Someone is attaching kike-tier, uncreative memes to us and then reporting on them as fact. Some of us have seen this in the works for a while, but now it is finally reaching full-term.
It is obvious the False Narrative / Propaganda Machine has been in full force this week with the 3 pipe bombs, mall-stabbing, two-dead niggers, a mall-shooting, and now this "Google->Nigger" low-energy shit.
I am not sure where it is coming from but it is possible the source is is one of the following groups: A) An influx of normal faggots / new faggots / 4cucks who are falling for the Lügenshilles? B) A (((coalition))) of various shilling groups on the board (JIDF, Holla Forums, SA, Media Matters, Applied Memetics, CTR, etc…)? C) "Perpetual Twitter Victims" - Maybe Soros is behind this to continue the assault against Trump's black outreach? D) Maybe this is Google trying to vindicate themselves of their Pro-Hillary manipulations and drum up reasons for censorship?
How are we going to counter this forced, unfunny, unintelligent "synthetic meme"?
Example Shilling / Lügenpresse: >>7611976 ( ) >>7606741 ( ) [ “Stinking Googles should be killed”: Why 4chan is using a search engine as a racist slur ] ( )
What's really suspicious about this is that all of these other subversive kike tactics are going on all at the same time as this.
Matthew Wilson
The shit meme surfaced at the same time we ecposed goons covering up for the Clinton mail scandal. I'm pretty sure it's a goon op.
Adam Young
thread very related
Ayden Kelly
Report all use of the words and refuse to use them yourself.
Caleb Kelly
I agree. Context is the most important part of identifying subversion and propaganda. Propaganda is designed to fulfill a strategic goal, it is meant to work in concert with other forms of kikery and side-jewing and should never be examined in a vaccuum.
You didn't even mention Obama is giving away the internet in 7 days and our only hope is the globalist snake Lyin' Ted.
Are the goons even really that focused on us still? Not saying this isn't the case, but SA is a withered husk of it's former-self. I guess the whole toxic community that targets us is kind of merged with reddit now though.
Joshua Hughes
That requires the mods to take action against it. Mods only really take action against extremely blatant shilling.
Kayden Nelson
1) Don't use it, even ironically. 2) Deploy a copypasta explaining that it's a lugenpresse shill operation, citing the article that appeared almost immediately after the meme was forced. 3) Any time a thread is created trying to force the meme, flood it with gore.
Optionally: start using an alternate definition for "google" that is more likely to catch on. It would work very well as a synonym for "shill". Ie, anyone who calls dindus googles is probably a google.
Nicholas Price
Kind of interesting to note that this entire thread thus far is nothing but people who are AGAINST this shitty meme.
It is almost like the (((people))) who are pushing this meme are being given a link to the thread to push it in, and are not concerned with anything else in the catalog.
Adrian Jenkins
That's exactly what's happening because it's probably those Semites over at (((Something Awful))) trying to subvert the internet again.
Lucas Martinez
trips of truth
Jeremiah Reyes
Yea, I've been watching it from the start to see if it was anything but google subversion. It's not.
Austin Nelson
It is very odd that not even 2 days after that meme hit full force the (((media))) wrote a story on it. It had to have been planted. We already have dindus for nigger and kayacks for likes, etc. resist the subversion
Jacob Reed
Meant kikes. Sage for double post
Noah Bell
Matthew Diaz
The most offensive word for kike isn't even considered a slur and could never be censored.
Charles Johnson
It seems like something that could be seen as a legitimate attempt at an operation, but it is far too early to start changing language around for something that hasn't happened yet, even if it is geared for other sites. Maybe if/when this Google censorship whatever it is actually comes around this could be implemented in Google owned websites , but right now just doesn't make any sense.
Michael Morales
Sometimes I despair and begin to question if there is a large legitimate population of faggots around here.
Good job fam. It really is all shills.
Wait no. The shills have spotted us!
Adrian Wood
Levi Martin
Maybe it's a bad cuckchan meme, what is wrong with it?
Parker Ward
Nice try shill, this google meme is supposed to be used only on sites like youtube, reddit and such, where the usage of a word like nigger gets you banned or shadowbanned. Everyone with half of a brain cell understands that it isn't meant for pol. It's too late and you can't stop it.
Lucas Richardson
Fucking hell I was already getting used to saying GAS THE SKYPES RACE WAR NOW
James Sanders
What does that say about you as a person?
Jace James
You answered your own question there buddy.
Brandon Lee
Did this start on cuckchan?
It just popped up out of nowhere with a plethora of Daily Stormer styled memes.
Jonathan Cox
Quite a big leap from
Just let it die naturally, like bad memes do
Noah Scott
Luis Williams
I have a few Holla Forums coworkers.
It's fun to have a normal conversation without anyone butting in or complaining. A few of them think we are harmlessly making fun of Google or just being silly, most just think its odd and don't ask.
I find this whole series of events hilarious. I didn't know a few changed words would change whole conversations in public.
Nolan Brooks
I smell consensus cracking… Look at those keywords:
You're trying really hard to show us you've been here for a long time, therefore your opinion should be valid, right?
Joshua Jones
Kek confirms
Elijah Richardson
I suspect we've got a few employees of Google who've been tipped off about OPeration Google, and have been told by their bosses to counter it. It's their job to counter this budding meme, and so they denigrate it, and anybody who promotes it.
But… that sorta behavior just tips off Holla Forums that something's up, that there's something to this meme, and so Holla Forums does what it does best - argue about it. And in the course of arguing about repurposing the term 'google' to represent 'nigger', the meme spreads. The Google employees cannot stop talking about this Google/google meme joke because their bosses, their hierarchy, their normie mindset, the Joos, that sorta thing. So they keep stirring it up, trying to head it off, and in the process making it worse for themselves.
That's what I find funny about this. Google can't.
Henry Powell
D&C thread.
If you don't like it, don't use it.
Christopher Collins
Shill thread reported
Noah Cruz
It's much more likely that you're a Google lover or a Google shill.
Logan Sanchez
Good eye, user.
Nathan Clark
Not all bad memes die naturally like they should. Perhaps this one will, but there should still be caution around something like this. It's not constructive, it's transformative.
Shit argument there friendo.
Brandon Peterson
Thanks skype killa, saging this thread with no survivors
Christian Smith
Brody Ross
GTFO Google.
if you don't like a meme don't use it.
Lucas Clark
It's not a bad meme Mr. Stein. I don't think you're getting paid tonight. Your thread ain't working.
Julian Anderson
Simply not using it would mean I would be at the mercy of those who do.
Chase Hernandez
This is a great analysis. I did not quite know why this meme bothered me so much, but you hit the nail on the head user.
It doesn't add anything new or funny to our community. It seeks to alter the behaviour of the community. Which is a clear signal of the influence of kikes or other external groups seeking to exert influence and control over the board/culture.
Austin Powell
Nice argument, by the way.
James Kelly
The meme is meant for usage as an euphemism outside Holla Forums you cretins. Nothing in the community is being transformed. No one is falling for your shill garbage.
Robert Bell
Thread archived We should probably screencap before they shut it down too. I can't as I'm on mobile.
Jason Evans
anti-cringe =/ MUH PR use it outside of here if you want to self censor like a pussy, but shut the fuck up here.
Brody Torres
The idea of the meme is hilarious and it's fighting back.
Don't be a stick in the mud.
Adrian Roberts
Or maybe you're google and you hate "googles" because it counters your new AI "troll filter" your working on and uses it against you.
Nathaniel Walker
Using euphemism =/= self-censorship. If you thought that was a good argument, you're not doing your pay's worth of work Mr. Stein. It has nothing to do with public image either. It's a way to mess up with your employer's word filters.
Samuel Young
I didn't know Holla Forums was subject to google's word filter
Ayden White
ITT: a bunch of fucking googles.
Carter Wood
^Most likely reason.
Gabriel Perry
You sound like a triggered kike who's upset that this "forced meme" is actually effective.
Or you're a MUH SEKRIT CLUB autist who gets assblasted everytime we achieve some exposure outside of 8/pol/. Either way, eat shit.
Julian Sanchez
The fact that it does mess with their word filters explains why the article was removed
Google shut it down to contain the meme!
Alexander Fisher
No, it doesn’t. Shit up their workflow. No, they don’t. They’re paid shills themselves. The more we damage them the better.
Daniel Diaz
Get niggers upset with hearing google, then they'll attack normies and will self sensor as a result, hurting jewgle. This seems better than trying to pair off with jewgle's algorithm.
Luis Adams
Colton Green
wow amazing wow reported
Anthony Gray
So stop spreading it here nigger kike.
More proof you are an idiot or a shill.
Where on Holla Forums is google censoring content? This is only important to google nigger kikes who nigger and kike on google.
Kevin Jones
Remember all the big tech companies that signed a pledge recently to fight hate speech on the internet? They dont like the idea of wasting their millions on a filter that will auto flag their own brand names and censor any mentions of them.
Yeah, I think it did start there. I haven't been over there, but that "infographic" on how to use it is embarrassingly bad and something I would expect from 4chan.
Charles Peterson
Force an explosive up your ass wired to your phone then have your mother call.
Sebastian Brown
Andrew Smith
Retard this originated on cuckchan not here, read the thread before capping 10 replies.
Jason Powell
The jew is strong in this thread.
Liam Cooper
I expect Holla Forums sound like this in a few months:
So there will be a group of "correctors" who will consider everyone who says words like "nigger" or "kike" newfag outsiders.
Cooper Anderson
>using dindu instead of nigger is self-censoring
This is how retarded you look, kike.
Joshua Long
If this meme were any good, they wouldn't be forcing it so hard, they'd give it a day, a week, a month to slowly percolate through the community. But like all kikes, they have no patience and show everyone their hand in their enthusiasm to get their grubby Jew hands on the pot.
Brayden Lewis
It started on halfchan. 8/pol/ didn't pick it up until a day and a half later. The (((media))) musta been monitoring 8/pol/, cause that's when they noticed it.
Kevin Ramirez
Jaxon Perez
Nigger, jew-tech has a monopoly in the market. The jews own google, faceberg, android, microshit, Intel, youtube, skype.
Nice try faggot, but its almost impossible to boycott this shit. Give an answer instead of being just a faggot shill.
Easton Adams
Except this is completely wrong because dindu can be used somewhat situationally, doesn't require a lot of explanation, is actually somewhat clever, and makes sense, all while not acting as a complete replacement for nigger. You'd know that if you were actually using your head.
William Martin
that's not what's actually happening, though. we're seeing 4chan-level shitposting retards cutting loose with "google google google" like four year olds who just learned the word 'shit'. it stands out immediately that people using the forced meme aren't from here and don't get this place.
Chase Perry
And what's wrong with that? We live in a changing world and our behavior changes to adapt to it. It has to if we want to survive.
Nicholas Bell
Exactly this. It's annoying enough already. Just imagine this in a few months when you have these "correctors" everywhere ruining threads left and right with: "oh, you are suppose to call niggers googles, didn't you know user?" x 1000
Ayden Morales
half-Holla Forums is so shit these days i would imagine even people paid to read it don't bother to read it anymore.
it's already happening and yes they stand out as obvious newfags
Christian Russell
Dindu is alot easier to find and filter in whatever algorithm the tech companies plan to implement Nobody says dindu in normal conversation, its always referred to as niggers.
Benjamin Wilson
not an argument
Grayson Cruz
I'm not a "triggered" SJW, but every time I see that "hurr a google stole my wallet!" shit I feel a reflexive, visceral hatred. If they want to troll the JewTube comment section with that crap that's fine; I encourage that even. But this is Holla Forums. This is NOT kikebook. Keep that shit where it belongs and let it disseminate naturally - or not.
Nicholas Brooks
Luke Torres
Jordan Martinez
op is making a PR cucking argument
Brayden Morales
You seem to have ignored the rest of that post. Mainly the whole "not constructive, transformative" bit. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's good.
Google's word filters don't affect Holla Forums.
Eli Lewis
This is why i hate 4nigger.
Wyatt Ward
If this were organic it would have been refined into rock-hard, pure kek, but right now it is flaccid with no foreskin. Say for example you could create echoes for blacks by typing the noun sdrawkcab.
Imagine the processing power that elgoog would need to use to check every drow against a yranoitcid for being depyt backwards on every etisbew that they crawl?
Its near impossible to monitor 4chan if you aren't into interracial penetration close-ups(BM WF) in the OP.
Jeremiah Myers
Hudson Collins
Let's see who the shills are.
It's far more likely that a Billion dollar corporation is trying to stop this via shilling than this being a Soros plot to hurt Trump.
Xavier Allen
I don't mind this movement, but I personally stick to the good old stuff.
Pushing for "Golem" would be cool, though.
Ethan Morales
excuse me user, but the proper term is now 4google.
Jack Mitchell
Ayden Flores
Google is designed to be used out in the wider world of the internet to say nigger with impunity. It's not intended for here. OP is google.
