How can the left be Politically incorrect?

How can Leftists be politically incorrect?
Sorry I am from real Holla Forums but I just want to know how leftism can be politically incorrect in the slightest. I mean leftism is about the enslavement of the working putting faceless bureaucrats into power.
Are you guys just redditors or…
Please explain!

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

Absolutely haram

how I wish people as stupid as you could be enslaved tbqh

What does lefty pol think of the European migrant crisis?

I don't give a shit because I don't live in Europe.

Whatever Soros says is good, I support it.

Well we commit various SJW sins such as using the words
And also

And in general this board is just a shitposting version of /marx/ or r/fullcommunism or a chan version of the various facebook sites

r/socialism is one thing, but comparing us to /Marx/? That's low, comrade.

Sweden: rape capital of the West; etc.

Tired of having to go to the 3rd world for cheap labour? Fret no longer, the 3rd world can come to you!

They'll be chronically unemployed for a decade or more, completely breaking all the socialist systems in place.

New laws to combat their rape and homophobia that won't be applied to them as German police typically ignore everything outside areas they have total authority over.

Demographic genocide, and replacing the populace with a group that adore totalitarian leadership and will breed like rabbits.

Most will be Sub-Saharan Africans or Pakistanis pretending to be Syrian.

And it's only downhill from there.

But, hey, at least there's good Muslims, nice Kurds, and a few quality Syrian people coming over- all of which will be caught in a crossfire between fundamentalist Muslims and the burgeoning far-right.

Fundamentalist Islam first targets the secular Islamic factions, then moves onto every other rival faction.

Kys tbh fam

read the sticky you filthy muggle

It can't. SJWs are unpopular now, so we signal against them so that we can stay in the channer kool kids klub. The truth is you could post any thread here on RevLeft or Democratic Underground and no one would care.

Sure thing fam

Two things.
Fascism is more politically correct and relies on political correctness of a kind for support, nationalist tendencies.

The Far Right will always be more acceptable to Americans than Communism. Ergo, Communism is not politically correct.


it's just Holla Forums for the left

you woot m8

I'm not a racist because that's retarded and irrelevant for political progress, it's a fantasy issue to alienate people from the real issues like income inequality, ramping poverty, inherent property rights, lack of workplace democracy, lack of democracy in general, ecological disaster, and so on…

let them in, nations and borders are spooks

Agreed. Mass rape and creeping Islamism are just spooks.

Religion of peace goy.


But religion is also a spook

Read the FAQ

Easy, agitate against the "common sense".
Treat capitalists and their ilk the way they treat workers (shit on them, oppress them, but be two-faced and patronizing, make sure they know we are all in this together, make sure they know labor is the hand that feeds). Psychological warfare.


read the sticky.

I kept telling the migrants that, but they won't stop raping, murdering and pushing for sharia. Imagine that.

Nationalists share more beliefs with those they hate than not. You have no reason to complain seeing your ideology in practice

What beliefs do I share with them?

You want subservient women, machismo, racism, closer knit culture.

These people you hate are really your friends, you just don't actually practice what you believe.

By recognizing that political correctness is a way of covering up oppression with sensitivity to fee fees. Instead of addressing actual problems in society, it glosses them over with feel good bullshit.
This is rightism as well. Any authoritarians want to make people slaves to huge, centralized power structures.
I post on 420chan, though.


Assuming this isnt bait (which it is) you need to either lurk more or leave.

Considering all the posts supporting EU fascists and denouncing peoples desire to be independent of it, I am starting to get worried.

here, we're not


It can't. We leftists are a deep cover team subverting the native species of Earth to make colonization by our reptilian masters easier. You found us out, expect to be removed and forced to species mix to produce reptilian hybrids.

love this meme

underrated post

Those are incredibly vague wants. They're also mutually exclusive with an invading outgroup looking for the same things.

I'm not in favor of child rape brides, executing apostates or hucking queers off of rooftops. If you support mass third world immigration to the west, you're complicit in whatever follows.

lots of newfags here since no one said:

I'd say they have no right to complain, but I get what you're going for. Have a pic related.







You sure about that part? Like, I know it's not acceptable anymore but you really don't wanna do an ol' fag toss? Nationalists used to love that shit.
The fact of the matter is that, were the people coming into your country of the same religion and race as you, you would find them strong allies because you're just as deeply rooted in ideology as they.


