Haven't seen one lately. Opening with some of my favourites. Anybody has the Yandere Sim one?
CS Undergrad Thread
.t retards too stupid to go to school
Elaborate a little? What was the assignment?
t. not too good with C
that's java inside the curly brackets. Poor guy was probably just trying to make sure everything worked before he started working and got mixed up.
top kek
Fuck off Keks
I hate to be that guy but why did you write Java in a C class, user?
C has no classes. it's not a fucking C++.
Your reading comprehension sucks, pajeet
Your joke detection sucks, autist.
My guess would be force of habit. If you write the same thing over and over again it happens automatically.
Is it really that bad?
Daily reminder that computer science is not a degree in programming. Programming is not an important part of computer science. Your ability to write a working computer program is less relevant than your ability to work through the logic of a computation. You should be surprised when a computer science student displays poor computation design skills.
To answer your question, it really is that bad.
This shit just tells me that the level of cheating in CS courses must be astronomical.
Some of these do have errors I wouldn't know to do better and I am reasonably far into my undergrad.
Can't even reply properly meant for
I have been paid in beer to show a guy how to write an array.
What was your code out of curiosity? Simple or something optimized?
Whats the joke here?
Is he seriously comparing strings in Java using the == operator.
And using strings as enums.
I think it's C#.
And doing the same shit in most of those if statements instead of pulling them from an array.
did you sage because you want to show that you dislike the comment or did you sage because you don't want to dump the thread?
It is. 90% of people from my class copied their assignments from the internet. No one cared about it.
I remember an assignment where we were supposed to implement A* search. My coleagues created a program with a cute UI that drawed the "results". In fact, they just did that, the drawing. Their program didnt do shit behind the UI. I did the assignment but didnt give a shit about UI since it wasnt specified on the notes.
I got a B, they got an A.
Computer Science is a nightmare for most people who actually know what they are doing.
ps: my english suck.
How have you managed to to get into college with dyslexia? Was it an issue?
Our compiler implementation class had the same SICP project every year: meta circular evaluator, compiler, and virtual machine.
A good former student had the unfortunate idea of sharing his implementation on Github.
Not surprisingly, we had a curious number of students who scored 15/20 on projects and 3s on exams. I still managed a better score on the project than these shitheads, but it was infuriating.
And using (float)6 instead of 6f.
That's right, i have seen people copying assignments in my CS course too, but at least these people got shit grades.
The fun of this was seeing them mad and trying to overthrow the professor.
Yeah, it's that bad. When I interview CS graduates, most of them fail the most basic of tasks like creating a linked list. It wasn't like this at all in the '90s.
it is no longer the 90s gramps, people use vectors now
Okay, now write a customised allocator for your vector. Writing a linked list is to show proficiency or understanding with pointers and pointer like objects.
get off the internet dad, no one uses those anymore
I think that was his point scrow.
I'm not majoring in CS, but I'm majoring in IT and taking programming electives. Lots of my friends are in CS. Because of that, and my similar degree, I can clear up some misconceptions.
That's not true. The first two years are taking general classes such as music appreciation or history of architecture.
That's not true either. The most complex projects I've completed were BlackJack(Intermediate Java) and Tic-Tac-Toe(Advanced C++). It mostly depends on the professor. I'm taking advanced Java which is supposed to be the most difficult programming course offered by the school, but the latest assignment I turned in was a program that computes the GCD of two numbers using recursion. The assignments are ridiculously easy, and I think there was an assignment that I completed in less than 10 lines, making the most advanced programming class easier than the beginner C++ class. (Disclaimer, the advanced Java class is online and during this Summer term which is shorter than a regular term. If I didn't take it now, I would have never been able to take it since this class is usually cancelled over the fact that not enough students sign up for it.) If you guys want, I can upload my GCD program I turned in last night. Took me about 5 minutes to figure it out, and test it, and then the next 50 minutes autistically scrapping the design for a better one.
Most of us can, it's just that these threads are about laughing at bad ones.