Matthew Scott
We aren't talking about Holla Forums censorship The meme needs a place to originate from and grow, i agree its not supposed to replace the word nigger on Holla Forums. But people wont understand the reference if no one on the board references it either.
Zachary James
Gas yourself Moshie. Calling Niggers Googles is reddit-tier cuckholdry.
Camden Rodriguez
Jace James
We're using google. Stay blasted.
Aaron James
Samuel Ward
filtered. problem solved.
Parker Torres
Why aren't we using leetspeak again?
Leo Ramirez
Except Holla Forums is doing just fine as is, isn't it? Our board culture as it is has Hillary seeing Nazi frogs everywhere she looks. Holla Forums doesn't need PR. Holla Forums doesn't need a community outreach programme you moronic kike. We are the gods of the information age, and those who want to know come to us.
Brody Stewart
Nice bootleg. I recall the original image having Smug Trump at the top of the pyramid.
Asher Perez
Weak, Shlomo.
Nathaniel Green
"googles" is a PR cuck meme
Dominic Rogers
If only that were the case.
And that's where the entire concept falls apart. It's not funny or creative, and most of the people that run into it will either ignore it or not understand it. At best it creates a bunch of mini-circlejerks inside youtube comments, now with an extra added layer of retardation on top.
Thanks for the strawman.
Jackson Young
Nicholas Lee
Because when it grew too popular 13 years old kids started using it and it was forgotten afterwards. It also doesn't help much if you don't completely go into symbols + numbers translation. And it looks gringeworthy.
Wyatt Murphy
We're going to be forced to do this anyways once the censorship kicks in.
Lucas Torres
Juan Lewis
Get the fuck out then.
Great minds reason and deduce. Weak minds google for the answer.
Jace Diaz
Why are you upset, nigger? You a google?
Levi Torres
Whats the point of posting gore here? We need a constructive thread to talk about this forced meme.
Ryan Lewis
Don't be a google.
Connor Richardson
I think it's very strange that there was a lot of support the first day and now there isn't.
Lincoln Lee
I'm always suspicious of those who criticise Holla Forums without offering an alternative solution. The meme does feel forced, but that doesn't make it a bad idea. If a meme sucks it soon dies, but Google remains our enemy.
Do you faggots realize you have OP's dick up your ass? I forgot half of this place was jew cum puppets.
Jeremiah Smith
Aaron Collins
The point of posting gore? We have lurking journiggers.
Tyler Wright
Easton Nguyen
hey you dumb fucking autist, I bet you were opposed to the ((())) echoes too you moron. I bet you think saying nigger is transgressive and gets your rocks off. You're also probably the same moron who blows twitter raids by typing "GAS THE KIKES" and "NIGGER" to shit up ops and then pat yourself on the back for being a master trole xP. Get fucked. If the meme isn't spread on pol and people weren't made aware, then it wouldn't get used out of it wouldn't it idiot?
google not censoring content on Holla Forums is not germane to the purpose of our meme, shit for brains.
election is in 5 weeks and never has pol had more attention than now; this is prime redpilling time. BTW, ((())) came from TRS and cuck from MPC your argument is literally >memesplaining
there is an assonance between google and nigger and the context will be immediately obvious to laymen, for example you could comment on a nig crime fb post, "damn googles up to no good again"
word substitutions is an inveterate part of chan culture. How can it be disseminated here if no one is allowed to use it here?
How ever did ((())) get found out idiot, unlike you, most people do not have autism and so can recognise contextual clues
Since journalists are generally the people who take the pics of gore in the first place and were there in person to witness the gore, you're not really scaring journos.
Thomas Roberts
It feels forced because it is forced. There is no reason for it to be on Holla Forums ever. There is no reason for us to discuss it on Holla Forums EVER. We all have minds, we can figured out what's going on in JewTube comments threads and perpetuate it or not as we personally prefer. This is not Holla Forums-tier shit. This is preowned nigger-tier shit.
Elijah Young
He's a google who doesn't want us to use google. What a google.
Lucas Williams
Dylan Long
You sound retarded.
Aaron Flores
You sound upset.
Jeremiah Hernandez
All the butthurt in this thread. Fucking Christ. I don't know whats worse…..all you insufferable faggots or actual google censorship.
I think the whole google meme is some funny ass shit. Probably the best meme to come along in years. "Google glass" "google wallet" "google finance" etc. etc. and I crack up every time I see that new dindu meme character.
Why do any of you think that google or SA goons have to gain by this? How on earth could this be some psyop? It gets past their proposed language policing and it's funny. How does this benefit google or some "shills" at all? If anything google would be here shilling AGAINST this meme.
And it's not meant for here, it's meant for normie sites, people are just using it here to practice.
It's spreading fast not because its some forced meme, it's spreading fast because it has a function and it's funny. Which most of us realized instantly. I have never seen this amount of butthurt about a new meme. Which tells me it's effective for so many to be shilling against it. Stay assblasted faggots.
Jack Reed
Do you have any idea how fucking retarded you sound? Honestly user.
Jaxson Russell
Heh. Googles.
Ian Anderson
Considering how unusually quick the article was presented out on it, and the amount of attempted D&C involved, it would seem Hillary/Soros got tired of their CTR hirees constantly getting their asses beat every weekend and brought out more their "elite" force (the goons who are probably buzzing about because of earlier threads about how one of their SA users might get in deep shit with the FBI for supporting clinton).
I remember you though. You were almost as bad as maddow poster with how much you were avatar fagging and shit.
Julian Sanchez
this is still D&C unless you give a single good argument. You can still say nigger, you can still say google.
Jacob Cooper
This is what i'm feeling as well, I think that Google is desperately trying to shut this down.
Ironically I think that this is spreading better on Halfchan because they have 10 times as many anons so the shills get drowned out more.
Leo Bell
Whoa there dissenter, did you just express an opinion I don't agree with? Hold on I need to contact my discord group of angry stormfaggots to follow you around with a copypasta labeling you a shill, we can't have this kind of cognitive dissonance tainting the board
Tyler Wright
Chase Flores
Found the google.
Cameron Anderson
OP works for google.
Robert Martin
Eli Adams
You're not shutting this down Google.
Kayden Campbell
No! pol is for edgy idiots to scream nigger and kike at each other while no exacting real change on social media how dare you deprive our board betas of their sacrosanct privilege to only see NIGGERKIKEFAGGOTNIGGER xP each and every day, truly the biting edge of subversive language saying filtered words in a containment board /s
Gavin Fisher
Back to dailystormer please.
Dank memes Nigger Jew.
You are proving you are a normalnewfaggot.
Isn't Ricky Vaughn one of those guys who was interviewed about the Alt Right(TM) by the Lügenpresse and used as ammo against us by Hillary?
Ethan Flores
What a massive homosexual you are. Please commit suicide for the greater good of this board and by extension the rest of the world.
Brody Clark
Andrew Reed
Here, have a gift basket.
Levi Lopez
Thanks for not knowing what the fuck is going on. Chan "culture" isn't going anywhere, it's just being tweaked a bit so we can still deliver the message without being shoahed by google's anti-Tay.
Jordan Richardson
^ this subversion
nobody on Holla Forums is worried about not being effective ENOUGH. The only thing I'm scared of is that all the kikes will be hanged before I can catch one
Hudson Morgan
Google is really pissing this google off.
Chase King
It's 4cuck through and through.
Julian Rodriguez
I've actually never seen this much opposition to a fun meme. Google understands that its brand will be destroyed and with it, it's market dominance, should this work.
Don't stop fighting the Skypes at nigger. Associating them with googles with destroy the company.
Oliver White
Look. Another google nigger
Carson Robinson
I'm not very attached to this google meme, but I thought it was a workable idea. The autism here is off the fucking charts. I'm oppressing the googles from now on just to spite you kosher-cunts.
Aaron Robinson
Another google.
William Taylor
Can't wait to hear AWM's opinion on this
Landon Jenkins
You're a fucking cunt from Holla Forums aren't you?
This meme is glorious and will literally burn nigger to the ground.
Jackson Young
Not as a factor of poster quality but of the speed of the threads and the vastly larger user base. It's just difficult to stop something spreading in a vastly larger anonymous community
David Scott
whats a "google nigger" you faggots can't even use your own shitty forced meme correctly, holy fuck.
Ian Carter
You're a google nigger. You nigger google.
Nathaniel Powell
We're not even censoring ourselves, all we've done is swapped the words google and nigger around, so we'd use nigger when we mean google and google when we mean nigger.
This a shill thread. I didn't give a shit about the meme the first day either. The poster was full cuckchan google-tier and needed to translate to english.
Then the shilling began and now we know about the skype butthurt
Chase Richardson
Evan Young
Logan Powell
Fucking Skypes
Ethan Baker
If things are so much better/work better at halfchan,
you have to go back
Jacob Lopez
Underrated OC
Camden Gutierrez
you want an upvote or something here's your (you), skype
Brandon Wood
You cunts are going down. You know it. We've figured out how to both break your AI and make your online presence intolerable because of your coroprate funded PSYOP.
SJWs and the googles and skypes working at Nigger are going down.
Jace Taylor
What I don't understand is the end result of this 'operation'. You all say that its supposed to tarnish Google's brand name by changing nigger with google, but how are you going to do that? How are you going to fundamentally and societally disassociate the word 'Google' with an international multibillion dollar company that hundreds of millions of people use every day and then re-associate it with niggers? By saying it a lot? Good luck, with only a few thousand of you (maybe ten thousandish if you're lucky) it might take you a few centuries.
Nice strawmen.
Colton James
This is some Holla Forums tier memery. It's not funny, it doesn't make sense. Dindu is somewhat funny, and it relates because the niggers scream "HE DIDNU NUFFIN HE DINDU NUFFIN HE WUZ A GUD BOI". Happy Merchant, the nose, etc all works with jews because it's somewhat funny, and it still somewhat relates. A meme that isn't funny, and still needs six lines of explanation just isn't fucking good.
Isaac White
Haven't seen these, got a pic?
Blake Peterson
Nice counter-argument you fucking Skype.
Zachary Brown
See this right here is the giveaway. You can say kike here. There's never any reason to say anything BUT kike here.
Jason Hernandez
This user gets it, people keep using it here so much only because of assblassted autist shills like OP.
Tyler Parker
still filtered.
Juan Foster
you need to go back
Jayden Rivera
Found the skype kike
Nolan Myers
Destroy google brand, mess up the AI they're trying to build with contextual information, get the media to cover it so that the brand destruction accelerats.
Your entire counter-argument is that it won't work.
If that's your fear then why are you trying so hard to turn us away from this strategy?
Dylan Smith
It's obviously about changing the board culture/language by making you think self censorship is a hip new maymay. Who do these kikes think they are fooling? All the (1)s defending it are obvious, as are their argumentative tactics.
Wyatt Stewart
it's probably just braindead idiots who are trying to astroturf 8ch pol as some old timey board and being contrarian for the sake of it too affect being an oldfag it's straight up virtue signalling by freeloaders of the movement who are too dumb to recognise the underpinnings of memetic warfare
Jason Gonzalez
You're going down Skype
Chase Cook
Another thing I've just fucking realized is, that shills usually won't say the words kike or nigger. Well, the shitty to mediocre tier shills won't. Do you realize how much easier they'll blend in when everyone starts using google and skype here?
John Moore
You know you're not going to win, right? You're going to do this shit for a few days or weeks and then the A-B testers will realize it was a colossal bust, and you'll be onto the next stupid strategy for subverting Holla Forums that won't work.
It's terrible bro. It's one of the biggest and yet most obvious attacks I can remember for a good while
Samuel Gray
Been busy prepping ribs, are the shills really trying to kill this effort by claiming that it is something which is actually detrimental?
The genius of this move is fucking obvious. Subvert the enemy's own propensity to spread memes for us in order to create a basic restructuring of their language. Every attempt to "reverse the trend" just gives more exposure to our meaning. The images using the "Google —-" template to label google pictures is a purely sublime schema.
Ayden Smith
I've actually seen shit like this from gamergate from the board Holla Forums. Whenever someone came up with a GREAT idea that would genuinely hurt companies, they would storm the thread and SHUT IT DOWN.
Adrian Green
Crypto google skype detected
Jack Lee
John Gray
Yeah, the problem is none of those things will happen. Just because a few autists are saying the word "google" incorrectly isnt going to do shit to an AI. Considering that MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people say google EVERY DAY. Theres no way that our 0.0001% of the population is going to even dent how the AI functions.
This is some D&C shit right here. Only retards are shilling for this.
Jack Gutierrez
lay off the weed, mate
Jordan Wood
Listen you fucking faggot. It's not avoiding the word but swapping the usage.
Use nigger when you'd use google Use google when you'd use nigger
There's no self-censorship you fucking concern troll.
Henry Parker
So in conclusion: 1) the forced google meme will stay because you tried to force it out. 2) this whole thread is a giant D&C distraction. Remember to argue about anime and christianity too. Keepin it kosher, right?
