You cringy autists are leaking again
You cringy autists are leaking again
Piss off, cuck
*tips fedora*
not saging to draw attention to OP's hilarious idiocy.
That Canadian shitskin commie tard seems to take his "job" very seriously he has been spamming your cringy maymays for months
I'm legitimately dying, please stop
Also there are only 2 genders
Gender is a spook, friendo.
Holy fucking kek
I honestly didn't know fascists were baited and triggered this easily.
Stop trolling me dude it's not funny
Stop trolling me dude it's not funny
Actually there are 0 genders
Says the obese neckbeard who gets an asthma attack every time someone mentions something politically incorrect or "islamophobic"
Checkers, is that you?
says the obese autistic neck beard who's worried about intra board war lmfaoo
I still don't believe you are not an elaborate troll prove me wrong
Why are linking compromised imageboards here?
Holy shit, I think this is Checkers you guys.
Our Autistic Lord has returned to us!
Hi Checkers
Stop saging you retards, this thread is pure gold.
Who the fuck is checkers?
Would you kindly fuck off
I don't understand either way kill yourself
Wait, so he's been doing it for months and you still keep taking the bait?
Ah, fuck, this is the highlight of my week.
You can't spam the same b8 images over and over in every thread and not expect us to be able to sniff you out.
do you autistic moochers think everything is a conspiracy
that's me, I'm actually from /poll. I have a leftypol folder I dumped just for fun lad
Holla Forums*
You can't make this shit up
I missed you, checkers
I really did
hi checkers
George Soros is my daddy
That was probably made by you too, Checkers, you fucking faggot.
It's as much of a conspiracy as the "patriarchy". There is a culture among the autists here to spread their cringy propaganda and "troll" other boards. Stay in your containment board
Stop shitting up our boards just because yours suck
- 4pol
then if you don't believe in that, and the modus of your argument is to prove that you falling for bait is a conspiracy, wouldn't that be admitting you didn't fall for the bait
Are you kind of stupid
Do you actually post on 4pol without thinking it sucks hahaha
I remember that fucking thread, lad. Your sneaky fascist tricks are pathetic. Like, this isn't even funny anymore. It's just sad.
It does suck, but it would suck a lot less without you autists trying to advertise your ideas on there and troll people into agreeing with you.
I saved that from an American on Holla Forums. Oh yeah there is a guy spamming and sagebombing the lefty/pol/ shill threads on Holla Forums. Good lad.
then shut up
It's a conspiracy
It's called a troll, little man. This might be your first time dealing with one, but they're something that everyone on the internet learns to deal with.
Why do Holla Forums posters engage in dishonest tactics then bitch about dishonest tactics.
this is rhetorical
Not an argument
Would you please fucking fuck off. You're shitting up a good thread.
Yeah that's why there are autists from here spamming this crap on a daily basis. I know this board is slow as fuck but stop leaking to other boards. Stay in your little circlejerk whining about the White male capitalist cispatriarchy or something
reminder, if you stab your opponents, you win.
No fuck off
Yeah that's why there are autists from there spamming this crap here on a daily basis
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
A pol raid? Dah j00s
Meth head white nationalists who were probably in prison stabbing people is ok
They're just trying to get on your nerves, user.
I'd say it's working.
Holla Forums is a board of peace so it makes sense.
more like a board of poop
TWP marches for workers rights, leftist 'antifa' attack them ten to 1 and get all cut up. Pretty top kek.
Never change.
You had one job
Somebody stabbed somebody who went to prison and he lashed out.
Two grown ass factions of men acting like children oh shit someone must have won
Well you are right looks like I took the b8 :(
I have way too much free time. Thanks capitalism for enabling me to have so much leisure time
Trump is going to lose the election
The lefties started it and looked even more methed out than the nationalists
Of course somebody won. The neo-liberals won. Because 'leftists' shut down a workers rights march. Good job.
Can you stop posting?
Well at least you admit your numbers are methed out
That wasn't a workers rights march that was an ex-inmates support group
Can you stop posting?
I was here first, you fucking nigger
Learn to read, fag
Can you stop posting?
I bet you're really looking forward to Clinton. War with Syria how soon?
Funfact, that letter published in the NYT that was sent through the 'dissent channel' in washington came from Clinton and was designed to set the stage for her attack on Assad as soon as she comes to power. All you cunts who've supported Hillary or enabled her in any way. You own all these dead pakis we're about to make.
Learn to properly punctuate your sentences first
Did I say any of that?
Are you that checkers guy everyone here is talking about?
nice meme flags, boys
Nah fgt
You reddit commies keep coming to my board to purposely shit up the place
This is where I'm coming to shitpost from now on
Everybody can thank this guy, I'm pretty sure he's canadian too.
No. But such is the price of beating Trump.
You're from halfchan, and you're tell us we're from reddit
One must stand, one must fall. We must defend the rights of innocent pol posters against the hordes of shit posting
oh hang on everyone on Holla Forums shit posts
Great job, you retarded piece of shit.
Same leftist antifa commie bullshit
It's just a matter of values really. You know nobody will take you seriously when you go and make pro-communism and antifa threads there, yet you still do it because it's important to you.
Why the hell aren't you sons of bitches saging this bullshit thread? Fuck off. You're part of this board's problem.
No but the point stands. You post on halfchan and you're telling anyone, anyone at all to go back to reddit
Because the OP and thread itself is an endearing monument to fascist stupidity. The mods will just delete it soon anyway.
4pol didn't come from Reddit. 4pol may have taken over reddit though.
Why did cripple moot give you guys twitter emojis?
you know that person is likely from halfchan right? stop replying to yourselves
How do we know you're not from halfchan?
Used to but nah. That place is unbearably stupid at this point, I checked it out and there's young earth creationists at this point.
I'm not spamming emojis
Holla Forums is a broad church.
How does that make one from halfchan
That's nothing. I've seen flat-earthers.
wait, left/pol/ actually buys the ((globe))) theory?
Yeah bro have you ever actually been to space? Didn't think so. How do you even know it's real?
Ironic shitposting is something halfchan likes to do constantly here, take off your meme flag
None of my shit posting is ironic unfortunately
wait so you actually supported BREXIT? Like, oh my god. Fucking bigot.
Still waiting on an answer for this, I can't see much point in it besides le ironic ghetto memes
Little does pol seem to know, lot's of us support Brexit
They like to assume we're a bunch of /idpol/ tumblrtars
Even Ironic fascism is fascism user.
What are you talking about
was meant to reply to
Portrait of the artist in a state of intense regret
this thread needs to die in a car fire tbqfh fam lol