Doubt it. This only happens when a student hasn't taken any programming classes in 2 years. I asked a friend of mine to write out fizzbuzz, and it took him nearly 30 minutes or something, and his implementation of it was horrible. He declared like 3 different variables, i for the iterator, z to store i % 3, and x to store i % 5. You'll forget a lot of syntax if you go long without practice. The issue here is that the electives that have nothing to do with programming are very time consuming and difficult. That friend I just described would spend several hours a week working on chemistry homework when he should've been focusing on programming. I asked another friend of mine to join me in the computer lab to study C++. He refused, stating that he had to work on an assignment for English. The problem with CS degrees is that they shoehorn difficult, but unnecessary classes to weed out people. Both of those friends dropped out of CS. The only reason I believe I'm a good programmer is that I have my priorities right. I'll gladly fail to turn in assignments if those assignments interrupted the hours I should've devoted to programming classes. CS students have their priorities fucked because they care too much about their GPA rather than their skills whereas I let my GPA drop to a low of 2.7 during my associate's degree because it was filled with classes I didn't care about (I failed human nutrition as an example). My bachelor's degree is more focused on technology, therefore it aligns with my goals of learning. My GPA for the bachelor's is between 3.9 and 4.0 and I'll be finishing next term.
I'm not sure what you mean by this post. Most people going into CS do it to get programming jobs. Are you saying that the design of your program is more important than being able to program itself?
My introduction to C++ professor failed a student during the final exam after she had tried looking up how to format text on Google, without realizing that he could see all of our screens at once without leaving his desk. Serves her right for using Google.
Your ability to express or hint at sarcasm in your text is not so great, buddy.
Saying stupid shit is not sarcasm.
One time a hot girl asked me to "help" (See: do entirely) with her Java midterm. I was sweating immensely because it required knowledge of concepts I had never worked with at that time, two dimensional arrays. I was also fumbling around and working at a snail's pace because I wanted to learn how to use Emacs and wasn't entirely familiar with the keybindings enough to move around quickly. I stopped helping people entirely later on after I learned that the only people who seek out help from tutors are people who don't, and never will, bother reading the book. You'll need to explain the new concepts to them as you apply them to your program, and before you realize it, you will have eventually done their entire assignment. By the way, that girl hadn't started the midterm when she came to me for help. When I asked her when it was due, she told me it was due tomorrow before class. I stayed up until 4AM working on her midterm because she was nice enough to take me out to dinner.
The girl I "helped" on the midterm wrote an if statement comparing two strings like that. I told her it doesn't work because it actually compares the memory location of the String objects rather than seeing whether the contents of the objects match. I then wrote up a simple C++ program to prove her wrong, only to look like an idiot. I was so confused as to why it worked in C++ (I didn't know what operator overloading was at that time). I told her not to do it in Java anyways, suggesting String's equalsIgnoreCase method.
Path finding algorithms and writing your own compilers? This stuff seems pretty advanced. Is this Bachelor's stuff, or are you doing a Master's?
Why the fuck would you care about someone being able to implement a linked list when such things can just be imported rather than implemented yourself?
Just have someone create any object with a pointer and check to see if they implement the copy constructor, destructor, and so on correctly without having to memorize how a certain thing is exactly implemented. I would never care how ArrayLists are implemented in the background when I could just import java.util.ArrayList. I do remember having to implement vectors in C++, but I don't think I could pull it off right now since I don't remember the exact details of everything such as overloading
What is the point of being able to do stuff without looking it up?
As long as you know how to get shit done when you have resources available who cares?
I'm unable to tell if you are being sarcastic here.
If you are: haha.
If you are not: nope, it's regular stuff. Path searching, compilers, baby's first kernel, etc.
You cannot, CS depends entirely on the university. Some courses are pajeet java codemonkey tier, some aren't. CS means "You will use a computer at some point".
My point is that you don't need to "do" (implement) it in the first place when it's already done. There's as much reason as to implement your own vectors as there is implementing your own compiler or OS. I know the concepts, which is the only thing that matters. This is why I don't care to memorize how to implement a linked list or implementing quicksort when someone else had already done it.
>As long as you know how to get shit done when you have resources available who cares?
I think we're in agreement. That's what I was trying to tell the guy conducting interviews.
Writing your own compiler and kernel isn't "regular stuff". I don't know what makes you think that the average CS grad can do these things. How old are you and where do you study?
I'm talking of two different colleges collectively. And the professor matters more than the school, it's just that the more expensive universities attract the better professors.
..but that's correct when the stack is empty.
Units revolving around compilers and operating systems are regularly offered in undergrad, although they may not be compulsory if students choose to specialise in other areas of theory. Can confirm that writing your own toy compiler and various bits of embedded work are normal in such units.
The Only Grrl in my 3rd Year CS was blatantly getting her (older M.Sc) boyfriend to do all the hard thinking for her project assignments, and everyone saw it going on in the local IRC channel. The veg still graduated with Honors--- and a week later was asking how "#include" statements worked.
