Like this user said your post isn't even an argument.
This is so poor that I won't even bother than a copy/paste to respond to you.
The GPLv2 grants you and everyone else the capability/freedom to:
So the license is pretty good you can do whatever you want.
You can read, modify and share the source code legally and people have to do the same under a very simple condition, which is if you sell or share a binary you have to share the source code...until 2005-2006
In the 2000s the Tivo corporation found a legal loophole in the GPLv2.
That loophole is very simple, Tivo can't stop people from reading, modifying or sharing the code but they can stop people from executing it.
Tivo simply added a hash verification to their hardware.
Thus if you uploaded a modified version of your GPL software then it couldn't execute.
AKA: a DRM to hardware level.
And after this comes the GPLv3.
V3 gives to people the same freedom has before +:
This freedom is to especially combat Tivoization.
This very big problem is something that Torvalds didn't want to acknowledge and he's ok that companies don't let their customers own the hardware they buy.
But of course this is a simplification of what the GPLv3 does but it's accurate.
So what are the rules of the GPLv3
If you sell or share a binary to someone you have to share the source code.
If you publish a binary to the public you have to share the source to the public.
You cannot restrict how someone wants to execute the software.
Of course the GPLv3 can't stop developers from being piece of trash.
If for example a developer doesn't document his code then the software under GPLv3 isn't going to for him to do that.
Same thing if a developer inserts malware in it.
So them comes the compatibility with the GPLv3
Basically here are the major used licenses that are compatible or not compatible with it:
-MPLv2: Compatible
-GPLv2:Not compatible
-Proprietary license: Not compatible
-GPLv3: Compatible
These licenses represent 80+% of the licenses used in the free/libre/open source world.
Here's a more complete list about that:
*GPLv2+:compatible because the v2+ means that if the software under "v2+" is used in a software under GPLv3 the GPLv3 license is applied over the "v2" and if the license of the software is under GPLv2 then the "v2+" applies the GPLv2 license.
An example of that is the drivers in the linux kernel a lot of them are under the GPLv2+ license meanwhile the linux kernel is under GPLv2.
If these drivers under GPLv2+ are transferred in the HURD microkernel they will be under GPLv3 because the HURD is under GPLv3.
So what's the difference with other licenses like the MIT or MPL ?
In the free software world we can divide licenses into two sides.
One is called Copyleft and the other is Permissive.
Copyleft license are GPL or MLP etc...
Permissive are MIT, BSD APACHE etc...
So what's the difference ?
Well copyleft licenses tend to simply give freedom to the users in general, while Permissive licenses can grant developers or corporation the possibility to restrict users.
For example Minix3 is a microkernel under BSD and it infects every single Intel CPU based boards in the world and you can't change it.
So the problem with permissive licenses is that they can restrict people from doing what they want.
But GPLv3 is the only know license that protects against the tivoization loophole.