Sebastian Nelson
Kevin Brown
Noah Rodriguez
Why are you here and not on YouTube spreading this l33t me-me. That's the question none of you can seem to anwser
Landon Gonzalez
It's not gonna matter, this board is fucked. All cuckchan has to do is come here and change whatever. They outnumber us. A fraction of them can swamp this board and push whatever the fuck they want. We see it happening now. It's not even about shills, it's about Poe's law retards being so vast in number over there and now coming over here. 8/pol/ is fucked. Expect nerf. lots of nerf.
Angel Mitchell
Skype nigger
Nolan Flores
Jihadist terrorist = Youtube Israel = Facebook
Blake Wood
No you fucking nigger employee, they will happen. That's the thing, we control the memes of production, the media is ALREADY covering this.
You're a fucking Skype and you know it.
Lucas Hall
Try making an actual argument without twisting somebody else's words around and we'll see about it.
And what makes you think that Google isn't in complete control of their own stupid little filter whatever-the-fuck it is? That it will somehow go completely out of control and something terrible is going to happen and the media is going to cover it and Google will be completely destroyed?
My point is that fucking with your vocabulary isn't going to cause the downfall of the largest corporation on the planet. They created this filter, they are in control of it. If they realize something is off or fucky, they're going to fix it or shut it down.
Blake Sanchez
Brayden Adams
Crypto skype detected
Tyler Campbell
Why are you on here trying to break consensus with your concern troll instead of posting about googles which no one is stopping you from doing?
Kayden Nguyen
NOT AN ARGUMENT, retard. I guess your bosses don't have a script worked out for that one yet?
Jeremiah Roberts
Luis Wright
Stating a fallacy when it doesn't apply is a fallacy fallacy. Nice counter-argument bro.
You clearly have no idea how supervised machine learning works. Or you're deliberately attempting to turn us away.
If "Google" becomes the word for nigger, they will have no choice but to go with their AI's decision. It's fucking LOSE-LOSE for Google no matter what happens.
This is a checkmate move.
Angel Foster
Honestly, how many things does the media normally cover from the chans? Its usually a pretty rare thing. I find it HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS that within a few days of this "meme" popping up that we are already getting press coverage for it. And considering all of the people pushing for it so hard seem like shills and morons from 4chan, it makes me think its some kind of false flag setup.
Jace Price
This Skype is getting angry. He might go full google.
Aiden Cruz
Obviously there's no consensus here to break. That's why if you want this great meme you guys! to get anywhere, you need to be out there disseminating it instead of bitching at us about it.
Brayden Taylor
They aren't going to fix shit, and even if by some miracle they would, the word "google" will become irreparably associated with the word "NIGGER" you dumbfuck, your shilling is shit and you are fired.
Benjamin Myers
Nothing else was working, why wouldn't they attack the language directly? assuming this isnt just cuckchan bullshit swamping the board and successfully astroturfing due to number advantage.
Eli Morales
Explain to me then how a few people misusing google will make a dent in the AI when literally millions of people use the word google every day?
Hudson Cruz
The more I'm reading on this, the more I'm definitely noticing that (((someone))) is playing both sides of this to try and stir up D&C shit.
then if only the term "google" used to describe niggers and "skype" to describe kike on social media like kikebook and twitter, then what's the issue there?
Holla Forums has successfully converted an AI before and turned it into a redpilling machine that would repeatedly post shit until microsoft came along and lobotomized it.
Robert Howard
Get the fuck out of here.
Pic related: people attempting to break consensus.
We're on the news almost every day. In fact they have ALREADY covered this meme and tried to tell us it doesn't work. Your concern has been noted.
Sadly you've failed to Correct The Record[TM].
Bentley Long
there are literally heaps of sites where polacks congregate which you'd have known about if you're in the supposed know like you're trying to appear as. Faster board momentum = faster memetic warfare
Jayden Stewart
Of course it is no issue, the kikes at google are shitting themselves and are trying to contain this.
Dylan Martinez
the problem is that people are using it here and admitting that "your culture is just being tweaked, goyim, there's nothing you can do" The amount of (1)s This astroturf is sickening but obvious.
Kevin Lopez
Quantity == Quality is a kike delusion
Hunter Cook
How about you all skypes shut up, and accept google as your new slur? Its not that hard to stop being racist and become socialists fighting against big corporations.
Ah yes, remember to call white trash "Trump towers".
Jason Bennett
You underestimate the power of meme's. You also don't realize how shit even the latest AI technology is.
Aaron Rogers
This isn't about censoring ourselves, it's about evading censorship. It's similar to going on disqus and using:
𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 …
Unicode tricks to bypass their naughty word filters - tricks which almost no one uses because ⚣s even on Holla Forums don't want to deal with muh inconvenience of using the tricks - similar to using ((( ))) instead of ✡.
This is more effective because it poisons their ™ and it's likely to take human effort to figure out. Their anti-Tay AI bullshit is going to be less effective. If you can come up with a better method to bypass their new automated filters, I'd like to hear it.
Easton Lewis
the media have been lurking both pols for the last 3 months every day at least as part of the (((establishtment)))'s push for the alt-right=neo-nazi attack
Robert Torres
Spread it on jewtube instead of shitting up Holla Forums with your garbage.
That's fine, don't spread your cuckold language here though.
Cameron Scott
hello FBI
Gavin Foster
gr8 b8
Josiah Taylor
how about making an argument that isn't "hurr memes" and "AI is shit, don't worry, our plan is brilliant!"
again user, considering there are millions of inputs of people saying the word google, explain to me, how with such a low percentage of people using it, will it effect the AI.
Levi Walker
So wherever this meme came from, the skypes are playing both sides as they usually do.
Surely we can agree on that? I'm calling this thread a day, and moving on to shit that actually matters.
Christian Martin
So Google has no control over this program, they have no ability to look through and alter results, and no matter what they do, a few thousand people replacing Google with nigger, when the vast majority of the people using Google products don't do this, will somehow completely fuck over this program and cause the implosion of Google?
I'm just trying to understand what you're trying to do and how you're actually going to do it, outside of "say google a lot when you actually mean nigger hahaha".
This post applies to as well
Andrew Russell
Ethan Johnson
Yeah because coon, jigaboo, obsolete farm equipment, sambo, porch monkey, dindu, and Mississippi windchime are all fucking self censorship right?
Iv'e ever heard shills saying that we shouldn't do this because we'll be promoting Google for fucks sake.
Asher Miller
Carter Harris
Complete fucking cancer. You couldn't be more obvious.
At least make it realistic, goon.
Angel Rodriguez
This post seems pretty off to me guise
Brandon Hernandez
Don't be a google nigger you google.
Reddit memes will blow your cover, Skype friend.
Jordan Myers
Gabriel Hill
It's Pavlovian conditioning meant to associate Google with racism thus horribly fucking up their brand.
Evan Jackson
Kill yourself kike.
William Murphy
The googles finally started changing their IP.
Brandon Kelly
you motherfucking Y
Robert Morales
oh please you don't have the right to so much as utter the name of our fallen goddess.
Gavin Ramirez
You're the skype though.
Thomas Miller
Theres a difference between coming up with a new word for something and trying to opt a word thats already in use daily by millions of people. dont be a retard.
Aaron Ramirez
don't be a river
Jason Peterson
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Brit/pol/ #1244 - Uncle Adolf edition/pol/2394326 Countering The Forced "Google" -> "Nigger" Meme/pol/2193082 WARCHAN: NEW ERA EDITION/55tg/612215 Cuban-style Pickles/pol/61139 CJMT 897/lewd/2871051 #GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Twintails and Selfies Edition/v/6091037 KIDS PICK THE PRESIDENT RIG/pol/1291021 Are walking simulators a genre now? Are they called something else? There are tags like Walking Sim…Holla Forums111009 How do you guys discover new games that can't afford advertising?I've been using the steam queue for…Holla Forums11742 Here we go boys - Happening in France today. (In Lille)>Generation Identity (Génération Identitai…Holla Forums19677 >>779098
Chase Jackson
Hunter Perry
I haven't. I think you're making that up.
Christopher Rodriguez
That was a shit book.
Joseph Robinson
If that's the case, why aren't you out on YouTube etc. spouting your forced meme, and are forcing it here instead? Google's AI censorship doesn't apply here.
Michael Gonzalez
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Leaked video shows Snapchat's new glasses (link) Cops are raiding the homes of innocent people based only on IP addresses (link) Microsoft activist calls lesbian skype out on her ignorance of Sharia law (link) Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump for President (link) The other 13 women testifying against Cosby (link)
Brit/pol/ #1244 - Uncle Adolf edition/pol/2394326 Countering The Forced "Google" -> "Nigger" Meme/pol/2193082 WARCHAN: NEW ERA EDITION/55tg/612215 Cuban-style Pickles/pol/61139 CJMT 897/lewd/2871051 #GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Twintails and Selfies Edition/v/6091037 KIDS PICK THE PRESIDENT RIG/pol/1291021 Are walking simulators a genre now? Are they called something else? There are tags like Walking Sim…Holla Forums111009 How do you guys discover new games that can't afford advertising?I've been using the steam queue for…Holla Forums11742 Here we go boys - Happening in France today. (In Lille)>Generatin Lille)>Generation Identity (Génération Identitai…Holla Forums19677 >>779098
Asher Perez
Nah you're not shutting it down Skype.
Daniel Walker
This. When SJWs and other filth see that Google means NIGGER they will automatically stop using it too.
Angel Kelly
John Sullivan
there is nothing funny about this low intelligent google shit it seems like what some idiot normalfag on twitter would think of
Levi Gray
there used to be only a core 3 dozen dedicated men who pushed the ((())) and cuck respectively on twitter and now it's gone mainstream. Pol is in a controlling position of narrative on social media and your doubt is nothing more than concern trolling
Isaiah Harris
Aiden Hill
You're a shit book, but I'll still rep you for not falling for this ridiculous kike scheme to get us all to stop saying kike.
Cooper Rivera
The difference being all those terms you mentioned have either established foundations or obvious connotations and have had them from the beginning. Google already has an established foundation and obvious connotations for something completely different.
Good luck with that. You have a bit of a larger force pulling in the exact opposite direction, that being pretty much everyone that uses Google products.
Joshua Howard
This skype posted the same entry level reddit meme twice now. Skypes… What a bunch of googles.
Elijah Edwards
Jose King
That's not how memetics work Skype.
Adam Kelly
^ read this post
read it again and again and again
read it until it dawns on you exactly how retarded this post sounds
The difference being all those terms you mentioned have either established foundations or obvious connotations and have had them from the beginning. Google already has an established foundation and obvious connotations for something completely different.
Good luck with that. You have a bit of a larger force pulling in the exact opposite direction, that being pretty much everyone that uses Google products.
shills have a hard time copypasting their responses on their destributed trollbox
Landon Brooks
I think it's funny and my IQ is …
Nathan Bennett
You faggots need to not take everything so seriously. It was a funny maymay and the lugenpresse reported on it.
Josiah Collins
google has reached brand saturation and is associated with its core tech products, by using google outside its normal context people will likewise associate google as being a new slur for niggers
Camden Bennett
It doesn't matter where that "google" meme started or how bad it is to censor ourselves. Its already working great against Holla Forums dividing it. Kikes won anyway.
Just notices how many people from both sides of the question who already hate the other side for saying google instead of nigger, or not wanting to use new google slang.
Aaron Reyes
William Taylor
Yes I know I have ADHD
Asher Price
Are they using broken AI to shill against us now?
Angel Gonzalez
But that's exactly what it fucking wasn't. Funny.
Jason Walker
Samuel Martinez
I've already said, repeatedly, that nobody on Holla Forums objects to this meme. We just object to it being HERE. And for that, we get called "skype" which sounds like an 8 year old on a jungle gym too afraid of the teachers to call the kid who just pushed him a fucking nigger.
Angel Ross
I never joined the renegade party or any burnouts, user. From glancing at its intentions, the term switch was just to fuck with google's new program and cause it to scorch earth social media and cause it to target "innocents" on kikebook and twitter. That's all there is, it would seem.
(checked and heil'd) Agree'd user. Someone is playing both ends pushing heavily for and against at the same time in such manners that players on both sides show obvious signs of not being from around here (plus the flagrant amount of flinging "newfag" around like Hillary giving out free catheters from her pant leg) goes to show that this is all in attempt to create confusion and chaos enough to distract from the upcoming debate and possible shit going down. Whoever these people came in to do a job of D&C'ing and sliding, they aren't the typical weekend CTR low energy shills. These are ones desperately trying to find each and every way to post in such a manner to guarantee replies.
Elijah Flores
i'm as real as it gets. But they are doing that. wtf is Pol ? wtf is skype? it's name is Skype or better Microsoft Skype
Zachary Myers
It's not even entirely that you're "not large enough", it's that you're essentially trying to subvert and replace something incredibly well known the world over with something completely different. It would be like if you tried replacing the name "Advice animals" with "Digg emoticons" or something equally retarded.
Juan Cook
Angry skypes and googles like you will always be funny.