Islamists: muh hivemind spoop


I think your conduct is degrading and unhealthy, but unless you're parading it through the streets, you're only hurting yourselves. I don't want to torture you and unless you do something unrelated to earn it, I don't want you dead.

Oh I'm definitely getting hurt behind closed doors, but you shouldn't worry too much. I love being spanked.

Welp, better not examine the factors that lead to the current situation. That would require thinking. Better just dehumanize and pigeonhole over a billion people because books are for faggots.

What I'm saying mainly applies to male on male homosexuality. Sodomy is pretty unhealthy. Lesbian stuff is probably harmless, at least physically.

Yes, I wonder, what could cause thousands of Middle Eastern and North African men to organize mass public sex assaults. What could it be…

Keep scratching that noggin comrade. You'll solve the mystery eventually.

I know this isn't the right thread. But I just had the pleasure of talking to an older conservative so mind numbingly stupid and stereotypical that I no longer support everyone having the vote. I mean fuck. Let's implement licences to reproduce while we're at it. FUCK My blood pressure

I mean democracy is supported by the use of force yes? So lets fucking send these facsist shitbags to the gulag at gunpoint holy fuck.



This is exactly why ancommunism and stirner's ideas will fail in reality. Having a mass group of hostile people with hostile ideas will not be kept out of an area because "Spooks!"

In the mind of the muslims there are no such things as spooks you fucking weaklings. I will be glad to see trump and the alt-righters throw you in the chambers.



We can't help someone who has been brainwashed. Sorry m8.

It's the logical end result of US imperialism freedom battles in the Middle East over the last century and the neoliberal capitalism of the EU that needs more unskilled labor to shape to its specific needs. The KSA's propaganda to enforce Wahhabi hegemony doesn't help either, IIRC even other Muslim majority countries are complaining about them.

This means lumpens will be the ones crossing the border, i.e. people that their peers in their neighboring countries looked down upon, and the safety net system will finally be too burdened to continue, which is what the austerity fetishists in the EU have wanted for a long time. The far-right useful idiots will come to prominence in response, which will create a nice false duality that prevents criticism of late capitalism from being heard in the mainstream.

The Syrian "civil war" is little more than a conflict between Assad and the Western world because the latter wants to build more oil pipelines, which is very likely the reason Russia jumped into the fray as well. The "moderate rebels" are the very same Islamic fundies we are fighting in Iraq, which is now controlled by you-know-who, while the secular groups like the PKK are "terrorists" because they would mean no precious black gold if they're in charge. Assad is little more than an acceptable target because he's generally a total prick, even if he is also a secularist.

Islamists hate the West for political reasons that tie into their religion, not because of some holy book verses.

Trump is also not the God Emperor you think he is, buddy, he'll give special benefits to his own companies then become a typical neocon hack when Congress blocks everything he does.

Nigga you mad as fuck. Call your dad and apologize for being such a shit.

You are spooked. You don't need to believe in national integrity and sacrfice youself to it just to keep muslims out.

Oh great, more religious people

Religion is thinking, and if you want to control how people think, you need to go full Orwell.

Since you don't care about rape or chaos in your streets, have any of you considered what the fate of communist movements would be in Muslim majority Europe?

Mahmoud isn't some efette tea sipping Anglican. He takes his faith seriously. What happens when you call Islam a spook and he grabs his kalash?

Wait, do you care about any rape, or chaos, that stems from your own native population?

Or just from MUHSLINS?

Oh, just like every other religious fundamentalist, then.

never going to happen autist. Every country in Europe still has a significant non-muslim majority.
People who are more well off economically are usually much more secular. European and American muslims as a whole are much less radical than Middle Eastern Muslims because they don't have to rely as heavily on religious institutions for welfare.

but I thought muslims were spooks since them saying they have a religion changes nothing about them

Yes but when imported adherents and clerics set up means to dominate their more secular adherents, because Apostates are not widely allowed.

And they’re losing favor across the board because of our souring relations, and the inexplicable urge to adopt as many as possible, as quickly as possible.

Regardless of how many are nice and ought well to be left to function in society, there's more than some clash- the saying goes "Islam has bloody boarders."

The nation-state is unnecessary but boarders hold momentary convenience to some.

No, no, no.

Religion is a framework of ideologies, perceptions, communities, and careers- as well as to some a means of fearful indoctrination, or historical recollections and offers a lifestyle.