She walked into a job at BAE immediately after Uni... but the last I heard, she was a stay-at-home baby factory for M.Sc now-Husband.
lol destiny.
Cheating is the meta education in getting an education. Its a simple test of intellect and ability to get your way.
If you think that you can do everything by yourself without assistance from friends or the Internet you are sadly mistaken.
In my experience, teachers enjoy wasting students time on trivial crap instead of teaching students about the topic.
An example:
I also ran across classes where the projects where unsolvable because the starter code given by the instructors(that you're not allowed to change) would generate wrong outputs for specific inputs. When confronted with the issue the instructor simply said "Oh don't worry about it, it wont be marked" or they would fix the starter code and expect you to re-implement the project before the due date.
If you are a moral fag who will never cheat, you are not cut out for higher education.
Yes, but they passed the class, their mental ability was not sufficient to compete yet they still got their way.
Imagine a person who would normally get a B, if they started to cheat they would get an A.
Cheating is what not wrong. If you have been programmed into thinking that cheating is wrong you are simply a sucker. If you attend a multi racial school you will notice that racial groups cluster together to help their own. If you try to be an honorable Individual, you will be crushed.
You should try to try to win by any means necessary.
Jesus Christ..are you serious?
I'm from fucking Brazil. The university where I got my Bachelor is not even among the top 10 in this shit country and here all that is regular stuff.
Do you thing they are asking too much from their students?
People who study CS in order to become programmers are doing it wrong. There are programming and software engineering schools whose entire purpose is to teach people to become professional level programmers - they should be doing those courses instead. Having said that, the way that most trained computer scientists apply their knowledge is by designing and writing computer software as a professional. However, it is important to note that computer science is not a degree in programming and it is not necessary to have effective computer programming skills as a trained computer scientist.
I still get better grades than the rest and i don't cheat.
I don't care if i could get better grades cheating, i just want to pass and i don't mind failing one subject or another.
Also, you are only fooling yourself thinking you have competence or some shit after cheating all your way.
Nope, most didn't.
Maybe you should have invested in some english classes instead Ruiz
Here's a compiler course story for your pleasure.
hahaha, you are joking right?
Yes user and the only problems are
1. redundant use of else
2. redundant logic: if true then true else false
3. writing a function which checks if a number is == 0
Behold user.
I hope you realize that employers will put your resume into the trash if they see you failed a class in school. Even if you have classes where you scored below 70% are instant trash by employer standards.
I tried to be a good boy and honorably attain my grades.
The combination of teachers not giving a fuck about teaching and seeing how other students would copy off teach other and get A's really put a bad state in my mouth.
What broke me was when the school hired a gook, who could not speak english, to lecture.
The gook had a hard time speaking and reading.
When he lectured, he would confuse himself and often would start speaking gook speak for brief moments.
When he graded tests he would mark you wrong if you did not write the exact text book definition.
People like you, the good people who are honorable mostly failed or got horrible grades because no one could understand what he was saying.
People like me who simply reviewed the previous semesters projects and reimplemented them got A.
Schools don't care about educational quality, they are trying to make as much money as possible.
Enjoy being the the equivalent of a cuckservative and losing gracefully(spoilers: No one likes a loser)
Indians don't count.
You are part of the cancer killing society. To do proper research and make shit work you need to (get this!) actually know what the fuck you're doing. Cheating won't help you there.
Most schools only offer CS degrees and not degrees in programming. Sure there might be degrees in programming, but these are 2 year degrees and not a 4 year bachelor's. Most jobs in programming ask for a degree in CS, not a degree in programming.
Here's an even better story!
Not joking.
But truth is that our compiler profs desperately look for students who are good with programming and Linux, because they need people to develop for their compiler toolchain and benchmark stuff, and compiler theory is a low demand subject which attracts ~10 people every year.
I would hate to live where you live where the only people who work are either perfect academics who cannot make mistakes or notorious cheaters. Where do you live so that I may avoid this place of extreme standards.
Most jobs who only hire CS trained programmers expecting professional level programmers are also doing it wrong. CS is not a degree in programming.
What would you say it is for, if not programming? Vast majority of people in it are in it for programming. I don't know a single person who does CS and doesn't know programming.
Its not their fault honestly
That is the ideal programmer. If you make a single mistake you can cause millions of dollars in damages. I hope you realize that.
Computer science is the discipline of mathematics that is concerned with of the computation of information systems. I would teach computer science without ever touching a computer. If I ask a student to implement a certain computer science computation, I wouldn't care about what programming language they use unless that class happens to be compiler design and language theory.
