
I said it this yesterday in the Hex thread

and I'll fucking say it again.

Get some new volunteers and organize a schedule where they have overlapping hours. That means get enough fucking volunteers to cover all the hours of the day. The cp spammer had free reign for 5 hours+ yesterday and not a single fucking volunteer came on to stop him. He went to sleep and the botmod took care of all the cp but regardless, he was free to do whatever the fuck he wanted, and that's not right. Enough is enough, dysnomia. Fix your shit or hand over the board to someone else you worthless piece of shit.

If you missed out on any of the drama then just have a look at this post
Or I can give you a

Tl;dr: CP was posted in nearly every single thread yesterday morning (morning for me) and no one did anything to mitigate or prepare for it. He's been doing this for months you spineless piece of shit. Fix it.

1st pic related is dysnomia trying to weasle his way out of this situation by pleading ignorance.
2nd pic related is mailman initially dealing with the cp spammer before he had to go to bed.
3rd pic related is the botmod kicking in (no signs of any volunteers for 5+ hours).

Other urls found in this thread:


No one gives a fuck about the cp being posted retard; not even Dysnomia himself. Take your shit to /meta/ or /sudo/, double space user.



I would support this tbh. While there is an irc chat, but absolutely no one uses it. Communication is something we need but the team doesn't really have any (other than the PM system which is only used once in a blue moon).

Hey look I'm retarded

This user really loves their cheese pizza.

Agree. The CP is out of hand at these hours. There shouldnt be any pedo related shit allowed period. The fact theyre validated by having their own thread is pretty fucking disgusting tbh


which one sounds better?

are you implying that these are the options? are you the cp fag?

I'm OP. I'm a pedo too but I don't like the board being flooded with CP. This isn't 2015 /hebe/ or 2012 4chan/b/ and the volunteers and dysnomia specifically need to start putting their foot down or this will legitimately get nuked.

why do you think the cp fag cares if there's a pedo thread or not? I want no cp in no thread, it doesn't fucking matter where he dumps it.

I should me be a mod, tbh.

He doesn't. That was my point. If we have a pedo thread he'll still post CP and if we don't, well what do you know he's still going to post CP.

Well same here… I stated that in OP very explicitly.

t. CP spammer

then stop trying to make this an issue about the pedo thread. why is it so hard for pedos to keep their degeneracy in one thread? why do you have to flood every thread with lgs?

Modding the spammer worked out pretty well last time tbh

Listen pedos. You have your own damned board on Holla Forums. Nevermind threads in Holla Forums. Go use your board. Nuff said tbh

Remember pedos are attention seekers

The issue is not about the pedo thread. I just stated what's been happening regardless of a dedicated pedo thread being up or not. I'll put in simple terms for you dumbass:
He'll post CP no matter what threads are up. The only thing slowing him down is when volunteers are active, and when there's no active volunteers well then he has free reign. Ergo, get more volunteers to mitigate and slow him down. The solution is fucking simple, just hire some newfag hotpockets and that will slow him down.

I don't know the reasoning behind the constant flooding or pedo posting but I think its to make a statement. But in all honesty I don't know why he does it, so ask him yourself when he's spamming the board with CP later today (for Americans).

That's not helping the situation but I understand that was suppose to be humerous, so I'll let it slide by. Like the volunteers have been letting this shit slide for months kek.

massive ones.. there is literally no other group that behaves like that. even the bronies were able to contain their shit.

I don't think they're trying to make a statement. They're probably just saying "how do you like that" and stuffing their face with pizza

then please tell me, friend, why did you bring up the pedo thread? I doubt it was created to entrap cp posters.

Literally second sentence in my reply, you illiterate fucking nigger.

no, you just said that it has nothing to do with the pedo thread, but yet you claimed here that it has something to do with it (he will dump in one thread if there is no dedicated thread). enlighten me please.

Are you actually illiterate?

No I'm not, you've explicitly brought up the pedo thread in your post, not me are anyone else. Why? Can you just answer this simple question please?


Apparently you can't.



you have to go back

fuck you. we've finally got the new ones trained the way we like em

And that would be what exactly? Dimwitted monkeys?

there's your problem right there. i used irc twice, and that was about 20 years ago

they've stopped banning people for hurt feelings. instead they just ban for dost/illegal with the occasional random - you know the way Holla Forums is supposed to be. you'll never stop the IP hoppers, because it's built into Holla Forums. if you can't handle it, you should go back to 4

Good. I didn't like walking on eggshells and left entirely when the new volunteers were appointed.

I wholeheartedly agree with you but there's still things to do to slow him down. Emphasis on him. Singular, one person. You know your volunteers are fucking useless when just one pedo can fuck things up for everyone. Thus, I suggest getting new volunteers. Any volunteers. Literally any volunteers. And no I'm not going to volunteering to oversee this board because fuck you I'm not backstabbing my own kind.