A language, is thinking. You use a language to think. Words & circumstance of description define your thought.

Orwell specifically focused on language and environment, but wasn't as visionary as Huxley.

But Orwell only spoke of what he saw, he didn't bring about what shaped his perception- it was the poet Gabriele d'Annunzio that painted the canvas of Orwell's reality, that only could be summed in drafts of nightmares and allegorical recounts.

William Seward Burroughs, however, is the one to truly express the language of the mind.

Muslims aren't a spook, unless you're ussing the threat of muslims to get away with your own petty shit.

Yeah, this.

Everything happens for a reason, and these reasons can be dealt with.
The US actively funds and supports al-Qaeda and the Saudi family. It's not the default mentality.

Religion means different things to different people. How it relates to individuals cannot be understood with religious exegesis.

People are not incapable of thinking outside of their own religion unless they are forcibly kept crammed into this framework, which is a grip that has only become looser for social conservatives of any kind. This is why Muslim fundies have become so desperate–no one will listen to them unless they have power, or if they are a "lesser evil" compared to a secular dictator like the Shah.

The Arabic language intrinsic to Islam is the target of translation for an endless stream of Western media that Muslims actually enjoy if they can get access to, but there are active political agendas aiming to prevent this, and these politics, the "Islamic revival", are a relatively recent phenomenon. This is what is happening in the Middle East, people are being crammed into boxes. They are themselves victims of the spread of Wahhabism.

Because Huxley was himself concerned with things that don

The fact that they're retarded bydlo from wartorn cesspits?


If you took hundreds of thousand of white lumpens from Western nations and put them somewhere with the same lax public security the same thing would happen, some people are psychotic and take advantage of public disarray to do whatever they want.

is that a pic of shrek

did you perhaps intend to ask if you wanted "your" women to be wives and mothers again?


And things were great under the Shaa of Iran. Secular society, and education- at the cost of some factional liberty (imprisoning dissidents), and oppression.

Well that doesn't teach you its culture, but provide a framework, as these are poetic texts of historical accounts full of outdated laws and symbolism, and Qur’an though comprehensive is imperfect, though far from the absent minded craftsmanship and its hastily refurbished & cherry-picked New and Old Testament re-translations.

This happens when you allow groups to maintain a Sharia police.

Well, yes with the Arabian Wahhabi schools and regular targeted funding to radical groups coming from all sectors of the NATO hegemony this certainly is as you said.

We are past that point dear, it's hit everyone but the penguins.

Philippines, Indonesia, Africa, North America, and Europe as well all feel the sting.

Would be good to take advantage of that and push for more specific things to trickle though and spread.

Arabia is the last true autocratic regime left.

What's strong enough to eat the last Absolute Monarchy? Certainly not the democracies that love it.

Yes. I don't think anyone other than Muslims is pro-rape.

That's why rich, peaceful Saudi Arabia beheads gays, stones disobedient women and keeps a massive population of "guest workers" as brutalized chattel, right user?

Drop me off in the middle of Yemen or Afghanistan. I guarantee you I won't organize my fellow white christians into a thousand man rape jihad.

Yes. Again, not Muslim.

[citation needed]

Immigration create fascism because of everyone is spooked. Their also brought in to drive down wages of workers, thus increasing profit, mostly because those workers come from countries with more exploitation.

Also, they should drop their culture, because it's a spook.

How did you not hear about this?'s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

so by linking various think tanks and wiki pages?
they get mad at bernie and hilldawg because they aint left enough? even though the msm is constantly sucking left dick?

Because Fascists, Traditionalists and National Bourgeoisie either don't exist or are wrong by default, right?

I did hear about it, but "organized mass public sex assaults" is stretching it, especially when your own link says

You make it sound like they got together and planned it out rather than a bunch of people were out on NYE and got drunk and groped other drunk folks.

In all it seems like very little evidence and very much sensationalism considering despite "a thousand men" prowling around in this "organized mass sex assault" gang less than 150 of the alleged perpetrators have been arrested.

You really believe this?

I thought only brown people could be horrible.
Did Holla Forums lie to me?

I never said it wasn't. The shitty bydlo doing rapes in Europe aren't even from there, retard.

Nigga read the sources. Thousands of men in the streets, thousands of assaults and robberies. Young German women surrounded by Arab men beating them and trying to rip off their clothes. They weren't in bars, they were outside of transit stations and other high traffic areas. But no, obviously the women were drunk and it was all consensual.

