Why can't liberals handle a strong, independent woman?
butthurt muzzie
What a sexist pig. You would think these liberals would love their children getting blown to bits by a woman for a change.
poleddit isnt even trying to hide it anymore
Muslims are worse than Jews tbh. As long as you keep Jews confined to ghettos and make sure they never get even an ounce of power, they can more or less behave. Muslims cause trouble no matter what you do with them.
t. kike cuck
Fixed. All semites, be they of the Talmud or Quran, will hang.
Are you retarded? do you really think jews will just "stay in gettos"
Sand niggers pls go and stay go.
Get out JIDF
Get out MIDF
someone get these kike and cryptokike hotheads outta here
Same goes for jews.
Kill them all.
Everyone is worse than Jews because they're the true master race.
Civic nationalists are the biggest cucks of all.
This board is being very israel friendly nowadays
Holla Forums has always been Israel friendly. We just had a minor infestation of reddipol due to burger elections.
Nothing wrong with based nationalist jews, blind antisemitism is for liberals.
Go back to reddit.
they both suck fuck off
they are cucks and have shit taste
cucks, all jewish actresses besides one or two are cancer and worthless
I have nothing against Israelis honestly, it's the western kikes subverters who want nationalism for Israel but not for everyone else who I dislike.
Shitslims can get bombed to shit, fam. Also Gal Gadot is my kikefu.
That happened only during the age of kings, and it hasn't been a thing in more than 100 years.
“-It’s our right, i ain’t gonna explain shit.”
You deserve a star for this post :'^)
no you retard
I like this plan… :')
yep. and its great seeing Holla Forums sperg-out over it
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
I like how Holla Forums has come full circle and is actively sucking kike dick now.
What a fucking time to be alive.
Do you think drumby's pubes are like jew sideburns?
Holla Forums הוא בעל ברית הגדול ביותר שלנו
They're just following their leader.
Death to america, Death to israel, Victory to Islam Allahu Akbar
israel is america's greatest ally, God-Emperor Trump Himself said so.
Pure coincidence.
In case of confusion I meant that she was relatively unknown before being picked to be Wonder Woman.
It probably had something to do with the influence of her husband, who together with his brother is one of the wealthiest and most connected men in Israel. The stronk, independent woman and feminist icon is actually a glorified trophy wife.
Kosher cucks like these and Shill Bitchell are truly the fucking worst.
You can't be two political ideologies at once.
That's like saying you're a anarchist monarchist.
Well in fairness the IDF are fucking evil and half the reason shitskins even started attacking the west in the first place.
t. Muslim pig/kike astroturfer
Both of you need to be gassed before the world can move on to achieve even greater heights.
she was fired by CNN though
Fuck off, I'm a transhumanist mongolian anarcho eco-monarchist
You can't be a national socialist who believes in a fascist government?
Don't those go together?
If jews are white, you can't be racist against them.
They wanted her fired because it's a war dumbfuck.