FTFY. Learn proper engineering practices, scrub.
You've never worked a programming job before have you?
I hope you realize that programmers who write software that reaches that level of serious business don't write software from scratch that is instantly sent to production. Software of this level goes through formal testing and quality assurance teams and is matured before being commissioned as production code.
Yeah that's what I thought you'd say. You're the person who aces Calculus 4 and fails to process a 2D array.
Computer science is 99% math. I cannot take any computer scientist seriously who cannot formally prove the correctness of any system they design or analyze. Processing a 2D array is a trivial training detail that should not take any time to complete.
Matthew 4:1-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
Satan Tempts Jesus
Cheating is always wrong. It seems that your soul got poisoned by Satan's temptations. You should seek forgiveness for your sins and start living your life like Jesus thought us to live.
You're in a shitty meme state college or a shitty college somewhere. Sorry user enjoy your debt and useless degree as you prepare h1-b visa pajeets to not shit in the street and to do your job.
I'm sorry, but if I am forced to waste and ounce of my life studying for some stupid quiz about the history of LGBTBBQ+, and there happens to be a way around it, I'm not going to study.
Okay. My school regularly promotes sodomy to students so I wont respect their rules.
Would Jesus want me to respect those that go against him?
If they are promoting sin then you should resist them instead of allowing status quo of sin promotion to continue. But you need to keep your decency while you are doing it.
Yes, you should always respect and love all the people. After all, Jesus respected and loved those people who captured him, who sentenced him to die at the cross, who tortured him.
Getting person out of sin is ultimate act of love.
Guy that stabbed Jesus while he was on the cross actually became saint, so I guess that it is never too late for anyone to get out of sin. en.wikipedia.org
What if tomorrow all christians had their lives threatened, should they accept death without resisting and love their killers? Following the example of Jesus seems suicidal. Doesn't christianity also teach not to commit suicide and respect your own existence, because you were created in God's image? Isn't this paradoxal?
I have no cs degree, but I was coding a lot since I was 16 or so. I'm 22 and sent my first resume a week ago. Today I got a reply, I'm gonna have a Skype interview next week and I will have to do some code for them during it (I applied for junior c++ linux dev). I was wondering what the fuck will they ask me to do and if I will know it, but looking at this thread just assured me that I have nothing to worry about. Wish me luck anyway
If I'm interviewing you to work on C projects yet you can't figure out how to deal with a singly linked list then you're wasting my time and I'll end the interview.
Jokes on you, I only apply to Java positions
That's modern feelgood nice doctrine. OP would be better advised not to poison his mind with Jewish propaganda. Remember that Jesus chased out the money lenders from the temple with a whip and called the hypocritical Jews sons of the devil.
Longinus pierced Jesus's side because that was his job as a legionnaire. And he didn't do it to kill Him, he did it to confirm that Jesus was dead. If you wanted to kill someone who was hanging on a cross you would break their legs instead, but since Jesus was already dead His legs were not broken.
It is a trick question, they can do both resist and love.
Allowing other people to be hurt is not love, it is apathy. Love is not about allowing someone to do whatever he/she wants to ether. Love and forgiveness are not some "get out of jail for free" card, actions still have consequences.
Christians from your question need to resist, but they can still love their enemy and what them to repent for their sins.
Using a linked list and implementing it from scratch are two different things.
A linked list is a node with a pointer to the next node.
You are what happens when /g/ tards tell you that you don't need to go to school to learn programming
Quickly rejecting people like you is exactly why I ask that question.
Fact is, if you can't implement something as simple as a linked list, you're clearly unfit to write any serious code. Same deal with Fizzbuzz, the simplest but brutally effective acid test against the pajeet.
What am I looking at in this image?
if you want to evaluate someones ability to program, don't ask him questions about advanced mathematics. fucking retard
Ho ho ho.
Look at this goy.
ArrayLists are the new thing kikey.
You're full of shit. Companies don't care about GPA because it's an indicator of how well you know the subject. They care about GPA because sometimes it's a convenient way to weed people out from lots of applicants. As soon as you get your first job, nobody gives a fuck about which classes you failed. I have a friend who's working as a naval architect right now. He failed his advanced mathematics classes multiple times, but he had no problem getting the job he always wanted. That's because although he had trouble with some parts of calculus, he didn't have any trouble with the parts of calculus that pertain to designing ships that don't sink. All the rest is fucking meaningless.