Have you every been in a riot? How many arrests are made out of the actual number of participants? 150 is actually incredibly high, especially considering the policy were stretched thin and massively outnumbered.

No, they aren't you fucking mongoloid and that's the entire point. You claimed the poor ebin meme nuffins were only acting barbaric because their countries are poor and war-torn.

Saudi Arabia has more or less the same people with the same religion, but it's wealthy and not at war. So what's the logical conclusion here?

The following groups are leftist and non- PC

I'm not saying I like or hate any of those but my point still stands

All the Useful Idiotites are on Holla Forums because this is a no racism or meaniewords board.


And people don't like to be killed for having an opinion even if they get free schooling. Surprise surprise!

That's not the point, you can't determine what people think by reading a book you can't even determine if they have read or not. People think for themselves and draw their own personal conclusions. Even strict Islam allows for this to an extent.

And we're doing this now, from the Western world, because oil, and when the oil dries up they'll still be sitting on tremendous wealth.

We're seeing the fallout, but ISIS really is getting desperate. They're like human Ebola, they kill too fast to spread far. Even their home territory has a loose grip on its citizens outside of Mosul, it's corrupt as hell and rife with bribery.
For the most part, Islamic terrorism is much more tactful than this, and focused on how geopolitics affect their religion, not the religion itself.

It would be great, but it's too useful for porky to loosen his grip on.
The Middle East's upheaval is a dream come true for the US military! It finally has an excuse to wage eternal war in some backwater place (or no-water in this case), keep the military industry chugging along nicely and maintain global economic hegemony wherever possible.
Well, that and Brunei and Swaziland.

Nigga, they were the definition of PC. Literally.

I'm saying they're acting barbaric because they're fucked up people from a fucked up place. I don't see what you're getting at.
The logical conclusion is that people from places like Syria and Afghanistan are from fucked up countries, while SA is shitrich off oil money and supported by massive western subsidies.
Again, I haven't got a clue what your point is.

How are New Atheists non-PC? Do you live in Iran?


Actually, most of the refugees committing crimes aren't even from Syria, many of them are from North African nations without violent conflicts to run from.

Germany treats them the same as people running from a war, which is horrifying.

You speak the truth.
And I agree Europe's response to the refugee crisis has been an absolute disaster. What you're saying has even more fucked up implications; The Syrians are just trying to escape ISIS and Assad and get lumped in with a motley crue of turbobydlo from the global south.

Holy fuck you're illiterate. Let me walk you through this.

1. Kebab from war torn shitholes act shifty.

2. Kebab from rich Saudi Arabia act shifty.

Ergo, the problem is Kebab, not poverty or war.

FFS you drooling retard, we let in thousands of Hmong from war torn Vietnam after the war. Where are the new years rape sprees?

Also this. A ton of them are just opportunistic Pakistanis. What does that tell you?

something something yellow peril something

No, you're just incredibly bad at forming an argument.
Many do. I don't know if you have statistics or anything on 'shiftiness', but whatever.
Because they have an elite of degenerate aristocrats supported by western money and arms and they maintain power by paying lip service to a deplorable fundamentalist school of Islam.
Nod really. You're just a moronic troglodyte who doesn't know how things work. Is it the religion or the genes? I know you're blaming one or the other and I'll push your shit in on either point.

kek, modern Riyadh is a soft, safe metropolitan area with a bunch of no-fun laws tacked onto it. The Saudi family themselves are such pricks because a lot of rich people are like that.

The last Saudi I talked to online was a homosexual furry that roleplayed on Second Life.

You are also fucking retarded if you think a lot of Vietnam vets didn't have a raging hate-boner for Vietnamese people after the war. The way they fought was "degenerate" by Holla Forums medieval LARP standards.

Yeah, the organized assault squads, you mentioned that, but aside from just repeated claims I've yet to see any proof.

Lol are you so rectum ruined that you have to invent things? I never said it was consensual, but you said that there was mass organization of some nebulous *~thousands~* organized specifically to sexually assault people, when the reality seems to be much different.

Awful, but hardly the work of some sort of organized army of foreign molesters. You can try to wave away the very small number of arrests, but most of the suspects were identified as asylum seekers. If it were all those filthy foreigners, which have been documented and identified as asylum seekers, then why have not more of them been captured? Especially if they were organized, the prevalence of CCTV and other such things, more would be apprehended, and a significant impetus to do so, if there were "thousands" of these aggressors roaming the street.

