Can we get rid of it? There's at least one unironic poster that uses it, and she even occasionally makes good posts, but it seems like all the other users are Holla Forums shitposters.
Pic mildly related.
Can we get rid of it? There's at least one unironic poster that uses it, and she even occasionally makes good posts, but it seems like all the other users are Holla Forums shitposters.
Pic mildly related.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not a Holla Forums shit poster are you retarded. Stop stirring up drama
Shouldn't this be in the moderation topic anyway
Honestly I liked it more when it was exclusively used to identify shitposters.
Oh I'm a shit poster don't get me wrong. But I'm not insidiously from 4pol or some shit. There's just not a lot of discussion going on atm.
Found myself in agreement with anFem for about teh first time recently over Brexit.
Does anyone else here like tr/st
You're only encouraging others to use it more to maintain solidarity.
I used to hate you but you do make some quality posts from time to time. Not to mention, you're one of the few oldfags left on this board. I still hate your flag though
Let's get rid of the poster instead
This is a good idea
But nazis are kinda funny, they stumble upon stuff trying to shoehorn that being white is an achievement and they're justified in being autistic manchildren because some greek dude once did something spectacular a couple millenia ago.
Where did I say we shouldn't get rid of the nazi, you waste of skin?
I'm going to use this flag now that someone's being salty about it.
I just came here from Holla Forums and I say let the flag stay. All my favorite posters so far use it.
i hope you kill yourself, lifestylist
t. Bookchin
When did I say I support Corbyn
Suck my fat cock
I would say there's at least 2-3 of us that sometimes, or most of the time, make an effort in posting a cogent argument. The rest are probably Holla Forumsyps, sure, but it's not really hard to identify them: they will shoehorn in the term brocialist as to beat a dead horse, or say cis white scum n' shit without really making a point, faux-complaining, as it were.
Yeah exactly
Poast more YPG qts.
OP here, I withdraw my complaint. But this poster is cancer.
No one will take my vast collection from me.
Wait, I guess I shouldn't of saged if I wanted a response.
I'll follow this post with a very impolite sage on my own thread.
Lifestylism is not supporting a genuine working class movement because it's not your special snowflake brand of anarchism.
I'm coming for your porn and there's nothing you can to stop me
I have a gun.
we'd have to get rid of them all
A shame that some think that way about porn. I'm for that sort of satisfaction as it can bring one calm, deep slumber, and perhaps even hitherto unthought of techniques for controlling your climax. Moreover, if you can't learn how to pleasure yourself, how can you ever let someone else know how to pleasure you?
That feel when the nazi poster is less obnoxious than the anarcho-feminist poster.
pic related
jokes on you, i would suck it
Eh, I like feministposter much more than naziposter; she makes many great posts sometimes. The nazi can be on the right track sometimes, but for all the wrong reasons.
I'm not really being serious about banning porn calm down
I am calm! Hmph.
My point is nonetheless a point.
You're cute
Also I agree
Why wouldn't you want an easy way to spot polyps trying to stir shit? Just like IRL, flags are good for telling who's with whom, including in that case who's with Stupid.
This guy understands.
If we're thinking of the same people, I'd say they're about even. The naziposter posts more often but with less effort and the same polyp cliches we've all heard an nauseum. He tries to be smug, but most of the time it doesn't work very well without other polyps stroking each other off to it. The anfem puts in a lot of effort, but seems to have some kind of mental barrier about why idpol is cancerous. Also sometims seems to take things overly personally. Evidence seems to be almost anathema to both. If I had to get rid of one, it's be the polyp, because I can get practice pwning those on other boards. The other one at least makes me excercize my brain a little beyond finding a wiki article and having wiki called a lying Illuminati Patriarchy ZOG Occupied Government shill or something.
t. armchair shrink man
Suck my cock
no u
If you believe fighting for women's rights is identity politics you wouldn't have faired well in any radical leftist circle of the past.
In fact you would have either had your shit kicked in or you wouldn't agree and would fling yourself to the people you, currently still, don't really hate all too much.
I agree with anarcha-fem on some things but her need to relentlessly shitpost is annoying
eh, I sorta have. I'm well read enough, at least.