As far as cheating, that's just a sign of personal weakness. If you can't understand the Prof, then go out and learn the material on your own. I agree that in the real world, cheating doesn't matter (at a company, you're allowed to ask your coworkers for help and look things up online) but in school, preventing cheating is the only way to check if an individual really knows the material.
Did I say otherwise? What is your point?
I'm sure I could after given instructions of what functions to implement. The difference between being told to implement fizzbuzz and implement a container of some sort is that you're given the instructions for fizzbuzz whereas implementing a container has to be done from memory.
way to go, m8y!
Also tell 'em how most modern "cia niggers can't write their own compiler".
< t. actual embedded developer working in a distant cold land for 200$/month
I forgot most of C that I learned during my classes, but linked list is implemented with something like code below.
struct linked_list {
value_type val;
linked_list *next;
I omitted helper functions like create node and search but those should be easy enough to write.
Now go LARP as CS math wizard somewhere else, please.
That's exactly my point. You only know "something like it" but not enough to implement the entire thing. You're being tested on rote memorization of a specific program rather than being tested whether you can handle pointers without leading to memory leaks.
I wrote "something like code below" because I am not sure that thing that I wrote is valid C. This is whole code for linked list structure.
Just stop pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about.
You're right. This whole time I thought linked lists were a lot more complicated than that because of the examples in my textbook. I went over it just now and I found out that the examples were complex because the book was using objects containing linked lists, which made me wrongly think that linked lists were a lot bigger than they actually were. For a second I thought it was an entire class with functions taking care of appending new nodes and whatnot when really it's just a tiny structure.
I'm not the hiring manager whatever, retard, that's this guy
I looked it up to show you that there was more to a linked list than what you typed, not because I didn't know what it was.
Linked list is just a list of stuff, and each stuff has a link to next stuff. Example
struct stuff{ int val1; int val2; char* val3;}std::vector< stuff* > stuffList;stuff* s1 = new stuff;stuff* s2 = new stuff;stuff* s3 = new stuff;stuffList.push_back (s1);stuffList.push_back (s2);stuffList.push_back (s3);
Same stuff in linked list
struct stuff{ int val1; int val2; char* val3; stuff* next;}stuff* s1 = new stuff;stuff* s2 = new stuff;stuff* s3 = new stuff;s1->next = s2;s2->next = s3s3->next = 0;
You can also have a pointer to previous entry
Data structure that you mentioned is called doubly linked list.
Sure, I just wanted to show how easy it is.
I hate to tell you this but half of programming involves memory, the other half is understanding concepts
I have invented a data container which has the API of a linked list, and also has the compactness of vector.
It has mostly contiguous data, amortized O(1) insertion and removal anywhere, except if an insertion reuses empty cells, in which case its O(n).
It has a vector whose elements are tuples (val, next, prev) where next and prev are indices of adjacent elements.
For example (a, 2, -1) (c, -1, 2) (b, 1, 0) -> [a,b,c].
How do I name my original data structure? (please do not steal)
If dubs it will be named "Gay Array".
Shouldn't be (c, -1, 1)
If you haven't heard of something as common as a linked list, that's pretty worrying. Fizzbuzz is also reasonably common. However both of those can be explained in a few seconds and anyone calling themselves a programmer should be able to knock one out in a few minutes, foreknowledge or not.
From the linked description (cs.bell-labs.com
A second, less noticeable, but astonishing peculiarity is the space allocation: temporary storage is allocated that deliberately overwrites the beginning of the program, smashing its initialization code to save space. The two compilers differ in the details in how they cope with this. In the earlier one, the start is found by naming a function; in the later, the start is simply taken to be 0. This indicates that the first compiler was written before we had a machine with memory mapping, so the origin of the program was not at location 0, whereas by the time of the second, we had a PDP-11 that did provide mapping. (See the Unix History paper). In one of the files (prestruct-c/c10.c) the kludgery is especially evident.
No. All you have is a linked list by another name. Let's say you want to add an elt to the end of your structure. You would have to traverse up to N elements to find which one is the current last elt, and then modify that last elt to point to your new elt. Do you know what that's called? A linked list.
D&C shill fuck off
The whole C language was CS undergrad material.
That's false, insertion is O(1) in all cases.
Back insertion is trivially made O(1) by tracking the index of the tail node's cell. General insertion is O(1) just like the ordinary linked list.
dang dude you beat datastructures go publish a paper please
pretty cool huh submitting c++2x library proposal right now
This is literally a doubly linked list. Indexes are not much different from pointers.