What about repeat offenses as well? If only 150 out of some many thousands were caught then the majority should still be out there and no doubt emboldened by the fact that they robbed and assaulted and did not get caught.

This is besides the fact that many of the allegations came weeks after the fact, that the assailants are described in vague terms like "foreign" or "in mismatched clothes," and that the majority of crimes were non-sexual in nature.

I'm unconvinced that this is anything other than a sensationalized event designed to get people like you angry about your spooky White Woman getting violated by the foreign hordes.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Saudi Arabia has a population of literal chattel slaves. Marital rape is de facto legal. Who cares if some princeling you did Internet nerd shit with is a degenerate furry?

What do the feelings of Vietnam vets have to do with the fact that the Hmong don't go on rape sprees?


Yellow peril


literally google it

c'mon fam

How is 150/1,000 a small number for such a massive event you fucking idiot? And how is the fact that most of the arrests we asylum seekers a point in your favor? We've established that it isn't poverty that makes them behave this way.

I wouldn't hold your breath. Polyps and proofs don't mix.

If fucked up people from a fucked up place A are the cause of these social disturbances then why aren't the fucked up people from fucked up place B also behaving the same way

T'aint that fuckin hard m8

I know what it is you smug retard. So what? Are you saying all the women were lying as part of some propaganda campaign?


I'd also like you to explain away the KSA's low crime rates, despite a 10% African black populace. No, legal marital rape is not even close.

Holy fucking shit, you dense idiot. That's my point! You're the one claiming that shitty conditions made them do it. I'm claiming the exact fucking opposite.

Why? If Germany started beheading and whipping these people they'd probably fall in line. That seems to be the only thing that works for them.

De facto you fucking illiterate

/Holla Forums

I'll put it easy
ching chongs immigrate en masse in america

americans get angry at ching chongs

some ching chong rapes some white chick

ching chongs are now associated with rape because it's in the asian nature

then, lo and behold, they stop being serial rapers and a menace to white people because Japan stronk and aryan nation now. Also, China rich as fuck and all that.

Then they invent animu so they cool now.

Less than ten people were actually raped, which is still awful, but nothing like "rape sprees". They were mostly acting like angry drunks, groping people and taking and breaking property.

Obviously, it should not have happened, but it's not that surprising when you consider that this is a thousand men out of just short of a million.

If this were the case, crime rates would be much higher to suit the punishments. KSA laws are intentionally harsh for the sake of religious purity, not as a pragmatic response.

So you're not going to admit that they were not an "organized mass sexual assault" huh?

lol is it only 1000 now that you want 150 to look "large" because before you said "thousands" and the link you provided mentions vague "thousands" too. I'll tell you what, why don't you come back when you can come back with a definite number. Until then, yes, 15% or less of the total number of perpetrators is a small number.

You might have convinced yourself of that but considering the majority of the reported criminal offenses seems to have been muggings or at least non-sexual in nature the facts speak against you, but I understand that since it plays so strongly into your cuckolding fetish its hard for you to imagine otherwise.


Okay so your theory is that there was one actual assault or rape and the rest are just hysteria?

It was one night you fucking downie. How many crimes did they commit before or afterwards? How many German streets are no-go areas for women now.

You are a literal cancer on the European continent.

I'm not the same guy.

I'm just saying that, every time there is social tension between ethnies, one of them gets to be the rapist.

In america, it has been widely accepted that it was in the nature of:

and now

to rape white women and try to pollute the pure german/english/dutch/irish/native american/scottish/nowegian/danish/spanish heritage of these US of A.

Yeah, the German one seems to break when people like you let in hordes of feral third worlders.

To further clarify: Of course there were rapes in Frankfurt, you dipshit.

But I'm quite sure you won't get rid of rape if you get rid of immingrats, if that's your concern.

Which it clearly isn't, since your narrative is more about misgenation rather than rape itself.

Generally that's what happens and you're the perfect example of why. You're frothing at the mouth about evil foreigners molesting pure white women without any solid proof that any of it even happened.

During Hurricane Katrina when people were taking refuge in the coliseum, the media early on reported that it was complete fucking bedlam. People were getting raped, shot, beaten, they were starving, freezing, just apocalyptic behavior out of a mad max movie.