Pls don't hurt me..
Your endless lying would shame Goebbels.
[citation needed]
Assuming you provide evidence for once, my arguments then are:
-If you're talking about historical revolutionary or reformist movements, feminist goals of actual legal equality for women were and are in line with egalitarianism, equality and other things lefties tend to like and be for. Rather than policing people's speech and the media
-If you're referring to more contemporary shit, maybe we should give it a shot without the idpol this time, since other political movements have been destroyed from within by its cancerousness
-How fortunate then that it is >le current year and the left are collectively beginning to wise up, at least on this Polynesian charcoal sketching appreciation webring
[citation needed], also how do you know I'm not a roidhead with more gats than krillcen or a real-life version of the Navy SEALS snowclone or a lawyer or something, or that I wouldn't be the equivalent of that back in whatever historical era you're alluding to in the few dozen millennia of recorded human history/class struggle?
Presuming to know another's intent or what they'd do in X situation now too, eh?
Which people? Not sure what people you're referring to here. Also what material difference do my feelings make? I hate paying bills but my options are that or get beat and thrown out of my home by stormtroopers. I can hate it, but I do it and Porky profits by it as much as he would if I were some kind of masochist who enjoyed getting gouged every month. And how can you tell how much and what I do and don't hate? I haven't even mentioned most of the things I hate. For instance, I'm not a fan of menthol cigs, they taste like cough drops and I'd rather know I'm smoking a cig. But this is the first I've said of it on this board or this site.
Poiunt out the lies first
You have no respect for the cause you champion if you don't even know who Emma fucking Goldman is, let alone anyone else speculating about women's relation to Capital.
It's likely you would have the shit kicked out of you. There's not much you can do to change that fact. If anyone here cared about holding true to anything that's been worked on by countless people, we would force you to leave in order to bring forth the better read.
Also if you want to make people look bad, try a picture that isn't filled with babes.
I already did.
All you pointed out is either yourself lying or your inability to read first what you believe, or your disregard for it to begin with
kys, you worthless narcissist.
"The entire party and country should hurl into the fire and break the neck of anyone who dared trample underfoot the sacred edict of the party on the defense of women's rights." – daddy Hoxha
Daily reminder that women's sufferage was a colossal mistake and that Sweden is the ultimate fate of any nation dumb enough to extend the franchise to the fairer sex.
I'd like anfem poster to shove her thumb up my ass while savagely grinding my patriarchal hegemony.
Giving birth to men as fucking insubordinate and unfaithful and unthankful as you was a mistake, and I do believe your mother suffers for it and knows it.
That sentence is retarded. You will become a political entity if you give women the right to vote? I guess Vatican City doesn't real then.
Vatican City would lock you in a building with a load of captive virgins…
You didn't mention Emma fucking Goldman. What specifically has she got to do with this?
Your next line will be: it's not my job to educate you.
There is no way I could change that if I gave them each a million dollars, poisoned them, spiked their drinks, got them high, framed somebody else as a police informer and provided strong fake evidence or had nuclear launch codes and threatened to wipe out all life on this ball of water and mud if they didn't hear me out? Hard fckin coar.
If anyone had feelings about an ideal so nebulous I can't articulate it or so unpopular I dare not speak its name, we would heat up our pockets in order to magically make people appear who conform to my our arbitrary and unclear standards.
are you attempting to force your normative standards of beauty and sexuality on me, you cishet oppressor?!?!?!?!?!!1 :^)
Seriously though beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How do you know I'm not a homo or a furry or only pork fat chicks or something and everything else isn't either disgusting or just background noise to me? On this site, It's most statistically likely that I only like 2D.
You really presume to know a lot about me and about historical figures I doubt you've interacted with since the only one you've mentioned died in 1940, you seem to have trouble articulating your statements, and you have yet to answer any of my questions. Pic totally unrelated.
I'm not arguing with a permanent virgin at 9:33am sorry
And you wonder why a spook-free board doesn't like you.
Not the guy you're replying to btw
Huh? I'm not praising Vatican City. I'm pointing out how illogical the post was.