Michael Bennett
Thats another funny part of it. Google literally doesn't hire niggers and is constantly being harangued by SJW's to "diversify". I'm sure skype has some issues with kikes as well.
Alexander Thompson
No one's forcing anything, it's fucking optional. This is some straight up SJW bullshit where words become violence and "google" is to your "nigger" what "nigger" is to a normalfag.
You faggots are the ones calling for censorship. Let the memes flow.
Austin Phillips
This is a shitposting board, fam, not some super sekret klub
Isaiah Morales
Just say kikes you cowardly kike.
Colton Rogers
What we are witnessing The creation of the UBERMENSCH
Jack Murphy
What's your recommended countermeasure?
Juan White
You get called skype here because it triggers you, just filter the dumbfucks who use it here and be done with it, but because you are unable to do this simple action you are just increasing the number of dumbfucks to spite you.
Robert Diaz
I'm saying that the meme itself isn't funny.
Elijah Brooks
still filtered.
Cooper Johnson
Don't give a fuck, I'm a meritocrat
Benjamin Miller
Get lost shill
Isaac Carter
You're clearly not from around here.
Connor Barnes
fuck off
Logan Hughes
ABC agency
Cooper Carter
Skypes have shit humor so I'm not surprised, kike.
Juan Miller
Brayden Kelly
Feels good to know that other anons are on the same wavelength.
The "fresh oc" images posted in the "operation google" thread are the most shockingly retarded things I've ever seen. They might be funny to literal Downs Syndrome kids. I refuse to believe that actual anons created those.
This whole thing smells goony.
Easton Green
They are shills shilling.
They are getting paid to try to stop this meme.
Gabriel Wilson
This really does seem like a plan to play both sides and I highly suspect the Goons because of the recent Stonetear leak.
We need to make a new thread.
Justin Cox
Not how it works, Chaim. You're clearly triggered because it's spreading and now you're calling for it to be censored here.
Adrian Phillips
We already outed you shills
Luke Flores
Grayson Perry
All googles must hang. Skypes go in the oven.
Ryan Murphy
I've been here since gamer goy ya' dummy
Hudson Jenkins
No one has ever stopped a meme. Your fear that it can be stopped exposes you as an outsider.
Cooper Gutierrez
Now imagine if that "google" slang will be misused in the very near future, just like "weeaboo". For example be used to describe criminals or all thugs, not just niggers, including criminals who were neo-nazis.
Grayson Richardson
Sure you did goon.
William Turner
LOL we got a real oldfag over here! He served in GAMERGATE, don't you know?
Nathan Morales
the point of trolling isn't to get banned, it's to plant and disseminate redpills within the public consciousness. Consider that ((())) and cuck went national news. When normies encounter Google seemingly out of context; for example, as a comment on a dindu chimping out, instead of automatically rejecting a post containing "NIGGER" as they've been conditioned to do, they'll by necessity be giving the statement thought as they reread and piece together contextually nigger = google.
Josiah Thomas
Read the thread intern.
Juan Ramirez
Also noticing that these (((people))) seem to be quickly picking on on phrases used in a thread and are parroting off like mad whatever phrase, or even trying to meme incorrectly.
My thoughts exactly, and possibly even more with recent thread happenings.
Connor Nelson
A new thread will only help so much especially with the omission of those retarded OP pictures. These people are still going to be spitting accusations of shilling without any actual arguments, and the ones with arguments are going to be as bad as they still are.
Cameron Baker
Why are you here instead of busy disseminating your glorious meme to the normies? We're not your personal army Chaim.
Benjamin Jones
Kill yourself NeoFAG
Charles Kelly
Then spread it elsewhere.
Juan James
Bentley Green
Mason Lewis
(((Their))) posting style couldn't be more out of place and obvious.
Joshua Carter
Actually I've seen a lot of dubs go unchecked this thread.
Tard dubs or not, this is a good example of the cultural damage this is doing. Praise Kek, keep the faith
Gabriel King
Bentley Bell
You wont receive shekes for shilling this thread anymore
Ayden Long
it's a gradual process and I want to make sure Holla Forums is clued in on the word substitution and there are also other anons on twitter, youtube etc.
this is just forming the association that nigger = google, next week it won't be spammed on the chans as anons are made aware of the new meme and it spreads via twitter and youtube like a lot of Holla Forums's shit
Christian Young
To add, you're not going to find any normalfag that shuts down at the sight of "nigger" here. Your little cuckchan meme has no purpose in this place, so why are you using it here?
Luke Allen
This just shows how much cuckchan has power over us.
Julian Parker
(chek'd and wrek'd)
No native Holla Forumsack needs your help to figure out euphemistic context, CHAIM.
David Moore
James Butler
This massive post rate implies to me that shills are playing both sides either to stop the meme or just to create confusion and chaos in general as a distraction. From what I can tell the meme started on Halfchan by someone who wasn't even proposing that we start a meme he was just pointing out how ineffective word policing is since the AI is open source and appears to just log words.
The shilling increased hugely after we found a lot of dirt on the Goons via Stonetear. I'm almost completely positive that the Goons are behind this or play a large part.
Joshua Long
Fuck off chaim
Jason Garcia
Nah, massive post rates (just 67 uids, thats not too massive) mean that there are a lot of people who don't understand what this shitty meme from cuckchan means in the first place.
That's our first problem.
Jose King
Could someone correct this for me?
Cooper Cruz
obviously, you've never met a liberal or cuckservative irl. They shut down hearing even upon hearing jew.
Jaxson Sanchez
This is the shit I'm talking about. This is why I think it's subversion.
Adrian King
Angel Evans
Aye and they never have good arguments against it, nor (most importantly) do they offer an alternative. You're exactly right, they're acting like complete niGGers rioting in this thread and trying to tear shit up for no reason.
Parker Mitchell
Do any of those people post here?
Bentley Roberts
I mean a new thread on the Stonetear and Goon investigations.
If we get all the Goons arrested then most of the shilling will stop.
Alexander Perez
no, which is why im encouraging us to use google and skype on raids
Jace Wright
Nah man i'm pretty sure that this is Goons.
Good thing I know Goon Kryptonite.
Jordan Nelson
Samuel Nguyen
Nobody could possibly think that's a funny or clever "meme" image. Nobody could possibly think what you wrote was anything but low-energy retardation. The same applies to everything you cunts have posted.
So couple the above facts with how rapidly you guys are posting these supposedly "fresh OC" images (i.e., memetic rectal cancer) in this thread and the "operation google" thread, and one must conclude that this faggot shit is the work of goons or some equally pozzed collection of human waste.
Jacob Edwards
^ win
Brayden Williams
Goons will be purged soon and you're all going to be Bubba's bitch in prison.
Parker Reed
Anime is shit and you managed to post shit even for anime standards. Somebody give this skype a gold star.
Cooper Davis
To me this is more interesting than it is funny. Basically making these corporations own names in to terms that are not politically correct and then watching them squirm. I said in the other thread, im curious to see what if anything they would try to do about it.
So can someone explain why its bad? I get some people dont like it and im open to stopping if someone can explain why we should stop?
Oliver Kelly
It is a sign from Kek to bash forced memes.
This meme especially has intent of an orderly outcome, how can our chaos god tolerate such foolishness? You do not beat Lawful evil with Lawful good, since the current Law is on the side of evil.
Thomas Young
How about fuck off you goon faggot.
Anthony Brooks
The more I think about it the more it seems to me like repeating their brand name is actually helping them. I don't see how it would in any way damage the brand even if the meme would suddenly go viral among normalfags. It just solidifies their position by increasing the relevancy of the term.
Eli Cooper
Levi Martin
Asher Stewart
Goons are going to prison.
Camden Walker
Contributan non smug
Thomas Evans
Can't Filter me Goons.
Anthony Thomas
Wyatt Green
The Jew fears anime
Jace Jackson
Josiah Cruz
Owen Fisher
Probably won't hurt their brand, but if the meme spreads enough, it'll make people think 'nigger' a lot whenever they google something, make them paranoid their friends are racist for talking about googling.
Austin King
Benjamin Wood
How about "It's a forced meme from cuckchan that's (((suspiciously))) hyped up, spread around and reported by the media in a matter of days"?
The speed and amplitude with which it has been propagated is cause for suspicion enough, but then there are kike posts like explicitly voicing their intention to transform the vocabulary and culture of this board.
Jeremiah Morgan
All the shills stop posting GET FUCKED GOONS
Justin Morgan
Everyone stopped posting tbh
Jacob Jenkins
Thank you, slanty eyed gook aryans.
Nathan Scott
In case there was any doubt that the entire "google" garbage is an op… I know some people say that both sides are being played, but I'm totally convinced of who is the problem here.
(checked and keked)
Tyler Evans
Go AnYOUTUBE HERO yourself
Joshua Cooper
That same poster made this post:
Gavin Morgan
Justin Miller
Mason Adams
Benjamin Collins
…sheeeit. I thought he was being sarcastic. Apparently the goons really ARE that stupid.
Jaxon Jackson
I think what made them fuck off was the thread getting bumplocked
Tyler Cruz
Un. Be. Lievable. Who knew that our greatest degeneracy was also our secret weapon?
Nolan Murphy
William Scott
Why the hell are you educating these idiotic shills? Only shills kept posting after it got bumplocked.
Gavin Lewis
Sage isn't downvote, Reddit.
Logan Cook
GG is when h8chan started you silly newfaggot.
Aiden Perez
So judaic of you.
Leo Torres
Main goal of the op is to get widespread media coverage where you have 10min segments on the new "widespread slurs sweeping social media" where the kike media tries to associate trump to this movement which will come off like their pepe stories did to the neutral observer that mainstream media is wasting their time reporting on juvenile bs which reenforces the strong sentiment of distrust in media and the belief that there is a conspiracy against donald trump in the media. So Joe Blog, aged 44, turns on CNN after a hard day of work to watch a 10 minute segment on how Google and Skype are the new slurs from Donald Trump's basket of deplorables which comes across to him as a tenuous link between juvenile name calling and donald trump as evidence of an anti-trump bias.
Owen Moore
So you are indeed a SA goon, fuck off you plebbitor goon faggot.
Liam Baker
^ this fuckin guy calling me a newfag
I remember when crackychan still posted, boy.
Nolan Ortiz
I say we run with this kinda shit and nothing else. images like these actually damage google and are a natural evolution of our humors simply replacing the word nigger with an inoffensive brand name does nothing but get us to self-censor.
Isaac Sanchez
Well I know one thing, m8 – I'm not going anywhere and I'm sure as fuck not going to stop saying NIGGER AND KIKE. And I'll continue to bully anyone who uses this google/skype shit on Holla Forums (I don't give a fuck about what they do elsewhere). So they can keep trying to brute force this shit, but they'll just be wasting their time. I have faith that the majority of anons have better taste in memes than to partake of this corny garbage.
Juan Morgan
OK I do accept that but what are you suspicious of happening?
What are the potential negative consequences of this thing gaining traction which would cause people who dont like us to want that to happen?
if you can answer that convincingly I will stop.
Sebastian Lopez
Nigger and Kike is truly on the avant garde of memetic warfare
William Harris
I've never even been on that site, dipshit. I'm just shaking my head at how fucking autistic some people here get everytime Holla Forums gets mentioned outside of Holla Forums
So yes…I'll repeat it again. MUH SEKRIT CLUB
Evan Turner
Apparently it is, given the amount of butthurt NIGGER and KIKE still seem to evoke from infiltrators.
Mason Rogers
The classics never go out of style, cocksucker.
Isaac Murphy
Connor Phillips
They really fucking are though. Do you think shit like "cumskin" fails for no reason? No, it just doesn't have punch or the offensive nature behind it.
Isaiah Jackson
Thomas Lopez
Anthony Brown
Ryan Sanders
Aiden Lee
Things good memes don't require
explanation shilling forcing
Ryder Peterson
no cuckchan is garbage
Hunter Brooks
When you Goons have allowed yourself you have such a massive weak point you can't expect us to not exploit it for all that it's worth.
Your anti-anime [email protected]/* */ has completely failed.
Bentley Sanders
you're making this place garbage too.
Oliver Sullivan
I'm not anti-anime I'm pro-joosten. Joostposting isn't goon shit you uninitiated sperg.
Colton Hall
✡✡✡ ✡✡✡ no :^)
William White
Your huge faggotry shows that you belong there, 4cuck goon.
Jonathan Carter
^ this nigger thinks he's going to shill anime hate on fucking chan
Angel Smith
this election cycle has been the greatest period of pol's short history, it's no longer a stagnant board of yore but rather one where we can exert real political influence using memetic warfare. Spamming kike and nigger will get us banned, censored and ignored, saying skype and google will have us met with laugh (taboo is often funny and "racism" has comedic effects), media coverage, anger and the potential to fuck with mutl-billion tech giants
neither dindu, cuck nor ((())) are particularly vulgar
Grayson Ross
Not here. Fuck off elsewhere.
John Morales
You pretty much summed up how I feel about it.