Oh, but then in reality when reporters stopped just forwarding along all the bullshit and actually went in and investigated they discovered that absolutely none of that stuff happened and everyone was completely calm. A gun had gone off, by accident, and then the next thing you know it's the fucking Thunder Dome.

Lol you're just straight spooked friend. You'll cling to any reason to believe in your cuckold fantasy world. It's really pathetic honestly.

I'm talking about real crimes you fucking cretin. I'm talking about people feeling unsafe on their own streets, not because they're ignorant ebil racists, but because they're legitimately afraid for their safety.


The real issue here that while these conditions could lead to problems with pretty much any kind of person not from the cushiest nations on Earth, they should not have come to be in the first place. I imagine many of the perverts were looked down upon as lumpens in their home nations.

Simply put: neoliberal capitalism wants workers, and you don't have to be a good person to work.

Holy shit, there really is no reaching you.

If a woman gets raped on a German street, but a leftist refuses to believe it, did it really happen?

According to you, no.

Yes, you definitely sound like a rational person that is simply concerned with their own safety.

No user. These people are saints. Any negative impact they have on the host country, any negative effect on quality of life for natives, that's just brown peril scaremongering.

You might feel Mahmoud entering violently you from behind, but tis' just a spook, a figment of your racist mind.

Read the second post, friendo.

Also, don't give me that. You don't really care about it, m8. You just care because it fits your narrative.

That's why EU governments should have let refugees in after registering them and weeding out criminals, terrorists etc.

It wasn't a fabrication, but it is true that only five people had actual evidence that they were sexually assaulted beyond having their tits grabbed. And German law does not define rape so strictly, nor does it skimp on investigating it.

He's not saying it didn't happen, he's saying people are not looking at it in a reasonable way.

If you want to make a case against migrants, this is not the way to do it.

I don't know, what else do you call someone who thinks it's okay to gang up and assault random women in public like some sort of human jackal?

Lol, you're turbospooked. I don't have a macro spooky enough to describe how spooked you are. Don't think it's gone unnoticed that you've abandoned your "organized mass sexual assault" line and every other plot hole that's been pointed out to you.

This is 110% correct

This is starting to sound like a feminazi talking.

Don't you mean "some sort of orcish jackal?"

Although if you really want to play up the invading imagery "Uruk-hai" might be more applicable.

Holla Forums?

Yeah, all these Arab guys are just speading their legs too wide on the subway. I'm probably overreacting.


Nothing to see here.

I'm glad at least you understand user

Now you become passive-aggressive, which is kind of annoying.

But anyway, you know that the crimes that have actually risen in Germany in the last years are burglary and pickpocketing, yes? Those are a good argument against immigration, since no one likes to get their shit stoled.

But it isn't as appealing to your imaginary as "dude they gonna make bronw babbies", as "fuck ahmed, that fucking turk stole my bike" isn't as juicy as "Ahmed is going to rape Annette, fuck him".

Also, it doesn't really solve the problems Germany is having with the immigration influx


Is perfect for your local conservative porky that wants that sweet, sweet seat in the parliament. He's on your side, user. Vote for him.

He's going to change everything.

Nope, nothing at all.



Something something yerrow perrir

Google faster, 4 articles aren't enough m8.

Now you are just being pretentious and spewing Google vomit.

Aside from clickbait titles, all that is shown here is that the German government has even let down people lenient to the migrants by refusing to vet applicants for entry. These lumpens are taking advantage of an unmanageable crisis to do whatever they want in foreign territory. Westerners basically do the same thing in Southeast Asia, especially pedophiles.

This is while Merkel continues pushing for austerity and ignores the needs of the migrants and refugees that are minding their own business.

She just doesn't care.

yes this is a credible source


m8 you gotta do better than that

lol I really wouldn't be surprised if there was a thread on Holla Forums right now complaining about "those fucking commies on Holla Forums just don't care about women getting raped"

This one makes me curious.

Let's say these people committed a hundred times as much crime as they do now, but violent crime remained static. Property and other nonviolent crime would reach unimaginable highs.

Would people even care that much?

I imagine so, but it's pretty clear from the emphasis of the "MASS RAPE GANGS" that it's designed to inflame reactionaries.

B-But muh Day of the Rope ;_;

They are all primariliy retarded…

Not a single fucking source, unlike the other
this seems utterly legit tho…