Posts made with zero effort should be dismissed with zero effort. Also nice ad hominim edit.
why should i give a crap
I love my mom, but I'd never vote for her. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
That's a shame. Your mother hates you for your beliefs.
I'm arguing with somebody using shit-tier stock internet insults and vague references to Expand Dong.
The suicidal insanity gripping modern Sweden is a direct result of policies enacted by women who were voted in by other women.
Hormonal mood swings and misplaced nurturing instinct do not a good leader make.
I'm arguing with someone who has no respect for any argument made making argument moot by point of you getting ass blasted by feminist literature in of all things a fucking board for collectivists. You aren't being exactly beyond cringe either
If you commit suicide, I will be glad. I don't see a problem. Good for them.
She's a massive lefty and we still get along great. If you have a shitty relationship with your parents it probably has less to do with your politics and more to do with you being a bitter shrew.
Smile femanon. It won't kill you.
I just wish I had a leftist gf :(
Don't worry, you can keep lying to your mother as long as you want. You just know that if you were to confess what you believe, your mother would hate you.
And I doubt she's telling the full truth to you directly anyways.
I do, it's pretty great. If you can get a gf, convert her to leftism.
pic related
Ah, now we're getting somewhere.
And if I were arguing that women or anybody else should be treated as second-class citizens, kept illiterate or enslaved, I'd probably deserve most of what I got. Since I at no point made an argument in favor of any of those things, your assertion is full of shit.
She knows everything. Is your family really that fractious and broken that your mom would disown you over a political disagreement?
I still have hope for femanon here. One day her womb will bear my champions.
I vote leave it as a shitpost flag, I can instantly know whose opinions to disregard
Your mother is a whore for loving you tbh
Says the EU flag
No he is SRS. From plebbit.
You can tell her that at our wedding, you adorable cunt.
I gotta say, even if these posters are legit, the vast majority of them are bitter af for no apparent reason, and it kinda ruins board quality.
You'll find it more likely you marry your own mother
nigga what is this even supposed to mean? Is it supposed to be insulting somehow to be so free from stupid spooks that one could have a romantic relationship with their own mother?
I'll stop if you post time stamped pics and it turns out you're gross.
I dont call myself a feminist because I think all genders struggle equally, but I think you should reconsider calling yourself a feminist and just use the term "sexist" instead.
I am a professional misandrist
So you're a dominatrix?
Two. Wow, that is a lot.
Sounds miserable. Why?
will you please dominate me
When you get bit by a dog too many times growing up, you grow phobia of dogs. In this metaphor, dogs and the opposite sex can become interchangable
s-so d-does that mean you will be my qt leftist gf?
What if you like getting bit?
I'm happily taken sweetheart. At least you asked nicely
Catgirl anfemposter can stay.
There is no sense in exerting effort on this matter. AnFem poster is a dishonest liar who claims not to believe women are more oppressed than men when this is the entire essence of the patriarchy theory that all feminism demands.
So, is that like a 'professional' youtube vidya LP'er and you're paid to sperg your bigotry on obscure chans? Can I get a piece of that action? It looks breddy easy to do.
Why even fucking bother with life anymore if it denies such pleasures?
Ah, thx Comrade. I thought as much but didn't want to jump to conclusions.
like a 'professional' youtube vidya LP'er and you're paid to sperg your bigotry on obscure chans except vodka at 10:21am
You don't sound happy. Give me a chance femanon. Lesbian bed-death is no way to live.
happy early vodka then lol
I love my daddy, pls.
Since I at no point made an assertion about you making an argument in favor of any of those things, your assertion is poo.
Just as rocket propelled phalluses and puerile machismo do not a good leader make.
To lead well requires a strong, dispassionate approach. A fundamentally male approach. Also rocket phalluses.
You don't know any women besides your mother it seems.
I like you femanon. But you come across as neither of those things.
Neither do you.
Let's consumate this thing we've got going before you start making judgements about my strength or passion.
These are opposites. Besides, mens gots da passions too! They like thick meat and call of duty.
Where have you been anyways? It's been ages.
