I suppose if you can accept it's not the Prometheus sequel you wanted, it's a decent flick.
Daniels a cute
I suppose if you can accept it's not the Prometheus sequel you wanted, it's a decent flick.
Daniels a cute
No she isn't shes ugly as fuck you fucking asshat
Nice tits!
she's a good successor to ripley and shaw, as in female protagonists that actually look like they can take a beating and aren't poofy supermodels
It's ok if you haven't watched any Alien before. At least previously, you got a different director bringing a different vision each time. Now it's just Ridley with the same shit.
Daniels looks like she might enjoy a beating, definitely couldn't take one though.
I couldn't take this movie seriously. Then there was also the Android fingering scene. I could not take that shit seriously.
She looks like a young boy. Her face is shit for a woman.
I wanted more, I want to know more about the engineers. I like though the Frankenstein theme going around here but I would be more OK with this if the crew wasn't so retarded.
I will wait for the next film to see how this goes.
he should have killed him, pretty retarded.
what did they mean by this?
That was easily the worst scene.
It would have been so easy to have David disarm him and force his face into it, why didn't they do that?
go jerk off to a barbie doll, she's cute in an unconventional way
ridley likes making christians seem retarded.
They're mediocre at best, puffy big tit nipples on a b cup. You're probably gay.
No it is not ;)
Daniels is a man, and not an attractive man either.
you're just gay
Nah the way she acts is terrible, not feeling her at all, shes disposable
It is neither a good Prometheus sequel or a good Alien film by any standards set in Alien or Aliens.
They meant "Scott is throwing a tantrum because we didn't like his 2d33p4u shit written by hipsterlof so now he is giving everyone the middle finger."
that already makes it better than aliens
She'll probably be a corpse by the next movie, so lucky you
that's just another way of saying ugly
Apparently the next movie is actually a prequel with Shaw and David
Prometheus | Alien: Awakening | Alien: Covenant
If you think she's cute, you're gay.
The fingering scene was funny. But the facehugger scene was so fucking awful. He doubletaps the Protomorph and magdumps on his body but still trusts David? I would have saved a few rounds for the android, it's not like he was required once they had a defensible position for evacuation.
It's also been said in the last thread but for a sci-fi movie it's so fucking cheap and lazy to dress everyone in off-the-shelf gear. You're telling me that in the future when we're colonizing outer worlds in cryogenic sleep that we'll still have ArcTeryx (r) hardshell jackets and GoPro (tm) cameras with the optional shoulder mount chassis? And why is everyone using current day rifles too? Nice Steyr AUG loser. Where'd you get that, the 1970s? Weapons went from creativity like a Thompson gun in a custom chassis with a cut down SPAS 12 mounted below it to everyone carrying either a snowflake rifle like the AUG or an AR-15 with the basic accessories you'd expect a comp shooter to own. I'm surprised one of them didn't pull out an iPhone.
Not to mention these new movies are completely lacking the 70s/80s gritty retro futurism from the first ones. It's completely inconsistent.
this wasn't an issue in the original Alien?
the original storyboards showed them wearing spacesuits for most of the movie, but they look like gas station attendants or truckers in the movie
I mean, a boiler suit/coveralls are pretty ubiquitous. What bugged me is how much branded gear they used. Makes it all feel very current-day.
This, outside of the engineer city the planet looked like the same set as Arrival minus the huge egg.
Well, I'm not familar with that stuff, so it doesn't really bother me. Seems like nitpicking.
what's the point of the top images exactly?