Even then, this exact setup is used very often in programming competitions since you know your input is bounded, so you can make a malloc free linked list if you need the complexity guarantees it gives, without the drawbacks of the heap.
for {int i = 0; i < 10; i-- printf i;}
not accepting complaints about whiteboarding ever again.
Head and tail access may be O(1), but random access is still O(N). If I want to read the middle element in an array of 7 elts in your structure, I'd have to start from the head/tail and read 3 elts sequentially before getting to the middle one. You've combined the worst of vectors (O(N) worst case insertion) with the worst of linked lists (O(N) random traversal).
No it's O(1). You say O(N) because you believe insertion is done by index, implying a search. Indexing linked lists is pajeet programming.
There are legit use cases for O(1) insertion and erasure; for instance compilers which do transformations in instruction lists. (cf llvm's ilists)
lol undefined behavior
well the more serious problem is that the syntax is blatantly wrong.
#include using namespace std;int main(){const std::string alldone = "alldone! :)";std::cout
This thread actually has a decent amount of knowledge in it. Thank you, Holla Forums for churning out something worth reading.
It doesn't compile.
% g++ fag.cppfag.cpp:1:17: fatal error: stdio: No such file or directory #include ^compilation terminated.
yeah, it should be #include
I mixed up my sepples and pure c. I'm not going to go through that much trouble trying to shitpost on a mexican flickerbook forum
Guess I'll ask this here instead of making a new thread.
Is there some silver bullet that gets you a job in the tech industry? Won't bore you with the retails, was hoping that there was some internationally recognized qualification that I could study for, feel too old to go back to uni
Are you kidding? Every single programmer, no matter how smart, writes code that contains bugs. So you have to test, validate etc. For high reliability code 1000$/LoC isn't uncommon, due to rigorous testing and everything needing to be vetted by gorillion people to ensure that no mistakes happen. And they still happen.
You should be able to get entry level job if you have a completed project that you can show to people.
Or black, or a female. Bonus if all 3.
pic related
A+ for shitty help desk / tech support jobs
What sort of criteria should it tick?
No to all 3. Hope my local hardware store sells some sturdy rope.
Thanks, did the sample test posted online, easy enough. What might be the next step? I'm seeing MCSA/MCSD being thrown around, but they seem to be on a much higher end.
Off the top of my head, list should be something like this:
a) It should work and have no obvious bugs.
b) It should be in same domain that you want to work in. i.e. if you want to be webdev make website, if you want to write automation tools then write automation tool
c) You need to be able to explain how it works when someone asks you, so do not go and copy-paste things from random tutorials on the Internet.
d) Focus on user experience, you do not want your software to be pain in the ass for the people who use it.
e) It is better to have fewer greatly implemented features than many half assed features.
Have a marketable idea that you can sell to people in the form of software.
not in the gaming industry lol
lolnope, companies in that industry don't give a fuck
I mean if that industry had any standards whatsoever or any amount of accountability you'd be wrong but apparently in that sector, progamming a game so poorly that it destroys hardware is just a-ok to those cuckolded consumers.
LOL look at the christcuck! What an idiot! Everybody laugh at the stupid christcuck!
Not only that, even if the game itself isn't utter shit, companies will happily add literal malware DRM like Denuvo and people will still be willing to buy.
Inserting [into a vector] is O(n) because you have to move every element following the element you want to insert in-place if sufficient space is available, or allocate new memory and copy the whole vector.
A design degree.
My company is interviewing for Java developers and I saw this question on a whiteboard:
public double divide(int a, int b)//don't use / or Math.divide
I'm not a java dev, but tell me how /csgrad/ I am
public class Divide { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) { System.out.printf("Please enter 2 arguments (found %d)%n", args.length); return; } Integer a = parseInt(args[0], System.out); if (a == null) return; Integer b = parseInt(args[1], System.out); if (b == null) return; System.out.printf("%f%n", divide(a, b)); } private static Integer parseInt(String in, java.io.PrintStream out) { try { return Integer.parseInt(in); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { out.printf("Error: %s isn't an integer%n", in); return null; } } private static double divide(int dividend, int divisor) { if (dividend == 0) if (divisor == 0) return Double.NaN; else return 0; if (divisor == 0) if (dividend > 0) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; boolean negative = dividend < 0 ^ divisor < 0; long exponent = 0x03FFL; long fraction = 0L; // take absolute value and extend to long to not overflow long top = dividend >= 0 ? dividend : -1*dividend; long bottom = divisor >= 0 ? divisor : -1*divisor; while (top < bottom) { top *= 2; exponent--; } while (top >= bottom) { top -= bottom; fraction++; } exponent += 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(fraction); while (Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(fraction) >= 12) { fraction
What makes it so good?