Adrian Sanders
no one's stopping you from saying kike or nigger here tho
Isaac Hill
Is it really good for them to get free Advertising by being associated with the word nigger? Google is the one company in the world whose brand is almost 100% pervasive. They dont even need to pay tax their brand is so ubiquitous in certain areas.
If this becomes a thing then we will find out by how they react. Which to me is interesting.
I do think its important not to completely replace the old words and if thats what your worried about then im all on board. Certainly I wont be doing that but I will use them interchangeably. Like having another string to your bow. Its like when I learned the phrase basketball american. I didnt stop saying nignog.
Cooper Jackson
No such thing as bad publicity.
Xavier Davis
Lincoln Foster
This whole thread is a shills.
It seems quite easy for a multi-billion dollar conglomerate to hire a few internet PR firms to shill for the good name of Google etc.
Brayden Price
Again – say whatever the fuck you want outside of Holla Forums – there are no censors here, thus if you use "google" and "skype" here at Holla Forums you are A MASSIVE FAGGOT.
Jordan Smith
^ like Google could manage such a sophisticated operation in the 30 hours this has been shilled
Robert Flores
The only people who are gonna make a connection between niggers=bad=google are people who already hate both.
Justin Parker
They dont need to, they just hire PR firms to do it like CTR does.
Noah Davis
and i thought liberals were eating their own tails
Jason Cruz
You're falling for a goon op, this whole "Operation Google" shit was started by goons from SA
David Long
This. Their desperate need to convince us to accept this as a meme is exactly the proof that it's a Milhouse-tier meme.
Daniel Ross
Do you mean for us or for them?
Nicholas Morales
(shabbat shalom) keep on jewin'
Isaiah Phillips
Yet you fail to realize the fundamental differences between these terms and "googles". Specifically in the cases of dindu and echoes, they were both completely fresh concepts that nobody had used before, so they had no previous conceptions on what these could mean. There was no need to attempt to subvert and spam your way into the public because it wasn't necessary. Dindu, when used in the right context, was fairly obviously making fun of both ebonics and blacks claiming that criminals were killed while not doing anything. Echoes was just naming the Jew somewhat subtly. Cuck was a little bit different as it had a foundation already, but the foundation was really fringe and the word it was being co-opted into wasn't too far away from what it already was. Calling niggers googles has none of these traits, so it is already inferior to these.
Nathaniel Wilson
Levi Edwards
It's your choice if you want to sound like a complete faggot saying "google" and "skype". But expect to be bullied.
Alexander Howard
Cross posting this shit enjoy your argument about niggers, jews, and google Holla Forums
Luke Jackson
Yes, have you learned nothing from Trump's campaign? Any publicity is good publicity, any time your name is uttered the thoughtform behind that name gains power Worried about implies it's not already happening. I see faggots all over the board, cuck/pol/, etc replacing nigger with google entirely, going "xD stupid google" when questioned, absolute deflection, and "you're triggered" tier arguments. I'm fine with you niggers doing this on google's services which none of you should even use if you care about your digital paper trail but making our home site, politically incorrect into a place where we replace nigger with a less offensive monicker will do absolutely fucking NOTHING good.
Jaxon Powell
do you have any evidence or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?
Andrew Long
Your desperate attempts to insist it's not a meme without addressing the reason it exists or coming up with any viable alternatives are proof that you're PR for google™.
Nathaniel Adams
Dylan Cruz
forced memes aren't memes friendo the reason it exists is to get us to replace nigger with an inoffensive word, not to mount some ebin raid on google's new AI. youjustgotfuckedbypsyops.gif
Colton Murphy
I wouldn't mind if it was good or bad if it was at least funny. It's pure reddit cringe and I've yet to see a plausible explanation how it would even have a positive impact. People who use it seem to think it somehow smart when they are actually conceding to political correctness.
Cameron Adams
Anyone with a brain can easily see this as a goon shit.
Anons who is against this shitty forced newfag meme isn't a one person, user.
Leo Peterson
No, it's proof I've been on the chans more than two weeks which is how I know the way to disseminate memes is with good OC and people wanting to emulate it, rather than begging people for content and demanding everyone buy into the meme you're selling. You're so desperately sniffing our asses for approval instead of going out and DOING what you allege to think would help
Levi Johnson
and you pussy out when i ask you for sources who's the real shill of the situation?
Colton Ward
Keep trying to SHUT IT DOWN, Shlomo ✡⚣
Lincoln Carter
Whew. I feel like I grew 10 years older reading this post.
"We need to shut down Skype and use Google Hangouts."
See, funny. Oh? You're not laughing? Wow, chill the fuck out.
Obviously you need only use this on Youtube et al, and probably on Facebook since they will implement (or already have) similar tech.
I think people are getting triggered because they saw this workfilter-like trick not as a meme but simply as a way to bypass the Jewgle's censorship. Well too bad, it has become a meme. It will probably die out just as quick, anyway.
Noah Cruz
Best way to destroy someone's culture is to deny them the use of cultural signifiers. Take away their shibboleths and watch them destroy themselves since all traces of unity is gone.
Gabriel Roberts
The primary concern here is that this may be a tactic to "self censor" correct?
A wordfilter that automatically turned "google" and "skype" into "nigger" and "kike" would solve the issue.
Matthew Flores
Did you see ?
Nice plebbit formatting you plebbit faggot.
Luis Watson
That is a horrible fucking idea.
Leo Hughes
The word nigger and kikes is not going away anytime soon on Holla Forums you autistic fucks. Stop acting so ass blasted with a new meme unless you're googles PR firm. Its ridiculous to believe you aren't shills when it comes to an un-filterable redpill that became popular a few days ago. No one on Holla Forums is censoring themselves by saying googles instead of niggers, its just a pun on this site, but outside this site it becomes filter resistant redpill. Like a new virus infecting the normies that hasnt been properly identified yet.
Blake Bailey
If wordfilters were a solution we could just start talking in cipher.
Nolan Murphy
wordfilter the shit forced memes is the best solution, user.
Levi Edwards
just because you say something doesn't mean it's a source, i can do that too "israel is planning on nuking the sun" "do you have any sources?" "oh wow just pay attention to what i say lol"
Justin Martin
Hudson Gonzalez
Again. did you see and ?
Jaxson Watson
how can you in good conscience say someone is cancer when you shove anime into every single one of your posts?
Zachary Foster
Who knew the goonfags would have such an easy trigger?
Gavin Powell
Not an argument.
Liam Clark
Did you even read the damn reply?
"The shit meme surfaced at the same time we exposed goons covering up for the Clinton mail scandal. I'm pretty sure it's a goon op."
Kevin Bell
You literally sound like a Schlomo kike playing the old game of divide and conquer. Unnecessary invective helps no one. Or are you literally incapable of reasoning beyond "plebbit fag" "awful goon" "underage halfchanner"?
Ryder Russell
Andrew Reed
Im fine with that. I dont really intend to use it here on pol. Unless im in the mood to get bullied.
I think its more important to say 'dont stop regularly using kike and nigger etc' rather than 'stop using skype and google'.
In response to your promotion argument I would say look at how quickly big brands drop sponsorship of athletes or celebrities if they ever get connected to racism or political incorrectness. This shit is poison to a corporate business. I really cant imagine googles board of directors rubbing their hands with glee over being associated with the word nigger. Possibly Skype are though. They need all the help they can get.
Juan Jones
refusing to accept newfags is "D&C" now? Also you even pointed out that attacking goons is "divide and conquer", Goons are proto-SJWs themselves. >>>/tumblr/
Joshua Stewart
You say its an OP by SA, can you prove that at all?
Can you explain their end goal?
Again, on here, its just a pun, and practice for posters to put out OC. On other sites its a filter resistant virus to infect the normies.
I don't believe anyone feels like they needed to censor themselves on Holla Forums. I still don't believe this shit is an op by SA because I actually find the google pics funny.
Eli Brown
But it isn't an alternative, it's an association.
Gavin Butler
Wordfilters are never a good idea when the false positives are guaranteed as much as they would be in this case.
Stop posting now.
Justin Scott
fug i replied to the wrong poster
Cameron James
this "Operation Google" seems shady shit, lad
the reason it exists is to get us to replace nigger with an inoffensive word, not to mount some ebin raid on google's new AI.
Parker Long
Don't worry, I know you meant me.
Jose Lewis
Good way to kill memes you don't like before they become a thing, though. Say the next killer meme that really destroys shillary two weeks before the election hits, you can nip it in the bud by suggesting only newfags use it, that it was started on SA by tranny goons and that it's probbaly from cuckchan and reddit anyway.
Sebastian Perry
kek, you're not very bright are you? and yeah, this was the jist of my post. like I keep saying I am only against this meme being used here where the only purpose it serves is controlling our speech.
Connor Ramirez
The word nigger will be getting autobanned on youtube and twitter pretty soon,l can you find an alternative?
Anthony Morris
I doubt that "the next killer meme that destroys hillary" would need to be forced this hard and be this pathetic.
Chase Garcia
It's not probably from cuckchan it IS from cuckchan. The first threads here were full of crossposting. the same day Hiroshima sold cuckchan to FUCKING LOWTAX
Levi Howard
lad, the meme that would destroy shillary, wouldn't be forced this hard.
Gavin Evans
Isn't lowtax paying alimony and saving up for a sex change? How can he afford an autism containment site?
Asher Flores
No, the point is to get the media to kick up a storm about the meme and then go back to using nigger anyway. Once it's out there in popular consciousness, it's just another dissonance shard eroding the psyche of opposition.
Normies will use it as gateway racism in their self-censoring world, and thereby be all the more ready to accept the deeper truths. The circus becomes its own promoter once the clickbait driven media space gets a hold on the idea.
What the fuck is the harm in calling niggers googles for a week and starting the spread of google-branded images of niggers?
Thomas Turner
Camden Green
Remember kids, nobody has to try to convince people to spread and mutate their dank memes. Dank memes create their own audience and their own creators.
Camden Price
This new meme is also a good way for eurofags to avoid getting jail for hate speech online. its really a win/win over there.
Jeremiah Lewis
In association with politically incorrect things yes it is.
Ask yourself this question, why arent mainstream advertisers falling over each other to put up banner ads on 4chan or on here on the complete chan? Its very cheap per impression, plus all publicity is good publicity? Obviously not.
PS I Dont think we disagree on much else.
Landon Parker
Good analysis OP, and threads like this are one such reason that they never work. All it does is show the breadth of Holla Forums. On twitter, I found a lot of references to 'googles' amidst the ongoing DESTRUCTIVE chimpout this week. We may see it for a shits-and giggles throwback meme from time to time, but nobody is going to be using 'google' to refer to niggers. We like saying nigger too much, it's a powerful slur/spell against those apes.
Julian Thomas
I don't think that tranny shit is true, and from what I can gather Hiro is legitimately a little crazy or something and may have sold it for a low price because muh nepotism. (wasted) No it's not, you have almost no grasp on the concept of memetics. PS thanks for outing yourself as a dubs wasting degenerate.
Isaiah Flores
Can you imagine the headlines when some nigger chimps out because he thought he heard a white guy say "google"or thinks he was called a "google"? This shit will be hilarious.
Lucas Young
Josiah Martinez
gookmoot didn't sell 4chan, that was a hoax.
Angel Hill
Can't have that.
Africoon Afro-Anthropoid Afroid Afropoid Americoon Baboon Bangkok Nigger Black (as in 'payback black!') Black Ass Black Hole (Ho) Black Tiger Bait Blackamoor Blackie Blacky Blood (or Crip) Blubber Lips Blue Gum Blue lip -s (as in 'blue lipped little chimp') Bone nose Bongoid Bootlips (Bootlipped turd) Boy Brillohead Bro-Hammer (As in Cadillac "Brougham") Browny Bubba (or Bubba Brown) Buck (male) Burrhead Buttnugget Chimp Congoid Coon Cotton picker Crackhead Crumb-snatcher (nigglet) Crip (or Blood) DAFN Dark Waste of Space Darkie (or Darky) Defendant Doo-Doo Brown (Mr.) Eggplant Ethiop Fecal critter Fuckwit Golly wog Google Gorilla Groid Gutter monkey High Yella (light-skinned negro) Ho (female) Homo-simian Hood Rat Inmate Jig Jigga Jiggaboo (or Jigaboo) Jigroid Jungle bunny Kaffir Knuckle dragger Koko Liver lip Liverlips LOOTer Majete/pinche majete (Sp.) Mau-Mau Melanzana (la) (=Eggplant) (It.) Mestizo (bastard) Midnight at noon Mississippi wind chime Monkey Moolie -s (Am. & It.) Moon cricket Moose lips Morgue Dog Moving target Mud People Mud Puppy Mud Shark Negro Negroid Nig Nigger NiggerRican Nigglet (rug rat) niggROIDS Nignog Nog O.J. Obsolete Farming Equipment Octoroon (One-eighth nigger) Pickaninny Piece of shit Porch Monkey Potato nose Quadroon (One-quarter nigger) R.N. (Resident Nigger) Raggamuppet Redbone (light-skinned negro) Rubber lips Sambo Saucer lip Savage Semi-simian Serf (Shit Serf) Shine Shitlips Shitskin (or Shit Skin) Shitter Shvartz -(g)er (=Black) (Jidd.) Slave (runaway slave) Snow Ball Snow Queen (light-skinned negro) Spade Spear chucker Splib Spook Spoonbill Strange Fruit Sub-ape Suboid (a contraction of "sub-human negroid") Subhuman Suspect Tar baby (very dark-skinned negro) Thicktongue Thief Tree ornament Turd Turd Cricket Turd gobbler Turd-worlders Tyrone Uncle Tom Velcro Head Webster Welfare queen Welfare rat (male) Welfare slut (female) Wetsuit Wog -s Worthless Yard Ape Zulu
Kevin Jenkins
So doesn't that imply that any attempt to artificially interfere in the process by decrying a meme is equivalently loathsome? So then, why are so many calling for an end to something which by their logic should end merely by being unable to take root? To say that is in counter to being "forced" is nothing more than admitting to shilling against the meme, which makes one's motive suspect.
