Is there a lighter cross-platform GUI library than FLTK?
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Maybe Tcl/Tk. It's been around for a very long time and ran ok on old machines with little resources.
The original Tcl/Tk was my first thought, too. Shit ran on an Amiga 500 with 512K of RAM. I am not sure how lightweight the newer versions are, though. There was an attempt at "modernization", IIRC, which lead to a drastic increase in size.
It should still be possible to use the old tk. But unless you have very strict restriction, ttk is IMO worth it.
Is there anything lightweight useable in C. The choice is so limited that I'm even thinking about Motif right now plus, it looks fucking good.
I don't think it'll work outside of X11? But if that's all you care about, there's also XForms, and of course Athena.
These example programs look pretty badass.
This signal analyzer in particular.
into the loo
Bullshit. It runs on all POSIX/X systems.
Does it run on the most important desktop platform (e.g. windows)?
I will make a dank ass DSP visualizer if I want to and you can't stop me
No it doesn't run on the special snowflake that decided to do everything different. They should have just kept Xenix.
Yep, all modern versions of Windows have a POSIX compatibility layer and multiple X server implementations available.
Xforms does look nice.
Hahahahahahaha. No. Get out.
keep crying bitch but that won't make linux more relevant :^)
Tk. The Tcl toolkit.
You can run our applications in Electron®
I've been having fun with Motif lately. It's cross-platform enough for me, runs fine with XQuartz on macOS, native on Linux, with the Linux subsystem & VcXsrv on Windows. Actually, I've been using the Motif variant of gtk-server, I prefer a language other than C (Forth). But it's all down to your taste.
imgui maybe
imgui is only the frontend
No, it's what a GUI should be. It's structured correctly, unlike the majority of GUI libraries. It does as much as a GUI library should, and no more. It knows its place.
That looks really nice. Except for the whole c++ thing.
Check out Nuklear, it's single header C.
What does Holla Forums think about wxWidgets?
no thanks
Looks pretty gay. GTK3/MaterialUI-like gay.
No, it just looks flat, which is pretty much what you'd expect from any lightweight UI.
into the trash it goes
That doesn't sound like a problem.