Tom Cruise isn't immortal

Tom Cruise isn't immortal

Dunno about you all, but I put my own curse on that movie because Brendan Fraser.

The Manlet That Could

What will be Cruise's View To A Kill moment?

The JUSTice League has a new member.

This is what they get for leaving Brendan behind


Tom > Brendan tbh lads

Low energy, my dude.



I am implying, it's not good its typical braindead schlock

How will the Universal Monster Shared Cinematic Universe recover?


They already rebooted it once just after one film. They can do it again.

I too was not only boycotting but actively willing the film to fail. This is what they get for cutting Brendan out of the picture, their

I am disgusted that I browse a board with people that has any trust in critics or use those critics to decide if they watch a movie or not. Rotten tomatoes, metacritic, imdb, it's all fucking shit pretentious douchebags. Why the fuck do you disgusting people still want to prove anything using those sites?

Apparently not.

You guys don't understand these screencaps. The point is not the number on the left, because who cares what they think? It's the number on the right. 96% still wants to see it, no matter what, and they will go and see it. And it will gain a lot of money…

They rebooted DC universe five times before BvS

I agree
ehh, imdb's rating are made up of thousands of people so its alright in my book (with the exception of new releases)

That doesn't mean its good though, just like kong skull island isnt good

you underestimate imdb plebs, they are on letterboxd too

im OP i dont care about critics or audiences or score from metacritic or anything but just my own opinion. however this looked terrible from the onset and i like cruise

IMDB is slightly better, I agree, but it's still pretty shit. I've seen plenty of 5/10 or 6/10 movies that are awesome. You shouldn't use review sites unless if you want to view if a movie is unwatchable, 1/10 or 2/10. Or to find similar movies.

whats worse is how highly rated star wars and terrible shit in the 8-9 range when films in the 7 range tend to be better and even in the 5 or 6

Conan the barbarian has 6.9 on IMDB, 70% on RT, and fucking 43% on metacritic.

How can someone trust critics is just beyond me.

And by the way, the votes from the rest of the people, not the critics, are again, just slightly better, because most people are dumb as shit. You just gotta base most of your decisions on the trailer and see the movie by yourself, no one can tell you if something's truly bad or good.


Tom Cruise is actually a very smart dude. Maybe you don't like him for his scientology shit, but he works hard, he stars in many good movies, and he doesn't sit all day shitting on Trump on twatter. All the hate that scientology gets is unwarranted. They haven't done any attacks, and they just keep it to their own, a rich people's club. All the fat fucks who go to protest scientology can suck it, because that's all they can do, go for the low hanging fruit. Why don't they protest islam?

I hope this is pasta, placentafag.

Is that all you can do faggot, call it a pasta? Why don't you just tell me what is your real problem with Cruise, besides that he's a scientologist.

I don't have one. But obviously you have a problem with people pointing out that his movies don't suffer because the adherents to his religion look at him like a profit/prophet and will go see whatever he shits out.

Go be mad somewhere else LOL

>>>Holla Forums

No, his movies don't "suffer" because he's a scientologist. If that was the case, Cruise would stop being hired to star in blockbuster movies, and they would actually fail.

I am assmad at the fact that you fags invaded and destroyed one of last best boards ever. All the Tom hate is just leftist shit. You people just parrot what the media says, that he's mad. Did you guys even look at the video that I posted? He calls psychiatry a pseudo science and tells people to stop using anti depressants to cure depression, because it's not just chemicals. He's called mad and unstable for that.

You guys are just fags who cannot form your own opinions, and I am mad for that. Go fuck yourselves.

metacritic is pretty cancerous, they underrate so much stuff


What are those supposed to prove

You need to learn how to fucking read before you start heavy breathing all over your goddamn keyboard.

No, Tom is a faggot and makes subpar movies that appeal to fucking retards like you


Why don't you learn how to read? You pretentious piece of shit. Get off your high horse.

I just got btfo lol!

The cure for depression does not come from pills, you fucking retard. You are treating the symptoms, but not the problem. And being dependent on pills to be happy is just not right, no matter how you put it.

Empty insults. How about I tell you that you're a fuckface who hates him because you're told to hate him by most of the population. "Oh my god, he's a scientologist, and he's like so weird!" I shouldn't even waste my energy on you anymore, talk to yourself.


well i forgot Get Out and Wonder Woman too, but its supposed to prove that critics scores and anything is just if someone liked something not whether or not it was good. Thats why the word kino was beautiful, it doesnt care about scores, eye wide shut is kino. barry lyndon is kino and get out is not kino get out has a better RT score than barry lyndon yet it had more negative reviews barry lyndon has one negative review and is at 97%.

I really do hate this board. Why am I wasting my time talking to people like you? I once had the energy to just yell back and forth all day, but not anymore. I am literally telling people to stop following the majority and hate Tom for the scientology shit and that scientology is not that bad of a religion compared to others and what I get in response is a bunch of retards calling me mad, thinking they're cool, and throwing empty insults without arguments. It's a waste of my time, and I'm sorry Holla Forums got to such a state. You ruined it. First you ruined cuckchan, and now this.