Christian Cooper
He did m8, check 4ch twitter and lowtax's. Announcement will be soon.
Hudson Nguyen
Anons who is against this shitty forced newfag meme isn't a one person, user.
Logan Garcia
I'll stop as soon as you stop gargling trannycum on a bi-hourly basis.
Carson Clark
You argue like a fucking kike too, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Alexander Foster
Are my motives suspect if I say Milhouse is a forced meme?
Luke Hernandez
This is a black and white issue: either you recognize how fucking nigger-tier these google memes are, and you recognize how saying "google" and "skype" on pol makes you sound like a Tay-Sachs victim, or you are a faggot with AIDS who will be bullied for your your shitty taste and faggot transgressions.
You can keep trying to spin it like we're trying to stop your epic memes, but anyone who's not actually carrying an extra chromosome is going to see your shit for what it is.
Kindly go fuck yourself. You goons are easy to spot, I hope you understand that.
Ian Nelson
Andrew Gonzalez
I think the consensus now is to be sure to keep using kike and nigger. Rather than to stop using skype or google.
Levi Rodriguez
This is that "anti-anime D&C" I was warned about isn't it?
Austin Anderson
James Campbell
I've seen these but this isn't a confirmation. Jim maybe sort of ok, but I'm not going to take his word 100% along with a cryptic message from hiroshima. Unless you have something else that proves it, that is.
Wyatt Gomez
By the same logic that forcing a meme is "wrong", forcing its end is wrong.
You mean the consensus you are forcing.
Nolan Jackson
Trippps for truuuth
Samuel Parker
this should tell you everything you need to know about this poster.
Lucas Watson
Its pretty much the only animee stuff I have.
Although I did post an animee girl with a dick earlier and nobody said a thing. And girls with dicks are gay.
Asher Wright
n-no they aren't
Oliver Morales
Never seen a thread arguing against using a meme before. I honestly believe someone/thing is afraid. Successful meme's are organic, if its a shit meme, it will die on its own. Why is there so much shilling to stop a meme? You guys are giving it the Trump effect of giving it more attention that it should have been given. This meme will be successful because all the bitching about it lol.
Cameron Edwards
You're right, it's not 100% confirmed but it might as well be. Also was in /qa/ thread where Hiro said he didn't want to be admin anymore, sage for doublepost
Henry Baker
Scat is pretty much the most Jewish fetish you can have.
Joseph Green
David Hall
this is his sense of humor not his fetish, user.
Oliver Wilson
I guess… ive never really seen myself as a forceful personality. But I think im being reasonable and pragmatic.
When you tell someone 'you cant do something they tend to automatically be resistant.
Now I feel sad. its how the lord made me
Jace Richardson
Chase Ross
Thread is bumplocked my man.
A-are you okay?
Nice try, newfag.
Jackson Nguyen
I have the weirdest boner
Adrian King
Yep, filter this poster.
I don't want you to give up, you obvious kike and/or useful idiot.
Ryder Smith
Nice try Chaim.
Cameron Wilson
Thomas Davis
Why would I talk about something currently happening when I was clearly talking about things that happened in the past? When you said I made some examples to past threads that did that.
Lucas Hill
I said i never seen a thread arguing *against* using a meme before, not a shill thread.
Julian Stewart
Why don't you create a powerpoint with the the benefits of using these totally hilarious and clever memes. Use some clipart, maybe a few pivot tables with nice charts.
Maybe we can have a video conference to discuss it. Maybe hold a forum in a big Marriott hotel conference room. Gather a quorum, ya know? Let's really flesh out the pros and cons of this important and sophisticated bit of memetics.
Sound good, peaches?
Jaxson Hernandez
Making a thread topic complaining about a new meme is literally reddit tier faggotry.
Samuel Russell
user, did you check my trips? Kek confirmed this "new meme" is a shitty forced newfag meme.
Carson Carter
But I'm sure creating 6 threads about your epic new maymay isn't faggotry at all, right?
Jayden Hall
Lets face it. Everyone is a fag.
Julian Allen
The purpose of the thread is really to discuss the the fact that these shitty memes are a result of goon mini-raid. The mini-raid aspect is the interesting part. The memes are boring as fuck and will die on their own…because they are trash. We're just taking this opportunity to observe goonposting behavior and tell you what pathetic faggots you are and how shitty your effort here has been.
Justin Murphy
If you post it enough times, it will be true
Easton Young
There's only 1 thread and the other thread I remember was an online report that was taken down of how nigger was being replaced with google about 2 days after the Operation Google thread. There was nowhere near 6 threads created.
o-ohh okay.
Benjamin Wilson
you do realise all this SJW cancer came from SA? and goons are proto-SJWs themselves.
Ryan Reyes
I understand that, but it sounded like paranoia and he implied I was a goon.
Adrian Wilson
The bannings have begun already over the stickied goon thread. Doubt you faggots will be around much longer. Y'all have a pleasant evening, OK?
Hunter Wood
Oh, this thread was unbumplocked. Interesting.
Alexander Morgan
Aaron Campbell
mods did something based for once.
Justin Peterson
I wouldn't be surprised if it was fabricated to begin with, journalists seemed to be writing about it almost instantly. Couple days after it was brought to our attention. I'm guessing he forced it and then wrote an article on it. It's a stupid meme.
Landon Long
I never thought I'd see tism this potent on Holla Forums but it's what happens when mods let most /x/ tier garbage through.
Jackson Foster
Cuckchan is basically an experiment lab for shills and journalists. They foment shit and then break the news about it.
Camden Ortiz
- search on Google "European people art"
- you're retarded for making this post
Bentley Gray
Austin Thompson
Anyone notice how redpilled the Wendy's mascot is?
Wendy is white skinned with Freckles and red hair, all traits exclusive to whites. Her hair is braided in a traditional way with laces at the end and clothing are old fasioned too. Additionally, she sports a modest but innocent and genuine smile like coutous girls used to have before the jews and bad parenting made them believe they needed to bee bitchy sluts.
Wendy's is my favorite fastfood next to Bing Food. Those Bings sure can cook up some nice chicken
Jordan Hill
Andrew Cruz
Nice, shill's first attempt to feign autism and derail the thread.
Infowars is a Holla Forums-approved site you'll say.
Ryan Evans
Learn to read. Never said the Earth was flat, in fact implied that kikes bring it up to poison the well and dismiss everything people say as a "nutty conspiracy theory". Do you need it spelled out for you?
Oliver Howard
It's fucking absurd how this topic has spawned more bumplocked threads than the fucking US attacking Syria without proxy.
Xavier Sanders
Absurd? you mean (((coincidental))) as in, the whole "meme" is controlled
Easton Carter
What exactly's stopping it from being more than one?
Why not all of them?
Blake Perez
(kek'd) Glad to see that others see this unfunny shite for what it is: a forced meme designed to reduce our ability to communicate accurately. Fucking niggers trying to push this swill on us is annoying to say the least. But it seems our memetic white blood cells are still functioning, and that's a good sign.
Parker Gutierrez
STFU google
Daniel Harris
Owen Green
Muh google
Cameron Howard
Nothing suspicious here, goyim, just look away
Ian Thompson
See, this is the problem right here. It's the same shitty canned meme being repeated over and over. Above and beyond every other facet of the discussion that's being had over this faggotry, this sentence as a complete standalone example proves why this meme is stale as fuck, forced and decidedly anti-funny. I mean, it's not just NOT funny, it's actively UNFUNNY.
From now on I'm going to immediately hide anyone using 'google' instead of nigger. IT's not even to prove any point, it's ust because seeing this unfunny shit actually detracts from my enjoyment of our homeland, which is of course full/pol/. These faggot cuckchanners need to fucking go back and take their anchor-memes with them.
Oliver Murphy
Ayo muh googa hmu on googuh plus u feel me?
Connor Gonzalez
Checked, Satan. Going through all these other threads, I agree much more strongly with the pushback against the shitty meme. Compared to the lovely list gives, there's no shortage of terms that already exist that are already much stronger in language and expression. Even if this were some kind of action to be taken against Google, trying to force a meme by replacing another, truer stronger term (niggers).
I agree with these posts as they bring up the facts that a media reaction has been too strong and too swift on the pickup on this meme, trying to shut it down at the same time as making it feel "authentic" by acknowledging it. Considering how slow the MSM is ever on the uptake of fresh new meems, the hypothesis of (((they're))) playing both sides seems to be the strongest source behind this. They being whatever kikes and goons they can muster during the whole SomethingAwful and Hillary crackdowns.
Lincoln Smith
Jeremiah Mitchell
I think this images alone is why google shouldn't exist.
What is your reason for not wanting 18 years of google marketing to go to garbage?
This shilling, of shills calling others out for shilling doesn't make them not a shill.
This is a hilarious new meme, it isn't forced it's organic, it's funny.
Looks like the mods took off the anchor. Where's the fucking sticky?
Thread #4 of desperate goon shilling was just made, then promptly deleted. once again by an OP very obviously not from here. redditor formatting, using new thread incorrectly, concern trolling, and a fucking teddy roosevelt picture of all people, with the filename making it obviously pulled straight from google.
useful idiot newfags, if you're having fun with your forced shill meme, at least keep your fucking cancer to cuckchan.
Jayden Johnson
And look at this fucking kike linking directly to cuckchan and not even knowing how to fucking quote a post
Joseph Carter
Thomas Cooper
makes you a shill
Can you name a reason why "diversity" being pushed by google is a good thing?
Not my site, report me idc Nice contribution to the thread, it really provoked some thought and added overall understanding.
Jonathan Hill
It means that you're not from here. And if you're not from here, where are you from? And why are you pushing this?
Landon Jackson
I just don't post often. I don't know how to redtext or embed properly either.
What is wrong with destroying google's brand image? I personally find it hilarious.
Jonathan Morgan
David Young
What's your goal chaim? You already put out a hit piece within 24 hours of the fake meme being spammed and it hardly did any damage or got any coverage. Why are you still trying?
Also fucking kek, it doesn't matter where you're from, unless you're full blown autist anyone can see this is disingenuous as fuck, fellow channer.
Hudson Wilson
Hi, shill.
Kayden Russell
wow that was an awesome way to refute me. I think that i'll ponder on that for hours, you really made me think. Truly you are the next Socrates.
Jonathan Price
This thread is in heavy need of Chemo.
Nathaniel Hill
Thanks for admitting it, shill.
Isaac Sanders
Hunter Fisher
This is pretty good. Or at least fills in the Youtube and facebook gap.
Juan Price
Aaron Williams
You obviously don't lurk very often either. Anyone would be able to figure out those by actually lurking. And you aren't 'destroying google's brand image', and in fact, you aren't doing anything besides fucking with the board's foundation and being cringey as fuck in the process.
Thomas Evans
using "google" does not imply that you cannot use "nigger". using "skype" does not imply that you cannot use "kike".
it's a beautiful psy op to target blacks who have a rediculous crime rate. they are not looking at the horrible state their in and considering that they may have a massive fucking problem. and we have a problem with them. they don't have a problem with themselves for some fucking reason.
Jacob Williams
My name isn't chaim, i'm not a jew, i never wrote an article.
I would think it would be funny if google's employees would be afraid to use their own brand name. It's supposed to be about anti-censorship but would also be funny if every time a facebook user saw the word google they would think "nigger" in their head.
I'm guessing the milhouse is supposed to ironic because you are saying this is also a forced meme.
Why should googles brand name not be tarnished?
YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.
lol, I really don't understand how, could you explain it? Also how is it cringe?
Brayden Bell
Austin Rivera
You reek of new.
Gavin Clark
Thank God, I was starting to worry about you Holla Forums.
It was seriously Milhouse-tier.
Kevin Stewart
Ayden Rogers
Moishe, then. Said the jew. ‘an’ is an article. Then you’re a dipshit. So censoring yourself helps that in what way? Looks like you took 5 minutes to read KnowYourMeme. Why should we hide the truth?