Good night everyone. Hopefully you can take my advice sooner rather than later because if not he's going to make this place his playground. And I know for a fact that you, dysnomia don't want to get CM and YogaNig involved in this shit.


Your problem OP is that you believe that Dysnomia gives 2 flying fucks.
He doesn't.
He doesn't even give one flying fuck.
If it was up to him, there wouldn't be mods at all!
Remember, it took Ron threatening him with removal to get the ones we have now!
And Dys has been quoted as saying that the only admin job he really has here is to "pretend" to abide by the law where CP is concerned.
So with that in mind, it seems like you are wasting your breath here.

That said, I am not a big fan of posting rules that you know you can't enforce.
That smacks of arrogance and delusion, both of which Dysnomia has in large quantities.
So I agree with you on that much.
He is a twat.

Fact is though, it is pretty much irrelevant anymore as the board is being abandoned anyway.
If you want you can always complain to the Feds that Holla Forums is not living up to its legal responsibilities.
But if you are a pedo yourself, you would be putting yourself at risk to do so.
Bottom line is that they are the only ones who truly care about CP getting posted here, and the only thing they are really interested in about that is how often it happens and how long it stays up.

hire me, I'll remove pedo tbh

t. Literally Hitler, a pedo.

CP for your delight

underrated tbh

Are you implying that the CP spammer is one of the alphabet agencies' goons?

Good guess. I remove pedo. I'm an anti tbh

Just read the whole thread




hey hex!

hey user

You could've prevented this =

so explain it. Why do Hex threads turn into CP threads?

pic related

You would have to ask the ones that post the shit. It's probably because I used to be the one deleting it, but now they know I can't.

Or maybe they are hoping Jim bans me for it again.

Have you politely asked the CP spammer to stop spamming CP, Hex?

What would that accomplish? If anything showing that you are triggered in any way only encourages them to increase their efforts.

I think its only one user doing this.

there's one who does it more, and with a more consistent pattern, but there's more than one user

t. Moralfag

I think 'VirPed' would describe OP more accurately unlike moralfag.

Accomplish just that since you're not longer a volunteer why would you care if even more CP was being spammed.

Oh, well then we're fucked.


for the record, i'm not a mod
i don't have access to the IP addresses. just my guess based on observation

How many CP spammers are there from your observations?

it's only 1 with multiple identities

i admire pedos tbh. It takes some balls to post CP knowing all the risks.

Depends on the country. He is likely not an American

Dude, CP is CP anywhere in the world. You post, you get fucked.

but some countries are far more harsh than others. Compare USA punishments for CP possession to Japan's. Or Ukraine. Or any South/Central American country.

according to wikipedia it's not

if you mean people willing to post cp, about 10

All i see there, is that nigger countries dont have CP laws. But all developed countries, possession is a crime.

CP is illegal full stop. I just got banned for posting CP in the pedo thread. Fuck you guys.

Yeah we're fucked. Count me in as well.


You're the user posting SM sets? My nigga

This is a lie. I did see the spam, but I saw not a single vagina, penis, or even bare chest (which should hardly be considered pornographic either, but I'll count it anyway). It was spam, but it wasn't CP. You'd have to be some sort of muslim faggot who only ever sees women dressed like ninjas and goes berserk at the sight of a bare ankle to consider any of that spam pornographic.

You fags calling things CP when they aren't CP only devalue the actual shock value of real CP, which I've never once seen posted on Holla Forums, and hadn't been posted on 4chan since like 2009. All you do is make people think "oh if that's what's considered CP then it's not really that bad. These laws are dumb."

100%. You nailed it, buddy. In Holla Forums CP is all pictures of minors in bikinis and nude


No I was the one asking about this set

The majority of CP spammed was Mastadon's April from Hoarders Hell and a few images of Siberian Mouse also made there way into the fray.

To me CP, isnt a little girl bare chested or in a bikini. To me CP is a depiction of an adult man, actually putting his dick inside a little girl. And that type of thing hasn´t been posted here, in a long time.

Explain the benis in April's dirty asshole, mouth and hand from yesterday? Were you MIA the whole day yesterday?

which is exactly what got posted last night user

I was. I missed the dump

Then that shit is illegal and should be forward to LEA

Never once seen a picture of a nude minor posted on Holla Forums. Maybe it's happened once or twice, but I've been on Holla Forums every day since burgers and fries and I've never seen it. Yet people act like "CP" is posted all the time. All I see are clothed pictures which you'd have to be mega repressed to actually get off on. If people can't get off on it then it's not pornography. Clearly these things are being posted for two reasons. 1 is to troll normalfags, and 2 is to reinforce their own pedo identity, which they feel is extra threatened by normalfags even here, while it used to be semi-tolerated. So they don't post actual CP because they are too afraid and watered down nowadays, but they still post clothed pics because it creates a sense of community for them, to reinforce the part of their identity that they feel is threatened.

