2010s in future kino

So I'm curious, how do you think 20 years from now, how movies will portray this time period? What will time period films set in the current year look like?
Would we be remember and glorified like the 50s and 60s (and 80s)? Will we be as hated as the 90s? How would social issues today like BLM be seen in 20 years in kino? Or shit like the wave of terrorism and the Syrian Civil War? How will Trump and the Populist Wave been seen?
Pic unrelated, I couldn't think of anything better.

Just see what they are doing with the 80s and 90s, and imagine the same happening to the 10s. So even though now is the time of shitty regoots and sequels, we'll most likely see reboots and sequels of this shit 20 years from now.

Depending on the viewpoint of the direction either fearful, ignorant, stupid or well intentioned, hopeful and courageous.

As usual anything about media and social media and corporations will be buried negatively by critics, and audiences wont connect with kino aspects of genres that differ from capeshit.

if Generation Z becomes conservative like how everyone predicts it'll be, chances are the 2010s will be remembered as the decade where Liberals lost their minds and the right as the underdogs,

if only


is that fucking harrison ford

It is

its true



I can't handle this shit, bros

Dont worry, it'll all be over soon

SJWs will be treated the way racists are treated in period peices now. At best, foolish. At worst, malevolent.

What movies will be considered kino by then? in the US they dont have classics like the old days anymore
Reminds me of the 80's when jews did only trash, and foreigners spend their time trying to do acceptable jobs in either action shit or normal dramas

Who hates the 90's? Everyone seems to be at least a little nostalgic for the 90's because it was the last time we got to pretend the future still looked bright.

Guardians of the Galaxy, we'll be 30-40 then and have kids who will see it and have fondness to it (if we allow them to watch Capeshit)

Very dark times ahead then


Good one user

By then all that will be left is a fat black woman twerking on the ruins of western civilization and it won't matter.

Revisionist history where all the white christian men are ebil terrorists and politicians who kill brown people.

Theres nothing even noteworthy in guardians of the galaxy, nothing

How is 1997 portrayed in film?




That's not how the surviving mongrel kikes will depict it in their films. Trump was Hitler 2.0 and killed 6 billion hooknoses and gave the nuke codes to the arch white devil Putin before he shot himself 6 times in the back of his head with his arms tied to his back because the power of boylove and diversity always wins in the end.

Personally I'm looking forward to stalking around Damnation Alley with my band of wasteland hardened sniper lolis while telling them stories of the before times. Sounds fucking comfy.

I'm certain there will be a film made in the early 2040's based around 2013 and it will have fidget spinners.
Something so minor to us seems stupid, but you see those types of errors happen a lot in "retro" movies.

They'll see One Direction as the Beatles of the 10s and a huge cultural inspiration.

The thing is the 10s don't really have any distinguishing features, fads, or cultures like the 80s and 90s did.

That's not true, it's a lot more tech savy and the beginning of social media's control of our lives. With literal "trends" as hashtags and as well as slang, culture (memes is to us like acid and pot were to boomers) and even fads, albeit nostalgia based.
I feel like the 2020s will be much fucking better than the 2010s, but that also means the dumb teenage millennials will be making movies and pop shit.