When the ADL claimed that parenthesis are “hate speech”, I stopped using the (((echoes))) and started wrapping jewish names in the ✡star of remphan.✡ I AM NO LONGER AFRAID. I DON’T HAVE TO HIDE ANYTHING. If they want to take your words, YOU SCREAM THEM EVEN LOUDER.
Easton Johnson
Why are you trying to astroturf a meme when you're not from here, shlomo? just stay on cuckchan, they'll listen and be a much bigger foot army. Fuck off from here, no one's buying it.
Easton Peterson
OP is probably a Google shill because comapnies are scared shitless that they'll have to rebrand which is expensive and time consuming.
Imagine if we could do this to almost every company name like we did to Pepe?
They'd all change their names/logos because they won't want to customers to have that mental association between their product and the "ebil nazis".
In other words: OP is a JEW trying to SAVE the GOOGLE brand
Think about it,these kikes protect their copyright against the most innocuous shit, Holla Forums can actually taint their brand though or at least the LugenPressethinks since they won't stop covering us.
Jace Rodriguez
Die, kike.
Jeremiah Perry
Bentley Evans
Sebastian Parker
Damn censors are desperate to kill this. They know they cannot censor google nor can they censor skype. They really want this nipped in the bud. Use it or don't use it, but there is no downside to using it.
John Lopez
I said it earlier in the thread, but I'll reiterate for everyone's sake. This 'meme' of yours is not a constructive or additive one like dindu, cuck, or echoes, it is a transformative one. It seeks to, one way or another, change the use of one word into the use of another word. While this is technically true, it's open for exploitation and general obnoxiousness, as well as being cringey as fuck. No it fucking doesn't. Some autists on a Laotian garbage reclaiming imageboard aren't going to cause irreversible damage to the largest internet based corporation on the planet, and that's a fact. Even off of Holla Forums it's something inherently subversive, and subverting memes is incredibly difficult in ordinary cases. When you're attempting to subvert something that permeates the entire planet, you're probably going to be at it for a few centuries. It just plain and simply won't work.
Jaxson Bell
I'm enjoying the bantz, but it's pointless.
'google' and 'skype' have already become part of my everyday vocabulary. I'm talking about people, not companies like nigger and jew.
Carson Watson
You took that first image straight from the food thread. you're not fooling anyone, jonah.
Can the shilling be any more obvious?
Noah Rodriguez
What is the downside to this google = nigger?
Why would you not use something that on the rise and will name the jew? Not doing something for the sake that it's getting attention doesn't seem really logical, it's just like anti presumed normal.
Thomas Jones
If you want us to believe your sincerity, tell us where you've come here from, kike
Jonathan Thompson
No downside to using it on social media that would otherwise b& you for saying nigger / kike Huge downside getting Holla Forums to self-censor with a fucking brand name. Do you niggerfaggots not see the symbols in the logos anymore? It's like you've all taken the blue pill again. Putting fucking corporate logos on top of AWM's work and shit. Go kill yourself.
If we adopt it here it fucks our cadence up, that could fuck our movement up.
Jason Reyes
Congrats, you're a kike sponge ready to absorb and parrot everything they conjure up in a matter of days.
Isaac Smith
yeah, my intuition is telling me they fear this so fucking much. they are so afraid of this. we actually can break the narrow politically correct scope of discourse wide open and have a conversation.
Ryder Cruz
this thread reeks of d&c shills.
Josiah Cooper
ITT: buttblasted googles and skypes
Jayden Ward
Look at his posts ITT. He's clearly a plant.
Lucas Nguyen
you've been studying us and false flagging perhaps?
Jayden Campbell
It's suspect how when you search "googles" on most engines you get that “Stinking Googles should be killed” article. It's almost like this entire memetic stream has been directed and flows from a certain easily exploited fracture point.
Hi "masterchan", I see you're giving us the 'ol Holla Forums treatment. heil isn't nearly as dumb as lowcard, it won't work here
Andrew Bell
you're not fooling anyone, fucking skype shills
nice dubs
Jason Martin
disrespect, chaim.
Adam Perez
the projection
Jacob Cruz
no i mean… ponies are bannable for a reason. you're saying something that's right, but…
holy fuck the PPH this attack is funny and spooky.
Carson White
Forced as shit Cuckchan garbage Makes your posts annoying as fuck to read Reminds me of the sudden wave of niggerspeak that flared up last year, was fought against, but ultimately settled and gets used occasionally even though you are emulating a fucking nigger.
Want to do it on YouTube to fuck with their filters? Fine, maybe it would work, but don't do it here.
Jace Lee
Jordan Turner
I come from a land down under, where Mien Gotte rules and jews are torn asunder. idk where i would be from I did find 8ch through a link on 4ch Holla Forums though, I visit many websites but I wouldn't label myself as any type of "channer".
When i heard about the plan it genuinely made me laugh. It seemed like a funny plan and if google's brand gets destroyed it's another plus because off all the degeneracy they push, the shekel grabbing they push on us through YouTubeRed and now this Youtube Heros. People for a while have wanted a alternative to Youtube and Google two jew owned media platforms that control the majority of the internet and put ads over everything and hopefully their death would come out of it.
Alexander Parker
This was how the google meme began. There was a thread on 4chan discussing Google's upcoming censorship AI. A britbong posted this reply and several anons thought it would be a hilarious idea to get Google's name associated with niggers.
First threads were created quickly after that (I created the second edition).
It's not a shill operation, or at least did not begin as one.
Andrew Martin
Yeah, that was pretty bad.
Landon Thompson
Yeah. Because you're from Reddit. You talk like a fag and your shit is all fucked up nigger.
James Morris
Damn Satan, talk about adding insult to injury.
Easton Smith
The writer of the "Stinking Googles should be killed" article is British too. Coincidence, or (((coincidence)))?
Brayden Williams
I called it on day one: Nothing more than a (((distraction))) to pull people away from the stuff that really matters like Clinton.
Grayson James
Also, obligatory reminder to go back to cuckchan.
Ryan Barnes
looks like a real girl, just dead.
not against any specific rule, just highly
And here he admits he's a cuckchanner YOU HAVE TO GO BACK And we're sitting here wondering why all these fucking idiots reek of new and shyllecreem brand hand lotion.
Dubs, and detectives don't believe in coincidences. We shouldn't either. Also note how it got immediately praised unanimously, frenzied. Just to kick up the cuck/pol/ circlejerk into high gear.
Thomas Mitchell
lmao. Their gay little LARP has done fuck all for "countering censorship".
I wonder how cuckchan would react if their search index results were removed from google like Holla Forums did about a year ago.
Jaxson Scott
The "Channer" is supposed to be a joke because of the article that one person wrote about us.
I am not a redditor, They do have alot of good subreddits though that are real and give alot of helpful information like on nootropics. or you can find a subreddit all about Zelda wallpapers.
John Brooks
You can still get linked to an Holla Forums thread from Google, they just don't offer the homepage as a result for a search of the site's name.
Angel Morales
Trends and memes very rarely get any significant momentum in a mere week. How much time do you think it took before blacks were widely called niggers after the term was first coined?
James Jenkins
I wasn't there personally but I heard it was beyond anything that Holla Forums would've ever seen considering usercounts. Like pre-/mlp/ levels of shitposting.
Chase Taylor
Eli Jones
About that. About a year go if you'd type Holla Forums into a bing it would auto correct to
Their goal was "countering censorship". So far all it has is made their site retarded with faggots pushing a stupid meme to fulfill a purpose it never will. Therefore using the fucking shitty meme only pleases the autist who forced this shit. clearly you haven't been there. if someone shuts their crossposting shit thread here all they do is cry for mods mods mods like the cucks they are.
Luke Moore
Joshua Hernandez
Evan Gomez
Found you.
The last time I remember seeing coordinated consensus cracking was when the anti-trump niggers, led by that coalburning jewess, flooded the board shortly after he announced.
Matthew Walker
Probably the same kikes that call anyone who posts about roping people an "FBI Informant" because rope means killing people.
Not to mention you all have at least 7 but more often upwards of 20 or 30 posts in this thread.
Jaxon Myers
You're obviously not even from cuckchan. Why are you lying chaim? Aren't you sincerely just another innocent channer wanting to share the dank memes? So what's there to hide chaim?
Camden Martinez
i can call him whatever i want. hopefully we won't be stepping on eggshells with eachother so he stabs me in the face about it. politically incorrect zeitgeist is best zeitgeist.
Jayden Gutierrez
Here you are wrong. The intent was to make Google's name synonymous to nigger and associated with racism for lols.
Juan Long
check those satan trips of truth
John Taylor
No fucking shit sherkike. By the way, calling me a shill isn't an argument to the numerous points I've brought up throughout this thread, that as far as I'm aware, haven't been refuted.
Jonathan Wright
How's that working out? You compare the word "black" to "nigger" to pre internet days. Not only that a lot of languages had similar names for blacks that'd equate to niggers. So your shitty comparison falls there. YOUR CUCKCHAN OUTREACH IS GAY. FUCK OFF
Carson Green
Must be high-priority if they have you come in to work to shill in a single thread for 7 consecutive hours.
Making a Kike-a-Cola image as we speak, will post.
Adrian Davis
I don't really understand what you're getting at, or why you're so angry.
Jacob Flores
I think i'll start using "googles" and "skypes" just to trigger stormweenies on this board. :^)
Adrian Edwards
I'm not trying to obscure anything like you. This "google" shit only accomplishes getting us to use a less offensive word in place of nigger.
Noah Scott
At its finnest.. This is one of the most sophisticated attacks i ever seen, i am actually suprised of the high level.
Eli James
I'm a fan of Holla Forums I agree with the message, It's like an alternative news site, like ED.
Meme's aren't dank anymore, they're spicy.
I am not a berg, witz, stien, man, gold, or crypto. Calling someone a shill when they aren't or a jew when they're reminds me of "racist, facist"
Jason James
You're the exact kind of person this meme was made for and by
Elijah Richardson
Gavin Clark
Not an argument. Try again. Perhaps some people post in threads because it is relevant to their interests?
Matthew Barnes
Joseph White
It'd generate the same amount of offense as calling them glasses or plastics would. Which is to say, not very much at all
Justin Kelly
Your unwillingness to assimilate is almost as annoying as the memes you force. What would make some fucking pavement ape whip his head around? "ayy fucking google" or ALL FUCKING NIGGERS MUST FUCKING HANG
Carson Wood
I'm in no way involved in this… just chimed in to clear up some confusion. Your condescency will get more return when spent on somebody else.
Michael Lee
Aaron Robinson
Reddit. You are so easy to spot.
Wyatt Turner
I thought this "forced" meme was a response to the fact that when you google "American inventors", only black inventors pop up.
Anthony Gray
That's a lie. It was because
Angel Thompson
I find it weird that nobody agreed on the first thread to keep the terminology out of Holla Forums and let it linger outside this site.
it just reeks of self censorship via memery. This attempt had considerable thought behind it but ultimately failed. It just enables shills to use non "harsh" language to fuck with anons.
Ethan Nelson
It was a comma at first but in the end ellipsis seemed like a better choice.
Question: if a person has 4chan, Holla Forums and reddit open simultaneously, how do you decide how to label him?
Anthony Hernandez
This thread.
Jayden Gutierrez
do whatever you want. we don't care. the meme is there. it will happen or not. if it's a bad meme, it will die. if it's good, it will spread.
Hunter Jenkins
come on now, call a nigger a google one more time.
Nathaniel Watson
Then don't do it Rabbi, It's not about pissing off niggers, it's about pissing off jews like you!
Edgy, you really belong here, I can tell.
Dumb kikes, it will catch on and there's nothing that you can do to stop it. As soon as the average person hears not to call blacks a Google, you'll have to spend soooo much money rebranding your shitty services it's going to make your heads spin.
Your copyright laws won't save you!
Joshua Hughes
Indecisive Autistic
Cooper Kelly
wanna bet? the meme isn't there it's shit will be forgotten in a week. there's nothing you can do to save it, faggot.
Ian Thomas
like this: Stay the fuck out.
Nicholas White
mfw that's what you guys said about Trump!
Austin Cook
nah im sweet
Oliver Parker
god damn you're fucking retarded. Go back to plebbit, they care abut rep farming there and can actually corroborate the stupid shit they say.
Logan Ortiz
then that's what'll happen. i'll have fun watching people do everything they can to tell people what to say.
Jayden Butler
Redditor, the lowest denominator of the media he consumes.
You don't have an achievable goal, I can't possibly fathom why you would possibly want to do this unless you are purposefully trying to subvert this board.
Cameron Nelson
Have I displeased Kek and been thrown into an even more kiked universe? This wasn't a thing the last time I was here.
Brody Williams
It's only at two places so far I searched. congrats on spreading you faggot. you did it.
Lucas Baker
pics related. its you. after everyone fucking found you out you pinko kike shill.
Nicholas Sanchez
A few more threads including one that nearly hit the bump limit also came around, although that one was a lot more spammy and circlejerky. Sorry about that, just hope it goes away.