It seems to require at least a diploma, most often a degree
I believe they were asking for something like that.
import Math.{exp, log} def divide(a: Double, b: Double): Double = exp(log(a) - log(b))
Java is shit btw.
What the FUG.
I know Holla Forums doesn't like to comment because everybody should be able to understand compiling code no matter how unreadable it is because we are that much of not LARPers, but I'm gonna need some help to understand your mental gymnastics.
Even better
return Math.pow(b, -1) * a
Not him but for the 52:
For the 63, he basically calculated floor(log2(number)), because longs are 64 bit numbers and the leading zeros will tell you how big logarithmic wise the number is. In x86 at least this is a single instruction (There are two available to do this).
What does the last link to?
It doesn't link to anything, so he's setting it to a sentinel value. If you read that value, then you know you're at the end of the linked list and trying to go further is invalid.
You might want to use the RFC instead.
good idea. I was trying to think of a way to make it less ambiguous. I'd just crop the first setence or paragraph but the whole section is pretty retarded as well.
do you know what a data structure is?
A linked list is a recursive data structure used to represent a list of items (such as integers). It is a structure with two fields, "data", which is the item in this part of the list, and "next", which is the next element in the list, or NULL if the list is empty.
Do you know C or something similar?
struct list { int data; struct list* next;}
class List { int data; List next;}
def makeListOfSize1(x): return {'data': x, next: None}
To make a list containing one element, the integer 123 it looks liek this:
/-----------\| data: 123 || next: NULL|\-----------/
If you want a list with 123 as the first item, and 456 as the second item, it would look like this:
/-----------\ /------------\| data: 123 | | data: 456 || next: ------------> | next: NULL |\-----------/ \------------/
Now that you know what a linked list is, you should be able to implement a function to insert at the front of the list in a few seconds, and one to insert at some arbitrary point in the middle of the list in a few minutes, same for deleting an element somewhere in the middle. If you can't do this right now, you should stop posting.
What's with every forum on the internet these days and having a daily post about some guy saying he doesn't need to know how to do "advanced maths like implementing a linked list"? Is the fact that these people exist the reason Microsoft had a patent on the linked list?
should say: or NULL if this is the last element in the list
can you please explain how fizzbuzz works? i really cant into this advanced mathematics.
I hate programs that say things like "please". Just say the fucking problem, you aren't even a human, why do you need to phrase stuff politely? It's double annoying when dealing with some complete crap software and it's full of stuff like this.
it's 2017 program outputs should be emotionally expressive using unicode emojis
Industrial Designer is the modern Master Builder.
You study all these:
Communication [Speaking/Writing]
Economics [Macro/Micro]
Engineering [Mechanical/Electrical/Systems]
Depending on interests, you study:
Art [Drawing/Illustration]
Computer Science [Hardware/Software]
Fashion/Soft Goods
You get a nuanced perspective on:
Beauty & Form
And you get all the chicks.
I see you've never heard of INTERCAL. The compiler gives an error both if you're overly polite and if you aren't polite enough.
Sounds like a glorified liberal arts degree tbh
Are you the same guy who's shilling for Rust here?
woah there bud! stop right there!
like, are you actually serious?
nazi confirmed
Each day I think that we can't go further in the ridicule, and each day I'm proven wrong.
What a time to be alive.
Also, what the fuck is a bikeshed in this context? I've heard about the cuckshed, but not the bikeshed.
>Also, what the fuck is a bikeshed in this context? I've heard about the cuckshed, but not the bikeshed.
Sounds like you're really new to inane programming arguments.
The thing about C is that you can't work on anything of any significance without manipulating lists all day long. If someone gets stumped by an absolutely trivial question about manipulating lists it's clear they don't actually write C. To have reached a technical interview with no experience means their resume was fraudulent.
nice maymay
women are more likely to be incompetent than men
That's different from "if they're incompetent they must be a woman"
if they're incompetent it is most likely a woman
That doesn't even matter. If the gender could be either then "their" is more appropriate than "her".
found the white knight cuck
Anyway, they're just shitposting.
ok kiddo
To add to that, the linked list is the most basic data structure that goes beyond just a collection of fields. Anyone should know what a linked list is, so even if you have never written a linked list structure in C you should be able to come up with an implementation in a second. If you cannot grasp a linked list, how could you grasp more advanced structures like trees or hash tables, or structures where an invariant has to be kept at all times?
