
フリキリ was probably my least favorite of FLCL. It wasn't really bad by any means, but the robot dad thing was kinda weird, I I'm a huge sucker for episodes 2 and 3, and 1, 5, and 6 were all pretty much plot essential to the plot.
Holla Forums allows anime.
But in the 4th one they introduce agency, Haruko's past and true motives get hinted at, Naota's guitar appears, and some info on Atomsk is given. It and the Climax episodes are my least favorite ones, but they are definitely not bad.
It's because Haruko messed original one up by trying to pull thing out of his head repeatedly. After he got messed up, she replaced him with a malfunctioning robot and hid the dehydrated body.
In specific threads. Read the title of the OP you illiterate faggot.
Anime are literally just japanese cartoons you illiterate faggot.
The hollywoo episode was the worst? Not the time they made an entire episode yelling at bill cosby, or an the episode who did absolutely nothing but complain about factory farms?
Wait, bojack is your favorite cartoon?
The feminism episode was definately the worst
Isn't that every episode?
I mean the episode that is literally just feminism the narrative
Got a link?
Don't remember which one it was. It was the one where Diana finds out that some american celebrity is a secret rapist and that the MSM is covering it up. AKA the opposite of reality.
Bullshit. Mortos was hilarious, even if it was kinda pointless filler. And tbh, Mortos' order is funnier than Big Smoke's order. Let's compare the two:
Fucking riveting.
git fuckin REKT
If anything, Battle Dib is the worst of the aired episodes. I'm fine with Zim-less episodes if they're done right, i.e. Gaz: Taster of Pork, Game Slave 2, and The Sad, Sad Tale of Chickenfoot, but Battle Dib was just… BORING. Only salvageable part was the Membrane test scene.
There is one unaired episode that's even worse than Battle Dib, though… Simon Sez Doom. Two words: TOP. CRINGE. If you're brave or foolish enough, here's the episode audio: youtube.com
Many claim that Dark Harvest was the darkest episode of the series, but it's only Zim stealing organs and replacing them with… STUFF. Bad Bad Rubber Piggy is the surefire darkest episode in the entire series because for a very brief moment, Zim actually succeeds in KILLING DIB.
I mean…
… FUCK, is that savage.
I was about to say "walk for your lives" was the worse Zim episode. The art and animation feels off and its plot is a little too slapstick for Zim. Both of you picked even weaker ones. watch for your lives has at least one good joke. "look at him go also like. . ." Tak the Hideous new girl is another terrible episode and it drags on for two parts.
I never realized the quality of Invader Zim was so inconsistent.
I liked the Tak episodes.
I never liked Zim's attempt at building a greater universe. I think it's better when it's about Zim's goofy plans to enslave or kill the human race and Dib being paranoid and crazy. If season 2 went according to plan I probably would be saying it was a step down from season 1.
Almost killing each other was intense. But the darkest aspect to the episode is how Zim almost kills Dib. Things like filming a child Bigfoot and fighting an alien (toy) were probably the closest things Dib had to fond childhood memories. Zim slowly and systematically rewrote Dibs life so that the few instances of joy and fulfillment he had in a sea of pain and humiliation were replaced by even more pain and humiliation.
Almost anyone can kill someone else, how many are capable of unmaking someone's life?
The world-building was the BEST part of the show for me. I literally had a religious affiliation with the Irken Empire during my freshman year of high school…
You mean the best episode of that dumpster fire.
Don't hate on Steven universe, its only sin was just being to beautelligent for Otaku like you.
Isn't there an entire episode dedicated to Zim eating a plate of waffles? You can't really get any worse than that.
Yeah. That one drags a bit much on the whole Cassandra act, with Dib. A bit far, if you'll ask me.
It's honestly more entertaining, when Dib himself acts the fool, and blows his conspiratorial load over something rather mundane, rather than actually being right.
I just hope those rumors for a movie are fake.
Good thing you came out of it.
The show got pretty fucked up sometimes
that was making fun of feminists dumbass
The one with the organs gave me chills when i was young.
poe's law is a bitch isn't it
I think you guys mean the one episode where Jack breaks his wooden shoes or whatever they're called in the middle of Not New York and some Not Footlocker manager tries to give him shoes that keep on backfiring until he meets this nip immigrant who makes some for him and the episode ends without even the actual fight against some weak designs for robots.
the real answer is that the pilot is the worst episode, not because of politics, but because it was lame and not funny