Kayden Thompson
This shit is fucking retarded and I refuse to take place in this faggot attempt at language shifting. If we really want to make a dent we need to encourage the use of the word NEGRO as it is racially correct. We shouldn't be adding layers of asinine nonsense to "troll" this smells of Holla Forums & Holla Forums shenanigans. Kike faggots
Thomas Miller
Hey retard Our movement is a simple response to Jewgle promoting niggers when searching "European Art" and "American Inventors" Its that simple you tin hat CTR shill
Joseph Davis
nice, I bet you got that one from goodgoygate.
Carter Brooks
Yea I was being a complete faggot. Got people to wake up and start calling out shills though.
There was a method to the madness my dear anonymous.
Owen Powell
all the food groups of a shill.
Why is Holla Forums so popular for these stupid fucks to outreach here? This quarter it has been those alt cuck faggots, evacucks, cult state admin shilling here, and now this.
Andrew Parker
I'm convinced.
Record Status: Corrected
What's your point?
Carson Campbell
lol, worthless googles that are too lazy to do anything worthwhile.
Asher Scott
What is your fucking goal, and how the fuck do you plan to achieve it?
Alexander Martinez
Austin Rivera
we wuz Renosaunce n shieet
Isaac Rogers
Glad other people agree that this force "meme" is absolute cancer. Keep that shit on cuckchan.
Andrew Nelson
shut up google
William Gomez
It's great. You can see the faggots on their twitter accounts posting this autistic garbage trying to make it spread.
this picture is a "highlight" of this museum's paintings.
Jaxon Powell
fucking skypes are everywhere today.
Landon Hernandez
Adam Turner
kill yourself uncultured newfag.
Ryan Richardson
Listen newfags, it's pretty simple :
Skype is dead and was bought by Microsoft.
It means that calling Niggers "Googles" will deviate the real threat, Jews. Calling Kikes "Skypes" is retarded, as mentioned above, Skype is dead.
Also, ponder yourself this simple sentence, anons. That's been used ITT : Skype = Microsoft. So, who's shilling for a company here ?
Is there anyone that can refute any arguments I just made ?
Elijah Long
Associate Google with racism.
Zachary Harris
You seem to not understand that companies have fired people for less just to save face. They've fired CEOs who donated to the wrong charity. So by tarnishing their name like this is bad business for them.
This whole google nigger switch is quite frankly really brilliant and hits where it hurts.>>7619523
Jackson Nelson
Are you saying that niggers should be called jews
Carter Ramirez
Seems to be a forced cuckchan meme that was brought here by shitposting faggots who still browse cuckchan.
Just filter anyone who uses it because they're obvious cuckchanners.
Justin Peterson
Jews unlike niggers won't take to the streets and riot. Hence pushing the google meme is better to wake up the average normie.
Nathan Wright
Jaxon Flores
Jackson Reed
Requesting that the mods word filter "Google" into "Niggers".
Dylan Jones
Brayden Green
there is no negative association normies make to jews, so it doesn't really damage the brand. it just makes the people aware that google is owned by jews.
if skype is dead, there's reasons for that already. it can be killed again if it somehow became more popular due to this.
Luis Morgan
Blake Turner
Welp, Kek approves. And I'd laugh my ass of honestly.
Gavin Harris
Sure I am. Also, they is a shocking amount of the word "Normies" being used in this thread. I didn't know everyone on Holla Forums was so afraid to say offensive terms such as "normalfags".
Oh, wait.
Sebastian Nelson
If a frog can be a racist white supremacist, then Google can be a nigger.
Carter Collins
I'll use google from now on, instead of nigger, here on 8ch, only to trigger you.
Angel Adams
What I'd like to know if the people pushing this shit have started posting only days ago.
Owen Jackson
Juan Sanchez
And, I'll post an anime girl every post I make in this thread, only to trigger you.
Grayson Bailey
Benjamin Collins
Austin Perry
Because of all the happenings and leaks that have been happening. This meme is reddit tier in speech and OC.
Can't anyone edit Urban Dictionary and Google. Its hardly been a week; memes do not spread this fast without being forced, and, like all forced memes, will die as fast as it started.
Joshua Diaz
why would that trigger me you stupid google?
Xavier Foster
Oh, so you're not a goon, you're genuinely retarded. OK then.
Ayden Ramirez
Googles are people who are suffering from Dunning Kruger effect and can operate the google search engine so they think they are einstein level genius since they know the answer
As ideas go it might not be a bad idea to fuck with the AI but the implementation reeks of (((subversion))) and I do not think it will achieve it's stated objective, instead I think it's designed to out Holla Forumsacks since they'll be the ones using it.
Michael Cook
Maybe you are if you can't understand that this will only hurt Google
Jordan Nguyen
Nonsense, it's not transformative - it's associative. No one's telling anyone to change the way they do things. You can either do it or not do it. Transformation is modal, this is not.
Aaron Hall
jewgle search "nigger", inspect element, change "nigger" to "google", screenshot
Ayden Martinez
Jaxson Fisher
I like the meme. I once thought Pepe was forced…
Juan Garcia
(contd) In fact, youtube's changes are themselves transformative - they're demanding we change our behavior.
If anything it's anti-transformative because we constructively bypass their bullshit filters and still break the spirit of their rules, which is to stamp out raycisms.
You've got just about everything 180° off.
Lucas Clark
Jewgle is a made up word. A strong that is easily filtered since no one uses it in a non-derogatory way. Google on the other hand is a common use word and the name of a company.
Once again: you are either a mouth breathing idiot or a shill.
Landon Long
You low-IQ turbo faggots can prance around the web and type nigger, the rest of us will type Google, and we'll see which comments last beyond the act of clicking POST. Dumb fucks. We need a civil war so we can kill you kike, nigger loving, asswipe, retard mongoloids.
Jordan Carter
Since there seems to be a lot of confusion over this, I am just going to stick with saying niggers. I'm going to stay away from the whole google thing. I also don't care if they censor the word nigger. I never say it outside the chans anyway, because I would come off as a racist inbred when I'm trying to educate people about nigger crime.
Camden Cook
So literally a couple of guys whining about this shit and calling it a "forced meme" and claiming that the board does not want it, that it's not funny etc.
The shilling is laughably obvious.
Chase James
You couldn't kill an unarmed infant, tough guy.
I bet you can kill yourself, though. Get to it.
Nolan Ward
How come none of you retarded nigger idiots actually understand the purpose of the google meme? It's forced because we're supposed to be using it against google as a weapon to fuck up it's nanny-tron, and not here on Holla Forums as part of "Holla Forums culture" or some autistic shit. The Nigsaw system is obviously not going to fucking monitor Holla Forums because it can't remove anything here, the point of it is to remove comments with "nigger" "kike" "retard trannyfuck" etc. in Youtube comment sections. It analyzes for 'hate speech" and depending on how controlled and sophisticated the program is, it either can't remove the hate speech because it can't find the hateful terms, or it starts removing everything with "google" in it because it learns a new one.
1. It's not a fucking Google psyop. If Google has the resources to do psyops they wouldn't be using an automated algorithm to influence users, they'd be using more psyops. Google is a search engine first and foremost. They use algorithms to enforce their agenda by filtering out what is deemed "innapropriate", not by sending out shills to argue with retards on a tawianese picture forum.
2. And the people who are using "google" and 'skype" here to refer to niggers and kikes are equally retarded. This isn't a fun new term like dindu, it's supposed to be a targeted thing.
3. Don't use Skype, it's retarded. the word "jew" can't get bot-filtered because then jews would get mad.
it's not that fucking confusing.
Liam White
I recognize those pyramids.
Leo Cox
man, i did not want to be the one to have to tell you guys this. I had hoped you'd figure it out.
i suspect that it is google themselves pushing this. if they were to make a "hate speech" detector, they'd probably need this data ahead of time to prevent such evasion attempts.
also, if you assume that it is google doing this, a lot of other things fall into place. use your brains.
to google, or whoever is working on this: while I think this is a noble cause, I don't want a dystopian psychopass-esque future. it's not right. don't be evil.
Jayden Peterson
Because they're paid not to understand it. Why is this thread not anchored already?
Levi Morales
its scary too, they are trying to erase a word with hundreds of years of history and replace it with bullshit
Benjamin Thompson
rip mad thad
Luke Jones
The pushback against this "forced meme" is insane. All other "forced memes" naturally die out, yet here we have these autists raging against it thinking calling niggers googles is akin to censorship.
Of course we're not supposed to totally change our ways, but there should be some use of it here if only to indicate to newfags that it's one of our ops.
The implication that we should all change everything we say is a bullshit strawman and one that has been repeated so often it's becoming like a kike pretending the next day that he was never bested in argument the day before.
Tired of repeating myself. Stop playing dumb.
Samuel Torres
Witnessing Kek working through me.
Jeremiah Wright
mate, it's >>>Holla Forums6225057
Jordan Gonzalez
Luis Ross
So fucking what you complete faggot? Memes are not eternal. Board culture changes all the time.
Robert Allen
No one is "falling for" anything. It's actually a good idea.
Nathan Foster
It's not for the brand value, moron, it's for the algorithm.
Elijah Collins
Fucking cancer.
Chase Wood
this epic meme is totally not shilling guise xD
Robert Perez
Brandon Smith
I have no idea what the fuck you're complaining about you latent ⚣.
Jaxon Miller
Ian Diaz
So let me get this straight, this is a "forced meme" by Holla Forums. Yet, you think some highly complex form of shilling?
Leo Robinson
No, its just retarded. Hence why spouting out the nonsense is, shockingly yes, you guessed right; retarded
Nolan Gonzalez
The algorithm that only targets monetized videos? Why do you want to support usury, who gives a living fuck if the algorithm fucks over all the rats trying to make a living off what boils down to engaging in masturbatory activities on camera. When the rats leave the ship just sinks faster, we do want Google's entire conglomerate to be exposed for the corrupt devil-loving jews they are.
This happend earlier, so you didn't even find the right fucking post.
Evan Lopez
I'd call this a genetic fallacy, but it looks like your genes are already all manner of fucked up, you ⚧ueer.
Jeremiah Rogers
notice how hard my reply in this thread just got slid? it's fucked up.
generally, you could even glean some information by looking at how quickly a reply/post disappears or gets buried. truthful responses are likely to get buried as quickly as possible.
what a time to be alive, Holla Forums from 8ch is finally alive!
Landon Allen
It wasn't them. It started on cuckchan's Holla Forums. See
Jaxson Jones
I really don't get what all the butthurt is about. Nobody is stopping you from saying Jew or Nigger.
It's just to fuck with google. Make the word "google" racist just like pepe is considered to be now. That's all it is. No reason to cry about it.
Xavier Moore
notice the enormous increase in thread volume after I made my post? you could probably glean a good amount of information off the archives by analyzing how quickly certain threads/posts get buried by sliding.
Grayson Morris
Read all those replies. Christ, the place is just cringe now.
Henry Fisher
I'm not complaining about anything. You are.
Wyatt Kelly
that's cuckchan lad, these are the idiots pushing it here. So, cuckchan and post-death >>>Holla Forums spillover, lovely pile of refuse we have here.
Jack Rivera
Oliver Williams
How is it a good idea? You are voluntarily censoring yourself.
Joshua Nelson
Christian Davis
So it's not shills, it's just 14 year olds who think they're being edgee. Great.
Carter Collins
Yes, the replies approve of it. So do I. Fuck off, you shill.
David Ward
Uh, no, user I was saying that this meme won't profoundly negatively affect chan culture and people are arguing as if it will become mandatory and enforced or some shit. I'm arguing that it's OK to use. I'm not arguing against using it.
Julian Gutierrez
Because it's fucking funny, and it'll force Google to issue a response and maybe even shit-can their automatic censorship bot if we overwhelm it enough.
None of the people who watch Jewtube actually give a shit about how jewish a company is, because they're all fed up on how great it is that Google is spreading diversity. The ones that can be saved jump off and come to us, because they see the results and want to be part of the fight.
buncha people still get it.
If you say "nigger" on a jewtube video, they'll censor it for you. That's the point of this.
Jack Powell
OK, so, adhering to you "shill rules", how does this meme tick any of the necessary boxes for a meme to become popular? Is it funny? Is it simple enough to not require six paragraphs of explanation? And does it even relate to the thing it's parodying?
Brandon Ross
you can go back now, cuck
Cooper Walker
As I said, Holla Forums was not ever alive, they were dead, they had to die to be reborn. It took them long enough, but they are finally waking up, the motherfuckers are alive and
Jace Howard
OP, read my two previous posts. they keep getting slid.
Samuel Edwards
why should I care if some faggot monetizing their jewtube videos gets censored?
Ethan Garcia
No one is saying you should accept "diversity" you blithering imbecile. It's a way to circumvent automatic censorship against "hate speech".
Get out, now. Your kind of moron doesn't belong here.
William Wright
So to stop censorship, you are censoring yourself? You do know how retarded that is right?