Compare this to 4chan like ten years ago, when you'd occasionally get actual CP posted (still only once in a blue moon), and it would get deleted and they'd get banned, but the userbase wouldn't be full of fucking normalfags getting sand in their vaginas over it. So while the laws were being enforced, the pedos didn't feel the userbase was becoming full of normalfags and threatening their identity. So therefore they didn't feel the need to reinforce it by constantly posting non-pornographic pics that clearly don't even get them off all day every day, which is what they do now.

This place would be a lot easier if people just fucking learned to act like we used to act 10 years ago.

Funny how people talk about this but it must have been up in some random thread for microseconds, because I've not once seen it posted here, despite coming here every day since mid-2014. Guess I'm just unlucky.

This guy absolutely nailed it. The things that are actually considered CP never show face here, yet anything that is considered DOST is deleted. But since DOST is a largely gray area, the board owner can attach anything he wants to the DOST label, making it a largely meaningless metaphor.

I'd argue that the little girls posted on here don't even make the criteria for DOST material, since almost none of them are actually sexually suggestive. However, anyone can still interpret it the way they want and effectively get it removed.

if you want to see it, be here in 4 hours user…

Ok nigger you're fucking pathetic. I now understand you want some "proof" and you're getting reported because I just got banned for the same thing. Fuck you.

Maybe you´re sleeping when it gets posted. Different time zones and shit. Specially if you are Yuropoor.

nothing wrong with cp tbh



t. CP poster

CP is wholesome

I don't want "proof," I want fucking normalfags to shut the fuck up and ignore things they don't like. That's what I'm advocating, and that's what we all did ten years ago. Report and move on. It's against the rules and it will be removed with the poster banned, which is what always happened. What didn't always happen was faggots like you crying over it. Goddamn normalfags GTFO.

IDs are on, dingus. I get how to switch IDs but I never figured out how to switch back to an ID you already switched away from.

if you say so

You know this place is fucking done for when even merely hinting towards a liking to CP gets you instantly banned. This place might as well be 4chan 2.0.

you just called a guy who got permabanned for posting cp a normalfag. you're the one needs to get out



Don't forget to vote for the pedo tbh

Getting banned for CP means nothing here. People get banned for things that aren't remotely pornographic and could never give anyone a boner, unless they have a fetish for fully clothed people not engaging in sexual acts. But oh no, a little skin is showing, even though none of that skin is on their genitals or even their chest! So pornographic!

I stand by what I said. Fucking normalfags.


just stfu while i still think your IQ is above 80


What is using another device with a proxy?
What is using orbot to phonepost and samefag?
Gimme a second.

So much this


You too user!

Fucking retard

Fucking retard

Fucking retard

If I had the energy and effort to do things like this, I'd be more productive than spending my time on taiwanese phonebook imageboards.


Fuck you I'm not you.

i thought it was a retard chain. Sorry

That cuts deeply.

Can someone tell me where to get Masha_Ina_10?



No fucking shit Tor but where specifically. I'm not going through 60+ pages of the Siberian Mouse megathreads on each of the onion sites. Spoonfeed me is what I'm trying to say.


That's fucking bullshit

I can´t, friend. I dont know where to look for it either.

Fuck this gay earth.

Why would you report that? Are you legit retarded?


Because one of you faggots reported me in the other thread and I wanted sweet justice. This isn't fair…

I didn't even get why you reported this, I looked at the report and said to myself, "why?"

but the post you reported had nothing wrong. you posted legit dost/cp

Thats not how it works

it wasn't me. i sent a local report. it was a global who got you

Don't forget to GLOBAL Report CP. Thank you.

- 8ch Moderation Team

if i global report it, can i also fap to it?


this! get in, report, fap, get out.


i wonder what her underage vagina tastes like

Did he leave?

t. samefag


You're disgusting. Keep your bigoted bullshit to yourself.

Crimea is rightful Ukrainian clay tbh




Your volunteers actually did a good job dealing with the CP spam yesterday morning (for me), and I have to give you some praise (trust me I don't want to but you deserve some sort of positivity for a change). See second pic related.