Take your depression pills, shove them up your ass. And go bandwagon on what the population is saying for as long as you want. I should learn to stop wasting my time like this.

I think a better use of such an image would be to post the highest rated shit movies on a side, and the lowest rated amazing movies on another.

And where did I stated that it means the movie's good? I've only pointed out that quality and meaning, story and shit like that doesn't matter anymore. Enough advertising and a lot of people will go and see it anyway, and it makes the dime back. Everything else is meanigless


I did that once but people memed about my choices even though i was making a point

He's one of the redpilled celebs.
Mummy is probably full of esoterics.

>muslimsmmies are invading London and Tom cruise has to find a way to stop them
Holy shit, no wonder (((critics))) don't like this film…

That first picture is always disgusting, especially shit like Moonlight.

Who cares what they say. Do it.

5 to 7 on imdb usually means it's a pretty great film
anything below 2 and above 8 but especially 9 means it's more than likely complete shit.

Yeah, I agree. Not always, but in most cases that turns out to be true. Too highly/lowly rated and something's suspicious about it.

At first I thought this was just ironic shitposting but then he did work with Kubrik on that redpill-nuke of a film. Also, that triangle and eye…

I'm supposed to believe that Get Out, an otherwise straight to video horror if it wasn't for "muh social commentary" is supposed to be up there with shit like the Godfather, the Shawshank Redemption, and The Dark Knight? The ratings have no value, it's like an inflated currency.

Scientologists threaten and sue anyone who talks bad about it. they tell their members to cut contact with thier family and that therapy/medications are a scam, only WE can help you. Not to mention the whole "give us $ for salvation"
Scientologists are total scum.

Watch Oblivion. It's a massive redpill.
>machine with 2001 rebel AI HAL eye
>ship in the shape of an upside down triangle symbolizing "so below" material plane and the dark side of the female principle that needs earthly materials to "live"
>main drone opponent is pic related
>herders and drainers of earth's resources are human clones that are brainwashed into thinking that they are doing good alongside it's perfect companion
>Cruise's character has a hidden getaway from the wife and the machine in a crater close to the forbidden radioactive border

You keep coming back because you're a fucking loser. Get a hobby nigger.

Why don't back to your dead board where you came from then? >>>/leftytelevision/ :'^)

yea some films in the lower 8 are pretty great much better than ones that are higher 8s.

I think I will have to watch this film after all. Thanks.

ButtMad scientoligist detected. Lulz.

Just like leftists using words like trigger, snowflake, "right wing social justice warrior," improperly because they have no creativity or credibility, you are doing the same shit, OP. You can't use a meme that it's mocking people who take things too seriously, to mock someone who's just having fun and isn't taking things seriously. Fuck you and fuck off.


There's a reason we have words like "normie" and "goy"

t. David Miscavige
Don't you have to get your tiny dick by some squirrel busters in The Hole, you butthurt manlet?

Go bother Mark Rathbun you squirrel buster


Who says this is anything about trust between us and the reviewer and not the fact that Tom Cruise isn't the untouchable hotrod he used to be and, as such, is worth a bit not mockery?

Oh good, so now I know the movie is actually good. Thanks faggots, gonna go see it now.

The movie looks pretty good, even if it bombs in America the loyal OS Cruise fanbase will save it.

After 2006-07 all numbers are pozzed, confirmed
Non U.S. stuff is most of the time accurate if not french romance or britnigger drama

I would not be surprised if this was a major factor.

It seems like film reviews these days (though they may have always) have two purposes:

1) To ride on any moneytrain that's going by. It's why critics line up to suck the dick of every piece of Marvel capeshit that floats by in the stream.

2) To shill ideology. Promote movies that are convenient to what they (add triple parenthesis if you want, it usually fits) want you to think and suppress everything else. That way when the Oscars roll around and it's all leftist tripe, they can point to the reviews and say that those are just the best movies to come out this year. Then they call you a pleb for not wasting money on film school.

If Mummieslims seems like social commentary to the critics, they would never give it a fair shake. Then again, it's the kind of movie they're inclined to shit all over anyway.

maybe if you dont have a brain

Instead they just stalk your ass and mentally torture you, much better :^)

I did too!

Okay, so one is Based Armond White, but who was the other brave reviewer?

that movie was a retarded grab-bag of tropes quickly thrown-together to capitalize on what hollywood gigakikes thought was going to be an emerging "chick sci-fi" wave. It's pretty much what you would get if a room full of talentless queers watched Moon get heaped with praise and then sat down to craft a "Tom Cruise vehicle" in between sessions of playing Portal. When things weren't going well, they sprinkled in Morgan Freeman being wise and that Nicholas Craster-Waldorf guy from Game of Thrones because… chicks.

It is implicitly feminine in worldbuilding and plot and thankfully has no depth whatsoever. You might enjoy it if you're literally a faggot or female.