It only took on its '73 genders' shit in 1955 or some shit
Actually, on a grammatical level, you're incorrect. Since you're saying "someone", the correct pronoun would be "he or she", "his or her" or "him or her", since "someone" is singular. Their/they is for a group of something acting singularly, for example "The team applauded their coach."
So, "she" is atleast halfway right.
The way we use "gender" today dates back to the mid 20th century.
If a liberal arts graduate can design and build a house for his family, reverse engineer and fix any machine malfunction that he has tools for, have knowledge of materials and processes enough to overstand true quality and identify false labels like "organic", "food grade", or "lead-free".
thank you for derailing the thread to offer us this valuable information, fellow redpiller
it is hard finding the time to educate you betas because i am spinning 12 plates right now.
You do study minorities !
and so on.
You study their history, your history, through analyzing and recreating the things they made.
You dirty little sneaky faggot.
Identifying patterns and overstanding the true meaning of words frees you from slavery. Philoshophy is a tool used to decrypt ( ( (truth) ) ).
Maybe you missed this:
w-wow user that drill looks so masculine I wonder if you can
drill my insides with it
Bitch that's a jigsaw.
n-n-not like I didn't k-know that!!
Enjoy some OC
The C code wont compile because the type needs to be "struct link". Is that the joke?
The other two samples are C++, what makes you think this one is C?
I've passed to the second stage, I have another interview on Monday. The first one was very basic, couple of theoretical questions like what is constructor, what is virtual method and stuff like that. Then 3 very basic programs, checking of given word is read the same way in reverse (for example kek or poop) and some simple virtual method shit like make a base class shape and a subclass triangle and rectangle and each has a virtual method for the field.... I wonder what they have for me next.
Why don't you do freelance work online?
Hey this is from CLRS. It's just psuedocode to explain what the algorithm should be doing. Of course it's going to look retarded since you can just return S.top == 0;
user that code really is meme tier.
I lost 2 months of my life and active development time because some shitty programmer didn't document his spaghetti string bullshit that the company I worked for paid to use. If you don't document, I'm gonna fucking kick your teeth in.
kys faggot
uhhh, you still have to understand the code even if there is documentation. if some documentation would have saved you 2 months, it was either something that should have been in a separate academic paper describing the algorithm, or you're just yet another retard who just reads some comments and variable names and proceeds to make 500 assumptions about the code
t. someone who has never had to get into a 200k LoC codebase with comments written in three different languages, 0 consistency in naming conventions, tens of levels of indentation, 1000+ LoC functions, etc.
sssh, you proved your point, you can stop larping now.
Well okay, I'm going to enroll in it next year.
This better get me a job or I'll track you down and shitpost in every site you browse
Three things to consider then.
1. Internships
The school must not only encourage internships but also aid and support the students in locating, applying for, and succeeding at the internship. An internship once or twice a year, or every other year if you are doing year-long internships, is a requirement if you want to get good. The internship positions should be paid @ 1-5 times the minimum wage rate of your country. Some schools have job fairs and others have co-operative priority arrangements with companies.
Ex. Microsoft design internship pays $40+hr
2. Quality Of Work
The school must have the highest standards of excellence for instruction, which can be evaluated in alumni portfolio work. You can only become the best when you study the best; both the instructors and the alumni should work in quality positions to which you aspire. Your portfolio is the goal as well as your golden ticket, so focus on what projects you want to spend your time on and get gud.
Ex. UmeƄ course and portfolio work
3. Cost
If you live in a country where school is paid for by public funding, in part or whole, or you are a richfag, ignore this. If you live where school is a business and will cost many shekels, be cautious of for-profit schools unless they can truly compete with No.1 and No.2 above, as they can over charge and under deliver. What you are paying for is m4d 5ki11z, so don't get taken by schools that require useless fees or offer meal plans, as books and materials will be your largest expense, aside from tuition.
Ex. Art Center College of Design costs $250,000+ to finish
A good structure, presuming you are into tech:
Yr.1 Startup Software
Yr.2 Corporate Software
Yr.3 Startup Hardware
Yr.4 Corporate Hardware
For your final project, start a business and provide a product/service and/or be a consultant - this will give you many options upon graduation.
There's always certifications and portfolios. Having experience working on open source projects is a big plus.
That's the index, not the top elememt
So, i have now a subject called "Theory of computation and automata", how hard is this?