Are you saying it's impossible to act rationally and have a strong will?
Okay, you don't like thick meat, but you're the exception that proves the rule :^)
In Canada, eating poutine, getting drunk off of old fashioneds, screwdrivers, and absinthe.
The moment you act is the moment you cease to reason.
have fun?
Too much. I got to pray with my sister for the first time.
We should perma ban and dox everybody who uses ancom flags and red flags.
ladies and gentleman: an anti-left sjw, a member of the very group trying to destroy this community
But u sed:
When pressed, you specified that
is the ambiguous party you say would kick my ass for disagreeing, your logic being that his policies can be placed under the category of feminism/womens' lib, and that if I'm against one if I'm required to be against the other. Or that if Hoxha is for one he's for the other. You try to equate my dislike of modern idpol cancer with dislike for abolitionism, womens' sufferage, legal equality, and literacy.
Using that logic, if I'm against people having the right to sacrifice unwilling human beings the deity they believe in, I am also against them having the right to openly pray to the deity they believe in, because they both fall under the broad category of religious freedom. Modern idpol and unwilling human sacrifice give some people rights at the significant, meaningful material expense of the rights of others (and yes, human sacrifice is significantly morally worse than idpol), literacy, the vote, equality under the law and emancipating slaves do not.
Therefore, once again, your did indirectly assert that my dislike of idpol is the same as me endorsing chattel slavery, illiteracy and legal inequality. Once again, your assertion is made up of fecal matter.
No I didn't, faggot.
The rest of your argument is either a strawman or irrelevant.
shut the fuck up jesus
no u
But you can't because other than the mythic figure "the man" there's no polytheistic group still permitted sacrifices.
The Astrayu celiebrate Blot in a bloodless dance nowadays.
Members of the Y.S.E.E. would however like to resume animal sacrifices someday.
So it's a bad analogy for where's the precedent of one wanting human sacrificial rights?
Which are impart granted to Ecuadorians during wartime to indigenous tribes that willingly participate.
Yes you did. If you're going to lie to us, at least lie to us in a way we have to switch tabs to disprove.
Nice! Was it a catholic church?
Did you see the screencap? One of those meme arrows don't even have a (You), ergo you generalized everyone under the same flag as arguing the same thing. You can't just attribute to me an argument I didn't make and expect me to submit to it. How about you stop lying to yourself, deal?
wow you can switch proxies.
French Catholic school, at her graduation. She's a sweetheart and I wish her the best in life.
I don't even know how to use proxies, but you can assume whatever if it helps you sleep at night.
I mean, seriously, you could even say I photoshopped it on my phone and you'd still be unable to prove it, partially because I didn't, and partially because you seem to be incapable of reasoning coherent arguments.
tbh though anfem poster you should post on /anarcho/ where there's less butthurt and autism
Hi, I'm just fucking around with your autismo m8.
Great to have you back in any case
Can we permaban Rebel again? That day without him was the best Holla Forums been since Satan-chan posted her tits.
Flag fight.
We could get Satan to show pussy or one of the femniggers to show tits. That'd be fun.
I wash my ass & cunt with mint soap exclusively does that turn you on
Time to sage I should think.
Not much tbh, what do you do with your feet?
Black nail polish?
Imma streaming Independence Day 2. Disgusting anti-posadist propaganda!
Disappointingly vanilla.
I pick at them sometimes out of nervous habit. Anything else.
I pick my nose.
You pick your nose and you think semen and pregnancy is gross? :
Maybe when I get back home.
Do you rub them? Get pedicures or do anything to keep them soft?
Idk why I am the way that I am. All I know is that at least picking my nose doesn't get me pregnant.
I keep my feet fine….why do you want to know
Because I like sucking on toes
Well, at least you're having fun…
Can't blame you there. I also like massaging feet and suckling a good pinky toe
we have a gay nazi flag… so no.
It's for shitposting purposes, m8
>Implying I should be more upset about the group that doesn't want to gas me
Who says we aren't ? The mods have to continuously delete Holla Forums IQ and race threads because we kept taking the bait. We don't like idpol and we really like arguing.