However, one of your volunteers, JimmyRustles didn't do such a great job this morning.
So the CP spammer starts off light and converses and talks with anons in the cyclical pedo thread and other many thinly veiled pedo threads such as , and when he gets bored or sees an opening he starts spamming. Spamming for no apparent reason other than to cause grief or discomfort I presume. Anyways, Jimmy starts to panic since he's just seen a little taste of his spam, which might I add isn't impressive to say the least but Jimmy thinks otherwise. He stickies thread (you can check the boards logs yourself if you don't believe me) and basically pleads with us, the userbase to do HIS work for free. Ofcourse, everyone tells him to fuck off and do what he was hired to do in the first place, and for a meme the users start mass reporting legal content just to annoy him (see first pic related)

Newsflash to Jimmy and all the delusional volunteers:
We're not going to do your job for you. No one is going to be a pawn's pawn; you were hired to do the very thing you ask us to do and no one, I repeat no one will do willingly do your bidding. Yes we can report actual illegal content but no one is going to
just because you asked them/him to. See

Tl;dr Good Job all the other volunteers except Jimmy because Jimmy went full fucking retard yesterday and decided to plead/reason with the spammer. See results

Pic related is me right now.

Degenerates out

Other than that I agree with you that mods should never beg the users or the spammer for help. Best thing to do is act like it doesn't bother you. Mods should try not to come off as weak, or triggered by anything. All you do by doing that is fuel the ones attacking you. I criticized my tools regularly, but when things got tough I would have never pleaded for help.

In reality I had it a lot tougher than these current mods do, codemonkey made a lot of improvements to the site a little bit before and after I stepped down. I also didn't have nearly as much help from other vols as they do. There was just me, greetly, omlet, and dysnomia. Omlet was less active back then, dysnomia modded in bursts, and greetly was mostly around when I was asleep. This current group should be grateful the tools don't crash as easily as they used to.

There were times I did tell people to report shit, but only when they were complaining that shit wasn't getting deleted fast enough. You still get told to fuck off, but then you just tell them to cry about it if they don't like your pace and aren't willing to report shit when they see it. I dunno if these mods were lurking before accepting the positions they accepted, but I think I provided a lot of good information for them on how to approach being a mod for the greatest chances of success.

I notice they became a bit less visible over time, which is for the best since it takes a certain type of person to be able to interact with everyone without turning them all against you, and still do your job well. A lot of people will get worn down by the constant abuse they will receive and end up destroying themselves.

Let me wholly reassure you all, that Rin had absolutely nothing to do with the spam attack.

Ox confirmed as Rin.

fucking wew




You realize the spammer's probably doing it just to get a rise out of people, right? Take the mindset of your typical troll, add the mentally ill sick fuck pedo disease to it - and voila, you have this degenerate piece of shit spammer.

This is why most civilized countries put a bullet in pedo's skulls & leave them in a ditch to rot.

Pedos and hebes aren't doin' anything wrong. Let them have their threads.

you sound like quite the fucking redditor, consider goin' back there.

I mean, no cp of course. cp is disgusting and anyone with cp in their possession should get shot.




Can someone post the original so I can FIX it? Tried searching for original, but can't locate that exact one. Plus, Google comes back with "pubes curly". Don't even know how the fuck it did that.



google gives personalised results: you're a sick fuck


Fucking wew. OC is nice though.

The first one is from Google search and not the same as the original in OP. "CP" is sort of shoehorned in there in a different font. I want the original one where "CP" is in the same font as the rest of the text.

you're welcome. the artist is anonymac and it's a variation of an old meme ("THERE POSTING MUDDY DICKS"), the "spelling mistake" was intentional of course..

the second one is the original, someone moved the c and p! together, I don't have that one.

No they didn't. The "c" and "p" in curly pubes are lower case. "CP" is uppercase and in a different font altogether. In the one from OP in this thread, CP is in the same font. I want that one.

Yeah I kind of gathered from dysnomia's filename that it was intentional.
I was just a wee chiddler back then. All I did was play club penguin and runescape wew. I didn't have time for 2ch, 4chan and imageboards in general. Real oldfags are either dead, v& or left this "life" entirely.

and miniclip games and mofunzone games. Shieet I'm feeling sad now.

yeah, in the OP one the c and p got moved together, that's what I meant.

At least old namefags, tripfags, BOs and avatarfags come back from time to time. Which is nice.

Oh wait you're right. Anyone know what font this is in?

Don't have a clue sorry, user. I don't even have basic shop or gimp knowledge so you're asking the wrong goy.

I was probably scamming people on habbo hotel kek

How did I do on my remaster/fix job?

breddy gud

My family friend showed me habbo hotel this one time I was over at her house. She said 'user come watch me play this game' and she would just walk around and buy accessories and clothes, which I thought at the time was pretty fucking gay. Anyways, I'm feeling sad as fuck. Going to watch the latest Jew Wars film, that should distract me for a few hours.

Looking good.

Here's the template. Font I used is Bradley Hand ITC, though I'd still like to know the original because I like it.


It's shit. The font is much less organic than the written letters.

why are they even doing this, I mean what the fuck. they are wasting hours of their lifetime just to be the doormat of this ungrateful community, they must be masochistic or something.

Great fuckin work once again

Fookin checked